The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3432: Slight resistance

"I don't know why we have to recruit so many Shazhou cavalry. They look very barbaric, and the conditions for recruitment are very harsh. A rigid condition is that people must be killed." Suez Canal Company employee, Zhang Li I wrote in my notebook. This may be the only pastime for him when he is bored. He does not want to drink. The locals seem to like it. Originally, they didn’t like alcohol. However, with the combination of alcohol and violence, everyone became like it, bloody. That's the way it is. This makes everyone extremely crazy. This may be the stimulating effect of war, Zhang Li wrote in his notebook. He did such a thing because he was bored. He had never done such a thing before. He was just a small clerk. The reason why he worked here was that he could return to China as long as he stayed here for two years, and the salary was domestic. The consumption here is also low. The company will provide everything for food, clothing, housing and transportation, and the cost is almost zero. Of course, you can’t buy many things. They have them here. Some local specialties are not attractive. .

"Those people are very violent. I saw them skinning a sheep alive in order to prove that they can kill, or they slowly killed a camel. It looked very disgusting and bloody. I didn't sleep that day. I felt that I was one of those animals, and then I was killed by them. This is a very strange idea. I was very scared of this, but there is no way. This is what I can do. I can only proceed like this. "Zhang Li wrote.

"I don't know why the company keeps recruiting so many people. There are enough people. They all have to learn to kill, use guns, ride horses, ride camels, etc. In short, it seems that they are mercenaries among the mercenaries. , But they are very polite to Koreans, they always smile at me. This makes me feel very good." Zhang Li wrote. Of course. The status of the Shazhou cavalry in the Suez Canal Company is not too high. But it's not too bad. If they make good friends with Koreans, they may change some of their conditions. This is the idea of ​​the Shazhou people themselves. In their opinion, everything here is so natural. They are full of hope, because the Koreans will bring them a lot of wealth, and every Shazhou cavalry is so hopeful.

"These Shazhou cavalry are cheerful, but there are also some downsides, that is, they don't pay much attention to hygiene, they have a lot of body hair and beards. At the same time, they are full of revenge and feud. This is what I personally saw. After recruiting the two Sand State soldiers, they used force on the spot. Before our people had time to persuade, one of them was already lying on the ground and unsaved. When our chief accused the other party of why they did this, Many Shazhou cavalry came forward to support this. This is a worldly feud, and vendettas are common here, because they live in tribes. If a man cannot avenge himself, his skills are very high and no one will be hired to use him. Yes, because he did not avenge, avenge, or kill his enemies. It seems that only this way can prove their existence. Narrow-minded, they must be avenged. This shows me their backward existence, which is why the extremely small number of Koreans do not Prevent them from doing this. And after our chief heard about such a thing, he didn’t care about it. In their opinion, it was a killing within them, as long as it did not interfere with our interests." Zhang Li told everything here, it seems Everything that happened here is very abnormal. This is how the life of the Shazhou tribes is. They are the Semitic people here, but they are relatively scattered, and the various tribes have been fighting for a long time, which leads to the appearance of hatred, coupled with their personality defects, they always care about some of their immediate interests Such things led to their tribal wars going on for a long time, and many people died in vendettas. In fact, it will take hundreds of years for the birth of a religion to solve this problem, but religion still cannot completely solve that problem. In this regard, Zhang Li could not further adjust. He didn't want to trouble himself.

"Don't worry, I won't get involved in such troubles. I keep a long distance from these people. But it's very boring here. There is sand everywhere, the sun is very scorching, and it is very cold in the morning or at night. The day is like It's as uncomfortable as a fire. You just want to stay in the tent, and at night, it makes people tremble with the cold." This is a desert climate. This kind of climate makes Zhang Li, who just came here, dislike it because they are used to the Central Plains. The climate, all year round, not such a drought.

"There are some scorpions here. If it weren't for an old employee to tell me, I might have died here. Every morning, you have to buckle your boots upside down, because there will be some scorpions in your boots. It’s so dark. I really don’t know where those things came from. I can’t fall asleep thinking about it. Fortunately, we have some special powders, **** it. No one has ever told me about this before.” Zhang Li kept writing. Fortunately, they are not restricted from mailing their own letters. Otherwise, he will be boring. There are not many women here, and the crew has no fun to find. They hope to love a few immediately, because there are many women. Nice woman. But they hate black women.

Eight kilometers north of Liman, there is a position maintained by the Yueshi. Their position is on both sides of a railway. It is very flat and it is not conducive to defense at all, but the position of the Yueshi is still set up here.

"Bang. Bang. Boom. Boom." The Qin Army went to support. The 3rd Infantry Regiment was blocked here. Soldiers got off the train. They immediately launched a battle formation. The 75mm artillery on the armored train immediately Exerting the power they should have, the infantrymen are not in a hurry to shoot forward, because their officers refuse to take the initiative to attack, and the opponent clearly has a very good defense. Such defense will cause them a lot of trouble. They must try their best to avoid such troubles. After all, not all troops are willing to bear the greater cost of casualties. For example, the Qin Army is such a troop. They reduce casualties as much as possible, because their commanders demanded this. They would rather waste more ammunition. It would be very troublesome to reduce the casualties of their soldiers.

"Tutu. Tutu." The machine gun also joined in. The infantry shoots from time to time, shooting like they shoot at targets, which makes many soldiers look very relaxed.

"Damn, these **** Yue people are so tenacious, they are still resisting here." A sergeant cursed. When he said that, he loaded the five-round magazine, and then pulled the bolt to aim. The other soldiers simply repeated such actions mechanically.

"Tutu. Tutu." The offensive continued, and the Qin army continued to increase their firepower. As long as the Yues dared to shoot in one place, more firepower would immediately be concentrated to shoot at them. This kind of battle won't last long, and the Yue people surrendered.

They raised the white flag, and the Qin Army iron-clad train slowly advanced into it, but they soon stopped in front of the Yueshi people's position. The **** Yueshi destroyed the railway to Liman, and the infantry had to come down. These Yue's infantrymen were the cavalry who went around and stayed behind. Along the way, they have encountered such resistance twice. It seems that these Yueshi soldiers didn't even know that their capital had been lost. After many people surrendered, they were informed of this situation by the people of Qin, and they learned about this situation, but they didn't seem to believe what Qin Jun did.

Lao Ya is one of the Yue's surrender soldiers. He is a veteran. He stays in the army because he knows nothing but fights. When the Qin people came over, he knew that his troops could not resist for too long. At that time, they just surrendered after a symbolic resistance.

Like other prisoners, he was detained by the people of Qin. They built their own prison camp and enclosed them with a large number of barbed wire fences. They looked like sheep, but the people of Qin were treated well. They gave some water, cans, and biscuits. But they won't let them eat too much. Only when the Tieli Road is repaired, they will give more food and water. At other times, they won't give them. They understand that this is to prevent escape.

Lao Ya listened to other news, and they learned from the people of Qin that their capital had fallen. It was easily occupied by the people of Qin. The worst thing is that those noble masters all ran away. The entire capital was already in chaos, and Qin Jun was hurriedly rushing there. This made Lao Ya feel very worried, because the family members of several of his comrades-in-arms were there. He wants to leave here to take a look, maybe he can help a little bit. But Qin Jun didn't seem to believe them yet. After the Qin army was assembled, they quickly drove away. They were watched by a small number of Qin troops.

He didn't know what to do. It feels very boring, and occasionally releases to repair railways. The news they get is incomplete, but most of them are confirmed news. Many Yueshi soldiers didn't know what happened until after they surrendered. This is their treatment and the situation they encountered. They were completely separated, and the Qin army continued to advance. They soon entered the city of Liman, and they were just treated as free labor. For this kind of life, they feel that they will slowly get used to it.

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