"This beach is really good. Sir." Zhong Limei's captain's adjutant said to his leader excitedly. He felt that this was a holiday resort, not a good place for war. Such a place was too wasteful for them.

"Well, this is indeed the case, but the problem is that such a place is not a good place for us, because we are here to fight. Everything is the same." Zhong Limei said. The captain squashed his mouth and felt helpless. He felt very boring when he met such an officer who wanted to fight.

"Okay. To establish the headquarters, we need to assemble the team. Our task is not easy at all. We have to advance a long distance. This distance is very torturous for us." Zhong Limei said. . His subordinates had no choice but to agree.

With the success of the beach landing, the Han-Chu coalition forces began to quickly assemble their forces. They decided to insert themselves behind the Yueshi. As long as they occupy a commanding height and establish an artillery position there, everything will become very easy. However, Zhong Limei believed that the next battle was the cruelest time. This is how war is. It will only make sense to continue.

Western Regions, a small town along the train line of the Qin State. There are more and more small town residents here. Due to the war, the Qin army’s reliance on logistical supplies is very high. Because the town is close to the northern part of the sky, it can also transport a lot of copper mines from Dawan. The copper here The mining and reprocessing industry is very developed. Many local slaves have turned into laborers. They have their own houses and their own wages. At the same time, they can obtain loans from the bank to make their status as citizens of the State of Qin. They also have the right to vote. , This makes them very proud.

Because of the large number of copper mines and the development of the copper processing industry, some arsenals of the Qin State have set up sub-factories here to produce some gunpowder from the country, and then transport them here, where they are filled, processed and produced a large number of bullets. Some artillery shell factories also set up branch factories here, because they not only need to meet the needs of the Qin army, they also export related products to Anxi, Dawan, as long as there is a war, they will sell such equipment, as long as It’s okay to make money. Nothing else at all.

This is the area under the jurisdiction of Xiaowangzhou. Xiaowangzhou has a large area, equivalent to two areas of the traditional Qin State, and twelve areas as large as Guanzhong, but its population is less than 120,000, so slaves are added. It is far from reaching the requirement of 200,000 people. This is fatal to the economy of Little Wangzhou.

Therefore, Xiaowangzhou has introduced some population laws that comply with this state. In addition to encouraging people to give birth, they also used local Westerners who were originally slaves to provide some jobs through some special redemption policies, such as pollution and copper refining, which is very harmful to human health. These slaves from the Western Regions would do it, because they made a lot of money, and they could redeem their identities from bank loans. With this status, they can be codified into legal citizens, and they also have the right to vote and to be elected, which is very important. In this way, the development of local industrial and commercial capitalism will provide sufficient labor, and at the same time accelerate the process of urbanization, because more and more slaves originally on farms are concentrated in small towns, and some special small towns are developing rapidly. They are going to become a new city. In fact, some small towns have become small cities. For example, Sancha Town has become a new city named Jiaocheng. That is because they are connected to important railway hubs and built cities. Such cities are not alone in the Western Regions. On the contrary, there are many more. More and more cities have been established due to factors such as resources, transportation, and population advantages. Places where people gather are gradually becoming cities. This is a Development trend.

"War has brought opportunities. The opportunities for the development of our cities, wars require a lot of things, supplies, food, cans, and related ammunition. There are also transport carriages, vehicles, these are all needs, and we It is possible to build such a large factory, and we have low prices in terms of population, because those slave citizens will find ways to redeem their free status, they can do several jobs by themselves, in order to make money, for their citizenship. At the same time, they You also need to feed yourself. Feeding yourself will generate a lot of market demand. This is consumption.” A city councilman told reporters this way. The war against Yueshi did stimulate the development of the city. But this only speeds up this urban process.

Previously, all cities and towns in the Western Regions already had such conditions. The war was only a catalyst, catalyzing them to complete the process of urbanization as soon as possible. Qin’s trade with Dawan, Anxi, Tochar, and Yueshi greatly stimulated the development of industry and commerce in the region, and the export of trade allowed a large number of people to concentrate on production. The demand of the population forced the local government to let go of restrictions on population conditions. For example, many of them were slaves. In order to obtain better and more labor, the local government had to take some special measures. For example, as He Shangwen expected, adopting the policy of redemption to free slaves has the advantage of allowing them to complete the transformation of their own identity as much as possible, and at the same time making the states of the Western Regions more attractive and financial surpluses. Encouraging further improvement is a very good thing for the Qin government.

However, the Guanzhong area blocked the process of this method in a very narrow way, but the local state government would not care about these. In their opinion, as long as the local economic development is promoted, everything can be negotiated. On the contrary, if it is because of the difference between slaves. They would not agree to the economic recession that caused them to be treated in a way that was not treated properly. Shangwen himself is not clear about why some state governments in the border areas have acted like this. This can be regarded as a disguised support for him, but Shangwen is still unable to promote the Qin State on a large scale to absorb new peoples to supplement his own people. Development and narrow national consciousness make Shang Wen helpless.

Shangwen's idea is to gradually absorb those countries outside the management of Qin, such as Dawan and Tocharuo through gradual development. And in countries like Anxi, their economy is gradually getting closer to the Qin State. Such closeness will make them extremely passive, and then gradually make their economy single and become a reliable development economy. This is Shang Wen This idea will make Qin’s economy more attractive. Unfortunately, some people cannot see this.

At a private reception for a councillor in Shah, it was difficult to do this kind of reception before, because the Shah government was very poor at that time, and the poor had to mortgage their land and the army. But now, their situation has changed a lot. Many people have become wealthy. They cooperated with Qin State merchants, Qin State Bank, and Dawan merchants to jointly develop oil and oil output, so that they became rich. To get rich, resources bring a lot of money. They are naturally rich. After they are rich, they naturally have to enjoy the previous, and such a party will also provide them with such an opportunity to become famous.

"At that time, our condition was very bad, you know? At that time, we ate canned food every day, and our stomachs were very uncomfortable when we ate it. Let me eat canned food today, and I will vomit it soon." The commander-general said this to a large group of admired women. In his opinion, this is an important part of moving women and gaining their hearts.

"Oh my God, that kind of life is too boring, if I don't eat bread every day, I can't survive." The women said excitedly. Major General Anxi happily approached women. This is an opportunity. However, for such officers who are interested in women, members of parliament will not care about this. In their opinion, women are like clothes. These women can come as long as they have money. Last but not least, they are concerned about the economy. Is how they make money.

"The Persians in the west are fighting very lively. But our government is not yet capable of recovering our resting place, because our military and economic power have not yet reached that point." A member of the Diet said. He has a fresh understanding of the country’s security situation. He knows what they lack and what they need. They need security, a security situation that can make them very safe.

"I think we can solve such a problem without spending too much money." A businessman walked over to participate at this time.

"Oh. There is such a good thing?" the congressman asked puzzledly. Many of this country is controlled by the Military Party. The Parthian Military Party is the largest party in the country. If you want to become a rich man, you must have close ties with these parliamentarians and the Military Party. Otherwise you won't make a fortune.

"Of course. Arms business and wars naturally require a lot of guns and ammunition. What I know is that the Koreans are selling a lot of rifles to the Persians. The weapons they fight with Seth come from. The same thing, we It can also be done. As long as we support them and provide them with arms, the Persians will continue to fight. In this way, we will not only make money, but also spend little money, because the less they fight, the more they fight, it will kill people. Yes." Said the businessman.

"Well, it sounds very good, but we are very strange, why do you want to tell us such a thing?" the other party asked puzzled.

"Because I want to do this kind of business, smuggling, it won't make much money, but if I can do business on a large scale, I think it will be beneficial to all parties." The businessman said.

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