"This is an extremely **** war." Captain Li Kai wrote while hiding in the bunker. Their bunkers have been specially reinforced to prevent Zhao Jun soldiers from rushing over and prevent Zhao Jun’s snipers. Sniper tactics have become more and more cruel. As long as they show up, they may be shot. In such a perverted war environment, Many people were killed inadvertently. Maybe the one Jean was still joking with you just now. But in the next second, it became a corpse, and no one felt sad. This is how war is.

"Boom. Boom." From time to time, heavy artillery bombarded the position. It was a bombardment by Zhao Guoren's 127mm artillery. After replenishing ammunition, they entered here again to bombard them, and many people were blown up.

"Damn Zhao people." A sergeant cursed. Although they cursed, they still could not control their bombardment of this artillery. They may be very close to Zhao Jun’s forward position, and the farthest distance was only 300 meters. Those snipers could shoot them at any time, but it was like It's much better to be hit by artillery, and they watched it the first time it was hit. Only half of the corpse was thrown into the air, and then fell, and the distance from the bombing was more than fifteen meters. This makes many people have to reconsider their safety. At the very least, they are so close to the front of Zhao Jun that they will not encounter such a bombardment.

The cruelty of the war has far exceeded their imagination. The senior generals told them that they would enjoy a perfect price here, but now it seems that their condition is not very good. This makes the morale of many soldiers very low.

"Sir, this is the latest newspaper." A communications soldier who entered the bunker under artillery fire handed Li Kai a bulletin, which is similar to Qin Jun’s military newspaper, which is just a means of propaganda on the battlefield, but Many soldiers feel dissatisfied with such methods, or in other words, they believe that such methods are useless at all.

The senior generals of the Yue family believed that they should encourage the morale of the soldiers to rise in this way, so that they would be able to cheer up and fight. The newspapers above advertised things that benefit Yue's army, for example, how many targets their snipers killed, and such targets often have some moisture, and there are some things that will not be reported, for example, How many snipers were killed by them, their own goals will not be written in it, in their opinion, such a thing cannot be said. Otherwise, it will make them all feel good-looking. This is the situation they are currently in, and this situation makes the soldiers hate such tabloids even more.

"Sir, I am anxious to go to the toilet, can you give us such a tabloid?" a sergeant asked with a smirk. Perhaps the value of this newspaper lies in their best toilet paper.

"Damn, there are a lot of leaflets in the toilet. Those are from Zhao Guoren. You can use those things." Li Kaizhi cursed. The sergeant smiled slightly. Many people smiled and shook their heads. They were obviously disgusting the high-level military. When they were bored, the soldiers always joked with those high-level officials. Such things are very common problems for them.

Li Kaizhi looked at the leaflet. Some of the contents written on it made Li Kaizhi very worried. The Indians also sent troops. However, their progress was extremely slow. They stayed in the border area between Indy and Yue's. There, the Yue's placed three full-filled infantry regiments. The Indians could not break through there in the first time. The Clan's use of a large number of fortifications and machine guns caused heavy casualties to the Indians. On the first day, their casualties exceeded 5,000. The Indian army was unable to break through, so it stopped. In the eyes of the Yues, this was a victory, a victory worthy of boosting morale, but in Li Kaizhi's view, this news would only make the soldiers more worried.

At present, Karachi, Qin, Zhao Jun, Indi, on the opposite side of Meng Island, and the South Korean army, they do not know about the Chu army, but they all know that this situation will not last long. , Because they waited too long. If the time is too long, it means that the other party's accumulated power is very large. Their situation is very bad. To this. Li Kaizhi was very worried, but such worries were of no use at all, because no one would involve them because of such things.

He tore down this page silently. This is a fact that cannot be concealed, but it is better than letting his soldiers know. Maybe they will know it sooner or later, but if they know it now, their morale will be hit even more.

"Wow." At this moment a soldier broke in. Many people looked at each other.

"Is this sergeant yours?" the soldier came in and asked with a certificate.

"Yes." A soldier stood up and confirmed. That's the sergeant who went to the bathroom just now.

"He was killed. He was hit by the flying shrapnel. The guy went to the toilet too close to the shelling. The shrapnel came and hit the opponent's head." The soldier said. Many people stopped talking. This is a poor guy who can see shrapnel in the toilet.

"We must improve our toilet." Captain Li Kaizhi said. The other soldiers were silent.

In Karachi's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Foreign Minister gave a note to the South Korean ambassador. They want to discuss matters related to military operations in Karachi.

"The situation is very bad for us. So far, we have only advanced fifty kilometers and lost more than 30,000 soldiers. Such a price is too unbearable for us." The Foreign Minister is anxious. Speaking of.

"I feel very sorry about this." The South Korean ambassador said helplessly. Such a result is unacceptable to the Karachi people. They only advanced fifty kilometers. This is an unacceptable result anyway. Their casualties are too great. More than 30,000 casualties. And this number is still increasing. The Karachi government believes that the price they paid is not commensurate with what they get. This makes them feel very uncomfortable.

"We need the support of the South Korean government. At least in terms of heavy artillery, the South Korean government should give us more support. Otherwise, we will refuse to accept such a thing and continue to oppose it. This is for us. Yes. Very unfair thing." Karachi Foreign Minister said seriously. Karachi people think this is the responsibility of the Koreans. After they fought against the Yueshi people, they realized that their condition was very bad.

"This is no problem, but we can only assist some of the weapons, and others need to be solved by yourself. I think you should understand this. After all," the South Korean ambassador explained.

"After all, what? We are helping South Korea to reduce pressure. This is very beneficial to you." The Foreign Minister said.

"No, no, I think this is your responsibility. It will be clear if you look at your situation. According to the information I have obtained, your condition is not very good. Opposite you, there are only Yue soldiers, but how many do you have? Ten thousand people, the war has been going on for many days. But they just broke through the first line of defense, which makes us doubt your ability. This is the government's idea." The South Korean ambassador said. In this case, it is difficult for the other party to get off the table, or in other words, it is too slapped in the face. This makes Karachi people very shameless.

"Unless the Karachi people can prove that you really need such a weapon to break through the Yue's line of defense, in this way, the situation can be greatly changed, otherwise, our support will be very limited. Of course. We are. We can provide some naval support, and we will give you some ships." The South Korean ambassador promised.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs was helpless, because their military offensive was too incompetent. This directly leads to the passive diplomatic situation of the Karachi people, which is too unfavorable for them. This makes them feel very helpless. The Foreign Minister nodded helplessly.

In fact, the Karachi military has also received relevant advice. They believe that they should send a special assault squad around the back of the Yueshi to launch an attack. In this way, the Yueshi can take the initiative to retreat and they can push. Go in. But as a result, what they think is different from what they do. Because the senior generals knew too well what kind of people their soldiers were. The soldiers' enthusiasm for combat is not high at all. Many people are greedy for life and fear of death, and let them do something beneficial. Obviously it is impossible, expecting such a thing to go to war. Obviously this cannot be done. The situation of the war has become extremely unfavorable to them, and they must find a way to bypass this line of defense, otherwise, they will be completely stuck here, which is not a good result for them.

Qin State, Xianyang. Ministry of Defense. Wei Liao was shocked after receiving Wang Ben's telegram. Because many factors are still uncertain, and their supply is not very smooth, in such a situation, let them do such things, it may make them more passive. This is definitely not a good thing. Will exacerbate their situation in an unfavorable state. The situation seems to be even worse.

"I immediately told General Wang Jian about this matter, and asked the General Staff to advise him as soon as possible. In addition, I told the Prime Minister to make them prepare for the worst." Wei Liao said after reading the report. All they can do is this. If the situation becomes extremely bad, they can still have a certain ability to clean up such a mess. This is the only thing they can do right now.

"Yes. Sir." An officer quickly left with a report.

Inside the staff.

"Perhaps Wang Ben's situation has changed a lot. In the report, he said that the strength of the Yue people is very weak, and the entire city has lost the final order. I think this should be the situation." Yang Duanhe said.

"That's it, it's too risky. If the Yue people mobilize their reserve team, if we enter and do not control well, the Yue people will make another big counterattack. In that case, our situation will be in a bad shape. It's in the state." Wang Jian said worriedly. He still felt that Wang Ben's march was too hasty. At least it looks incredible. This made him feel very dissatisfied, which shows that Wang Ben still lacks a certain degree of stability. That's what Wang Jian thinks.

"The current situation has already happened. I think we should take some remedial measures, such as mobilizing a certain amount of air power to support them. In this way, it can also greatly alleviate the current situation and let Their situation has become better," Yang Duanhe suggested.

"It can only be so. Otherwise, what kind of decision can we make? He has sent troops. We can't let them hold back." Wang Jian said helplessly.

Inside the prime minister's house.

"Bold. They rushed to the core area of ​​the Yueshi people. It seems that this should be an accident. After all, many cavalry units have lost control. In their view, it is full of a place for storing a lot of trophies. , Our soldiers will rush in impulsively to rob." Meng Yi said to Shang Wen.

"Wei Liao's worry is that we can't keep it here, because in this way, we will suffer extremely heavy losses. This is not a good thing for us. And this kind of threat still exists." Shang Wen said To.

"But I think we should emphasize military discipline. It is good for the soldiers to maintain good military discipline and allow them to organize local people to participate. We can organize the local government of the Yue people to manage all this. At the same time, I think, A reconnaissance activity with a greater strategic depth should be carried out. Such reconnaissance activities are very necessary for us, because it allows us to see clearly what the Yueshi people’s hole cards are. This is very beneficial to us." Shang Wen Speaking of.

"Yeah. Okay. In this case, it is very advantageous for us." Meng Yi said.

On the Shazhou Peninsula, the South Korean Western Trading Company is recruiting more mercenaries here, the Shazhou cavalry. They have strong mobility, they value interests very much, and at the same time make them greedy. Such people have personality. The flaws in the above, it is precisely this flaw that they will take advantage of, and if there are no flaws, they will not recruit such people.

These people will help them acquire more slaves, attack and rob a lot of resources, and the place where they surround the supply is the Suez Canal.

The mercenaries are not only a guarantee for the safety of the Suez Canal, but also a necessary condition for their expansion and construction of the Suez Canal. They must do this. Shazhou people who heard that there were enough trophies gathered here.

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