Tula Town, another fifty kilometers past this town, there is a road and a railway passing there, but they must pass through Tula Town, which is a dying town with slow economic development, and many places still maintain Yueshi People’s ancient way of life, grazing for a living, they are settling down, but this era is developing too fast, it is as fast as forgetting them. It was not until the Karachi army arrived here that they broke the road they should have developed and burned, killed and looted. The Karachi people ruined all this.

The town of Tula soon burned into a big fire, billowing thick smoke, which can be seen from a few kilometers away. If you listen carefully, the wind may still carry the screams and screams of the victims of the tragedy.

"Damn Karachi people, they only do this." Meng Hao scolded while riding on his horse. For Karachi people, he has no good feelings at all now, he feels that they are just a group of robbers. I originally looked at them very honestly, or dumb. But after killing and committing a crime, everything about them changed. They become fond of killing, committing crimes, and doing many, many things. For example, they like to rob the Yueshi people, even women’s underwear and underwear have to be snatched away. Only lunatics would do this.

"Hehe, I think they are doing very well. We are helping the Karachi people and should not be blamed. For them, this is a good opportunity for them to vent." Zhou Ming said disapprovingly. On the contrary, he felt that he should actively encourage the Karachi people to do this, because only by doing so can they prove that they have their own talents, and only in this way can they show that they have become a new and important military force. In his opinion, only those who are extremely vicious and daring to rob and kill are the best soldiers. But Meng Hao didn't look at it this way, because such a person was just a straggler.

"Okay. Let's not talk about this. Let's talk about our views on the situation of the war. We have entered the territory of Yuezhi for two hundred kilometers. This distance has expanded the territory of the Karachi people by more than twice. They should thank us, after all. We brought them land." Zhou Ming felt that the Karachi people should thank him well, because it was him who helped them seize many important areas. These areas are very important to them.

"This is not important. The important thing is the logistics supply. You look at our logistics supply situation." Meng Hao shook his head and said.

"Logistics supply, very good, a lot of food can be solved locally, why should we send it from the rear?" the other party asked puzzled. He thinks that Meng Hao’s brain has some problems. Although the war needs logistics supplies to solve some problems, the problem is that they don’t have to do this at all, because they will rob the locals and rob a lot of food. A good solution, but they still lack some ammunition, but the intensity of the battle now is very low, and ammunition has always been rich, he sees it this way.

"Except for a very small number of troops that can rely on railroads to obtain sufficient supplies, our soldiers simply cannot get so many supplies. The Yueshi roads are good, but most of the roads are bad. This is a very bad situation for us." Meng Hao saw the potential danger of the Karachi army that was advancing too fast. Such a danger does exist. Their logistical supplies cannot keep up, and they are still such a large army. At present, they still have an army of 60,000 and a supplement of 40,000 troops from the rear. They are advancing together with the remaining 20,000 troops. Such a large army requires very large logistical supplies, but Karachi unilaterally believes that As long as the railway is captured, all problems can be solved. This is a ghost idea.

"This problem is not what we think. We can solve this problem quickly and easily. Railway. We have more locomotives to solve this problem. Don't worry, my captain, this matter will be solved soon. "Yes." The other party assured him with ease. This made Meng Hao even more worried.

"Bang. Bang. Bang. Suddenly." Just as the two men were discussing the battle, the sudden gunshot broke their discussion, which made them have to stop and consider their current situation.

"Damn it, what happened?" Zhou Ming asked unclearly.

"Sir, I think it should be an attack by people nearby. Their town has suffered a lot of damage. We often encounter such things." The sergeant explained. Hearing the gunfire seemed to be fierce. Zhou Ming thought to himself. The guerrillas are more than just such a squad, his number has never been known. Because as long as there is killing, there will be resistance, and various degrees of resistance will increase the offensive burden of their Karachi people.

The gunshots have been fierce, so intense that they thought things were dangerous, but soon, the gunshots gradually subsided, and only occasionally would they hear it.

"I don't know what's going on?" Meng Hao took out his telescope and said.

"Da da da." At this moment, a rider came over on a horse that was not very obedient. The Karachi people also established their own cavalry unit, but their skills are really not good. Maybe they can only hire some The Shazhou cavalry can solve this problem. Otherwise, they are unlikely to receive strong cavalry support. Meng Hao has the same view on this. But for them now, these cavalry are enough. Because they are only responsible for liaison between some units, the reconnaissance missions are very few.

"Sir, there is nothing ahead. We just encountered some slight resistance." The rider reported very simply.

"Well. Very good, you guys did a good job." Zhou Ming said. And Meng Hao didn't believe it at all, the ghost knew what was going on. The gunfire was so intense, so intense that it was hard to believe. Meng Hao decided to go check it out. He soon learned something. This is another guerrilla group, but their target was the Karachi who were marching. They carried a lot of trophies, which made them a little bit overwhelmed. , Karachi attacked them, but their weapons were terrible. There are only a few rifles, most of them are old-fashioned muskets, which are powerful, but their range is too close. The significance of the battle was not great, but they still launched an attack tenaciously. They also launched a charge, which once caused a lot of trouble to the Karachi soldiers, but the situation soon changed. The reason is that a large number of soldiers solved this problem. The rifles and submachine guns in their hands showed the power they should have, and the guerrilla attack was futile. Their offense was completely suicidal in nature.

Behind a highway. A Karachi supply convoy composed of twelve carriages was attacked. A bullet first hit a coachman in the neck, and blood sprayed out directly.

"Damn it. Is this the soldier you trained? How can you shoot without an order? Damn." Captain Yankee cursed. He was very annoyed about this because it severely disrupted his ambush plan. According to the plan, the Karachi supply convoy had to enter the ambush before it could shoot, but the problem was that it hadn’t entered the ambush. Someone shot. This situation made him very annoyed, because he had clearly told them to obey his orders. command. The order is more than everything, and as a result, something like this still happened.

"I'm sorry, sir, I don't know why they did this. You know, they are just a group of recruits." The sergeant explained embarrassingly.

"Okay. Damn it quickly. After three shots, we are about to launch an attack." Captain Yankee said impatiently. In this regard, he has lost patience and confidence, which will cause him a heavy loss. He disliked the other party so much.

"Yes, sir." The sergeant quickly picked up the gun and took aim. The sudden blow surprised the Karachi guards. They didn't expect to encounter an attack. Many people panicked and didn't know what to do. They have not been clear about what they should do.

"Bang, bang." The sergeant pulled the gun and aimed at the Karachi. His marksmanship was good, at least the best in it, but other marksmanship was too bad. Some of them shot indiscriminately before aiming. It sounded like a lively scene, but very few people were killed.

"Charge. Kill." On the other side, the guerrillas had already launched an attack. They rushed down with their bayonet rifles. From the angle they were supposed to be in the rear, in this case, they could completely surround the Karachi people, but as a result, they directly rushed down, not only did not surround the opponent, but blocked their shooting angle. This made Captain Yan Kee really want to go up and down them, because their random attack directly disrupted his ambush plan, which made him feel very passive, but he was helpless.

"Damn it, mount the bayonet and charge." The captain ordered helplessly. He really wants to give the opponent a moment when the battle is over, so that he can release the dissatisfaction in his heart. These **** guys are too wanton. They have to pay for their actions. It's really annoying. The captain thought.

They had to launch an offensive, because if there is only one way, the Karachi people can hold on. But with two offenses, their defense will soon collapse, and they don't need to think about it to know such things. War has always been like this. Fight one more, and it will naturally be easy to accomplish this kind of thing.

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