The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3424: Shoot down Sparrow II

"Hurry up, get into the fighting position, hurry up." Lan Biao shouted loudly. There were originally five people in the airship, but now there are only three people. In desperation, Wu Lin has also entered the combat position. They have to operate the machine gun as much as possible to shoot. This is their best weapon. If none of these weapons work, they will be helpless.

Sparrow II reconnaissance plane, Li Wei was operating his telegraph. He kept a safe distance from the airship. While searching in the air, he suddenly found such a target. He felt extremely excited because it was exactly what he was looking for. the goal.

With the huge body of the airship, no one can stop this situation. What they need is such a situation. Because they finally found their **** goal.

"Da da da." Li Wen was sending the telegram quickly at this time, but the telegram could not be sent out, and he did not know what went wrong. In short, his situation was not very good, and he urgently needed to contact his own. Sir.

"Sparrow One, **** it, received a message." Li Wei scolded. Li Wei tried to contact the other party through the signal reception at the back of the headquarters, but as a result, there was still no response.

"Damn it, the radio is broken again." Li Wei scolded. During the turbulence of flight, airplanes often cause damage of one kind or another. This kind of thing happens often, but when it happens at this time, it is very bad. This is a very unfortunate thing.

"Damn it, I have to go forward and take a look." Li leaned up slowly because he was flying the plane at this time, and he thought he should take a picture of the other person. In this way, you can prove your condition is good.

On the airship, Captain Blue Label did not know the condition of the Qin Army’s aircraft. He felt that it was not like the Qin Army’s attacking fighters, because the attacking fighters were usually two or three in groups. But now there is only one, maybe it is a reconnaissance plane, I understand this. Lan Biao felt that he should be cruel to the other party.

"Wu Lin. Wu Lin, have you seen that plane?" Lan Biao asked in the intercom. There is a simple communication device on the airship. There are old and new models of this type of device. The old model is an old-fashioned air traffic control, which is very inconvenient to use, while the new model is based on the principle of a telephone and requires electricity. But this is not a big impact, they have engines that can provide part of the electricity.

"I saw it. That plane looks very small. It's not a fighter plane, but a reconnaissance plane." Wu Lin looked at Sparrow II.

"Yes, the analysis is good, it is a reconnaissance plane, I saw it. I think we should shoot him down, in this case, our situation is much better." Lan Biao said.

"It seems difficult. The plane seems to be far away from us. He has been flying at an unexpected distance of 500 meters. At the very least, we have to keep above this distance. It is difficult for us to hit each other." Wu Lin said worriedly. To.

"I know this, but what I know is that the Qin reconnaissance planes do not have weapons. Remember this. They do not have weapons. This is an opportunity for us. If we let them know where we landed, or they If we summon the airship and the plane, we will be in great trouble. We must get rid of him." Blue Mark issued an order. He knew the threat of reconnaissance aircraft.

"Well, let me try. At this distance, the probability of our machine gun hitting is too low." Wu Lin said helplessly.

"Concentrate the firepower, give him a shot, wait for him to get close before firing, be sure to hit him." Lan Biao said. This is a big trouble for them.

For the Sparrow-2 reconnaissance plane, Li Wei could not contact the headquarters and another plane, and was unable to tell the headquarters about the situation. He decided to take a photo close to him, saying that it was the evidence he found, and then find a way to return. They must send it in time. Reply to such news.

He slowly drove the plane close to the back of the opponent, and he put the plane as far as possible, because there might be a machine gun on the airship, he had already seen it. Then he was in the rear, because there was a blind spot for machine gun shooting. In this case, his camera was relatively safer. He approached slowly, and the opponent seemed to be unable to find the shooting angle and fired. This shows that it is safe.

"Damn, the other party is a good player. He has been hiding in the blind spot of our shooting angle. The machine gun behind us cannot shoot because our rudder is blocking. You must create a chance for us." Wu Lin shouted loudly in the microphone Tao. He needs such an angle so much. Without this angle, he couldn't do such a thing.

"Well, I will turn left. In that case, the speed will be faster. You'd better go to the left. In that case, shoot with a side-wing machine gun." Blue Mark said.

"In that case, our airship is more likely to be hit by the other party." The sergeant said in the microphone.

"That's the only way. Well, I will lift the airship as much as possible." Lan Biao said. This may be their plan.

"Okay. Maybe, let's do this." Wu Lin said on the other side. This is a very helpless choice. Only in this way can they solve their current dilemma.

Lan Biao licked his lips. He felt very dry. The supplies on the airship were very insufficient. Without water, he could only relieve his thirst in this way.

Sparrow 2 is still approaching the airship carefully, and he has already taken one. The photo still looks blurry, but it can still be seen clearly. He decided to take another one. He slowly stabilized the plane, and then leaned forward carefully. The opponent’s machine gun still couldn’t hit him. He felt very excited, as if holding it. He felt his heart jump out just like taking pictures of a woman taking a shower with a camera.

At this moment, the airship suddenly turned its rudder, and the two propellers turned rapidly.

"Damn it. It's not good." Li Wei looked a little confused, he slowly threw the camera away, and he wanted to operate the plane.

"Come on. Come on, baby. Tutu, Tutu." Wu Lin quickly squeezed the trigger. No matter whether he caught the opponent or not, he decided to shoot and knock the opponent out.

"I hit the opponent. I hit the opponent." The sergeant above shouted loudly. As soon as the airship turned, he saw the target in front of him, operating the machine gun above and shooting violently. Two parallel machine guns fired two fire dragons and hit each other directly.

"Damn it." Li Wei suddenly felt the plane's engine crackle. Then his neck seemed to be scratched by something on it, and then he felt a little chilly.


"Nice job, gentlemen." Lan Biao heard their yelling in the microphone. This makes him feel very comfortable and relaxed. They shot down a Qin reconnaissance plane. For them, this is a very unexpected result.

Qin State Second Reconnaissance Brigade. Sparrow II did not come back until the afternoon.

"According to fuel calculations. Sparrow II may have crashed. At least something has happened." Captain Chen Mi is very reluctant to accept such a thing, but they must accept such a thing.

"Sir. Probably," a second lieutenant said.

"It's impossible, let's start searching, prepare for Sparrow II, and I will check it tomorrow. In addition, tell the above thing, let them send cavalry to check the situation, let them search." Captain Chen Mi said helplessly . This has greatly exceeded his authority, he has no such possibility, he can only report to their chief to know such things.

"Okay. Sir." The second lieutenant quickly wrote the report. Then submit it to the above, this kind of thing makes him extremely heavy.

Inside Wang Ben's headquarters. Wang Ben quickly received a report from the aviation reconnaissance unit.

"Damn it, one of our reconnaissance planes is missing." Wang Ben said after reading the telegram.

"This. We must see him. Sir." The chief of staff was also a little surprised.

"Immediately dispatch the cavalry nearby and let them search." Wang Ben said. He felt that he had to show the Yueshi people a little bit of color. Because their aviation caused them a lot of trouble, this problem made him feel very angry, or rather passive, they attacked the Qin army one after another with impulse, causing too much trouble to the Qin army.

"Yes, sir. But." The chief of staff looked at Wang Ben worriedly.

"Let them continue reconnaissance. If they can't detect it, they will bomb Liman. Throw the bomb on the heads of the Yueshi. I don't care what the consequences will be. Let the aviation soldiers do this. It's better to send hundreds of them. Ships bombed.” Wang Ben said emotionally out of control. Those **** cunning little airships were as sick as bugs, and he wanted to pinch each other to death immediately. Because they have caused them a lot of trouble. Such trouble made him look very annoyed.


"Very helpless news." Yang Duanhe handed Wang Ben's telegram he had received to Wang Jian.

"These **** airships have caused us a lot of trouble." Wang Jian said.

"It's right to blow them up, but we are less than 50 kilometers away from the opponent, but launching an attack may put us into a very weak state. In that case, we are likely to be taken advantage of by the enemy. "Wang Jian said worriedly. After all, the excessive lengthening of the front line could easily cause the Qin Jun to suffer from the opponent's attack. This is very obvious.

"Wang Ben's suggestion is to have a large-scale bombing to solve the opponent from the air, but the question is, do we have the ability to ensure the safety of the airships?" This is where Yang Duanhe worries the most.

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