"Beep. Boom." The sound of the trumpet does not match the sound of the bass drum very well. In many places, the tone is wrong. This makes their chiefs feel very uncomfortable. After all, such military music will make them feel very uncomfortable. habit.

"Is it hard to hear? Sir?" a second lieutenant on the side asked his sir.

"Well, many places are out of tune. This kind of military music, if you enter the full city of Yueshi, you will laugh out loud." The lieutenant said dissatisfied.

"Sir, the people of the Yue family won't appreciate this kind of military music. They can't wait to welcome us into Liman." The ensign said.

"Welcome us?" the lieutenant asked. Look at the advancing Yue's volunteers. They were greatly welcomed. Some Yue's volunteers came out to ask about the situation. They had already entered Liman City. The Yue people in the city began to stabilize. This was a reaction from the arrival of the Qin people. However, the southern part of Liman was still unable to enter the state. The Yue people there were fleeing because the people of the Qin country suddenly came to kill, and they continued to run away, because Only then can they guarantee the safety of their own property to the utmost extent. This is the selfish performance of the noble lords of the Yue family.

The Qin army occupied the area on both sides of the Yuezhi No. 1 Railway. The infantry of the Qin Army stopped here, and they began to build a large number of fortifications, trenches, and traffic trenches here. The amount of work is very large.

"Damn it, why doesn't it move forward. Let's build fortifications here." The second class said dissatisfiedly. A lot of the work in the defense company is entrusted to them. For them, such a task is too difficult. Because the engineering volume is still very large. This makes many recruits unbearable. They not only need to dig fortifications, but also lay out defensive nets. If unfortunately they are drawn, they will continue to patrol, which will make them even more unbearable.

"This is the plan above. We must enter a defensive state. Maybe the **** Yue people are mobilizing a large number of reserve teams from the south for combat. If we don't do a good job of fortifications, then we must retreat. This will be for us. It will be very unfavorable, understand?" The sergeant said to the privates. He directed his subordinates to quickly build this place. After all, they may encounter some situations. A large number of Qin Army soldiers entered a defensive state, and they did not know what was happening on the front line. But the heavy work of building fortifications will still allow these soldiers to do it.

The 7th Cavalry Regiment of Qin State and the Second Cavalry Battalion, five kilometers away from the outskirts of the country, the battalion commander Lu Bo was looking at the report in his hand.

"Sir, our two cavalry companies have entered Limancheng. The conditions in the city are not bad. We did not encounter resistance. In addition, the Yue's volunteers are also very docile. They have done a lot to maintain local security and chaos. The city of Liman is stabilizing." A captain officer is making a report.

"Can we hold Liman City, and whether this city can be taken over? The top down is concerned about this issue." Lu Bo must confirm the authenticity of this report, because their superiors continue to urge them to retreat, but Lu Bo thinks that he can resist the above orders, if he retreats rashly, or heed the orders of the superiors above. It will make them fall into a passive situation.

"Sir, judging from the current situation, I think we should be able to defend this city. The people of Yueshi in this city are falling into an unprecedented disaster. And we are solving such a disaster, and now it is like this. The situation is very beneficial to us. We have stabilized this situation, and we can do more. But the strength of the Yue people is very weak and morale is extremely low. They are simply unable to hold there and regain it. "The captain said.

"The above worries that the Yue people still have a reserve team. After all, there is a railway that can reach here. We must destroy the railway to prevent the Yue people's reserve team from coming here." Lu Bo said.

"Sir, I will do these things, but we must let the answer reserve team enter here as soon as possible. Otherwise, the situation will further get out of control." said the captain.

"Okay. I'll report the situation here." Lu Bo nodded and said. Such things made him determined to enter Limancheng, because he was defying the orders of his superiors. The report was quickly reported to the 7th Cavalry Regiment Headquarters via wireless telegram. The Regiment Head was also annoyed by the report, because the Regiment Head had lost control of its subordinates, and a large number of cavalrymen madly entered Liman City. They watched Come, that's the spoils they deserve.

In the southern part of Liman, Hu Jian and others got a lot of trophies, captured them, and a lot of the property of the escaped Yue people fell into their hands.

"Look, this one actually uses silver tableware. Damn, it's really rich." A cavalry corporal was searching for their trophies. They are very happy to get such a spoil, after all, this thing is still very valuable.

"Hehe, what is this, look at this, the gin bottle, the wine in it, um, good stuff." said a sergeant. He got a bottle made of gold. The wine in it will slowly seep into some gold. This kind of wine tastes good. This kind of wine was tasted slowly, but unfortunately, the sergeant drank it in one breath. Dropped a bottle.

"Damn it, there is something good that I drank by myself." The corporal said enviously. At the same time, they are still looking for other trophies. At this time, the attractiveness of the trophies is great for them.

"Boom." A huge explosion sounded from the distance of the highway. This suddenly made all the cavalry nervous, they quickly pulled the bolt, they thought it might be dangerous.

"Don't worry, it's the lieutenant. The lieutenant brought someone to blow up the railway over there. In this way, you can effectively prevent the Yueshi people from going northward." A second lieutenant explained. Now the soldiers can get more of their trophies.

In Wang Ben's command vehicle, he must personally find out the specific situation.

"Sir, the situation has changed a bit." The chief of staff met with Wang Ben with the latest telegram and said.

"Tell me, what happened?" Wang Ben said while looking at the map.

"Our cavalry company has entered Limancheng. And," the chief of staff said to Wang Ben.

"They entered Limancheng?" Wang Ben looked at the chief of staff with strange eyes.

"Yes, sir, this is what it says in the report, and the 7th Cavalry Regiment is also very annoyed, because most of them don't follow such orders. These are the results of their unauthorized actions." The Chief of Staff explained.

"Well, I'll look at the telegram." Wang Ben looked at the telegram in his hand. The chief of staff explained.

"The officers below think that they should not withdraw from Liman City at this time. The Yue people are already terrified. They have lost the ability to continue to resist. This is a very good point for us, but at the same time, What we cannot deny is that the Yue people still have a certain ability to mobilize a large number of reserve teams to participate here." The Chief of Staff said.

"I think we should support the past as soon as possible. The Yue people are a little confused." Wang Ben said after thinking about it.

"Sir. This?" the Chief of Staff asked in a puzzled way.

"Order several infantry regiments in the rear to come forward quickly. All infantry regiments stop building fortifications and quickly enter Limancheng by train. We must solve such a city as quickly as possible, fast." Wang Ben ordered. To. Suddenly he felt. The Yueshi people definitely didn't lose Limancheng on purpose. All accidental factors caused such a result, if it weren't for Qin Jun to issue a search order. If they accidentally entered Yueshi, they would never have encountered such a thing. Now Qin Jun accidentally entered Liman City, which confirmed that Liman City was empty. The Yueshi had no plans to further defend their capital. They must now enter here as soon as possible. This is for them. It's a simple matter.

"But, sir, if you do this, isn't it. Some are too risky?" the Chief of Staff said cautiously.

"No, no risk at all. Instead, we should advance to this distance as fast as possible. This is very important to us." Wang Ben said.

"Okay. Don't talk about it. We will forward all this to the General Staff, they will do the same. We must enter Liman City as soon as possible and control it. All the situation is in our hands." Wang Ben gave the order like this. The chief of staff had to draw up relevant orders. This surprised them a little.

"Beep. Beep." The urgent assembly order sounded on the temporary fortifications of the infantry regiment.

"Assemble urgently. Assemble urgently." The officer shouted loudly. The soldiers gathered the tools in their hands. They quickly picked up their equipment and dressed them neatly. They knew that there must be an intrusion or a task. It's time.

The order was quickly communicated. All the soldiers should bring their own weapons and quickly get on the train south. Their goal is to fill up. This puzzled many soldiers, because just now their chief ordered them to step up and dig. Trench, and now the order turned out to be for them to go south suddenly. This is a contradictory order. As for what happened. The soldiers didn't know, and their chief didn't know what happened. But this is the order. Less than half of the fortifications were abandoned on the spot. A large number of soldiers carried their own equipment and got on the vehicle urgently. They had to go south quickly, and many preparations were too late, such as soldiers’ dry food, and Their ammunition.

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