The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3449: General mobilization order

Within the month of the Ministry of Defense. After the Minister of Defense thought for a while, Premier Li Di pushed everything to him. He was under a lot of pressure. He had to withstand the crazy offensive from Karachi, which seemed to be difficult for them. The thing, because it requires a lot of troops, but he doesn't have such a large number of troops in his hands, and the above will not give him such a large number of troops.

How to do? It seems that there is only one way to solve such a problem, and that is to issue a general mobilization order so that everyone can mobilize and participate in the war. If this is done, it will cause serious consequences, that is, quite a few. People will leave their economic posts and enter a state of military combat, and the power of military commanders will be greatly strengthened. This will have a very bad effect on the parliament. The balance of the whole society will be broken.

"Sir, are we going to do this?" The assistant on the side had been waiting for a long time. He has drawn up relevant orders. But such an order. But he was unable to issue it for a long time, which made him a little impatient. Moreover, the whole town is in chaos again, and many people think that the Karachi people will fight over soon and they will **** everything. The toilet will never be let go. Let alone women. He was worried about his wife. They hadn't been married for long. He didn't want the Karachi people to lie on his own woman. He was very anxious about this.

There are more rumors. escape. Flee to the north, even though it is already the territory of the people of Qin. But the people of Qin will protect them, so there is nothing to worry about. The people of Qin State protect the safety of private property. They don't have to worry about this. All they have to worry about is how to leave this ghost place, because this place is too messy. There are many people who are not clear about the next step, what kind of things will happen to them, disaster or what, in short, the situation is very bad for them. But his chief was unable to sign the order for a long time. In this case, he would not find a chance to go on a desertion.

"We will keep here, and I will bear all the responsibilities." The Minister of Defense turned around, picked up the pen, and quickly wrote his name on it. This order is effective.

"We will win," said the Secretary of Defense. His assistant just nodded mechanically. He felt that this was an impossible thing, the order would be communicated soon, and everyone would be mobilized.

In the small town of Dhaka, Colonel Dunkin looked at the chaotic street and shook his head. He was a fifty-year-old man. In the eyes of the Yueshi, he was already an old man. But he stubbornly believes that he is still young and he can do a lot of things. He is a retired Colonel Yue. Retiring at this age is nothing. He once commanded an infantry regiment and defeated the Indians and Karachis, but now he can't do anything.

There has been a lot of news on the street, most of which are rumors.

"Run. The Karachi army is about to start moving again." A woman nervously said to another woman holding a bag of rice. This is their last most valuable thing. The woman took her dowry in exchange for it. This may be the last food to save lives, in times of war. Food is much more useful than gold, and in the face of such a disaster, there is only this he can do.

"Damn it. Are Karachi people so terrible? You timid women." Dunkin scolded the woman loudly, annoyed, even though the voice was small and the street was chaotic. However, this retired colonel. But he went to the streets in his own military uniform, with a beautiful revolver pinned to his waist, which was presented to him by the officer of the State of Qin. Now he has to maintain his image. He felt that he should do something for this country.

"Here." The woman looked at the colonel with a crazy look.

"It is you who are chaotic, timid and afraid of death, that will let the Karachi people come in. We should resist them firmly and use our blood and death to deal with them. We still have bayonets. There are many more to fight. Young people. Take up arms. Against them, if you run away, you will be a group of corpses, a group of slaughtered corpses, and you, who will be stripped naked and insulted by the Karachi. We should fight and take up weapons. "Colonel Dunkin shouted loudly. His speech seems to be wonderful, but the current environment is very bad. No one likes a speech from a madman.

"Old hooligan, an unscrupulous guy." The two women scolded like this. In their opinion, this old man would actually say such a thing.

"Da da da." Just then. A gendarme cavalry quickly ran over here.

"Sir." The military police could not dismount, because it meant that there were important orders to be delivered. Deng Jin also saluted and responded quickly, this is the courtesy of the soldiers. He deserves the respect that soldiers deserve.

"Is the commander Colonel Dunkin?" the cavalry asked.

"Yes, I am Dunkin, what's the matter? The military police." Dunkin asked curiously. He didn't know what happened. Anyway, the situation seems very bad.

"Sir, it is a general mobilization order. You are mobilized to prepare for the establishment of an infantry division. This small town will provide you with enough soldiers. Now the chief is invited to serve as a commander on the town square." The military police reported.

"Okay, I'm going now." Dunkin was excited, an infantry division, in this case, he will regain command, which is the strength of an infantry division. This country is saved. He thought so. He was very excited about this.

"Disbanded, gendarme." Dunkin said quickly after taking the order.

"Yes, sir." The military police left quickly, and he needed to convey other orders. These officers are hard to find. May have left here, which makes the military police feel very troublesome, but this is the order. When the general mobilization order was issued. Everyone feels very troublesome. But this is an order.

Many women gathered around the square in the town. They were crying, some children were crying loudly, and some teenagers were also ordered to enter the military camp. They were registering, and many teenagers didn't know what happened. The students in the school are also organized. They simply handed out some armbands. They didn't know what the rest were doing. Anyway, they repeatedly listened to the general mobilization order issued by Yueshi. They must be mobilized. , Even, students from girls’ schools, female office workers in government agencies, and even the families of military officers were recruited, and the entire square was very chaotic.

The military police walked back and forth. They carried guns and kept order with their sticks in their hands. The scene was chaotic and they had to control the situation.

"The situation is very bad. Many mothers and wives ask us for their husbands, sons, lovers and so on." The town mayor’s assistant waved his arms helplessly and told of his suffering, because he had to do many things, but When the general mobilization order was issued. The gendarmerie was immediately dispatched. They blocked all roads, trains, bridges, and some roads were closed. They asked all villages to recruit all the people who were suitable for military age, and drove to the town to gather, all suitable for military service. Of the people will be caught back and then go to the army. This is the source of confusion.

"Okay. I see. These things will be explained by the Ministry of National Defense. This is the order. People who disobey the order will be shot. Tell them that this is an extraordinary period, an extraordinary period." The town mayor said, waving his arm. .

"Yes. The mayor." The assistant said helplessly, he must obey such orders. It's not his duty, but the general mobilization order is as effective as him. He was originally just a clerk who couldn't be said to be a role, because the previous two assistants were mercilessly dispatched to the front line by the mayor, and many militiamen were recruited. The assistant is among them. Because the other party suffered such treatment if he didn’t implement such orders seriously. If he dared to do so, he believed that he would also encounter the same treatment. He didn’t want to go to the front line and had such a suitable job. Both are strong.

"There are still weapons. We lack too many weapons. There are not enough weapons in the arsenal. In this case, we have no way to organize them." The assistant said.

"This factory produces, just let some people step up production." The mayor said.

"But. Mayor, most of the workers have been caught by us. This is a very difficult problem for us. It will pose a great threat to us. Not only that. There are also those women. "The assistant said.

"Okay. Let those women enter the factory to produce weapons, let them hurry up, in addition, produce more grenades, give them grenades, use machete if they don’t have weapons, such cold weapons, bayonet should have, or is, how many Individuals use a gun, give them bullets, and use pistols separately. Hand grenades, two for each person, this is their weapon. I also need some officers, their organizers, and related people with prestige, to act as them The officers of, give them some signs, even if they are organized, that’s it. To boost morale. These problems are not a problem, if something like this happens again, I will shoot you.” The mayor said annoyedly. . He can't retreat, and the Karachi are about to kill. This made him have to do some crazy things. Perhaps only in this way can we live in this small town. This is the only and last resort.

Colonel Dunkin came here excitedly to report. He was appointed as the commander of a militia division. The strength on paper he saw was more than 5,000 people, but the number of people gathered on the square was probably only a little more than 2,000. The actual number of people may be far from this number. After all, there are still some people who keep on deserting, and some people sneak out. After all, Yueshi seemed to be over. The Karachi people are about to kill. What are they still doing here.

Deng Jin looked at the collected materials seriously. These materials are very detrimental to him. Fortunately, he has some old men here, and they can accomplish some impossible things together.

"Our actual strength is only more than two thousand people. Most of them are farmers, industrial workers, small blacksmiths, carpenters, and some small citizens nearby. They seem to be hooligans." Lieutenant Colonel Gaocha said. He served as Dunkin's chief of staff, before he was a staff officer. Now it's just an old job.

"Our situation is not very good. Most of the troops are militiamen. They have no combat experience. There are very few noncommissioned officers with combat experience. On average, there is only one officer with combat experience for every 100 soldiers. This is a huge disaster for us." Lieutenant Colonel Gaocha said.

"I have seen all of this. We should strengthen the picketing of military discipline and improve our military strength as soon as possible. At the very least, the military strength should reach 4,000. We must build a new line of defense to resist the advance of the Karachi people." Dunkin said. This is their task. They must establish a line of defense. In this way, their situation will be better.

"But in terms of weapons, the lack is too great. We can only arm two battalions, but in fact, we have too much force." Gao Cha said worriedly.

"This is not a problem. As long as we fight, machete, spade, fist, including teeth, we should let our people stand firmly here, expand our gendarmerie, let them perform some special tasks, and execute some. Deserters, let them see how the deserters treat them." Colonel Dunkin said. He believes that in such a cruel situation, he should firmly stabilize the soldiers.

"Well, I will do this. If necessary, I can shoot some deserters to stabilize the military's morale." Gao Cha agreed and they had the right to do this because they were given such authority in the general mobilization order. They want to establish a line of defense.

"Let the soldiers go to the designated position as soon as possible. We have to build a large number of fortifications on the designated passages, here, here, and here. At least three fortifications are required for each position. That’s too much. We must hurry up, otherwise they will cause us a lot of trouble. I don’t want to let this trouble go on. It will be very unfavorable to us. I don’t want to see such a situation happen. "He said firmly.

"But in this case, we will need very, very many people, and may exceed the number we expected. This seems to be a bit detrimental to us." Gao Cha said carefully.

"If necessary, women can also be recruited. I think it is necessary to do so." The other party said disapprovingly. In his view, many things can be done, and nothing can or cannot be done.

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