"These are stolen goods, stolen goods, understand?" a Yue's volunteer said to a robbed Yue's. Then he put the robbed property of the Yueshi people on the carriage and took away.

"But. This." The Yue family wanted to explain, but where the other party didn't explain at all, they were even more robbers than robbers. In the name of collecting stolen goods, they collected a large amount of property, part of it was handed over to the soldiers of the Qin army, part of their own income, and part of it was handed over to the so-called treasury. And these properties came from the Yue family's own wealth, and the Qin nation and Yue family volunteers united to commit robbery.

But this simply cannot stop such a situation.

"Sir, the above order not to allow robbery." A captain officer reported to Battalion Commander Lu Bo. He held an emergency telegram in his hand, which was sent from Qin State Xianyang.

"We didn't rob, we just kept the law and order, it was just." Lu Bo said after looking at the report. The captain did not want to stop him any further. It is still difficult for him to do such a thing. With the support of the officers above, the soldiers below were naturally very happy. In fact, the Qin army did not directly participate in the robbery, they just divided the spoils. Their senior officials could not do such a thing.

Qin's second bombing airship brigade. They are mobilizing most of the group’s bombing airships to the territory of Yuezhi. Their range is longer, reaching more than 1,500 kilometers, and after special modification, they can reach more than 2,000 kilometers. Of course, in that case, the load capacity will be severely affected. Restriction, which is extremely unfavorable to them.

"Sir, what does the above mean?" a captain asked his officer worriedly. Lieutenant Colonel Li Dou.

"Our mission has been cancelled. The mission full of bombing has been cancelled. This is nothing." Li Dou explained easily. This is not a big deal for them.

"What?" The captain looked at his officer in confusion, he didn't know what was going on. The bombing mission of the brigade was cancelled unexpectedly.

"Liman has been occupied. The Army has solved this problem." Li Dou said. Such a situation is a trouble for us, but fortunately they got a task.

"However, we still have some tasks that we can do. This is a request for a reconnaissance report mentioned above. They asked us to conduct a more detailed reconnaissance of the southern area of ​​Yuezhi, and our airship has a longer range. At the same time. , The flying ability is also relatively high. Therefore, this task is handed over to us." Li Dou said to the captain. Qin State's practice of temporarily refitting the bombing airship into a reconnaissance airship was no exception this time, and this task was entrusted to them.

"I think this task is very suitable. You can do this." Li Dou believes that this task is very suitable for his subordinates. Since they are willing to fly, it is better to leave the task to them. In this case, they can accompany me to the greatest extent their dissatisfaction. This is also a kind of comfort.

"Sir, I am opposed to this. We are bombing airships, not reconnaissance airships, and there are special reconnaissance planes to do such things. Why give us such a task? For us, this is simply the same. Kind of insult." The captain said dissatisfiedly. He opposed the modification of the bombing airship to perform such a task. He believed that such a task was an improper task, and they did it every time. This will keep the bombing airship away from the mission center where it should be.

"It's not just that you have to do, there are more airships to participate in. This is a reconnaissance in a battle, the scope will be very wide, and the above will be very important. If you do well, there will be promotion missions and bombings. The airship will not only go bombing, but also many things can be done. Understand?" Li Dou said. The other party nodded helplessly to accept such a task. The Qin Army urgently needs to carry out a campaign reconnaissance, the main purpose is to find the only Yueshi reserve that may exist in the south of Yueshi. The Qin people's demand for intelligence has become greater and greater, but the intelligence they have received is too little.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"For now, the strength of the Yueshi people has been greatly consumed. Their three infantry divisions were hit hard by the Zhao Jun in the narrow coastal area, and their artillery severely blocked the Yueshi people's attack. The strength of the Yueshi people has been consumed here." The Secretary of the Army introduced to Han Shu.

"The Yue people have not yet arrived with new reinforcements. We plan to land again from a location south of the main city. The defenses there are relatively empty, and the coast there is more suitable for us to carry out large-scale landing operations. After landing, we can go all the way. Attack north, from behind, insert the Yue's commanding heights, as long as we occupy the commanding heights there and erect artillery. We will take all the main forces of the three infantry divisions of the Yue's divisions." The Secretary of the Army gestured on the map. This is a perfect march. The South Korean Army’s strength has been gathering, and the Chu Army has also mobilized about two infantry battalions. However, according to the Secretary of the Army’s own estimation, their strength is still not dominant, even though they have five infantry battalions in their hands. The artillery battalion, an engineer battalion, and a communications company, field hospitals, and other types of arms, but these were not enough to defeat the Yue clan at once. The only way was to outflank the Yue clan and occupy the commanding heights behind. Condescendingly, take advantage of their artillery to attack. In this way, it is possible to fall into a huge street fighting disaster without directly landing operations. After all, they can't do such a thing. This is extremely inconsistent with the combat capability of the new South Korean army.

"Well, such a combat plan fully meets our combat requirements. This is quite beneficial to us." Han Shu said after reading the combat plan. She is extremely unfamiliar with the military, because she can't see what's wrong with this plan, she just feels that she can't do this on her own.

"But Majesty, this plan looks good, but we still need the cooperation of Zhao Guoren. After all, they occupy the entire coastal area. In the future, we will build. In that case, we will regain the coastal area, or Zhao Guoren will regain it. This question is extremely important and crucial." Zhang Liang said at this time.

"Yeah. That's right, this question is a lot of trouble for us." Han Shu nodded.

"In that case, we just cooperated with them. It seems that the Zhao people can do the same. But at present they still need to assemble forces, and we have established corresponding facilities on Meng Island. In fact, it is difficult for us to give up in the coastal area." Said the Secretary of the Army.

"Then talk to them and see what Zhao people mean. We know that Zhao people have a great demand for territories, but such demand is not the reason why they have been occupying the coastal area, at least half of it. They can occupy the area. I have no objection to this. But in this area, we must take half of it." Han Shu made a compromise. She felt that for such things, they must occupy a certain advantageous position. Nothing to discuss.

Chu State, Wuyue Shipyard area, the shipyard here has started large-scale construction. They will build more than 12 destroyers, and the order has doubled rapidly. This allowed Chu's naval shipbuilding industry to enter a whole new field.

Artillery factories related to Chu State also began to manufacture some artillery parts, but they could not manufacture artillery barrels on a large scale. This kind of demand could only be fulfilled by the Koreans. The two sides have such orders, and the Chu people build destroyers on a large scale to provide them to the pirates in Jeju. The pirates received related loans and financial assistance from Qin State Investment Bank and Qin State Commercial Bank. With such financial support, the pirates can get the battleship as quickly as possible. In contrast, their speed was faster than that of the Koguryo Navy, which greatly increased the power of pirates.

Qingcheng Weapons Research Institute.

"The demand for torpedoes has become very large. They added 12 destroyers at once, and the number of torpedoes may reach more than 100. In this case, our monthly production capacity is seriously insufficient. It can be expected that in the future for a long time. , This demand will further increase.” said the torpedo team leader. The most advantageous weapon for destroyers against large warships is torpedoes, which are also one of the best weapons for destroyers in naval battles. In contrast, destroyers can only solve such problems with further upgrades, otherwise, they will be very good at doing such things.

"This will take some time, and we shouldn't worry too much about this. The construction of warships will not complete the launch of so many warships at once." The deputy team leader said.

"We can make a time difference. At the same time, I think we should design some new torpedoes to use on new battlefields, and experiment with their results. In this way, it is a very important thing for us. We need this. Situation." The deputy team leader suggested. South Korea is studying new torpedoes, and they plan to experiment with this new torpedo on the battlefield.

"Yeah. But what I am worried about is that other countries will also study this kind of weapon. As mentioned above, Qi also has research in this area. They have obtained some torpedoes and imitated them. If we are using it like this Torpedo, I am worried that the technology will be further leaked out." The team leader said.

"But we must use such new weapons. Once the pirates are at a disadvantage, it will be very detrimental to us." The deputy team leader said.

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