If we follow the design drawings provided by Zhao Guoren, it will take at least nine months for Qi Guoren to build two cruisers. In that case, Qi cannot meet the requirements of the Goguryeo Navy. The Goguryeo Navy is very anxious. They It looks like a fire. Under such circumstances, according to the original plan, it is impossible to meet the needs of the Goguryeo people. Therefore, the Qi State Admiralty came up with a simple plan, especially to reduce other time-consuming plans. For them, this is the most effective solution. Their Secretary of the Navy quickly agreed to this, which is not important to them.

Mon island. The South Korean army is moving on and off one after another. Many combat troops have boarded the ships, and some Korean naval warships are parked there in the distance. They seem to have important things to do.

In the Chu army barracks, Lieutenant Colonel Zhong Limei looked at the entire barracks with a binoculars. There were two infantry battalions in the Chu army. Their heavy weapons were only twelve machine guns, twelve 20mm rapid-fire guns, four and five. Twelve mm infantry artillery. These are their equipment. Their supplies are fairly adequate, and it's quite possible to conduct a battle.

"The initial landing operation did not have our business." Zhong Limei put down the telescope in his hand and said to a captain next to him. This is his adjutant, responsible for the formulation of some specific combat plans, of course. Zhong Limei is still in charge of some things. Because he was the commander, the two infantry battalions formed a Zhong Limei battle group, and Zhong Limei was responsible for commanding this battle group. For him, the task was not difficult. But the difficulty is that they have to log in before they can be effective.

"Sir, I think this kind of thing is indeed beneficial to us. Our soldiers have no experience in landing operations. We performed very badly in the landing of Suez. Not only us, but also the Koreans, after many troops landed. , They can't find their chief. Our officers can't find their own soldiers. Maybe the Koreans can solve this problem well." The captain said disapprovingly.

Landing operations are very complicated. They encountered the same thing in Suez City. The two infantry battalions were supposed to withdraw to the country, but their orders were changed midway. They came here, and they fought a war. They had nothing to do. The main thing was that they must have trophies, just like in Suez City. As long as they can maintain such a state, they don't care about what kind of battle. This has little to do with them directly. This is what they are going to do.

"I know this. We have to figure it out because of the complexity. There will be many places in Chu that need to do this in the future. We should study hard, otherwise, it will cause us a lot of trouble." Zhong Li Speaking of. The captain nodded. Although the requirements for his own officer are very demanding, he still has to do so, because he is an adjutant, which is actually equivalent to his staff officer. Many things must be done by them personally. According to the truth, Zhong Limei is at this level. There is no adviser, but he can improve such a system by establishing his own adjutant. This is a kind of work in disguise.

But he still couldn't solve one problem, that is, participating in landing operations. Zhong Limei wanted to lead the team to experience it personally. After all, Chu still lacks experience in such a combat style. In the past landing operations, the resistance they encountered was very slight, and they did not conduct anti-landing operations systematically. For the second time, they had this opportunity but couldn't participate.

The state of Chu did not provide more ships to the South Korean army. Because of the large number of South Korean troops, the command of the coalition forces has always been in the hands of the Koreans. In the face of the complex situation of landing operations, the top Korean military directly placed Chu's army in the first place. The second echelon, or a more rear landing operation, has come up. For the first time they landed on the beach, they were unwilling to use troops they were not familiar with to fight, which was such a **** reason. Zhong Limei's troops were excluded. He also felt very helpless about this. After all, the position of the Chu army in the coalition was only an assisting position, not a real battle. In this regard, they can only accept such a state.

Inside the Mon Island Naval Command. In the first stage of operations, the South Korean Navy is mainly responsible for the beach landing operations. One Marine Corps battalion will act as the vanguard for landing operations, and the second echelon will serve as supplementary units. Two infantry battalions will follow. According to the plan, the Marine Corps will open up the entire landing operation. The two Army infantry battalions will not participate. fighting.

"Our plan is like this." Rear Admiral Zhang Ken introduced. He has twelve gunboats under him, and each of these gunboats is equipped with four 75mm guns. They will provide the main fire support. Of course, they will carry out fire coverage at the beginning. After the fire coverage, the Marines will land and operate.

"Our six gunboats will provide fire protection and destroy the Yueshi fortifications in coastal areas. According to our understanding, there is an infantry company stationed there. The defense is not very difficult. This is not very difficult for us. It is not a great threat. Then, our other six gunboats will approach and shoot at some tenacious targets. In that case, the entire landing operation will be carried out perfectly." Major General Zhang Ken is very good. Speaking with confidence. For such a plan, he personally values ​​it very much. Because of the support of a powerful naval fleet of gunboats, this will put them in a very advantageous state. The navy officer was very confident about this. The army officers didn't care about the whole plan because they had little to do with them.

The navy’s gunboat is actually a warship that is 2,500 tonnage larger than that of the destroyer. This type of warship is not differentiated according to the new division. The speed of the gunboat is much lower than that of the destroyer, and the maximum speed is only 19 knots. The cruising speed is less than twelve knots, and the power provided is not great. But their firepower is still relatively good. They were simply modified on Zhang Xiong Island. In fact, this gunboat is a temporary product, and a large number of them are equipped on the Western naval fleet.

The area controlled by the Western Navy fleet is very large, and the number of warships they need will be very large. However, the Ministry of the Navy will not provide them with too many warships. Their needs are here. The most important point is that they Many related issues need to be resolved. There are too many disputes in this area. Even if the warships are evenly distributed, the distribution cannot be carried out. Under such conditions, the Western Navy Fleet Headquarters proposed to transform some merchant ships. Most of these gunboats were converted from merchant ships, and their defense capabilities were almost zero, but they were stronger. Seventy-five millimeter artillery with firepower. Four 75mm artillery and some auxiliary artillery can provide strong firepower in support, which can be regarded as an emergency product. Fortunately, there are no strong naval opponents in this area. Chu and Zhao have fewer naval capital ships in this area.

These auxiliary warships can also play a certain role even when they meet the opponent. This can only be regarded as an emergency product, but now such an emergency product needs to carry out large-scale fire support, and the South Korean Navy has shown great confidence.

However, the Army does not care about this.

"Just send us ashore. As for the battle, my soldiers will do it themselves." Major General Zheng Lin said. Regarding the navy, the conflict between the army and the navy will continue to extend, but Zheng Lin does not plan to seize the command of the other side, because they are in the second echelon. According to the plan, they will not fight here.

As long as this can be guaranteed, it is good.

Golden Beach, this is the beach chosen by the Korean army. This beach does look beautiful, but the draft here is shallow. It is impossible for Korean warships to reach here. However, the sea in the distance is relatively deep, so I will land here. If it is, it may be a better choice.

Wang Si is a captain Yue's officer with glasses, he is enjoying the beauty of the beach here. He can fish, blow the sea breeze, read books, everything is so beautiful, natural, this is a very nice place. He was the captain of the fifth company of the second battalion of Yue's 17th Infantry Regiment. Their troops were temporarily recruited. There were many recruits, and only a few sergeants had fought. He was promoted to a company commander because of his high level of education. His theoretical literacy was indeed good, but he had never fought, but Defending such an area, their chief is more at ease, because in the eyes of their chief, the Koreans would never put a large number of troops into landing operations here. And he himself was very satisfied.

The number of the company was less than 100, with only 91 soldiers, plus less than 100 officers. The weapons they were equipped with were only two machine guns, and one of them could not be fired because many weapons had been removed. Before the formation of the army, many people were still doing their own work. There were carpenters, blacksmiths, merchants, railroad workers, and small company employees. In short, they came from all walks of life. And he himself is also the principal of a small town school, with one hundred and twenty students, and his students are more than the soldiers in his company. He is good at reading, poetry, and writing. In short, he looks like a war officer. But his soldiers liked him, because his gentleness disgusted his rude officer.

It looks like a woman, so he is arranged here. Garrison here to defend the South Korean army for landing operations. Their position has long been dug. However, their non-commissioned officers were not at ease, and madly asked their men to dig new positions, because many of them had never fought, and the training time would not exceed seven days.

"Sir, we need to make arrangements for the wounded soldiers. They need to recover. At the same time, we also need some better food for them. The doctor said that they need a lot of nutrients to recover." A second lieutenant officer reported to Wang Si.

"Yeah. I see. These can be given to them. There are some small thatched huts behind the position. Those are the houses of the locals. If possible, I think they can be provided to them. In this way, their situation will be obtained. Very good protection." Wang Si didn't say anything after signing the order. This is the wounded soldiers sent here from above. There are more and more wounded soldiers. They were supposed to be sent to the country, but he didn't know the specific reason, and they were sent here. Perhaps these wounded soldiers need a better environment to recover. The environment here is indeed good. At least for soldiers, it is a very good place to recover. This should be very good. He thought so.

More and more wounded soldiers were sent to him from above. These wounded soldiers came from battles in the coastal area. 2% of the wounded were severely wounded, and the rest were lightly wounded. The trauma of the war made them depressed, and His men would never visit those wounded soldiers. Because they will get angry nervously and laugh at them as a group of people who have never fought. They have all experienced **** wars. Wars have made their nerves extremely sensitive. For those who have never fought, their actions are simply an insult. Therefore, ridicule, such things come to them. In other words, it is already very light.

"Is there anything else?" Wang Si asked while looking at the ensign who was not going to leave with the report.

"Sir, they decided to tell you something, sergeant," the second lieutenant said.

"What, what? Is it because the Koreans are going to land. Okay. Let them rest assured that if the Koreans want to call, our superiors will tell us." Captain Wang Si said disapprovingly. He believes that such a thing is impossible, because such a thing looks very funny. how can that be. When the war broke out, it broke out. This is absolutely impossible.

"Sir, I think it's better for us to pay attention. After all, the sergeant has observed South Korean warships patrolling here, and they seem to have stayed a little longer. They think they will definitely land here, and we should be careful. , Or make relevant preparations." The ensign said.

"Okay. I know, don't worry them too much about this kind of thing. I already know it. Let them be prepared, or let them let the soldiers dig more trenches and let them be free. That's it. . I agree to their plan." Captain Wang Si waved his hand and said. He couldn't say anything about military deployment, because he only learned how to fight in theory, and it is better for the sergeants to do specific things. They have fought and have certain experience. At the same time, find them something to do.

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