The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3429: Fear and restlessness

Inside Wang Ben's headquarters. Wang Ben was walking back and forth, and the reports he received were obviously very unfavorable to his situation. The cavalry company of the 7th Cavalry Regiment has dispersed a lot, and all signs indicate that they are heading south and may be full of the capital of the Yueshi people.

"We must let them come back, otherwise, our situation will be very bad. If we launch an offensive rashly, the Yue's reserve team will attack suddenly. In that case, we have no troops to suppress them." Wang Ben worried. Speaking of. The Yue people have been slow to use their reserve team. The Yue people's mobilization ability is very strong, which makes Wang Ben very worried. After all, he does not have a lot of mobile forces.

"But, sir, the order may not be communicated further. A large number of cavalry companies are not equipped with radio equipment, and their orders are communicated by signal soldiers. Our order transmission may take some time, but within this time, They may have exchanged fire. This is for us." The Chief of Staff said helplessly.

"At this time, it may be full." Wang Ben reluctantly accepted the fact that they really didn't think of it. But things have already been done. They can't change such a situation. They must find a way to make up for this situation, and this situation must be changed in some way.

"Sir, we must deal with some special situations. For example, the Yue people launch a counterattack. In that case, we need enough reserve teams to deal with such an emergency. Otherwise, it will be difficult for us to deal with it. Such a situation." The Chief of Staff said.

"Well, let's build a defensive line near the railway line. No, three defensive lines. Let the troops quickly enter a defensive state to prevent the Yueshi from taking a counterattack from reaching our rear on a large scale. At the same time, preventing others. Unexpected things happened." Wang Ben nodded. In the case of uncertainty, Wang Ben decided that he should be cautious. After all, such a situation is not very beneficial to them.

"In addition to building defenses, I think we should also mobilize a mobile force to meet them. We cannot give up on them. If we give up on them, it will bring us very serious consequences. This is for us. , But a very unfavorable thing." Wang Ben said.

"We will deploy such a mobile force to appear, but the problem is that we must complete the defense as soon as possible to prevent the Yueshi people from appearing in other directions. At the same time, we should strengthen air reconnaissance and respond to emergencies in a timely manner." The chief of staff suggested. Wang Ben nodded. Agreed to do so.

As a senior, Wang Ben didn't know what happened on the front line. Although Qin Jun had a radio, the radio could only reach the regiment level. The bottom is the first level of the camp, it is very difficult to go deeper. They must spend new time to solve such problems.

In the outskirts of the city, a Qin army cavalry company and more than 800 Yue soldiers walked on the road to the city. Along the way, they prevented some Yue people from committing crimes. They were not clean enough for the Qin army cavalry to rob those criminals. , The loot they got went into the pockets of the Qin army cavalry. But no one can say, after all, they are Qin Jun. These more than 800 Yueshi people joined in voluntarily by themselves, and they called them Yueshi volunteers. They are the Yue's army under the command of the Qin army. In fact, they are just a mob. Many of them are Yue's militia. They cannot prevent criminals from looting their homes, but they can gather them all together and follow. The Qin people frightened them from behind. They needed a banner, a banner that could severely deter the other party.

"Put down things and raise your hands." A Yue volunteer soldier raised his rifle and shouted loudly. A criminal held up his hands, his neck and his body were hung with various trophies, but soon, a volunteer from the Yue family came and took them away. They all had black belts on their left arms, and some The white word Qin is also written on the belt, which means that they are part of the Qin army, and most of their flags are made temporarily. The team is dragged, very loose, and looks like a group of marchers. , But that’s the kind of people. They prevented the further development of criminal activities. They got the support of the Yue family because they also hated those **** Yue family nobles, as well as those criminals who took the opportunity to cause chaos.

"Hang these criminals, or give them to the locals, and let them do such a thing." A man who looked like a volunteer captain waved his arm and ordered. Qin Jun walked slowly in the rear, with these Yueshi people opening the way in front. They walked very smoothly, but they were just holding the line in the rear.

"We should let them organize a military band. In this case, it would be very good to enter Limancheng with blows and blows." A lieutenant said, looking at the busyness of the Yue family. What they need is an aura, and the Yue people have lost that aura. Along the way, they found a lot of deserters like this. They threw away their weapons and equipment, and even the uniforms were all over the ground. Many soldiers evaded. They didn't dare to come out at home, and even the criminals didn't dare to provoke them, which made them feel very sad.

"Sir, this is a good suggestion. I'll take a look." The corporal is leaving on horseback at this time. He is going to the Yueshi people and let them get a military band. In this way, their situation will be better. a lot of.

In the southern area of ​​Richman, the Yues here are defenseless. They have built many defensive positions. These defensive positions were temporarily constructed by the government organized troops to excavate, but now it seems that such defensive positions are useless. Because no one showed up inside, their troops were all transferred away. Either to cover the high officials from leaving here, or to place them in an unmanned area for defense.

On Highway No. 1 in the southern suburbs, it leads to the south. Now this road is full of horse-drawn carriages, and there is a blockage in front. Many Yueshi people leave here with their belongings. They carry all kinds of baggage. Soldiers also Walking inside, but they always gather in twos and threes, and their marching team has long been disrupted. This is not a good thing, which means that the soldiers have lost their organization. This makes many Yueshi veterans look very annoyed.

"Damn it, why didn't you go ahead?" Some young Yue clan shouted anxiously. They didn't know what was going on, it had been a long time. The team still stopped. This situation had been maintained for an hour and a half, which made many people anxious, because if they were trapped here, they would soon be chased by the Qin army.

"Damn it, if you don't walk away, the people of Qin will come." The young man said anxiously. His property is here, which will put them in an extremely insecure situation.

"The people of Qin are here. The people of Qin are here." someone shouted loudly. The young man was surprised. He felt that he just thought about it this way, but what he didn't expect was that such a thing actually happened.

"This." This makes many people feel that they have heard it wrong. They think this is impossible.

"Qin people are here. Run, cavalry, it's a cavalry unit." More people started to run, and the commotion began to erupt, and no one stopped doing such a thing from happening.

"Run." Many people jumped out of the carriage. There are more people reluctant, but this is not something they can stop. Although they were reluctant, the people of Qin had already come.

"Bang. Bang. Bang." Qin's cavalry began shooting, which aggravated the chaos.

The neighing of horses, the screaming of women, the sound of gunshots, the crying of children, all kinds of sounds suddenly became confused. The Qin army cavalry did not know that such a thing would happen at first, but when they saw the long When the horse-drawn carriage team was stagnant on the highway, when they saw a large number of Yue soldiers mingling in the team, they knew that the opportunity was here. This is a good opportunity for them to show their talents.

"Bang. Bang." Gunshots continued. Some civilians were shot and killed innocently. Some soldiers of the Yue family resisted and fired, and some threw down their weapons and ran away with the crowd. People run away blindly. They don’t know where it is safe to run. Some people are smart. They choose to surrender. They know that the Qin army will not kill them at will. If they surrender, they may still Keep one life, most of these people are government officials or military officers, because the practice has had a bad impact, because many soldiers and civilians are doing this, but the chaos is still going on, the Qin army cavalry keeps chasing For these captives who surrendered, only one soldier was left to guard. Only by expelling those civilians in large numbers can they get more spoils.

In the defensive position of the Yue's infantry company 30 kilometers north of Liman, it seemed so calm. They had lost contact with the rear, and their supplies were not much. What’s bad is that they don’t know what’s going on in the rear. Many soldiers feel restless. This sentiment comes not only from their officers, but also from seeing a large number of Qin army cavalry bypassing their defenses. Their logistics was supposed to transport supplies but did not come. This can only show that the situation has become very bad. Such a thing has never happened before, but it has happened now. This is enough to make the soldiers scared and disturbed.

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