The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3454: Attention, the cruiser

"The new warship is equipped with 120mm artillery. There are four double-mounted turrets at the front and rear. This firepower is enough to penetrate the destroyer’s armor at a distance of ten kilometers. At the same time, we will be equipped with new armor-piercing shells, in that case, penetration The probability is very high.” A navy colonel Qi explained to the Goguryeo naval officer on the side. The new cruiser has been launched. Although the paint on the top was not dry, and it was launched in a hurry, but such a warship still has a great threat.

"In terms of speed, the endurance can reach eight thousand nautical miles at a speed of twelve knots. This is an amazing number. He can carry a standard coal-fired load of 800 tons. At the same time, his endurance can be further expanded. In addition to these, it is his high speed. Once a battle begins, his maximum speed can move 27 knots. This is an unprecedented speed. The Jeju pirate destroyer can't pursue it at all. Even if it encounters a torpedo attack, they will easily evade. Come on." Captain Qi State Navy explained.

"Twenty-seventh, my God. It's too powerful. The firepower is fast and the speed is high. Even if we are running, the other party can't chase." Many Goguryeo naval officers excitedly said to each other. For them, this kind of warship is simply the most needed warship. It has high speed and high firepower. Although the 120mm caliber guns feel that the power is a bit small, it is enough to pose a great threat to the destroyer, but the key is speed. This speed can make the opponent unable to avoid it. This is the most noteworthy aspect of the Goguryeo Navy. This speed is enough for them.

In order to achieve this speed, the engineers of Qi and Zhao had to use new boilers and increased the number. They were equipped with twelve boilers and replaced the original ordinary three-stage steam engine with Zhao Guo Gundam. The manufactured up to No. 5 three-stage steam engine. This steam engine can provide 20% of the power of the original ordinary three-stage steam engine. In this case, in terms of power, the cruiser's speed problem has been solved to a large extent, but the other party uses a new three-stage steam engine. In this case, it means that the stability is very long.

The admiral of Qi State is constantly boasting about the power of the new warship. Goguryeo seems to have forgotten what the new warship should have, or in other words, they seem to be unable to remember. What's wrong with the new battleship? All this seems normal to them.

"These silly Goguryes, such warships are broken ships. They still feel very good." A young worker scolded while standing on the new cruiser.

"Okay. Don't say it. We all know about such warships. The number of watertight compartments has been reduced a lot. In this way, the amount of iron and steel will be reduced by an astonishing place. Once a torpedo is hit, this warship will It will be completely finished. Some places are not as thick as a merchant ship, and the number of watertight tanks is not enough. This will really cause a big problem." A squad leader next to him shook his head and said.

"The protection of this cruiser is very low, very low, once it is hit, it is really unimaginable." The young worker said helplessly. The monitor just shook his head and motioned to the other party not to say more. They are all shipbuilders, and they naturally know what shipbuilding, especially the building of warships, is needed. Although the speed of cruisers is so fast that almost all warships can’t be pursued, their speed is based on the complete sacrifice of defense. On the basis of the original design drawings, there are still certain requirements for protection, at least it can withstand the firing of 75mm artillery, but after drastically modifying the shooting drawings, the protection ability has been reduced to an astonishing level. The thickness of the protective iron armor in the command tower became one centimeter. This thickness can penetrate even a fifty-two millimeter artillery. To what extent the protection ability is reduced, if it is replaced with steel armor, it may be okay, but it is impossible to replace with so many steel armors. .

In addition to this, in the bottom tank, the Qi people also greatly reduced the watertight tank, because in this way, the weight can be greatly reduced. Let the payload be further improved. In this case, the speed will increase, but the problem is that doing so will make the lower part of the battleship extremely fragile. Once a torpedo or a shell hits it, it will cause a great disaster. But the engineer's explanation is that if you do this, you can use speed to improve defense capabilities. After the workers heard it, they felt that there was some truth, but this was absolutely unsafe, because doing so would cost them too much sacrifice, which would make them extremely difficult. In other words, it will make their situation very difficult. The occurrence of such a situation will reduce the overall defensive capability of the warship to the lowest and lowest level. Although the speed and firepower are increased, this is based on the greatly weakened defensive capabilities. This sacrifice is too risky. This is a very undesirable practice.

And there are many such practices, and workers can cite some examples casually. For example, in some places, the number of pillars is reduced as much as possible. This approach is only done when cutting corners. They all doubt whether the speed of advancement of the warship will give such pillars to the warship when it is sailing at high speed. run down. This possibility is still there.

But the Koguryo Navy can no longer take care of these. The two sister ships were launched successively, and the price was cheap and the performance was good. The Koguryo Navy paid very happily. At the same time, they also provided a large amount of funds. I hope that the Qi State Navy can send some naval trainees on board to help them as soon as possible. Mastering such warships, because they felt that the navy on Jeju Island should be resolved as soon as possible. The Qi State Navy said that there is no problem and they are willing to do so. After all, there are too many officers in the Naval Academy.

Qi, Zhao, and Chu are the same, their naval officers can graduate twice a year, and sometimes they will be graduates from special military schools. These special military school graduates are promoted from the navy and sailors at the bottom. They accept courses for some naval officers and then graduate. This approach can greatly satisfy the rapidly expanding naval size. However, this situation will also cause a new situation to occur, that is, once the naval expansion stagnates If they do, there will be too many officers to death.

The situation of Zhao Guo is okay, because their navy and navigator are relatively short. In this case, some naval officers will be able to divert through civilian merchant ships. The situation of Qi and Chu is not so good. Because their size is relatively large, and the development of the navy is just in a state of stagnation, the only thing they can do is to allocate a large number of naval personnel to the navies of other countries in order to solve the problem of naval surplus. This is also the characteristic of these countries. The naval graduates of Qin and South Korea are held once a year, which can greatly improve the quality of officers. They do not excessively pursue the number, because the number advantage is not so obvious. On the contrary, it will bring a lot of burden. .

Just when the Goguryeo people were excited to accept their new battleship. It is like a playful child who gets his beloved toy. They can understand this feeling, but this beloved toy will also be spied by some people.

The intelligence department of the Navy Division, Qingcheng, South Korea.

"These two new warships have completed the final adjustments and they have been launched. Their firepower and mobility have been greatly improved. We are very worried that it is difficult for destroyers to deal with such warships." A navy captain was nervous. Speaking of. When they saw such information, they were very worried, because judging from the tonnage, firepower, and protection of the mother's destroyers, it is difficult for these warships to fight against such large warships.

"Large battleship." The naval intelligence director looked at the intelligence and said.

"Yes, sir, large warships, this kind of threat is very big to us, we must find a way." The captain said while looking at his commander.

"Is there any specific intelligence? There can be no general figures. We are the naval intelligence department. We should let our people obtain new test data. Otherwise, such a vague concept is a very important thing for us. Great disaster." The Director of Naval Intelligence said after looking at the report.

In fact, South Korean intelligence agencies have noticed this earlier. Qi and Zhao are developing new warships. They have also come up with the concept of a new warship, a cruiser, but the problem is that they have no way to obtain further data. At this point, Qi and Zhao are still very strict in guarding against this, which makes it difficult for them to start. But this does not mean that some situations cannot be understood from the outside. Their spies frantically learned some obscure data from the workers, such as fast speed, new steam engines, coal load capacity, etc. Although it is vague, it still has some effect on intelligence analysis, but the problem is , They still can't get the core secrets, these secrets are still difficult for them.

"Yes, sir, but sir, I hope that this kind of work will be carried out as soon as possible. These vague data are basically close to the other party's real data. We should take precautions." The navy captain emphasized.

"I know this, I know very well, you don't need to worry about it here, I know what I should do." The intelligence director said displeasedly. Then he waved his hand to let the opponent out. Such a report was handed over to the technical department for research. At first they thought it was impossible, but after various analyses, they still thought it was possible. They have to admit this.

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