The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3448: The future of the Yuezhi people

Yueshi. Li Di's temporary cabinet, his original cabinet has been disbanded. However, the parliament has to let his cabinet continue to perform its functions, because the parliament currently cannot elect a suitable person to replace his cabinet. In this case, Li Di’s temporary cabinet must continue to perform their cabinet functions.

However, their temporary cabinet has arrived in a small town close to the area occupied by the Qin army. Telegraph lines and radio communications are being restored, because Karachi people approached them, they must seek a safe distance, only in this way, the government can save it.

"The current situation is very bad for us. Prime Minister." The Minister of Defense said worriedly. There is bad news everywhere. To the west, the Karachi people are slaying fiercely. They can hardly resist the fierce attack of the opponent, because there is no force to stop them. In that direction, the Yue army is only garrisoning a few important targets. Troops, a bridge, and a railway station. In such a place, Yue's army can be stationed in at most one platoon. All of them may not reach the strength of two battalions. Such a small number of troops cannot resist the Karachi attack. Everyone is clearly aware of this. Everyone knows it, but none of them can solve this problem.

"I know this. The question is, where can we get more soldiers, troops?" Li Di said.

"Our only way is to recruit them forcibly, for our own country, to participate, and only in this way can we let them defend their homeland." The Minister of Defense said.

"When I left, I got a reliable report. The report said that in some areas of the west, many of our areas have been treated inhumanly by the Karachi people. Such treatment can be said to be a treat for us. A huge disaster. But it also brought some opportunities. Some Yue people spontaneously formed some resistance organizations. Although they seemed to be stragglers, they continued to launch some attacks. Such attacks are still for us. There are good treatments." The Defense Minister said.

"It's useless. It's useless. They just launched some attacks in the rear. How many troops can this attract? The key factor is the front. Without enough troops, we can't build a frontal line of defense. If that's the case, , We can resist the offensive from Karachi, but the problem is that we don’t have so many troops. The only way is to draw from the south. At the same time, we will temporarily form some special troops.” Li Di said.

"This. But, this takes time." said the Secretary of Defense.

"Think of a way, now is a special time, we need such an opportunity. We must accept such an opportunity." Li Di said. For him, the government cabinet can continue to perform its functions is already a great opportunity. Maybe he can turn defeat into victory and turn the crisis into peace, but how to do this is still unclear.

Just then. A staff member of the Information Office submitted a new information report. The report came from Qin State, and Qin State repeatedly checked and sent the information and asked the Yue government to respond immediately. The content of the telegram is exactly the important telegram that Qin State hopes to reach a reconciliation with the Yue government. After Li Di saw it, his heart was ecstatic. Qin people only mentioned the restoration of the relationship. Although the following series of harsh conditions were not expressed, this was an important sign of good. How could Li Di not know this situation.

"Look at this, Qin people helped us solve the problem. This is too important for us. We need their help. This is an important opportunity for us. One opportunity, one. I don’t know what to do. The opportunity to talk about. It's too important." Li Di said excitedly. The Minister of Defense had read the telegram, but he did not see how many real forces, because on paper, their defense gaps still existed, and the entire Western Front had collapsed. The Yue government could not find more troops to fill such vacancies.

"I'll leave it to you here. I'm going to the north to talk about it, maybe it can bring some reinforcements, or maybe it can solve some problems. In short, find a way to solve this problem, understand?" Li Di patted the Minister of Defense on the shoulder Speaking of.

"This. Okay." The Secretary of Defense nodded helplessly. He really didn't know how to solve such a problem.

The Qin government adopted a slack foreign policy, and the Yue government, which was defeated by Karachi, had a glimmer of hope. After all, the Qin government doesn't like the Karachi government very much. Because their behavior is too shameless.

Inside Wang Ben's headquarters.

"According to our farthest aerial reconnaissance photos, the Yue people do not have any defensive lines that can be defended, and the Karachi people are also attacking frantically. Their logistics supply line is very long and long." The chief of staff told Wang Ben Speaking of.

"These lunatics, the Karachi people are very aggressive. If you look at their current speed, within half a month, the entire Moon Kingdom will enter the hands of the Karachi government." Wang Ben said.

"Sir, we must prevent such a situation from happening. We cannot see Karachi people causing such behavior. This is very unfavorable for us. From a political point of view, our government does not want such a thing to happen. This does not allow the Karachi people to get what they should be." The Chief of Staff said worriedly.

"This is not the military field, it is politics. Under such circumstances, I think you should find a way to solve this problem, otherwise, it will cause us a lot of trouble." Wang Ben said. For politics, the identity of military commanders is still relatively sensitive, and they are extremely sensitive to such information processing.

"These problems are left to the government to solve. Let's leave them alone. Sending a special military officer to quickly send this report to the Ministry of National Defense has exceeded our command authority. We need to do a lot of things. Solve this problem." Wang Ben said. For Karachi to advance too quickly, Wang Ben has no way. They have just occupied Liman. They need to rest and cannot attack excessively. Moreover, if they attack, their supply line will be lengthened. This is for them. Is the most unfavorable opportunity. Therefore, Wang Ben refuses such an offense. This is a huge risk for him. He does not want such a thing to happen. What he needs is a stable situation.

Qin State, Xianyang. Wang Ben's situation and concerns from South Korea were all sent to Shang Wen's desk.

"The situation is very bad for the Yue people. The Yue people did not lose under our attack, but lost to the Karachi attack. This is an irony." Meng Yi said.

"I also hope that this is an irony. Such irony illustrates the same situation, that is, these **** Karachi people are taking away what originally belonged to us." Shang Wen said.

"The South Korean government also has such concerns. After all, the Karachi government is not a government that is too much controlled by them. It seems that they are a little disobedient. The most important way is that such a country is a huge threat to us. They are rushing in frantically from the collapse of the Yueshi people’s west line. If this charge cannot be resisted, the whole Yueshi will be divided into three parts. We occupy the north, the middle, and a small part in the south. It will be controlled by the Karachi people, and what remains is the Indian state of Maharashtra, where there are still a large number of main forces. In this way, the property of the Yue people will be divided up.” Meng Yi said. To. Shang Wen nodded. Shangwen hopes to get more Yueshi area, because that is an important window to open the western market, especially for Karachi people. If they can connect with Karachi people, this situation will become very good.

"The problem is that we still can't further contact the Indian and Western regions, which will threaten us importing a large amount of oil from Port Seth, and important passages are still occupied by the Karachi people. This is a thing for us. Very big trouble. We must not let such trouble exist, otherwise, our situation will be very bad. This is a huge disaster for us." Meng Yi said.

"Yeah. I know this too, but the problem is that the western front of the Yueshi people is collapsing. They don't have enough troops to stop them. We still need the Yueshi people to provide some time, as long as they can hold on for a month, no, In twenty days, the situation may be very different." Shang Wen said.

"In addition, we also need to notify the South Korean side. After all, this is also closely related to the Koreans. This is an uncontrolled Karachi country. If they continue to do this, they will definitely cause us big trouble. The troubles will make our situation extremely bad. We must change such a situation, so that it will make our situation much better." Shangwen said.

"Yeah." After Meng Yi took a note, he nodded. Indeed, the Koreans and Karachis seem to be allies on the surface, and their relationship is fairly harmonious. However, Karachis are not under the control of Koreans, their economy is relatively independent, and their dependence on the Korean economy is not very high. The South Korean government is extremely annoyed, but it can do nothing. What will happen if the Karachi people expand their land a lot? Koreans can think of it with their toes, and they will get rid of the South Korean government. In that case, the South Korean government may use war methods. But this is impossible and the cost is too high.

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