The Yue people were actively mobilized, men entered the army, women, the elderly, and children were recruited to the front line. The government asked them to dig trenches and build fortifications on the premise of free or extremely limited food. Before the Karachi people arrived, they established a defensive line, which was extremely important to them. They must do this.

"Damn, we don't even have a weapon. Should we carry such a wooden rifle to fight?" The men and the militia were recruited, and they were gathered for some simple training. But many soldiers were very reluctant, because they were being reprimanded by the screaming non-commissioned officers like fools. A young soldier carried a wooden rifle for training in a queue. This is the basis. The non-commissioned officer told them that when soldiers enter the team, they must know what is the importance of military discipline, and the queue is an important step in maintaining military discipline. They must learn at this point. Otherwise, they will be hopeless. But soldiers do not have decent weapons, which makes many people not motivated.

"Damn it, who is talking in the queue, I have already emphasized it. Without my order. You are not allowed to speak. Understand?" The sergeant shouted loudly. The soldier trembled and trembling, he did not dare to stand up, because if he stood up, it would definitely be a stick. He didn't want to be beaten.

"Stop, stop, otherwise, we'll shoot." Two military policemen chased an escaped soldier frantically with rifles. Everyone's attention paid attention to the escaped soldier. Soldiers who are deserted, they come from society and are very familiar with society. They need many, many things to do such things, such as making money, for example, for their families. Therefore, such soldiers are not very motivated to fight. They hate the life of the military camp and think that they are here to die. Instead of doing this, they should run a small business and leave here quietly. This kind of thing happened in the team. At the beginning, many people had sneaked away. . It was difficult for them to get back because they couldn't register them at all, and they ran away. Then part of the enlistment process ran away. Such things often happen, and those gendarmes just catch them and just shut them down. Such things are not terrific.

"I bet that those military policemen would not dare to shoot." The young soldier said disapprovingly. They have no sense of military discipline. In fact, they are not willing to fight. For them, war is remote. They are also unwilling to obey orders. Society has kept them away from danger.

"Bang." There was a clear gunshot. The escaping soldier was hit by a shot. No one knew whether it was killed or not. Many people saw that after the soldier was hit by a bullet. He never stood up, just lay on the ground, and the military police slowly walked over, as if they became very relaxed.

All the soldiers present were surprised. There has never been such an order before. Or maybe it has never happened before, and they feel that it is difficult for their heads to accept such a thing. This, this is an absolutely impossible thing, but it has happened now. This is for them. The impact is very big. It makes them feel that this is not true.

"Did you see it? This is the consequence of not obeying the order." The sergeant said loudly. At this time, the military police dragged the corpse of the escaped soldier.

"According to the orders of the Ministry of National Defense and the City Defense Command. Anyone who leaves the army without authorization and breaks out of the army will be regarded as an enemy, a traitor, and they will face the severest punishment and be shot on the spot. I hope that those among you are not. Our enemy. Traitors," said the military police, looking at the poor soldiers. They were so miserable by this situation that they had no idea what happened. It seems to them that something like this shouldn't happen.

"Okay. Pay attention to everyone. Keep the queue intact. This will be very effective for you. You must learn such things. This is what you must do." The sergeant continued. Then the queue of these soldiers got better. Because the deserters who were killed shocked them too much. This makes them feel very passive, or this is the kind of state their chief needs.

In the northern area of ​​Yuezhi, Premier Li Di was stopped here because he could not move on. If he keeps moving forward, he may be shot to death by Qin Jun. In that case, he doesn't want this to happen, but he wrote a letter. For a long letter, he hoped that the Qin authorities would see such a letter, which was very important to them, and it had a bearing on the future of the Yue people and their destiny. He needs the support of the Qin people, and the Yue people need their support even more.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

In response to some sudden new situations, Han Shu held a security meeting. The topic was about the rapid advancement of Karachi people because it exceeded their original plan, or they simply could not think of such a point.

"The Karachi people did advance a bit faster. This greatly exceeded our expectations. Originally, we thought that the Karachi people would be blocked by the Yueshi people near the border, but now they have advanced at least two hundred kilometers. The next goal is to occupy the entire middle of the Yuezhi and then control the entire southern area of ​​the Yuezhi. This will seriously affect our forces. If the Karachi people get these lands, our trade will be completely bad." National Defense The minister said from a security perspective. A month’s name was knocked out, and a larger country appeared, Karachi. This is also detrimental to South Korea’s interests, because South Korea absolutely does not allow a country that can affect their trade, and Karachi’s economy has always been independent, which is not good for South Korea, and South Korea cannot allow such things to happen. They What is needed is a change that can solve the problem of this kind of thing, but how to solve it is still a difficult problem for them.

"That's true, your lord, if they advance too quickly, originally they only occupied Yue's land within 150 kilometers, but now, the speed and depth of their advancement far exceeds this problem. This will make our problems more complicated, which is extremely unfavorable to us. We should not let them do this, or in other words, there should be no such thing." The Minister of Finance said worriedly. He should be worried about financial issues, but he also raised security issues.

"The people of the Qin people have the same idea. Although the people of the Qin people have achieved their strategic goals, there is one fact that we must also pay attention to. That is, they do not want to see a country that is stronger than the Yue people in the south. This country is also unfavorable to the people of Qin. The people of Qin are bound to take some measures, and we are temporarily allies with Qin and the Karachi people. Under such circumstances, we need to weaken the power of the Karachi people, or let them fall into huge finances. , And the economic panic. This can be very beneficial to us." Han Shu said.

"It would be great if the people of Qin were able to support the Yue government. In this way, their situation can change greatly, and at least they can become beneficial to us. This is definitely a great benefit for us." The Minister of Finance Speaking of this. Others nodded in agreement.

For the rapid advancement of the Karachi people, South Korea can’t do anything, or in other words, they can only watch this scene unhappily. After all, they are still an ally, indicating that the above things must be done, because the Karachi people still have Some military orders are in the hands of the Koreans, and the Koreans also want to make a war fortune. But from the current situation, it seems to be detrimental to them, because the Karachi people will soon be able to end the war.

In Wang Ben's headquarters, Li Di's letter was translated and then sent to Wang Ben by telegram. He just looked at it and forwarded it immediately.

"This guy is very shameless. This guy actually agreed to all the requirements we made before. Not only did they agree to all of them, but also made a garrison. Such a request, it seems that the situation has threatened the Yue people very badly. "Wang Ben looked at the telegram and said.

"Sir, are we doing something?" the chief of staff said worriedly. After all, their latest reconnaissance results show that the Yue people seem to be unable to withstand further attacks by the Karachi people.

"We can't do anything. We have to accumulate and solve the problem of more supplies. We must know that our north is cold, and it is also difficult to gather a large amount of supplies. If we do something, it means The problem of our supplies has become very difficult. At the same time, we also need the government to consider the value and significance of the overall strategy, and wait patiently. It is the Yueshi people who are anxious, not the Qin people. They should pay a lot for this. The price of money." Wang Ben said without sympathy at all. For him, those are things of the Yue family, not those of the Qin country.

Qin State, Xianyang. Shangwen is also considering such matters, how they should help Yueshi, and properly handle the passive situation of Yueshi's diplomacy. The situation of Yueshi is obviously very crisis, but there are too many places involved in this issue, and they can’t handle it. If it is too good, a balance in diplomatic relations will be lost. Shang Wen does not want such a balance to be lost, because the consequences are serious.

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