The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3456: Withdrawal is too easy

"At that time, we were eating lunch, because the physical exertion of these few days is very heavy, everyone's food quality has improved a bit, we got some cheese, some sausages, and some fruit wine will make us excited. Everyone thinks that this kind of life is the military camp life that we should have. But while we were enjoying our lunch, an amazing news came. A communication soldier ran in very anxiously and shouted loudly. Karachi people are coming. They have rushed into the fortifications we built. They have killed them. The communicator shouted in panic. Then he ran to the next barracks. Many of us didn't know what happened. Event, but soon, we will know what happened." Lieutenant Yang Zhen wrote in his notebook.

"Bang. Bang. We heard the gunshots. It was only then that everyone remembered that they wanted to take their own weapons, but there were still many people who were panicked. We were also helpless about this. After all, this is war, everyone. No war has ever been fought." Yang Zhen tried to be as realistic as possible about the situation at the meeting, and he wanted to restore the situation at that time. After all, this is really happening.

"But this kind of news not only made us panic, but also fear and fear. Some people were about to flee here on the spot. They discarded their weapons, their companions, and did not care about anything. I saw another fifteen or sixteen-year-old. Child, he picked up the cheese on the table and was about to run. That guy was very smart. I had to think about it, but at the time, I really couldn’t think of it. After all. It was a mess at this time. We only had eight. There were more than a dozen people, and more than 20 people left on the spot. Some of them seemed at a loss. They didn’t know whether they should leave here or stick to it. They behaved at a loss. This is the same as their usual appearance. "Lieutenant Yang Zhen wrote.

"Bang. Bang." Gunshots followed. I thought it was from Karachi. But the sound was wrong, because it was the sound of a pistol.

"I saw that several people were killed on the spot. They may just want to leave here, or leave for a while, but the damned military police representative pointed at everyone with a pistol and shouted loudly."

"You **** cowards, go back, take up weapons, and go to the front. If anyone dares to escape, we will kill anyone. The representative of the military police shouted loudly. Behind him were two military policemen holding rifles. To us. Many people are terrified. They are obviously stronger than the Karachi people. In desperation, all of us had to take up arms again, and the chaotic situation just now was brought under control. I don’t know it was fear. Power help, or, those damned military police representatives are really as powerful as that. But they really controlled the situation." Lieutenant Yang Zhen who stopped writing now still feels that those military police representatives are too terrifying. Because they often shoot people for no reason, many people don't know why, but it is strange that no one dares to do anything to them. This is the rule. This is the right of the representatives of the military police.

"Soon, we arrived on a battlefield. It was really a battlefield. Before our people dug half of the fortifications, there were dead people everywhere, including our own people and Karachi people. A strange posture twisted, the internal organs, intestines, blood, and some of the blood have turned black. It seems that there has been a **** battle. The military police captain told us that we must strengthen our defense as soon as possible, otherwise, the Karachi people will Come up. But what I saw is that my soldiers, they just vomited when they saw this scene. Some people squatted on the ground and wept in terror. But we have to keep here. We don’t have many weapons. There are many pieces of meat. An veteran showed me one of the fortifications. It was a central point, which seemed to be like that. At the central point of an explosion, there were two things like shoes on the ground. There was also a leg, Bai Sensen There is still some black rotten meat on his bones. That is the result of the explosion. It must be a soldier who detonated the explosive himself. Then it caused such a result. The minced meat may come from that soldier, or it may be nearby. People from Karachi. Anyway, the situation seems to be very unfavorable for us." Yang Zhen wrote.

"Fortunately, the fighting in the back was not very fierce. The Karachi people tried several offensives, and their offensive strength became weaker than once. We have not heard of the most powerful part. It is said that, however, a group of Karachi people suddenly charged. When they came out to attack their positions, many people were killed before they could react, because they had no weapons yet, and the Karachi who rushed in quickly killed them. In this way, our defensive line was opened. Gap. This is the most loved situation in China and Australia for our town. Later we mobilized all kinds of troops to invest in it, a platoon, a company, or a battalion. In short, many people were The captain of the military police was madly called up and plunged into it. The war is bloody. We even survived more than 80 people, and 41 others.” Yang Zhen wrote in his notes. The stinking corpses were still not removed, because the war cost them the last bit of strength. It turned out that the war was so cruel. Lieutenant Yang Zhen wrote.

In Dunkin's headquarters, a faint kerosene lamp illuminates his headquarters, a cemetery. This is the only commanding height of the town. Here you can see the situation on all fronts.

"Our situation is very bad. The defensive line built didn't work at all. On the contrary, they brought us a lot of trouble. We seem to be unable to defend here." Lieutenant Colonel Gaocha said.

"No, we must guard here, otherwise, we will lose a lot, this small town, all people will be killed in the end. We can't watch this happen." Colonel Dunkin resolutely objected.

"But we are already surrounded." Lieutenant Colonel Gaocha said. Things seemed to come suddenly. The Karachi people, who were still twenty kilometers away, suddenly appeared in front of them in the morning and made a breakthrough from a built defensive position. They once broke into the center of the town. If it wasn't for the representatives of the military police to control the militias in time, or that is, it was not for Dunkin to put them into their reserve team in time, those young people, to put them into combat in time, maybe They have fallen. All people will be expelled from Karachi.

But their situation is not very optimistic. Because the Karachi people surrounded them, and resolutely took severe measures against them, although the Karachi people did not launch an attack, their situation was still very bad, morale was low, and the lack of weapons began to decrease. After all, a lot of people died. Preliminary statistics show that they killed more than 1,600 soldiers in action. This number is for them. It's too serious.

"We have no reinforcements, and it is impossible to have reinforcements. If this is the case, how can we stick to it?" Lieutenant Colonel Gaocha said somewhat pessimistically. What can he say about such things? The situation is very bad for him. He can't do many things. This is the most difficult situation for them.

"If we surrender, we will be killed by the Karachi people. Although they kill suddenly. But we still have to stay here." Colonel Dunkin said.

"What shall we do next?" Gao Cha asked.

"Retreat. Retreat everyone to the city and build a line of defense in the city. Maybe we can still do this. In short, we have to resist. Just do it." Colonel Dunkin ordered. He knows that they are already very difficult to defend on the perimeter line of defense. Their forces have become very weak, and they can't keep there at all. The only way is to withdraw and retreat to the city, using the complex situation in the city to establish the line of defense they should have. Perhaps this is their last chance. In short, this opportunity is still very important to them.

Qin, the Ministry of National Defense, and Wei Liao anxiously walked back and forth in the communications office. He sent telegrams in the name of Qin’s Ministry of National Defense, hoping that Zhao, South Korea, and Chu’s defense ministers could sit down and talk. Regarding the situation of Yueshi, Qin can give Yueshi a chance not to annihilate the last Yueshi power, because this is the last mobile force of Yueshi. Once they are eliminated, Yueshi will be completely eliminated. Was wiped out. But for now, the Yue Kingdom still has a reason to exist, not only for Qin, but also for South Korea, Chu, or Zhao. But the problem is that after Qin sent a telegram, all countries did not respond. , This made Wei Liao feel very worried, because such variables still exist.

Chu State, Pengcheng. The telegrams between Chu and South Korea kept beating. The communications officials are very busy, and their supervisors keep coming and going. He looks very busy.

"What if we disagree?" Fan Zeng asked such a question.

"If we disagree, we will have to spend a lot of money, even quite a lot of ammunition, to take down these areas. In the end, what we get is still a ruin. It is really for our loss and other construction. It is a relatively large loss. At the same time, the war will last for a long time. We may not be able to withstand such a long war. In the end, we still need to accept the Qin people’s proposal. Now, the Qin people have put forward such a view that the Yue people can withdraw. This For us, it is a very good opportunity." The Defense Minister explained.

"Withdrawal, it's too easy." Fan Zeng said, shaking his head.

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