"Now, our situation has become even worse. They are only showing up near the Black Earth City. Isn’t it the next step that they will launch an offensive towards our Black Earth City? In that case, what else do we want the Navy to have? Significance?" A Goguryeo navy colonel excitedly said to the Qi State Navy officers in the office.

When such telegrams were sent to them angrily, the Koguryo naval officers were also very angry. They waited patiently and followed the advice of the Qi navy personnel. They waited. But the waiting situation continues to deteriorate. Jeju pirates continue to obtain small warships, gunboats, and patrol boats that are conducive to pirate operations from Chu and South Korea, as well as destroyers, and Qi and Zhao. The frigates produced are useless, they can only protect their own merchant ships, but as the other side arranges a large number of mines, it seems that the frigates can hardly meet such requirements. This made the Goguryeo Navy very disappointed, disappointed to the point of headache and pain.

"I don't think it will take long." A Qi State navy officer tried to explain at this time, but soon he couldn't tell.

"It won't take long, before long, the Koguryo navy will no longer exist. In that case, our country will be forcibly occupied by Jeju pirates. In that case, we will no longer have a navy." Speaking very dissatisfied. All the Qi State navy officers present were unable to speak. Because they really can't face such a situation.

"Good news." Just then. A navy lieutenant officer rushed in with a report excitedly. But the atmosphere is obviously wrong, because the two parties seem to be arguing, or something caused a big quarrel.

"What good news?" A lieutenant colonel of the Qi State Navy asked at this time.

"Yes, the shipyard, the two cruisers we built, they can be launched. The final debugging of the weapons can go on." The lieutenant of the navy reported.

"Look, this is the result of waiting. With such a cruiser. We can solve the Jeju pirates. You see, this is good news." A navy colonel said to the other party.

"This. It sounds like good news. But, can this solve the problem?" Navy Colonel Goguryeo said in a soft tone. This means that after he heard the good news, he felt that he was doing something wrong.

"I think it should be, don't worry, he will solve this problem by himself. Don't worry." Navy Colonel Qi said comfortingly. In fact, he himself didn't know what role these **** cruisers could play, maybe they could play some role. However, he didn't know how far it could be. Anyway, things have reached this point, they must go on.

After drastically reducing the difficulty of construction, some cruiser escorts have been further weakened to the extent that they are not as good as frigates, and they have reduced the caliber of their artillery. Originally installed 210mm artillery, it became one hundred and five, then one hundred. Five became one hundred and two again. Such a plan greatly reduces the difficulty of their construction. Of course. Performance is also reduced a lot. But now is a special time. Because the Koguryo Navy needs such warships, and the Qi Navy also needs to deal with such things, judging from the current situation, the situation seems to be very unfavorable for them.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"According to the reconnaissance report sent by Wang Ben, the situation of the Yue people is indeed very bad." Wei Liao said to Shang Wen.

"They don't have any power to build a line of defense again. If they are really penetrated by the Karachi people, the situation will be detrimental to us. Winter is coming. Our material reserves have not yet been completed, and we want to digest it. We must find a way to consolidate our material reserves in the northern part of Yueshi in order to improve our army's supply capability." Wei Liao said.

"If the Karachi people are killed all at once, we need to further solve the Karachi problem. In that case, from a strategic point of view, our goal has not been achieved." Wei Liao said.

"But from the perspective of the Yueshi people, they no longer have any troops to mobilize. The latest news is that the Chu people and the Koreans detoured behind the Yueshi people, and they established some artillery observation posts there. It seems that they have plans to build more fortresses there. In that case, the artillery will be bombarded directly, and the Zhao people will attack from the sea. It is bound to be very detrimental to the Yue people, and the Yue people in the south will not Dharma exists." Meng Yi said.

"The crux of the question is, do we need to retain the one-month government?" Shang Wen asked such a question.

"Of course it is reserved. Because the last strength of the Yue people has not been drained, and our military strength has reached the apex, we cannot do this, because doing so will definitely be very detrimental to our situation." Wei Liao said. To. From a military point of view, Qin had difficulties in further controlling the Yue government, because the two infantry divisions could not accomplish such a thing. If they wanted to take over the Yue government, they would have to face the 60,000 Karachi army. The Qin Army currently does not have the ability to fight in such a far place, and in a completely unfamiliar situation, winter is coming, heavy snow, and various harsh environments in the north will inevitably affect there. The winter in the north comes quickly. The Qin Army must be prepared for this. It is obviously very unwise to conduct such a battle in the case of a serious lack of logistics supplies. Wei Liao was determined to this point, because this would cause Qin Jun to enter a huge disaster. Qin Jun must avoid such a situation from happening.

"Well, okay. I think so too. In this case, we need to give them some assistance, but at the same time, the first thing we should do is to eliminate such influence. Eliminate the adverse influence of Yueshi people on us. , We can't help them in the image of an intruder. In this case, we will be in an extremely unfavorable state." Shang Wen said.

"This is the thing of the Yue people themselves, and they will solve this problem by themselves. However, there is such an opportunity right now. We can ask them to retreat from the Yue army in the southern region. If this is the case, we can provide them with A vigorous force, and at the same time, we can also adjust Zhao, South Korea, Chu, and related issues. On this issue, we will not further control it." Meng Yi suggested.

"Well. Just solve it like this. Maybe if we do this, we can change our image. This is a good thing for Yueshi people. But before we hope to reach a cooperation that does not stimulate Yueshi people. Agreements, must, assistance agreements, etc., the conditions are slightly looser, otherwise, it will cause complete dissatisfaction with the Yueshi people." Shang Wen said. Meng Yi nodded his head to agree with this. He also felt that the State of Qin could not press too hard, that would be very unwise. What Shangwen needs is such a state that he cannot give the other party too severe a sense of oppression. Put them in a state of extreme anxiety, in that case, the people of the Yue family would feel that the people of Qin were also enemies.

In the small towns outside Dhaka, Yueshi, a large number of women, the elderly, and children are digging trenches here. Some militia companies have also participated. They must build their own fortifications as soon as possible. Only in this way can they maintain the growth season. Safety.

Colonel Dunkin and Lieutenant Colonel Gaocha inspected their positions together.

"Their training conditions are not very good, weapons are lacking, and morale is low. However, the deserters’ situation has become better. We have strengthened the management of the military police. Among some teams, we have sent representatives of the military police, and they will pick up the deserters at any time. They will take decisive measures if they can’t stop them.” Lieutenant Colonel Gaocha reported.

"Well. This is what we need. Our position must not be held by a group of cowards. In that case, the line of defense does not exist. We must not let this happen. Those trained soldiers, we must Pull out, there are those young soldiers, we must encourage them to participate in the battle, they are our fresh force, they are the future of Yueshi." Dun Jin said.

"But in that case, they are still a group of children." Lieutenant Colonel Gaocha said worriedly. It is true that they are just a group of children, and letting a group of children participate in the battle has greatly exceeded their expectations. If things like this continue to happen, they will not be able to forgive themselves.

"Yueshi has no future. If we can't guarantee that this will happen." Colonel Dunkin said.

"Look at what kind of people are recruited for us above. They are all mobs. They simply have no ability to withstand the crazy attacks of Karachi people. Under such conditions, what else can we do? Nothing can be done. This is a very unfavorable thing for us." Colonel Dunkin said.

"Therefore, we can only be used to defend, relying on our town to defend, and those young soldiers and some experienced people are our reserve team, we must ensure that our position cannot be lost, in that case, we Only then can you have hope to hold on to Yueshi, otherwise some of it will be useless." Deng Jin said solemnly. He is very aware of the current situation, he is a calm soldier. This is a prerequisite for making a correct judgment.

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