"We seem to be in big trouble. Just when the confrontation between us and Zhao Guoren entered a catastrophic situation. At our rear, this news has not been confirmed by the above, but the situation may be true because my telescope has not been able to. Anything marked by the Moon is on the mountain behind. We lost it. It was a commanding height and a good fort. If we lose it, the result can be imagined." Li Kaizhi was worried. Write in his notebook.

The Koreans and Chu people finally appeared behind the Yueshi people. The Zhao people also discovered this problem because a series of battles took place there. Although Yue's official propaganda, they kept there, but many Yue's officers and non-commissioned officers knew what happened there. It was impossible to tell them such things, even if they were lost. The above will also be in the need of the military, and they will definitely say that the commanding heights are still in our hands. Rest assured, this will never happen. Most of Yue's officers and soldiers would not believe such a thing, it was just wishful thinking of the Supreme Command. They would believe it, but it does not mean that they would believe in such a thing. In their opinion, only fools would believe in such a thing. They must be in a huge circle of encirclement.

"If I were a Korean, a native of Chu, I would definitely set up artillery there and then violently bombard us. In this case, we would be bombarded by the Zhao people from the sea and the Koreans and Chu people on the mountain behind. This is really a terrible situation. This situation is not over yet, but when you are happy, the good news comes one after another. Of course, when you are sad, the bad news comes one after another, and it makes you completely annoyed. Go down, this is the situation you are facing. Such a situation will make you completely collapsed. The bad news comes from the western front. The Karachi people have broken through our defense line. They have penetrated into our territory for a long distance, and the Qin people in the north occupy A lot of areas, now Karachi people are also here. And we are going to be here, being wiped out by Zhao people, Chu people, and Koreans. Disaster. This is really a disaster. I can’t see the future of the Yue people. .Perhaps, we will be completely wiped out here, and then become history. Perhaps the sand here will record that we have fought here, but now, we are completely finished." Li Kaizhi wrote extremely pessimistically. He had to write like this. Because this is indeed the case, they are already on the verge of collapse. Yueshi suffered an unprecedented failure, and this failure would cause them to face a huge disaster.

Indy River. This is where the Yueshi and the Indians are on the eastern front. The situation of the Indians is not very good. They must first bypass the Indian desert before they can fight with the Yueshis. In that case, their logistics supply will be very high. Weakness, and at the same time their offensive ability will be greatly weakened, which is for them. This is definitely not a good choice, but it is such a place that has become the battlefield chosen by the Yueshi people.

"The Yue people have less than 7,000 troops. About three infantry regiments are stationed here. It is said that those soldiers are temporary units set up by some nearby militia battalions, because at the beginning, the Yue people thought that India The locals will entangle with the Koreans, and the Indians will suffer a lot of trouble. In fact, it is true. They have suffered a lot. The Koreans seem to be reluctant to give up such opportunities. However, the Koreans gave them up afterwards. After all, this came from a diplomatic victory. The Koreans obtained permission to enter the Indian market and established a series of trading posts. If necessary, they could also pass through the Ganges. Or they could enter the Indian territory through the construction of a railway. It is for this reason that the Koreans let them go and let them leave here. The road to the south was blocked by the Yues. The Indians wanted to completely block the retreat of the Yues. In that case, they will be able to regain the land they lost, and at the same time they will be able to get back the land they deserve. The idea is right and correct." Qin Guozhandi reporter. Li Ling wrote on the manuscript. He followed the Indian army along this route. Only Qin reporters still received such treatment. They hoped to receive Qin's sympathy in exchange for regaining control of Maharashtra.

The Indian Army mobilized all its military forces, three infantry divisions, nearly 30,000 infantry, artillery, and engineering units. They are not too complete. After all, they have to guard against certain Koreans. In addition, there are more than 40,000 logistics support personnel, all of whom are farmers, slaves, or servants. In fact, their number once reached 100,000, but when they crossed the desert, more than 10,000 people died. Their logistical supplies are too backward. The Indians cannot fight such a war. But every day people die. The lives of these people are humble, and the Indian side can still afford to lose such people.

"But the problem is that they have been unable to break through the Yueshi's defenses for a long time. I don't know if the Indians' combat effectiveness is too weak. Or, their aggressiveness is too low. In short, the nearly 30,000 troops were seriously affected. Trapped on the east bank of the Indy River, they did nothing. The artillery bombarded the target that was inaccurate. The infantry seemed to be attacking, but most of them were retreating desperately, and then some people died, and they began to retreat. Such boring things are going on every day." Li Ling seemed to be complaining and wrote. The battle between the Indians and the Koreans was very tense. Some Qin people were very interested. They thought they knew everything about this place, but it seemed that it was over here. The people of Qin State sent some reporters here to understand the situation.

But the fact is that the Indians may be able to conduct defensive operations, but if they are allowed to attack, their fighting enthusiasm will be greatly reduced. They don't seem to be suitable for this kind of work. Inefficient defensive operations are what they should do. Because of that, they will feel safe. There is no merit in such a war, and there is no exciting place. This makes Qin reporters like Li Ling unable to find exciting places. They feel that they have come to the wrong place.

On the opposite position of the Yue people, the life of the Yue people seemed monotonous and calm. Most of them were locals. They knew what the consequences of losing their positions were. Moreover, the Yue people were better at fighting than the Indians, and they would fight from time to time. There will be a counterattack, and the killed Indians dare not continue to attack. They know why they are fighting.

"Our situation here is not terrible. Although we only have a team of 7,000 people, the Indians on the opposite side are four times ours. If we add their army of servants, it may be ten times more than ours, but we Don’t worry at all, we don’t have to worry too much. Those are some cowards. We know them too well. They are made up of people who are not motivated to fight. Don’t look at the large number of them, but they are all cowards in their bones. I don’t have to be afraid to fight against the timid, but the only thing I worry about is the situation in our country. Even though our chief keeps blocking news and prohibits us from discussing it in private, the military police has stepped up inspections, But this still doesn't control us from getting some bad news." Major Heim wrote. He has a militia company composed of three locals. He relied on such soldiers to repel the attacks of the Indians again and again. Now, these people are good enough for him. Because they are united enough and confident enough to face the offensive of the Indians. However, they still have some concerns, the main concern is their country.

"The northern part has been occupied by the powerful Qin people. They opened an important opening. This is a great threat to us. We are in a hard fight in the southern region. I heard that it is still difficult to open the situation. Zhao Guoren, I heard that this is a very important thing. The Central Plains country, which is good at war, is the only country that can fight against Qin. Facing such an opponent, I feel that we really have no hope of opening up the situation. This is not the worst. The worst thing is, The **** Karachi people broke through our defense line surprisingly and directly, I really want to curse, damn, how did those guys defending the west defend? In this case, our central part, they may directly kill us. In that case, We were completely unsettled. They would stab us in the back. Our homes would be occupied by Karachi people. This result is still very difficult to accept." Major Heim wrote in his diary worriedly Tao. He is very worried about this, but worrying is of no use, because such a thing has already happened. There is no way to change. The only thing they can do is to defend and live here. Only in this way, their situation will not get worse. In that case, their situation can become even more advantageous.

The only thing they can do now is to pour their worries, anger, and anger on one place. This place is on the soldiers of the Indians across from them. They are all these **** cowards, directly preventing them from leaving themselves. Return to the place where they need it most. This is their only opinion.

Goguryeo, the eastern coastal area, the black soil city, black soil, is not black land, but coal. It is rich in here, and there is a railway connecting here. A large amount of coal accumulates here. The mountain of coal will bring a lot of wealth. This is called black soil.

Two small patrol gunboats of Jeju pirates are moored in a relatively hidden place in Heitucheng. They are constantly carrying their trophies, some fur, ginseng, and even wood, of course. If there is gold and silver, they will move unceremoniously. In addition to these, population is also their favorite thing. Chu people like slaves the most. This can bring them a lot of wealth.

"Haha, see what we caught, Goguryeo woman, if that's the case, we can be happy." Several pirates rubbed their hands in excitement. It seems that they want to do something bad now. The whole island, There are not many women, so Jeju Island looks a bit boring. But now, with women, things are different.

"Damn it. A woman like this can bring us a lot of money. With money, what kind of woman can't play." A little boss cursed. Then they will leave here with these trophies.

"Bang. Bang." Just then. The gunshots came, in addition to part of the alert function, more of them fired at their side.

"No, the **** Goguryeo found us. We must get out of here as soon as possible and hide. Once we encounter the other party's frigate, our small gunboat will not be able to withstand the opponent's blow." The little boss said. Their gunboat is a small, 500-ton steamship produced by Chu State. This type of ship is equipped with two 75mm artillery. Or two fifty-two millimeter guns. This kind of artillery can barely respond to the attack of the frigate, and then retreat as soon as possible, taking advantage of its small ship or high speed to avoid it.

However, this small gunboat has no advantage in speed. Because pirates always load more trophies, their only advantage is that they have a shallow draft and can hide in some complicated areas along the coast. In that case, the frigate has nothing to do with them. This is also their advantage.

Relying on such gunboats, they are constantly harassing coastal areas. This is an important source of their wealth. They have dared to go to the black soil city of Goguryeo to rob. There is no other way, because some nearby areas are constantly being harassed by them, and there are no good places for them to rob. Only places like Heitucheng still have some opportunities, and they can only risk coming here to rob.

Soon, the gunboat threw away some unnecessary spoils, such as wood, and some furniture, which took up too much space. Even some men were killed and thrown on the shore. They need to leave here as soon as possible. Once dragged, the situation will be very bad for them.

The Koguryo militia who came here had no way of doing this, because these pirates always appeared unconsciously and then harassed them, which caused them a lot of trouble. This makes them feel troubled like never before. The pirate's harassment will continue, because the number of frigates is not very large, they need to guard their merchant fleet, which is their lifeline, but it also greatly threatens the survival and safety of Goguryeo.

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