The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3455: There is a business introduction

Inside the Wang Ben headquarters.

"What kind of order is this? Do you want me to sign such a document?" Wang Ben asked his chief of staff, looking at the telegram from the prime minister's mansion. He didn't understand the meaning of the prime minister's house.

"I think the prime minister's mansion wants to solve this problem through political means. After all, the threat of Karachi people is greater than that of Yue people, and there is still a need for the Yue government to exist." The chief of staff told Wang. Ben said.

"No, I don't mean this. I can't agree to this order. It must be ordered by the king. At the same time, we are military personnel, not diplomats. Such matters should be handed over to the government unless temporarily authorized. , I refuse such an order." Wang Ben said. The chief of staff agreed. General military deployment orders and military deployment orders can only be carried out under the orders of King Qin, because King Qin is the head of state and the highest commander of the Qin army. No one would question such an order. Perhaps the Prime Minister’s Office was too anxious, or the Ministry of Defense’s urging led to the direct issuance of this order, which is somewhat illegal. Wang Ben's resistance is normal. The command is sent back again. This is bound to delay some time. But at such a time, Wang Ben believes that it should be.

Yueshi, Ministry of Defense. With the general mobilization order issued. In the state of Yue’s nationwide preparation for war, various resources have been mobilized, a large amount of food has been distributed uniformly, more military personnel have entered the army, and they have re-armed.

But the situation of the Yueshi people is still very bad. It can be said that it is terrible.

"Sir, it is impossible for us to bring the southern army back. According to the telegram information we received last time, the southern army has been surrounded. Zhao, Chu, and South Korean troops have formed a siege, and their telegraph lines They have all been cut off. Under such conditions, it seems that we have difficulty getting in touch with them. Even if we retreat, I think they will also take the opportunity to suppress them. We. It is impossible to get more reinforcements." A lieutenant colonel The officer reported. When the Minister of Defense heard this, he just touched his forehead and nodded. He has already thought of such a problem.

"Okay. I see." The Secretary of Defense said helplessly. He feels his head hurts, the kind that hurts terribly. Originally, he wanted to rely on some militias to establish some preliminary lines of defense. In that case, they would be able to draw back some troops. The advantage of this was that they could prevent a counterattack and completely repel the Karachi people, and they could give up some maha. The area of ​​Labang, because it doesn’t matter there. But now it seems that their condition is very bad. The worst is because they cannot withdraw their troops. At the same time, they have to face the offensive of the Karachi people. Will the improvised army have such a chance? He didn't know, but he felt that such an opportunity would not be too great, but it still exists. It's just that he still doesn't know what to do.

In Dunkin’s headquarters, his defensive positions are being established. So far, they have only built the first fortifications. If they want to build the second fortifications, they need to invest more manpower. In addition, they There is still a lack of too many weapons, but these problems are not too big a problem. Many people are solving such problems. They are trying to make all kinds of weapons. The factories that produce cans are modifying their production lines to try to produce some. Grenades, mines. But there is a lack of more explosives. They can only use some black gunpowder whose power is much reduced. Their formula is definitely not the largest black gunpowder, but this is much better.

But the problem is that there are still big loopholes in their defense. Dunkin was a little worried about this.

"According to our reconnaissance intelligence, the Karachi people are about 20 kilometers southwest of us. They may be able to arrive today. If they are fast enough," Dunkin said. Dunkin still knew that he must have his own reconnaissance force. In this regard, he specially trained some riders to complete such tasks, for them. It may be difficult, but such a thing must be done. The lack of reconnaissance power is the worst for them.

"Well. What I am worried about is that our defense lines cannot be connected. This is a plain area. An area like ours alone cannot constitute a defense line, but we have seen the surrounding situation. The situation is not very good, they Only some regiments or militia battalions can be formed. Their defense line is still very weak. In that case, they will take the opportunity to bypass us. We cannot form a complete defense line. For us, our flanks and the entire defense line come. Look, they are all extremely bad. This threatens us too much." Gao Cha said while looking at the map.

"You are right, but what can we do? We can only rely on them to do some defensive work. It is impossible to expand the line of defense further. Maybe we should establish an independent line of defense, as long as we guard here. The traffic line poses a great threat to the Karachi people's defense, so that's it." Dunkin said helplessly. He has no commanding authority, commanding some militia battalions nearby, they are the weak link in the entire defense line. This is for them. This is a huge disaster.

In a small village twelve kilometers south of their defense line, this village is called Dadal Village. This is a peaceful and peaceful village. This small village has a small road to Dhaka in the north, and usually no one will walk here. However, if the merchants from the south took a small path to avoid taxation. First, he can reduce his journey, and second, he can avoid taxation. Only merchants can take this road. But now, an infantry battalion of Karachi has killed him.

"Charge. The front is the village we are going to attack." A company captain Yue’s company waved his pistol and rushed forward first, but the soldiers who followed madly surpassed their commander, they looked like Very excited, because they kept looting along the way, this time they finally robbed a brand-new village, the village originally had a militia platoon, but they were transferred away. There are only some left-behind women and old people, because most of them have been recruited to build fortifications nearby. The property is there. The village has no defense capabilities.

"The defensive ability of the Yueshi people is still very weak, very weak. Along the way, we rarely encounter decent resistance, and the Karachi people seem to have exerted their true fighting power. They will only move towards being unable to resist, and They can’t attack targets that pose a threat. Such an attack is very shameful to me.” Meng Hao followed this infantry battalion here because he wanted to see other things. In other words, he wanted to stay away from the places where he was burned and looted all the way. But this place still cannot avoid this situation.

The village soon burned into a big fire, and the billowing smoke quickly rose. It can be seen from a few kilometers away. In the village, killings and insults to women are still happening. Meng Hao is unwilling to go there. He hates such innocent people. The killing of civilians is very shameful. Because he saw through the telescope how the Karachi soldiers treated the old man, they **** the old man and pushed directly into the house that was already on fire. They laughed at this. This is not what people do, they are beasts. Meng Hao wants to leave here, everything here is too unfavorable for him. During the killing of the children, what everyone knew was that the wings of the Yue people were opened. If you launch an attack from here, the Karachi defense will be passive. But the people of the Yue family hadn't discovered this yet, it was still difficult for them to find out.

Aiji, Suez Canal, on both sides of the river bank, in some places where the canal is blocked, there will be some transfer points, wharfs, punts cannot pass through here, they need to go through the way of piggy transportation to transfer those very expensive materials. Weapons. The Jews in the north like such weapons, and some countries in Asia Minor, because these countries can resist some foreign invasions, if necessary, they can also make themselves stronger, Koreans, Chu people It is not clear what kind of revolution the weapons they transport will bring, but what they know is that these things can bring huge profits. However, the massive outflow of gold has troubled countries in the above-mentioned regions. Because they did not have enough money to buy a considerable amount of weapons, for this reason, the smuggling business was still affected to a certain extent. But now, they thought of a solution.

"One hundred and twenty silks, one hundred boxes of ammunition, and five hundred muskets." A smuggler who loves a few smugglers took a pen and recorded these numbers on a piece of paper. These are all money. Let him become extremely crazy. These are their favorite things.

"Okay. Okay. Don't forget. For these things, I will give you an IOU. I don't have so many gold coins for you." A Jew shook his head and said. They are the first to realize that there will be a lot of business in this, and they come here to buy goods. This will make them a lot of money. However, they still don't make as much money as loving a few people, because loving a few people relies on Chu people, Koreans. The Jews cursed them, cursed their country's complete decline, and when they got more arms, or united enough strength, they would launch military operations against these maggot-like smugglers. For the benefit, they are willing to kill people, and they are naturally willing to do such things.

"Are there no gold coins?" Aiji smuggler asked the Jewish businessman.

"Yes, there are no gold coins. All the gold coins have entered your pockets. To us, you seem to have earned all the money in this world." The Jewish businessman said dissatisfiedly.

"No, no. It's not us, it's a Korean, a native of Chu. Their business is very hot, and I can't help it." Said the Aiji businessman helplessly. Now more and more businessmen are willing to speak the Central Plains dialect. Because this can avoid a lot of troubles, disputes, and when making a contract, they will use the Central Plains text to carry out, because many products are expressed in the Central Plains text. Only by using such words can such troubles be solved. Moreover, by mastering such a language, one can directly conduct business negotiations with Koreans and Chu people. Jews have such a mindset.

"It's all the same, I think you definitely did not earn less." The Jewish businessman said in a grieving language. It seems that they really took all the money away. Love a few businessmen are very helpless, they feel very hurt. Because the money was really Korean, Chu people took it away. With more and more goods, more and more smugglers, large and small chambers of commerce will disappear every day, and some will appear every day. The seemingly peaceful Suez Canal is actually the most dangerous place. Because there are corpses appearing in this place every day, why, because both sides will use force to solve the problem, under such a situation, naturally some people will use force to fight. In this case, Aiji Merchant’s business will not be easy. After all, driven by interests, there will be many businessmen doing this kind of business, which will make them extremely passive.

"Okay. I won't talk about this for now. However, I have one thing that can make you rich. I don't know if you are interested. If you are not interested, then forget it." The other party said casually. It seems that this matter does not have much to do with him, and it is indeed the case, and this matter really does not have much to do with him.

"Talk about it, maybe I can do something." The Jewish businessman was unwilling to give up any opportunity to make a fortune.

"That's it. The Koreans need to rebuild this canal. They need a lot of labor. They are willing to exchange their goods for these slaves. Don't worry. The demand for slaves is very large, and the space for operation is also very large. "Ai Ji Smuggling said.

"This. The question is, where did we get so many slaves?" the Jewish merchant asked.

"This is not my business. Loma, there are many slave markets there, and North Africa, where there are black slaves. As long as you can get slaves, you can get so many slaves. Anyway, a lot of money is available. Among Koreans, what they have is money, and they can do many, many such things." Said the businessman Aiji.

"Okay. We will figure it out by ourselves. But I want to know how much money there is in this thing. You know, it is difficult for those people to guarantee enough quantity to be shipped here?" The Jewish businessman asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, he will be more valuable than gold coins. Don't worry about that," the other party said.

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