The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3426: March towards Liman

Chu State, a branch of Qin State Investment Bank, is considering whether to do so. After all, it is quite risky to invest in pirate mortgages, and they must consider the consequences.

"If we pledged to those pirates, we would have to bear a great risk. The benefit would be Chu's shipbuilding industry and their military. In contrast, we are under a lot of pressure. "A manager said worriedly. Such things may indeed happen.

"This situation is indeed very bad. But the manager, I think you should understand the importance of the location of Jeju Island. He can reach the coastal area of ​​Goguryeo from the sea. He can greatly influence the coal, copper mines, and gold ore. The transportation line of Qi, and the large amount of silver in Qi must also pass there. The location there is very important. Although Jeju Island is very barren, the strategic location is very important. He is no less than Queen Strait." The person in charge of the investment receiving the business said so. What he valued was such a geographic location. If Qin State could control such a location, it would be equivalent to them controlling such a passage. Controlling such a passage actually blocked the importance of trade between Goguryeo, Qi, and the southern peninsula.

"Well, good, give it to them, so that we can control there. This route is very important." The manager finally decided. Although investment will be very risky. However, this can bring great benefits, and such benefits are what they need most. Since then, they agreed to such a plan. The people of Qin State contributed funds to help the pirates purchase warships, so that the pirates could further control the nautical route, which was a very important trade channel. Controlling there would be able to control Goguryeo's taxation. This is the purpose of the people of Qin.

Yue's capital is full, in the Ministry of National Defense of Yue's people.

"According to our latest reconnaissance situation, the Qin Army has some unusual actions." A Lieutenant Colonel Yue's officer urgently reported to his Minister of Defense.

"What's the move?" The Secretary of Defense said without worry. His family is being transferred, his property is also being transferred, and Qin Jun did not go further south, now as long as they just keep here, there is no problem. In fact, all the high-level officials knew about this problem, and Liman couldn't keep it up. Because most of their troops are in the south, they will all migrate as long as they wait for Maharashtra to be taken. The high-levels are already doing this.

"The Qin army is heading south, and their cavalry units have already been dispatched. According to the report of our forward position. They found a large number of cavalry bypassing them. They attacked Liman." The lieutenant colonel said worriedly.

"What?" the Secretary of Defense asked, putting down the newspaper in his hand.

"The Qin army is heading south. Our observation post found a large number of Qin army around us in the morning, and their target may be ours." The lieutenant colonel said with certainty.

"Damn it, let us all retreat immediately, take away everything that can be taken away, and burn everything that can't be taken away. In short, find a way to take away everything we need, hurry up. The people of Qin are about to attack." The Minister of Defense Suddenly realized that it was not good. Qin Jun finally launched an offensive. As for an attack by the Qin army, they couldn't stop it at all. The fierceness of the Qin people was beyond them. Although all cavalry might appear, a railway can be directly connected here. Who knows what will happen. A large number of artillery will be erected directly to bombard them, in that case, they will be finished. They absolutely cannot allow this to happen. So the Secretary of Defense urgently issued an order to withdraw.

The Seventh Cavalry Regiment of the Second Infantry Division of the Qin Army had nine cavalry companies. Now there are six cavalry companies scattered outside. They all separately searched for the Qin Army Sparrow No. 2 reconnaissance plane they needed to find.

"Damn, what are we looking for?" a second-class soldier complained. They felt that this was futile. They had to circumvent the Yueshi people’s defense line. They were very worried about this. They didn’t dare to fight back. They just watched the Yueshi people bypass their defense line, and they too. They can’t attack. They are cavalry units. They have no firepower to deal with such a strong line of defense. If they collide, they will suffer heavy losses. The cavalry commander knows this very well, so they just go around instead of attacking. This restricts their combat team may be at the level of the company platoon, there can be too many, and it is impossible for them to have too many tasks here.

"What to look for, of course it is to find a woman." A cavalry sergeant smiled and said to the second-class soldiers. In the second-class soldiers' view, such a thing is tantamount to robbery, but for these Huns cavalry, the results are not attractive. What attracts people is the spoils. They carry very few supplies, and they throw away many things. In their opinion, they don't need these, what they need is trophies.

"Young man, learn something. We are not here for special combat. We are looking for some good things." The sergeant said to the second-class soldiers.

"Swish." A whistle came, which was a signal of relaxation. The sergeant led the second-class soldiers and quickly passed by. They found a cabin of the Yue family, which may be the residence of the Yue family. But the person has disappeared. But things are still there.

"It seems that everyone is not far away." A sergeant chief came out with a steaming pot. He was eating Yueshi food and looked very good.

"Very well, give me something. This thing makes my stomach even more hungry." The other soldiers dismounted with their lunch boxes excitedly. The food is not enough for others. After some soldiers got food, they began to look for things they liked. General gold, ivory, or valuable things were what they liked. But in such a place, it is unlikely that the Yue people will be rich, because rich people are not. It might be so.

"Bah," the sergeant spit out.

"This place is dead to death. There is nothing. Such a place looks really damnable." The sergeant scolded.

"If we want more trophies, we have to be able to enter the city." A sergeant walked over with a lunch box and said.

"The officers are not allowed to let us do this, you know, they forbid us to attack such a big city, because once we attack, it will cause a lot of trouble. In this case, our situation will be even worse. Get up," the sergeant said.

"But our order is not like this. You know what the order says. Let us search for a reconnaissance plane. Who knows where the **** reconnaissance plane will go? It may be here or it may be full. We You can go inside to search. We are looking for a reconnaissance plane instead of deliberately attacking there. We only need to enter a little bit and take some spoils. This is not a big loss for us, you said. , Isn't it." The sergeant said.

"This is indeed a very attractive result, I like this idea." Sergeant said.

In the distance, several cavalrymen were searching the Yue family’s house. There was really nothing good in the house. Apart from some food, there was really nothing that the cavalry would be interested in. They were just a few old **** soldiers. I found women’s clothes, and then threw them around with women’s underwear, as if they looked very hungry. Their officers were very dissatisfied. Such soldiers are difficult to manage because they seem to be very hungry. It's even crazier.

Ten kilometers north of it, a cavalry platooned here and they searched what they were looking for. A broken sparrow reconnaissance plane.

"It seems that the people of the Yue family have already discovered this guy." A Qin Army ensign looked at the Sparrow-2 reconnaissance plane and said. All the clothes on the pilot's body were taken away. Some things in the plane were also gone. Even some of the aluminum and other things on the plane are gone. The people of the Yue family discovered the airplane earlier than they did. Perhaps they thought the airplane was a strange thing at first, but the things they bought from the pilots strongly attracted them. They took the pilot's watch, earphones, wireless telegraph equipment, leather jackets, pants, and boots and were not spared. All the springs on the seat are taken away. Some of the skins on the plane were also taken away. These things are very important to them. When they came here, they saw a naked pilot. They took blankets and packed the body, but the plane was no longer able to take it away.

"The people of the Yue family almost dismantled the plane. We didn't find anything, we found all of them, and the people of the Yue family could not find any valuable targets." A sergeant reported.

"Blow up this plane, and then we will evacuate here and report the situation here." The ensign looked at it and said helplessly. They need to return quickly now, because many soldiers have been scattered here, which makes their cavalry regiments extremely scattered. This is not a good thing for them, which means that many soldiers cannot get in touch. It is very likely that they will be defeated by the people of the Yue family. In that case, their situation will be very bad. They are now trying their best to avoid this happening, but their chief seems not to care about it.

Many troops made the opposite move. They were moving towards Liman, because they were less than ten kilometers away from the capital of the Yueshi people. This may be the last distance, why don't they enter the full. Let them stay outside, which made them feel very unfair, so they made a bold move. March towards Liman.

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