The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3451: Cannonball against the gunner

Qin had already got what he wanted, so he was naturally unwilling to spend more energy and pay too much to get things that didn't belong to him. This was Qin's clear strategy. But what Qin cannot get, and absolutely cannot allow others to get involved. The Koreans have seen this, and at the same time, they are also dissatisfied with the Karachi people because they are too greedy. No one wants to like a greedy person. Karachi is like this, but when the Koreans promised to give a certain amount of land. Perhaps there is something wrong with their ears, or perhaps, their way of thinking has undergone a great change, and the information they hear has selectively chosen the part that is good for them but the one that is bad for them. Such considerations caused them trouble.

"The Karachi people have a lot of trouble. Several of their logistics supply teams have been ambushed by the guerrillas and suffered heavy losses. The impact is that their soldiers generally have insufficient ammunition, but they don't seem to realize the seriousness of the problem. , Because in their opinion, the resistance of the Yue people is weak. They have already advanced over the 200-kilometer line. This is an extremely dangerous signal and a landmark point. This point means a lot to anyone. Big change." Meng Hao wrote in his notebook. He can only drink water now. The tea leaves have long been used up. Originally, he still had some tea leaves, but the tea leaves no longer taste. The white sugar was replaced with brown sugar, and later replaced with salt. Later, they could only use coarse salt, which was robbed by the Karachi people from the locals. All of these showed that the supply situation of the Karachi people has changed greatly.

The Karachi people rely too much on looting the Yue's food, and part of the ammunition is also obtained from the Yue's people, from the local garrison and the inventory of the munitions warehouse. In this way, their logistical supplies are reduced to a minimum.

"The Karachi people never care about their logistical supplies, because most of their trophies are obtained from the local Yueshi people. They don't need to care about this issue, and the Karachi people have never been prepared for this. It was about their logistics supplies. They never thought about how to solve their logistics supplies when an army of 60,000 people went crazy for two hundred kilometers. They never thought about it, or encountered such a situation. Question, this is too difficult for them." Meng Hao wrote.

"So, their solution was robbery, and they just ignored the logistics problem. Such a problem is too difficult for them." Meng Hao wrote. Regarding the Karachi people’s ignorance of the problem of logistics supplies, he persuaded such things more than once, and even sent three reports a day, but as a result, there was no news. For him, it was simply unacceptable. In the end, He gave up. He knew that the Karachi people themselves gave up on the improvement of the logistics supply situation. But there is one more problem, which Meng Hao didn't mention. Perhaps it was because of his identity, or because of the different environment he was in. He did not see the destructive effect of the guerrillas on the logistics supply convoy of the Karachi people, although this effect seems very small or fragile. However, he does exist, and he caused some trouble to the Karachi people. The Karachi people didn't even solve this problem. It's really a very difficult thing to understand. This is how the war situation happened. No one wants to change anything, no one wants to do something, anyway, things continue to develop in the original trajectory.

Yankee and his guerrillas again ambushed a logistics convoy that had been in Karachi, but their convoy became smaller and smaller, with only fifty horses and seven vehicles. The transportation of materials is not very good.

"Damn it, let it go, I advise you to let go of those things." A group of Yue people shouted loudly with simple weapons. They have muskets, rifles, and pistols. These weapons do not know where they came from. From the perspective of the style, the other party may have obtained them from Karachi people, because only Karachi people can equip this kind of weapons. But more are simple weapons, sticks, shovels, and even farm tools. It seems that this is the same as them, they are guerrillas organized by locals, but the bad thing is that their condition is not very good. Because there are no regular officers or people who have fought to organize among them, they are just organized by groups like local hooligans, and they can only do some robbery. And the robbery has risen to a certain level, and that is guerrilla tactics.

"Damn it, you should put it down. We shot this thing down, so why don't you come over and get it." The sergeant shouted loudly. As he said, he pulled the bolt and aimed at the opponent's head.

"Damn, come on, fight at me, if you dare not fight, you are my grandson. Miscellaneous." A Yue clan yelled arrogantly. He also had a bayonet in his hand, which he had just obtained, because of the bayonet, the two sides were entangled.

Two guerrillas organized by different groups aimed at the same target. The key is that the Karachi people ran away. A lot of supplies were thrown away, but the Yue people started fighting on their own. This kind of thing makes Yang Kee a headache. I also think it is a very big trouble. But now he must solve this kind of trouble, otherwise, this trouble will further rise to the point where it is difficult for him to solve it, and this problem will seriously interfere with his judgment.

"Stop it, stop it." Captain Yankee stepped forward at this time. He was wearing a military uniform, a captain's uniform, and his officer boots. This outfit made some people feel good about him. An officer is an orthodox officer, and they can do a lot of things.

"Okay, let's all stop." The Yue family saw the arrival of the officer Yang Ji, and he came down this step. After all, he still doesn't want to die, it's already a big miracle that they can live.

"Don’t do anything. Listen to me. The Karachi people are coming soon. Once the nearby patrolmen hear the gunshots, they will come quickly. We are all from the Yue family. There is no need to do it ourselves. These things, Our two families are all divided equally, one and half, there is no need to do it yourself. Get out of here as soon as possible. Just make friends." Captain Yankee came up with his own solution, the other side looked at Captain Yankee’s people, they all Holding a rifle, a pistol, and equipment are better than yourself, and the other party gave up half of the supplies. Obviously, he has made a big concession and will accept it as soon as he sees it. Don't be greedy for things like this. After all, what he said was right, they were all from the Yue family, and there was no need to work with them. Such a thing would only make the Karachi people look happy. The two sides resolved the matter happily, half of the family, and then left with their own trophies. The other party thinks that Captain Yankee has a good character and is a good person, but good people will suffer.

In Captain Yankee’s team, more and more people are feeling dissatisfied. This dissatisfaction is that he should not give up a large amount of supplies to the other party. These are all things they have got themselves, but now they are letting them. . This made them feel very dissatisfied. This is an extremely disgusting emotion. Many people hate Captain Yankee's actions. This emotion continues to accumulate. And Captain Yankee couldn't feel it yet.

"More and more guerrillas are appearing. This is a good thing. However, the Yue people also have their own struggles. They do not obey each other’s management, and they even delimit their own territory. If necessary, they can Fight yourself. This is an absolutely stupid behavior. Such a thing is unacceptable to anyone." Captain Yang Kee wrote.

"But what kind of solution is there to solve this kind of thing? This kind of thing has already happened. The only thing to be happy about is that the loss of the Karachi people has increased. This is a good thing for the entire Yueshi." Captain Ke comforted himself. This is what he can do.

Zhao Guo, in the North Laizhou Arms Research Institute, an engineer from Zhao Guo approached his director with a new-style artillery drawing to describe it. He hoped to receive sufficient research funds.

"The power of this kind of shell is that it explodes in the air, and then produces a fan-shaped scattered surface impact on the battleship. This kind of shell can hit the personnel on the battleship in a certain area, thereby killing those gunners. Or it can trigger some decks. In this way, the warship can lose a certain amount of combat effectiveness, and at least their gunners have suffered heavy losses.” The engineer said. This is a very good idea. This kind of shell is similar to a grenade shell. This kind of ammunition is not a new thing. There have been before, but this kind of blueprint is just an improvement of some more modern methods. Before, this kind of artillery shell was a beneficial weapon against infantry on a large scale, but it was against the opponent’s army that was lined up, right? Infantry is of great significance. But against battleships. The director felt that there was no such need in Anfo Township.

"Director, such shells can deal with the opponent's gunners and infantry. We need to bombard the infantry on the shore, so that's okay," the engineer said.

"Yeah. I think about it, think about it," the other party said. In fact, for such a shell, he believes that there is really no such need, because in addition to small naval guns, the current artillery has a certain shield, and they have a certain degree of protection. The most terrible thing is, The warship can be maneuverable, and the shell itself is difficult to hit, so why waste an opportunity to deal with such a target.

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