The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3434: Difficult to recruit

State of Zhao, Handan.

"The situation in Mabang is very deadlocked, isn't it?" Guo Kai asked the Secretary of the Army.

"Yes. Prime Minister, we do not have the strength to further attack the Yue people, and the Yue people, they have three infantry divisions, and we, plus those indigenous troops at most, we have less than 8,000 troops, but we But it withstood the attack of the three infantry divisions of the Yueshi people. This is already very remarkable." The Secretary of the Army tried to reduce the verbal stimulation as much as possible, or to say the good side as much as possible. It might be very beneficial to them. This is a cunning idea of ​​the Secretary of the Army.

"It sounds good, but I can't give you too much support. In the Western region, if we draw a large number of troops here, the result will have a bad impact on our colonial rule. , This kind of situation, I must avoid it." Guo Kai said.

"Look at this. This is the request of the Koreans. They can send troops, but we need to divide the entire Marbang coastal area. In order to ensure their trade. This is fair to us. After all, we played like this. The results are coming. We have held on for a long time." Guo Kai said.

"But, Prime Minister, there are also the interests of Chu people in this. Can the Koreans decide such things?" The Secretary of the Army felt that things were a little abnormal. The abnormality was that the Koreans only needed half of their interests. In this way, This has not had a great impact on the people of Zhao. You must know that the people of Chu and South Korea are united. According to the information provided by the navy, some of the Chu army and the new South Korean army are gathered on the island of Meng. This means that The possibility of sending troops together with the two countries is very high. In such a situation, how could South Korea do such a thing.

"Well. This may be their own idea. In that case, I will let the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reach an agreement as soon as possible. This can solve our problem in Marbon, and this problem will be of great help to us." Guo Kai said. The army's stalemate on Marbon puts them in a very unfavorable state, which will greatly consume their military power, and at the same time it is difficult for them to solve related problems. In this way, Zhao Jun's entanglement state can be solved, because if it continues, Zhao Jun still needs to invest a lot of military force to solve such things.

The Secretary of the Army is also very clear about this. It is unlikely that Zhao's military strength will continue to invest such a large amount of troops. Therefore, so far is also a good choice. The Secretary of the Army readily accepted such a request.

Inside the staff. After Li Mu saw such news, he could only sign and agree to it. He also knew that Zhao Jun suffered casualties and entanglement there.

"It is impossible for us to rely on some new weapons to change the current situation. I think you all know the impact of such a situation." Li Mu told the staff.

"The enemy and us have already fought a kind of entangled war between the two sides, which requires a considerable amount of troops to be separated. It is a huge consumption battle, and we should try our best to avoid such a battle in the future." Li Mu Speaking to the staff. This was a large-scale exchange of fire caused by a small-scale battle between the Navy and the War Department. There were no rules and tactical literacy in the fighting between the two sides. In fact, it was only a huge costly operation, but it was a huge drag. Living in the main force of the three infantry divisions of the Yue family, Li Mu was already very satisfied. That's all they can do.

In a villa of Senator Yue's outside of Liman City, this is where Qin Jun’s new headquarters is located, and a large number of antennas are erected here. It is not very far from the railway and one kilometer. The most important thing is that the scenery here is very good, and some grapes are planted here. There is still quite a lot of wine in the wine cellar, which surprised Wang Ben very much.

"This is indeed a very good leisure place. It seems that the Yue members know how to maintain. They can enjoy it." Wang Ben was wearing his military uniform, but with his arms open, his belt was placed on the small table beside him. , There were two glasses of wine on it, and the surrounding staff officers sipped it. It’s not bad here, with lots of shade, and it’s nice to rest here at noon. Wang Ben likes it very much.

"Sir, one of our bombing airship squadrons is undergoing modification. The officer above believes that we should conduct a campaign-scale reconnaissance and be careful of the Yue's reserve team. After all, the Yue's still have some organizational capabilities. At the same time, we should do our best. It is possible to organize the people from the Yue family and mobilize their military forces to prevent them from experiencing major fluctuations. We need to maintain local law and order." The chief of staff reported with a report.

"I know all of this. We will do it. Don't worry, the Yue people cannot be killed. We have already sealed the passage to the south. They can't get in. But we can't get through, but we need to wait and let our military The strength is further increased. There is also our logistics supply." Wang Ben said.

"I understand the sir." The chief of staff recorded.

"But at the same time, sir, we should strengthen military discipline. The Ministry of National Defense and the Prime Minister’s Mansion have specially reminded us to do this well. We are occupying the Yueshi people, not after attacking the Yueshi, we will retreat. This We should pay attention to this point," the chief of staff reminded.

"I understand. But my soldiers have gone through a highly tense battle. They should relax, right? We should understand things like this, of course. Some things are inevitable. We should understand, understand. "Wang Ben said disapprovingly. Soldiers boldly took military action in order to obtain some spoils, although this somewhat violated military orders. However, they still need such a bold attack on the battlefield. After all, this is the performance of the warriors. Wang Ben appreciates the fighting style of the cavalry regiment. Appropriate rewards can keep the soldiers' enthusiasm for fighting. Where does the reward come from? Each soldier may be awarded a medal, which requires some procedures and is very troublesome, but the rewards on the trophies can greatly stimulate the soldiers to do so, because they are fighting for their own interests. This is especially true for them. Importantly, they are fighting for themselves.

The chief of staff reluctantly recorded it. Wang Ben knew this very well, but he had to condone it. His men played very well and deserved such encouragement.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"It is not our purpose to continue fighting. Our purpose is only to occupy the northern region. At present, Wang Ben's army has blocked the road leading there to the south, set up roadblocks and fortifications there, and destroyed the railway at the same time, their next step It is to ensure that the interests there will not change, and their attack speed should slow down. Excessive stimulation of the Yueshi people will only make them more difficult to deal with. This will exceed our control." Shang Wen expressed his opinion. On the issue of Yueshi, Qin’s reason for sending troops was only to ensure the health and safety of his own people. They needed to destroy the adverse effects of the local Yapian planting industry on Qin, so Qin sent troops.

Now that they have hit the opponent's capital, they should find a way to stop such an offensive, and instead stop, and close as soon as they see it, so as to avoid excessively stimulating the already extremely sensitive nerves of the Yue people.

"I agree with this point, but how do we stop?" Meng Yi asked Shangwen.

"My idea is to talk to the Yueshi people. Maybe we should let them rest assured. As for the division of the Yueshi people, this is not important to us. We have achieved our goal. As for Other countries, such as Karachi people, Koreans, Zhao people, Chu people, and Indians, that’s their business, what we need to do is to prevent us from falling into a long battle. Qin must avoid this Things happened." Shang Wen said.

"Yeah. I see. We will let the frontline try to do something about the negotiation, but I think we should be more careful. After all, the Karachi people are in a very bad situation, and they still have it. A certain mobilization ability. This will put us in a bad situation." Wei Liao said cautiously. Up to now, there is still no intelligence to show that the forces mobilized by the Yue clan will be concentrated in that direction. Qin tried his best to avoid such a situation. In fact, it was to avoid excessive stimulation to the Yue clan, thus entering an inevitable war Fighting situation.

On Karachi’s Yueshi front, Yue’s side began to shrink their forces. They gave up the second line of defense, and their military strength was severely insufficient. This would cause their defense lines to be full of loopholes, and they could no longer withstand such excessive consumption. They had to shrink their forces and retreat to the third line of defense. Fortunately, they still have a line of defense, but that line of defense was repaired on the reverse slope. There was not a single soldier in it, and most of their forces were consumed there. .

"The situation of the battle is very good for us. The troops from the rear are very limited. They are all local old men or young people, and even young people are recruited. Of my team, only a dozen will fight. The veterans, the others have been killed. The number remains at sixty. The size of the company is relatively large. Many companies have less than forty troops. Companies with less than forty people. What else is there for such a company? Such combat effectiveness. Our losses exceed our supplementary capabilities." Captain Yan Kee wrote in his notes. He was already a little disappointed, a little desperate.

The Karachi people attacked them frantically. Wave after wave of attacks caused a huge loss of their military strength. In such repeated consumption, the Yuezhi people had less than two thousand troops, and most of them were wounded. The wounded are still fighting on the battlefield. If they hadn't taken a step back and were their homeland, they might have been defeated long ago. Now they retreated to the last line of defense.

"If there are no more reinforcements. Maybe we really broke down." Yan Kee wrote on the notebook, and the last few strokes were drawn on the notebook with heavy force, because his pen was out of ink. The ground they gave up burned all the supplies.

However, the situation of the Karachi people on the opposite side is not getting better there. They are not happy because they have seized the second defensive position. On the contrary, they have to suffer a lot of casualties. There are corpses everywhere. The new troops must first Collecting the corpse, the miserable condition of the corpse made many people afraid. Only those veterans who had experienced the battle would be numb to everything, and they had no such ability at all, they could only watch the other side do it.

Most of the corpses were wounds from incisions. The lungs, chest, neck, and some heads were smashed. Brains are everywhere, and it looks very disgusting. The recruits are vomiting everywhere. The most cruel thing is that they must converge very well for their own corpses. They need to find each other’s severed limbs and their intestines must be stuffed. Going back, this will exceed the ability of the recruits, which allows them to withstand an unprecedented war.

"The Yue people have reached their limit, and the Karachi people have also reached their limit. I really don't know, what's next after playing here? If there are so many lines of defense, I really don't know how to solve it." Meng Hao looked at Cruel Battlefield said so. He himself didn't know how to face such a situation.

The huge consumption continues to consume the vital power of the Yue people, and at the same time it also wears away the last bit of patience of the Karachi people. In such a war of attrition, whoever occupies the last position is the winner. This competition is the last of the two sides. A little willpower.

In the Zhao Kingdom colony, the recruiting station of the Zhao army is still collecting a large amount of cannon fodder, and they have already collected three batches. Most of the first batch died. There are still a small number of disabled people still in the local hospital, but Zhao Jun has given them more power, and they can hold some important local positions. Once Zhao Jun came to win the hearts of the local tribes and gain their support. However, as the war burned down more and more Intensified, they still have insufficient strength. They need to acquire more troops. Under such circumstances, more soldiers need to be prepared. In order to make up more soldiers, they can only recruit more soldiers locally.

But the local soldiers have almost been transferred. The locals have rarely come here to ask questions. Because their brothers, fathers, and husbands are already on the battlefield. Zhao Jun could not recruit more soldiers.

"The situation seems to be very bad for us." A recruiter said, looking at the small number of people, and the blank paper. The sergeant on the side nodded.

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