Qin State, Xianyang. Staff.

"This is a new threat. At present, it seems that we don't have such good weapons to deal with the bombing of airships, and our encounter with airship bombing seems to be very sudden." Yang Duanhe said to Wang Jian. Regarding the air threat, they did not have a good way to solve this problem, and the air attack encountered by the Qin army seemed to be sudden, which caught the Qin army off guard.

"Well, but we have to deal with it. I think it is necessary to equip the army with anti-aircraft artillery and form an effective organization. Usually they can be in key areas, such as headquarters, important bridges, warehouses, and railway stations. Regions. If they are particularly needed, they can also be regarded as large machine guns. We can suppress the enemy’s firepower at a longer distance. In this way, the antiaircraft artillery unit can be formed.” This is Wang Jian’s A recommendation. He believes that it is necessary to establish such a unit in the army, after all, air defense already has such a demand.

"Well, it can be so, we can think about it. I think we can do this now, let them initially establish an antiaircraft artillery company, and quickly form it and send them to the Yueshi area for combat to prevent the Yueshi people from air strikes. "Yang Duanhe said.

"Well. In addition to these, I think it is necessary to reorganize the space army and the army aviation unit to set up a special interceptor fighter unit or airship unit to test their effectiveness in air operations, even though we export to Moon’s airships are limited in number, and their spare parts are almost consumed. But these only airships have caused us a lot of trouble. We absolutely cannot allow such troubles to continue. Otherwise, it will be for us. It will cause great danger." Wang Jian said.

"Yeah. Well, we will pay great attention to this." Yang Duanhe picked up a pen to record. He also feels very helpless about this. After all, this kind of thing is often not something they want to happen.

State of Zhao, Handan. The stock market began to return to the hot trading situation in the past. Many traders are beginning to be hopeful because the funds in the market are again sufficient.

"Banks cut interest rates, which means that there will be more funds in the market, and it will become easier to invest in various projects. This is a good thing for us. We should thank the government for doing With these actions, they have solved many of our problems.” An investor said. In his opinion, such a thing would make him extremely relaxed.

"Well. Okay, maybe your idea is right. But I feel as if the market still has the urge to fall, which really makes me very worried." An investor was still very worried and said, after all, this way The decline in the coal mining industry made him feel very uneasy. Not only him, but many investors are also uneasy. The prices of iron ore and coal are still rising, which greatly stimulates the development of the coal mining industry in Goguryeo. Coal can bring greater profits, for which they are more willing to accept the fact that it is for them. This is not a big loss, it is a very normal thing.

The prices of iron ore and coal are still constantly pushing up, and the reason for pushing up is the rampant pirates on Jeju Island. This is the most objective reason. They shirk all the reasons on the pirates.

Qi State, Laizhou Military Port, Qi State once again launched twelve frigates, but such warships made the Goguryeo people extremely disgusted, and they refused to buy such warships again.

"This kind of warship is useless at all. The artillery prepared is too small and the power is too weak to destroy the opponent's destroyer. According to what we have learned, the tonnage of the warship equipped by the Jeju pirates exceeded ours by more than two hundred tons. If they are able to load more weapons, it makes us very helpless. In addition to these, their destroyers are moving towards larger tonnage. It is said that there will be three thousand-ton destroyers. In that case, how do we deal with this? Guys, this makes us very embarrassed." A Goguryeo navy colonel said very pessimistically.

The pirate equipment on Jeju Island is indeed much stronger than the frigates equipped by the Goguryeo Navy. This is an indisputable fact. However, the Qi State Navy believes that this is not their fault.

"This kind of frigate is specially built to cover merchant ships. Such warships are still very useful. At least they protect the safety of merchant ships to the maximum extent." An officer of the Qi State Navy explained. The frigate was indeed built in the face of such a situation. In this regard, the Goguryeo side also thinks so. After all, such a thing is for them. This is not a very difficult thing.

"But the problem is that the pirates are even more hateful. They actually laid a large number of mines on our trade channels, and the frigate will find it difficult to deal with such a situation. We need a warship that specializes in dealing with mines, or, You transform and upgrade the frigate so that they can deal with mines. Otherwise, we refuse to buy such a warship because it is of no use to us. On the contrary, we will refuse to cooperate with you again.” Navy Colonel Koguryo Seriously refused to come. This made the Qi navy personnel very angry, but they must exercise restraint, because their Qi navy needed such an order very much.

"Well, we will sell you some new warships, and we will make some changes to the frigates. At the same time, a batch of new destroyers will be provided to you. The tonnage will exceed 2,500 tons, and the maximum can reach 3,500 tons. , But the cost." A Qi State Rear Admiral said worriedly.

"The cost is not a problem. Even if we don't give it to you, we will give you more corresponding materials. You must know that the price of coal is still rising, and the same is true for copper and gold mines. I believe you will know this. "Goguryeo Navy Colonel said proudly. Rear Admiral Qi nodded slightly, agreeing. This is the time when a large amount of equipment should be exported in exchange for military expenses. These equipment is nothing to them, but they can take advantage of this opportunity to develop rapidly. This is what they should pay attention to. To this point. This is very important for the Alignment Navy.

Yueshi is full. Captain Blue Label finally succeeded. At the time when the military police were preparing to find a way to disassemble the machine guns and related parts on those airships. Lan Biao took Wu Lin and a sergeant and stole an airship, which was originally their airship, but now they just fly out.

"Sir, we won't go to a military court? You know, this is." Wu Lin said worriedly.

"Damn, don't mention those cowards, cowards, they think they are politics, everything, they think they are right, damn, they are all cowards, we should not be afraid of them. We should do what we should do. "Lan Biao said very annoyed.

"But sir, if you do this," Wu Lin said worriedly.

"Don't worry, we are okay, but aerial robbers, I can tell. With these noble lords and so-called politicians, there is nothing good to do at all. They will only make us lose more opportunities. Life. We decided to leave here, maybe we have our own chance." said Captain Lan Biao.

"But sir, here. We." Wu Lin is worried about his family, after all, he is a soldier. His family members can still enjoy some subsidies, but these subsidies seem to be nothing to them. Because their salary can't survive well, the money is still relatively small. And almost all of their promotion channels have been blocked. Because the children of the nobles, as well as the children of the wealthy, will go to the battlefield. In this way, their situation can be changed. To guarantee the interests of their family, their condition is not good in comparison. It can be said that it is terrible. They have no chance of being promoted. In this regard, he felt that they should be separated from the army.

"Don't tell me. Yue's condition is not very good. You should know better than me. There are Karachi people in the west and Qin people in the north. I think the Indians may also send troops, although they don't seem very powerful, but, For us, it’s not a difficult task. In addition to these, people from Zhao, South Korea, and Chu from the South will all participate. Let’s take a look at our Yueshi situation. There are so many countries coming to join us. Get it right, can we still win?" Captain Lan Biao asked, but he felt very disgusted with the rank of this captain. He felt that he should raise the rank for himself, perhaps a colonel would be better. No, it may be more appropriate.

"This. Our family." Lieutenant Wu Lin asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, let's take our family and seek refuge with some people. I know that there are some smugglers in the north. They can do this. We have airships and skills, which are better than those under the **** officials. Much better." Lan Biao said.

"This. It is indeed much better. At least I think the crisis of the Yue government is great." Wu Lin nodded and said.

"No, it's not good. I saw the plane." At this time the sergeant came over and reported nervously.

"What?" Lan Biao looked around nervously, and at twelve o'clock, he found the target.

"Damn it. It should be the Qin Army's plane. We don't have any planes at all. Quickly, we must get into combat. We must take down the opponent. Otherwise, our situation will be very bad." Captain Lan Biao said nervously. To. This will be a big trouble.

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