"Sir, why do we have to detour to the south? If we go directly to the full, we may get more things." A sergeant said to Hu Jian from the side.

"No, in that case, we won't get anything in the end. Do you understand what this situation is? If we enter directly, those Yue people will be guarded. In that case, we won't get anything. This is for us. In terms of it, it's too much trouble." Hu Jian said. He also agreed to take some measures by his men. These measures include obtaining some spoils. After all, there is not much oil and water in such a war, which makes them very depressed. The soldiers still hope to have some extra money.

Hu Jian also agreed to do this, but there are still skills in obtaining the spoils. For example, from which direction to attack, these all require detailed planning.

"If we attack from the north, the Yue people will definitely block the passage there, and they will block us. In this case, for us, it will be a very troublesome war. You also know very well that we cannot rush in. This is a very bad thing for us. This will make our losses reach an alarming level. In the end, we have nothing to gain and we need to pay a very heavy price. We cannot do such a thing at such a price." Hu Jian said.

"But if we go around and go to the back of the Yueshi people and attack from the south, what will happen to them?" Hu Jian asks. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

"If I were from the Yue family, I would definitely choose the south to escape. After all, when we attacked the north, there was no threat to the south. A lot of property would be concentrated there, and more would come. And." The sergeant couldn't think of anything. He had no choice but to say so.

"If you go to the south, the Yue people can't think of it at all. They can't run far with the Yue people who carry a lot of wealth and things. Let's go, let's get there quickly, otherwise, our situation will be just fine. It's not so good." Hu Jian called out loudly at this time.

Inside the city, when the Ministry of National Defense issued an emergency retreat order, the whole city fell into a huge disaster. Many people are running away, and many people are panicking. All they panic are leaving the city at all costs. Once this city has brought great prosperity, but now, people only have disgust, fear, and dissatisfaction.

Inside the Richman Railway Station, there are people everywhere, they are trying to leave in various ways, as long as they get on the train and leave here, it is safe.

"Mom. Mom. Help, it's squeezed to death." A large number of people who fled took their luggage and dragged their families to the train station, but the condition of the train station made them very angry. Senior government officials, members of parliamentarians, and all kinds of property are here. This is what they must leave and carry. They need to get on the train, but after all, the train has limited transportation capacity and can only give way to these people.

"Retreat, back, back quickly." The military police desperately intercepted the impact of the escaped Yueshi, they kept hitting here, and they tried to leave.

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu." The train whistle for the last departure, this seems to tell people that if you don't leave here again, there will be no chance to leave here. This makes many people even more anxious. After all, it took them a long time to get here.

"Damn it. If we don't let us leave here, we will fight with you. Why can those **** high-ranking officials leave here? We are all the same Yue people." The Yue people who fled were angry. No one wants to stay in this **** place, they can't wait to leave here quickly, this is too important for them.

"Go back. Go back quickly." The military police officer shouted loudly. But this couldn't stop the Yueshi people from completely escaping. They don't care about this at all, which annoys them.

"Bang. Bang." The officer raised his pistol and shot into the sky in fright. He thinks that if this is the case, he can let the other party know how good they are. After all, such a thing is not a very dangerous thing for them.

"Let us go over, you kill us, and we won't leave here, get out, you **** enough, the dogs of the senior officials of the Yue family." Hearing the shooting, the Yue family calmed down. After all, They were still very afraid of the particularly loud gunshots, but this fear was only temporary, and they were quickly overcome by another kind of fear. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? They cannot be occupied by the people of Qin, and the people of Qin will come here soon. They had to leave quickly.

"Come on. Get on the train, you can live on the train." I don't know who yelled this. Many people rushed to the military police's obstruction. Many people crossed the obstruction and ran to the train. That was the last of them. Hope, everyone cannot deprive them of the time to get hope.

"Bang. Bang." The Yue people became more and more crazy, and the military police simply couldn't stop them. Under such conditions, they couldn't use their advantages at all. The officers are very annoyed, they must do this. So he shot at the crowd, perhaps, only in this way can they stop them. He shot and killed several Yueshi people. They soon fell into the crowd, but more crowds behind them led them into the train station. The situation was no longer able to stop them. The officer had such a strange idea.

"Bang. Bang." Some military police also fired. The soldiers in charge of guards came to intercept them, but it was of no use. There were too many people and too few soldiers, and their rifles could no longer form an effective threat. Under such circumstances, they simply cannot cause huge casualties.

"Bang, bang." The soldiers kept firing, but then they couldn't even fire the gun. Because many people went up to **** their guns, the soldiers could no longer stop them. The officer yelled loudly that the pistol had run out of bullets. Too late to load up bullets to intercept those damned escapees.

"Bang." The officer didn't know what was going on. He was smashed by a heavy object, and then he lost consciousness. Under such circumstances, he passed out into a coma. What he knew was that more and more people entered the train station and the situation was out of control.

"Tututu. Tutu." When the officer felt a little conscious, he heard the sound of a machine gun, which was a sound with great explosive force, and then he fainted again. In order to survive, the senior officials of the Yue family took extreme measures. They even ordered the guards to use the shooting. This made the machine gunner feel very afraid, because it was his own person, and it was still difficult for the machine gunner to kill his own person. I understood, but soon, a high-ranking official took it personally. He pulled the trigger of the gun and fired continuously. Among them, some military police relentlessly harvested the lives of those innocent Yueshi people. They were not killed by the people of Qin, on the contrary. Being killed by one's own people, at this moment, the ugliness of human nature was suddenly exposed. Those high-ranking officials are not kind.

Just when the tragedy happened at the train station, the situation in full was out of control. The streets were seriously blocked because many carriages were jammed at the intersections out of the city. The militiamen began to assemble, but many militiamen fled, or deliberately refused to go. They were ordered to build a line of defense, but they knew what it would be when they went there, militiamen. I don't want to assemble at all, no one will die. The officer could not find the militia, but the militia deliberately avoided, and the chaos happened again.

"Boom." There was a loud crash. Some skirmishers or local hooligans on the street quickly assembled and the city was in chaos. This means that the social order has entered a state of chaos. They set fires, looted, smashed shops, and things that they could not do at ordinary times can now be done. This makes them feel very happy. The criminal genes in their bones were released all at once.

A group of gangsters assembled, they attacked Yue's Bank, where a large amount of cash was stored, and where a large amount of wealth was gathered, they actually launched an offensive attack there. This situation makes them feel terrible.

"Bang. Bang. Bang." But fortunately, there are still some brave guards holding their posts, which made the gangsters pay a heavy price. They left half of their accomplices and fled here, but some valuable shops, gold and silver jewelry Shops and luxury stores were robbed, and some weak civilians were among the targets of the attack. Dead bodies and fires continued to spread over the city. Chaos and the loss of the last order will be caught in a scene. In the midst of a huge disaster. Such a disaster made everyone feel an unprecedented panic.

Inside Wang Ben's headquarters.

"The plane has been found. We only brought back the corpses. Most of the things on the plane were taken by the Yueshi. We don't know the specifics. We did not find the camera." Wang Ben told the chief of staff. To. This is the situation they least want to see, because they need the contents too much. That is related to where they have the final evidence, but now, there is no such thing in it, which is not a good thing for them.

"This." The chief of staff didn't know what to say.

"But the more troublesome place is behind. Most of the 7th Cavalry Regiment's troops are outside. We can't inform them of this situation in time. Some soldiers have reported. Some companies are moving here. They are rushing. Catastrophe." Wang Ben looked at the chief of staff, and then pointed his finger to a location on the map. It was full. This was the last target place they wanted to notice. There will be a lot of trouble. This trouble will cause them extremely serious consequences. The chief of staff looked at the map.

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