Captain Yankee’s ambush was quite successful. After all, they killed twelve Karachi people and got ten carts of ammunition. The other two carts had some weapons and some supplies that the officers needed. These things were very good for him. it works.

However, Captain Yankee was very dissatisfied with his men, because they did not obey orders. If it weren't for the Karachi people's resistance is not very tenacious, maybe their plan of ambush has failed. But they still talked about it, believing that fighting is nothing more than that. Those Karachi people can shoot down like targets. For them, they have passed the most difficult hurdle. Psychological factor this level. But the situation is still very bad for them, because they are too optimistic.

War requires discipline, but they easily won the war, which made many guerrillas blindly believe that they could achieve a great victory. In this regard, they expressed their extreme dissatisfaction with Captain Yankee. In their view, their chief is superfluous. What a ridiculous ambush.

The effects of the two ambush operations are different, largely depending on their household registration objects. On the front line, the target of their ambush is the real army. They are soldiers who are advancing. They have a strong alertness and strong combat effectiveness. At the rear, the Karachi supply line is getting longer and longer. Make it difficult for them to further resume their supply mission. In such a situation, their condition is naturally bad. Ambush them will surely be successful. Because their defensive forces are getting weaker and weaker, it is not that the guerrillas are strong, nor is it that the war is only so, but the enemy has become weaker.

Captain Yang Kee had a clear understanding of this, he realized. Their position has hit the Karachi people so well, but he doesn't want to think so. In their view, it's just their luck. If you continue to maintain this attitude, next time, no one will guarantee such good luck, and he feels very annoyed about this.

Over the moon’s sky, two modified wild boar bomber airships are flying slowly. Their height is only two kilometers. This height is enough for them to see the situation on the moon’s ground because they don’t need to carry more aerial bombs. , As long as they are equipped with a certain aerial camera, they can fly, so they can go deep into Yuezhi territory up to more than 500 kilometers. If necessary, they can venture into the farthest distance of 700 kilometers, so the distance is still very safe, because they In the ammunition compartment, it was not a bomb, but a large amount of fuel.

The two airships were code-named Fliggy No. 1 and Fliggy No. 2 respectively. Because the body of their airship is like the belly of a huge wild boar, such bombing airships are called wild boars, but pilots prefer to call him flying pigs because they fly in the sky.

There were eight other airships performing similar tasks. Qin State modified twelve such airships. They were distributed from various angles. As for what they wanted to detect, they didn't know what they were doing. They were just performing tasks.

"Look below, who are those people?" A flying lieutenant suddenly saw many long lines on the ground. They were advancing slowly, looking like a large army, but carefully holding a telescope. If you look at it, you can tell that those are not soldiers.

"We need to lower some altitude, only then can we detect exactly what is going on." said the pilot captain officer on the side. He decided to lower the altitude and fly, so that they can obtain a more reliable reconnaissance effect.

"But sir, those Yue people will not shoot us if we are shot down." The lieutenant said to his officer worriedly. He thought it was a risk. Indeed, there is still an unknown air force in Yueshi. Qin Jun learned from the captured files that Yueshi Air Force had destroyed a large number of airships. They saw a large number of airships. The wreckage, however, still has an airship missing and its whereabouts are unknown, according to the recorded files. This airship has caused them various disasters many times. This makes them very worried that they will encounter such an airship attack again, after all, this is an air combat. In response to this, the Qin Army also took some emergency measures. For example, they mobilized a fighter squadron from the Guanzhong area to fight, but how much effect a squadron can play, and where the airship is, they simply don’t. know.

"If that's the case, I suggest that you go back and buy a welfare lottery ticket. In that case, you can win the jackpot. If that's the case, I will buy one too. I won't be the **** air commander. "The captain said. The lieutenant nodded helplessly. According to the captain who agreed, it is very difficult to find an airship in a large air area. In addition to the poor communication conditions, not every airship has radio equipment, and the radio equipment must function normally. To be effective, a certain amount of technology is needed. Without these, they would simply not be able to do this.

Until now, they feel that air combat is so difficult, not only to find the enemy, but also to fight as much as possible. This is a very difficult thing.

The two wild boar bombing airships began to lower their height. They lowered to a height of 500 meters. When they lowered their height for reconnaissance and taking pictures, the Yue people on the ground were still very panicked. They scattered and avoided. It is very unfavorable. If such a thing does happen, it will be a huge disaster for them. However, the airship still didn't know the situation. They didn't know why these Yue people wanted to flee, where they were going, and the direction was north, but the north was the area occupied by the Qin army. Where else could they go? The reconnaissance airship had to continue heading south. The radio communication is temporarily out of the distance that can be contacted.

In Wang Ben's headquarters, life here is so peaceful, like the life of a month nobleman, but Wang Ben doesn't like this place, because it is not exciting enough, he is a soldier. But the government will not let them continue to make further actions.

"Have you contacted those **** Yue government?" Wang Ben asked his communications staff.

"Without an officer, since yesterday, the Yue government’s communications have been in a state of cessation, and the wired cable seems to have been cut off by the other party. We don’t know what happened and the radio cannot be sent out because the other party does not have such equipment. Even if there is, the distance is too far." The staff officer replied.

"Oh. I see. These **** Yue people." Wang Ben cursed, asking him to contact the **** Yue people, but the Yue people suddenly didn't know where to go. They don't even know what to do.

On the golden beach, the Chu army and the South Korean army continued to gather here, and then marched towards the north. The resistance of the Yue people was gone. In other words, they didn't want to resist at all, because the prisoners of war they captured explained that they didn't want to resist at all, and didn't want to fight at all. Their chief was also extremely disgusted with this war.

"So far, our progress has been very smooth. South Korea’s pioneers, the South Korean Marines, have advanced fifty kilometers. As long as they advance ten kilometers, they can enter the target area. For us, to capture there, Establishing the artillery position, everything is over. We can be condescending and bombard the positions of the Yue people, and everything will be over." Zhong Limei wrote in his diary. Zhong Limei's view is more promising, after all, they are moving forward as planned. The Koreans think so too. They are very hopeful about this.

The offensive of South Korea's Chu army is underway, and the confrontation between Zhao Jun and Yue's army is still going on. The whole war has become a kind of boring consumption and torture.

"Every day people die, and we are already numb to it. It seems that we don’t know how to live without dying some people every day. Some good people and brave people become numb, and some abnormal things are happening at the same time. There are more soldiers deserting, self-mutilation, and desertion. This is definitely a bad phenomenon." Li Kaizhi wrote in his notebook. He recorded in detail everything that happened here every day, because this is a very boring opinion thing, if you wait here, many people will be tortured.

The pressure of war and the long-term depressive atmosphere of life have caused many soldiers to suffer from a certain degree of mental illness. This is definitely not caused by the timidity of the soldiers, because there are many brave soldiers among them, some of whom are not. I believe that such brave people will also be deserters. In fact, they are just a group of poor people. The cruel war makes them very stimulated and shocked in this way, and this kind of attack is a breakdown in a person's spiritual world. , On the surface they are very numb. But in fact, they have reached the brink of collapse. Once something is overly stimulated, such as the sacrifice of their best comrades, or the tragic death of the opponent’s fire, or the close-range feeling of the death of war. In an instant, a certain unknown moment broke their spiritual world. In this regard, they are all aware of this. But such things happened again and again, and their chiefs could only use the strictest military laws to deal with them. Some people were pitifully executed just like that. The war is like this, Li Kai didn't think such a thing should happen, the soldiers were too tired. They need to rest, rest. In this case, many problems can be solved. But no one wants to listen to such things.

The Suez Canal Company, this company was established in the city of Suez, but the city has not been well rebuilt, and the efficiency is very low. Some smuggling trade activities are slowly becoming active. After all, the North has a great deal of special commodities. The demand for arms, silk, cotton cloth, glass mirrors, tea, porcelain and so on. As long as the goods from South Korea and the Kingdom of Chu can be shipped to the north, they can be exchanged for large amounts of gold and silver to earn a lot of money.

"We need more slaves. Such a huge project requires a lot of manpower, and we estimate that manpower requires at least one million labor." A middle-aged engineer said after the estimated results.

"Only in this way can we open it up in a short time. Of course. This needs to be constructed in stages." said the assistant engineer on the side.

"There are not so many people, if I have one, I will give it to you. Such a problem will not be solved for us." A project leader said.

"In this case, our affairs will be difficult," said the middle-aged engineer.

"Yeah. But we need some solutions. Maybe we can get some ideas from the slave market in the South, although it is not very far, of course. If you can come up with some solutions, I can also adopt them." Project leader People said.

Sori in the south has become a larger black slave market, and some black slaves have been transported from the south by merchant ships around the Cape of Good Hope, and these slaves will be let to provide them with some new labor. But the price of these labors is higher because they need to travel a long distance, and this distance is bound to push up the price of slaves. At the same time, the demand became larger and the price of slaves rose, naturally the same.

"The above suggestion is to let the Shazhou cavalry find a way. They can run far away, capture local lovers, and work. In this way, we can solve this problem. However, in this case, it will cost and The cost of buying and selling some slaves in the South is the same, and the problem still cannot be effectively solved." The project leader told the other party some news very frankly. The news comes from their senior management.

"If we let Aijiren do such a thing by ourselves, we can rely on trade to do this." The engineer assistant on the side said at this time.

"Shut up, you don't need to make suggestions here." The middle-aged engineer said to the assistant behind him annoyed.

"Let’s talk about it, young people, we must give them a certain opportunity. When I was as old as him, a big man listened to my opinion, and I have what I am today. I think it is still necessary to give them some advice today. , In this way, they can become like us." The other party said.

"If we trade in exchange for those slaves, our costs can be further reduced. In that case, our canal can go on. Because our costs don't cost much." The assistant said.

"Very good idea." The person in charge nodded and said.

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