The middle-aged engineer looked at his assistant with disgust. He opposed this because it would make the canal extremely dirty or disgusting.

But it is indeed possible to achieve this goal through trade. Industrial products are not a valuable thing for trading companies. As long as there are enough shipping vessels, they can dump these products non-stop, but the question is how to To solve this problem in terms of transportation and payment methods, we must know that most of the gold and silver in the countries of love and some northern countries have been transported here. South Korea and Chu's trade have always been in a trade surplus. This kind of trade is extremely important to them, but as the dumping of goods expands further, a problem has arisen. If Aiji and some countries in the north can't make a comeback in the trade confrontation, their situation will become very bad. At that time, they will not have any gold to use. This is a very bad situation, and who knows what will happen if this situation continues to develop.

At this time, the slave-for-commodity plan proposed by the assistant met exactly this point. Moreover, for the low-end Aiji and some northern countries, they could only agree to such a trade request. In this case, it would be very difficult. The labor problem is solved.

The person in charge will naturally be happy. Because the value of the commodity is not great, they can achieve their goals through such a scissors gap, and at the same time solve a difficult problem in a transportation and construction project, which is for them. It's not very difficult.

But the middle-aged engineer opposed this. After inspecting the construction site, he saw the slaves who had been exhausted alive and the forced laborers. They had no human rights at all. They ate very little every day, but did a lot of work. Many people are exhausted. To build a one-kilometer canal, more than a hundred people will die. If the entire canal is dug out, then we don’t know how many people will die. The middle-aged engineer knows that if he does this, millions of people may die here in this canal. This is a huge disaster. The death of so many people will make him feel that this is impossible. It is also something that should not be done. Therefore, he is opposed to doing such a thing. This kind of thing is difficult for him to solve.

But the assistant believes that the construction of such a canal is a historic project and a very meaningful thing. This is for an engineer. This may be a life-long thing. He didn’t want to give up such an opportunity. As for how many people died, those were slaves, and how many people they loved. They spent their lives for such a great project. That should be true. History is not. I will forget them. That's what the assistant thinks, and so does it.

The middle-aged engineer knows that there is such a method, but the reason is that his conscience has been condemned, but young people have their own dreams. This is beyond the control of middle-aged people, so such a plan appeared. For this plan, the person in charge feels that it is very appropriate, because they must complete the project as soon as possible, otherwise they will suffer heavy losses. In this way, the plan was initially put forward. The middle-aged engineer felt that everything was betrayed.

On the border between Anxi and the Persian state, whether the people of Anxi want it or not, they must maintain their own domestic peace and keep their country in a state of stable development. For this, they cannot conduct long-term foreign warfare. They know themselves too well. The power of it.

This country has gone through too many wars. Many people already hate war very much. If it continues, no one knows what the result will be, and no one knows what such a thing means. For them, this is a huge disaster. They cannot allow this to happen. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain peace on the border.

Regardless of personal emotions, this is the case.

The war between Persia and Rest was stopped. Both sides have such requirements. The Persians must unify their country, and several Persian armed forces have declared that they have control over Persia. If this is the case, a lot of chaos will be formed. They will remain unified, and war will become the last choice. At the same time, the Seth people also intervened. They have territorial and security needs. This is the Iranian plateau. The Persians occupy the high ground. They have a geographical advantage. The Seth people in the plains of the Mesopotamia, they are everywhere. Feeling insecure and intervening in the affairs of the Persians is their own demand and a choice they must make.

A series of armed struggles such as chaos, wars, violence, blood and so on are constantly staged, and this staged undoubtedly brought the prosperity of another market, the boom of the arms market. The Koreans are stingy, and the Persians think so, because the weapons provided by the Koreans are old. The power is not great, it can be said that the weapon is backward. A large number of flintlocks, smoothbore guns, and all kinds of old rifles were dumped here. The Persians spent some of their money, but they got some weapons that were not very powerful, which made them very good to the Koreans. Disappointed.

The Koreans have further expanded their shrewdness. However, the Persians lost their hope of them, and instead placed their weapon needs on the rest. Although they were once enemies, the Persians are now engaged in smuggling cooperation for their own unity, for the sake of stability, and for the sake of their money. Because everything is still not on the table, some government and military figures are also involved. , Because this is a huge profit.

The old-fashioned flintlock rifles can no longer meet the needs of the Persians. Although there are also some trap rifles, or fixed-mount rifles, the range of this rifle is not very far, but the distance of 100 steps has been increased on this basis. Although powerful, the range is still not enough. They really hope that there will be an overwhelming weapon. The range of this rifle can be increased a lot, while the rate of fire can be further improved. This is for them. This is too much a weapon in need.

The Sabbath army is equipped with a large number of bolt-action rifles, but this bolt-action rifle is not considered a successful weapon. This rifle has many problems, the shell is not very smooth, and the special plateau is also special in Central Asia. The weather here is a common occurrence of sand and dust storms, which makes the original defective weapons even more problematic. Therefore, this weapon is not a good weapon for the peace army. They feel that the Persians will need it because it has a fast rate of fire and a long range. Most importantly, this is the latest bolt-action rifle. It's much more advanced than their old-fashioned flintlocks. The Persians needed such weapons too much. They believed that this kind of weapon could help them gain an overwhelming advantage, so the arms smuggling trade was formed.

Of course. The arms dealers of the State of Qin also continue to provide parts for this weapon. These parts are manufactured by Zhao Guoxiao Machinery Factory, and some of the processes need to be completed manually. This inevitably guarantees that the parts will have large errors. But it can effectively guarantee the output.

As a result, a large number of weapons were assembled here. This is the first step to restore the peace arms industry. This part of the industrial products naturally needs some market. This is also the reason why some Qin businessmen continue to lobby the top leaders of the peace military party to launch the legal arms trade. Necessary steps, and only in this way, can this situation become more favorable.

The Parthians need to further evaluate the impact of related industries on them, as well as the drivers of the benefits brought about and other factors. For this, they feel that all this is worthwhile.

In the country of Seth, the Seth people finally found something that could replace gold and be comparable to cultural relics. Oil, although it seems that this kind of thing is as cheap as water, but it is in a large quantity, and the cost of mining is not very large. They can bear it well, as long as they are transported out continuously, they can quickly make up for it. Their financial vacancies, this is for them. This is the best thing.

Petroleum resources have become the best and most direct way for them to make up for their fiscal deficits. They can directly transport a large amount of oil in exchange for a large amount of funds. These funds can help them buy a lot of things. Grain can be produced by themselves. The Koreans will be transported by ships, and the weapons do not need to be produced. They can buy more advanced weapons. This is the best way to maintain their status and military power. All of this is very beneficial to them. , The premise is that they must live with so many oil resources.

Trade is becoming more and more. Although there are conflicts and problems, it is more of development. It is the best way to promote the exchange of materials and make up for the shortage. The people of Qin need it, the Koreans need it, and the Zhao people need it. For such things, trade is promoting connections and exchanges between countries. This is a huge contribution to the world, although various problems will arise behind it.

For example, the inequality of trade transactions, the prices of many raw materials have been deliberately lowered. However, the prices of some industrial products have been deliberately boosted. At the same time, trade is not equal, and the benefits of both parties are unlikely to be balanced, but it is this difference that promotes the further development of trade. At the same time, let the world become more advanced. The credit of trade is inseparable, because it is he who gradually connects the whole world piece by piece. Without these words, the world is fragmented and isolated.

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