The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3439: Reduce the standard

Seth Wharf, a law firm, with the stabilization of the legal society, lawyers have become a new popular profession. However, the law at this time is still out of reach for most civilians, among the Seth people. . The law has no meaning to them, and no one has any meaning, because they are a vulnerable group and the law is still out of reach.

But people still turn to the law when they are most helpless. After all, he exists.

"I'm sorry, this is not evidence. It is impossible to prove United Petroleum. Chairman Zhang You instructed his subordinates to take excessive actions. This is an action without any evidence. I think you should understand this. I'm sorry. We. There is no way to do this." A lawyer told him helplessly.

"Did my father just die in vain? They also threatened my family. They wanted to kill my family. Can such things be resolved?" Zhang Ying asked angrily. But the lawyer shook his head.

He refused to accept such a case. Because such a case has no chance of winning. Because there is no direct evidence to prove that Zhang You was behind the murder, this kind of case is very difficult, because the other party can come up with an irrelevant scapegoat. There are too many such things. He simply can't manage such a case, so he can only say that it is very regrettable. Because there is no chance of winning at all.

"I'm sorry," the lawyer said helplessly. But Zhang Ying is still very emotional, and her condition is very bad. His father was an oil businessman. He was a small accomplished businessman, but he was too ordinary in comparison with Korea. He always wanted to do a big business, make a lot of money, and become a famous rich man. In this regard, he also did some tax evasion. Although he was not caught, he decided to do a big business. This is His dream. He was optimistic about the oil industry, so he invested and borrowed money to invest. He mortgaged his real estate and pastoral. Coming here to buy a large oil field, his dream is about to come true.

But as a result, a fire broke out. Although the fire has been extinguished, many oil fields have suffered serious losses. At this time, the United Company proposed that they come to acquire so many oil fields because they have such capabilities and capital power to do such things, but his father refused Such a thing, because the price given is too low. This is his dream, this is the foundation, and this is an important bridge to become reality. For a person who dreams of wanting to get rich, letting him give up such an opportunity is undoubtedly killing him. This matter is for him. That's too difficult. Therefore, his father severely rejected such an unreasonable request, and the ending was naturally tragic, and he was killed. After a gathering with friends, he never came back. When they found out, there was a Korean corpse in Seth Bay. The police judged it to be an accident, but Zhang Ying knew very well that it was done by United Petroleum Corporation, but she had no evidence. This kind of thing would naturally not go on because you had no evidence and everything was wasted effort. It is difficult for them to solve such problems.

"Okay. Miss. I hope you can collect some evidence to prove this matter immediately. Otherwise, it will be difficult for us to proceed. You know, such a matter is very difficult legally." The lawyer said To. From the perspective of the case itself, it is very difficult, because there is no direct evidence. It is necessary to find relevant witnesses and evidence. This is usually a very difficult thing, because they can’t prove that this matter has something to do with the other party. Direct relationship. This is difficult.

From the perspective of the relationship between the characters behind it, many lawyers decided to let go. Because behind it is the oil company, United Petroleum Corporation, although the company's reputation is not very good, but the other party controls a large number of oil fields, behind it is bank investment, and a large amount of capital is gathered in the hands of one person. They can do many, many things. And the power of lawyers is funding. It is difficult to confront the law. Under the power of fairness, it is naturally fair, but now that it is completely unbalanced, it is naturally difficult for such a thing to proceed. Such things are difficult.

Zhang Ying’s case is definitely not an individual case. In the Seth area, there are still a large number of related cases at the same time. Although the police are also working hard to find relevant evidence, their actions always encounter various resistances. Such things are unavoidable. This is the situation they are currently encountering. Such a situation will make their situation very sad. The law seems to have nothing to do with them.

The oil monopoly will inevitably bring huge profits and increase efficiency at the same time. However, all kinds of illegal things are constantly happening, and this kind of thing is unavoidable, because this is such a society, and many people are unable to change this. .

Qingcheng Naval Weapons Research Institute, South Korea.

"If the submarine is made into a ball shape, the first power unit cannot be installed, it is too small. Second, what is his weapon, is it just a mine? This is too troublesome, I suggest using torpedoes as his weapon. In this case , You can find the enemy through the periscope. This is definitely an amazing weapon." A young weapon researcher said of his own thoughts. He has a very good hobby, that is, when he can't think of a problem, he will go fishing. In this case, he can think quietly.

"Anything else?" The group leader asked related questions curiously. He was very concerned about such things. After all, it was very useful to him.

"Yeah. Also, I think we can add something, such as making the submarine bigger. The principle of the submarine is very simple, it is to reduce and increase the buoyancy, but the situation is that the space of the spherical submarine is very small. This greatly limits the size of the submarine, and its combat capability is severely limited. If we can increase this, our situation will become very advantageous. I agree with this point very much. Yes, but my opinion is that we can increase this situation. For example, if we make a long strip, our situation will become very advantageous. We can try it like an airship. Try," the young man said. He came across the airship by accident and only thought of this, and there is a great correlation between the two, because they both rely on buoyancy to do this.

"Well, a very good idea. I think we can give it a try. In this way, we can have a very good situation to solve such a thing." The leader nodded. The Admiralty has always needed a new weapon that can deal with the huge battleships of Qi and Zhao, because South Korea is far inferior to the two countries in artillery, especially Zhao, so the Koreans thought of using other weapons. For example, the weapon for launching an offensive from underwater, and the submarine was invented and created at this time, they too need such a weapon to express themselves. This is what they want, and this situation is as simple as that for them.

In the Shipbuilding Office of the Navy Department of Laizhou, Qi State.

"It's the Koguryo Navy again." The director of the office is a navy colonel. He looked at the report in his hand in his half sleeve. Their shipyards are very busy. Workers from Zhao and Qi are speeding up shipbuilding in three shifts, and they have reached their limit. In this way, the Goguryeo Navy is still dissatisfied. They believe that Qi and Zhao's navy should sell some of their new iron-clad warships, such as the warships they use. Such warships are of great significance to them.

"But this is impossible, because in this case, their navy will pose a great threat to us. Such a thing must never happen. How can our navy be threatened by the Goguryeo Navy. This is a joke. "The director scolded.

"But, sir, the Koguryo Navy’s order is very important to us. Our navy needs such an order. I think that our current situation is like this. This is a very advantageous one for us. As a result, we can't help but consider such a thing." An assistant lieutenant on the side said worriedly.

"But our shipbuilding speed has reached the limit. We can't launch a new warship to them all at once. It's absolutely impossible," the director said.

"This. Sir. I think we have two ways to solve this problem." The lieutenant said from the side.

"Talk about it." He asked, looking at the report in his hand.

"First, we lowered the shipbuilding standards. For example, the technical specifications of the original 200-millimeter guns were reduced. When the 127 mm guns were installed, the thickness of the armor was reduced, and the speed of warships was also reduced, or eliminated Some unnecessary equipment, in this way, our speed can be increased." The lieutenant said. This is actually a reduction in standards in disguise. In this way, their warships will have considerable space to be built quickly.

His chief just nodded and did not object, but he did not approve of doing so, he just thought that such a plan was okay.

"Another point is that we are transforming the current merchant ships or the existing warships. We also lower the standards and sell them a cheap version of the warship. In this way, our warship will have great benefits. The speed will also be accelerated. And we have also met this need, which is very important to us." The lieutenant said.

"Very good, this is a good plan, I think we should do this." The director nodded and said.

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