The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3458: Location is important

"Yueshi people can withdraw their troops, but they must pay us a certain amount of war reparations. Otherwise, what are we going to fight?" Guo Kai in Handan also said the same. The Minister of National Defense of Zhao State also agreed to the withdrawal of the Yue people, because if the Yue people withdrew, they would not have to fight. If you continue to fight, Zhao Guo may not be able to stick to it. He can get a piece of land there and allow the Yueshi to withdraw. This is already a very good result. Therefore, in his opinion, the Yueshi's withdrawal is a favorable choice for Zhao. The choice is obvious.

Guo Kai also agreed to do this. After all, this has great benefits, and Zhao Guo doesn't have to fight. Fighting will consume more financial funds, but the question is, if this continues, what should they do? Obviously it is against them.

But in line with the principle of maximizing benefits. Guo Kai felt that Zhao Guo should blackmail a sum of money to make up for his own war expenses. After all, such problems are still very important. In this regard, the requirements of the State of Zhao and State of Chu are the same, and they also need a kind of war indemnity to make up for their losses.

South Korea is just watching the dynamics between the two countries. The Koreans hope to end the war as soon as possible, because the Yueshi people are still resisting the Indian army. And they have already occupied Maharashtra. If this is the case, they will have a de facto occupation. On this issue, they have the initiative, because Maharashtra was regained by themselves. For them, This is extremely advantageous. In the future, when the Indians propose to recover, they will also be extremely passive. This is the conspiracy of the Koreans. If the Yueshis withdraw their troops, it will directly cause such a fact. They can also reach a preliminary conclusion. Provisions, such as helping the Yue people to occupy the land of the Indians in order to make them a useful state, can greatly reduce the diplomatic crisis in Maharashtra. This is the consideration of the Koreans.

When all the telegrams were sent to Wei Liao's hands. Wei Liao felt a very headache. Then it was concentrated and handed over to the Prime Minister's Mansion. After all, this kind of thing still made him feel very headache. The requirements of various countries are too harsh, and it seems that the Yue government still finds it difficult to comply.

"In such a situation, I think it is still difficult for the people of the Yue family to agree to it. I think they know this very well themselves. Because this condition is too harsh." Shang Wen said.

"Yes, and they couldn't find such a fund to solve this problem, but his strategic position is also very important. I think we still need to let the bank perform some operations. Only in this way can we get us The situation has become more favorable." Meng Yi said to Shangwen. The situation of the Yueshi people is indeed very difficult. They must be supported by some reinforcements. But as far as the current situation of the Yueshi people is concerned, their situation is very bad. Financial funds have dried up, and they have no ability to do such a thing. But how Qin State helped them, this point still made them feel very troublesome.

The northern part of the Yuezhi area, but now it has become the southern border of the Qin State. The Qin Army only sent some patrols here, and did not establish a large-scale defensive position. The aviation reconnaissance report shows that the Yueshi people’s warfare capabilities have been exhausted. They can't launch an offense. Wang Ben believed that they did not need to waste a lot of time staying there, so he sent some patrols and some guard posts. No other things were done. However, most of the Qin Army officers and soldiers believed that by doing so, the high level was preparing for the next offensive. After all, they had already dug trenches before. It's a kind of remedy.

Inside a dilapidated log cabin at the border. Premier Yue's Li Di and his Minister of Foreign Affairs are sitting here. In a tent outside, there are some communication personnel, which are basically the people he brought.

"Our situation is very bad. The Karachi people have launched another offensive. They have broken through a line of defense we just established. If they continue to attack, we will be over. They will hit the rear of the eastern defense line. Poke them in the ass. And the Qin people seem to have no intention to send troops, we can't keep here at all. It's over. Originally I thought the Qin people would help us, but now, I don’t even see the face of their highest official, even their new patrol I can't even enter the line. Damn it." Li Di said anxiously. He felt that things were terrible. It's terrible, because many times he may not be able to enter. If he is by Qin Guoren's side, there may be some opportunities. He has a lot of funds. He hopes to bribe some people and let them enter for negotiations. Give him a chance, but now, there is no such opportunity. Isn't this the worst thing? It must be.

"Prime Minister, we should calm down, maybe the situation is not yet the worst." The other party persuaded.

"Isn't it? Our defense line is completely impossible to defend. The defense line that has just been established, and where we draw troops from, the strength of the eastern front is already very tense. It is not impossible for them to leave at all. It’s the locals. If you let them leave their homes to save the entire Yueshi. They won’t do it. The only possibility is to ask Qin. Although Qin has invaded us, we still have to do this. We I really need such an opportunity." Li Di said. The Foreign Minister said nothing. He needs to close his mouth and think about it. The next thing, perhaps, the Prime Minister is right, they should actively seek help from the people of Qin, but the people of Qin put their interests first, and there is no way to solve them if they don’t have enough benefits. This problem. Perhaps the railway is an opportunity. The strategic position of the Yueshi people is still very important.

Qin State, Xianyang. Wenyang Bank Building is a high-rise building.

"What kind of situation is this, we should study it carefully. I think the crux of the question is, what can the Yueshi people come up with?" Yingyu learned something from Shangwen. Qin Guoguo intends to solve the problems of the Yueshi, but there must be one thing to do to participate in the Yueshi. Solve their financial problems, but how to solve the financial problems.

"The position of the Yue family is very important." Xiao He said. He didn't know the military value of the Yueshi people, he couldn't tell. Although he knew some things, he couldn't tell the details from a strategic point of view, but he knew one thing, that is, the position of the Yueshi is very important. On the issue of trade. He was able to allow Qin State to obtain a southward exit to the sea. This outlet is very important to the Qin State.

"Location?" Ying Zheng asked.

"Yes. Location. Location is indeed important." Yingyu said after looking at the map. She was also aware of this.

"We can let them mortgage their railways. As well as the railways of other railway sections, as well as the railway sections that may be built in the future, provide them with funds so that they can solve their domestic problems. Under such circumstances, we can help them. The reason for this, and controlling the railway, you can develop a large trade, connecting Karachi, Indy, and more southern regions. These regions are of great help to us. If we can get an outlet, the situation will be It is more beneficial to us. Therefore, the key to solving the financial problem is to mortgage the railway. We must control the trade resources there. The resources cannot be very helpful, but it can give us access to important trading ports. If we can get it If you go to Karachi, we can import a lot of oil from the south. This will be a very important venue for us." Xiao He said of his own views. Yingyu looked at the map and nodded. She thinks what Xiao He said is very good. Because this is indeed the most beneficial to the Qin State, and that's it, Yingyu feels that he should be involved. After all, this can solve a big problem.

A cemetery in the west of the small town of Yueshi Dhaka, this is a public cemetery for the Yueshi people, but now it has become a battlefield.

"Woo." Bullets kept flying around, a timid Yue's militiaman was holding his weapon nervously, his mouth twitching constantly. The Karachi launched a frantic attack. Because the Yue people didn't know how to retreat, they didn't know how to retreat. As a result, when they were about to enter the town for a final defense, the Karachi people discovered this opportunity, they quickly followed and launched an attack. They were caught off guard by such an offense. Many people were killed, with bullets coming from the back. Until here, they barely held on here, and the situation here is still very bad. Many people will be killed. They know this very well. But what else can they do.

"I will survive, I will survive," the other party said. Then he stretched out his head.

"Bang." A bullet hit the opponent's head, and the soldier who wanted to survive was killed all at once.

"Resist, hurry, hold the line and shoot freely." Lieutenant Yang Zhen shouted loudly. At the same time, he kept grabbing some soldiers into combat positions. There was a battalion of troops to defend, but in fact, they only had a little more than a hundred people, and the Karachi on the opposite side also had a battalion, but they had a few of them. Hundreds of people. Everyone felt they couldn't stand it anymore. They lost the war. But Yang Zhen still hopes that they can resist, it doesn't make any sense. But this is where they finally fight.

Gunshots, explosions. Loud shouts and screams were mixed together.

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