Zhong Limei's headquarters has now moved to the back mountain behind Binhai that should have been controlled by the Yues. This is the only commanding height nearby. If you control this commanding height, you will be in control of everything. The Koreans and Chu people can establish artillery positions here, and they pose a great threat to the Yueshi people. In this regard, Yue's people know this very well.

"Has the artillery been pulled up yet?" Zhong Limei asked one of his adjutant groups with a telescope.

"There is no sergeant yet. The Yue people you know don't have a built road here at all. The road to the mountain is very difficult to walk. It will take some time for us to solve this problem." The adjutant explained.

"Yeah. I know. But this situation won't last too long. The last time for the Yue family has arrived." Zhong Limei put down the telescope in his hand and said with a smile. Zhao Jun is also actively preparing. It is said that they have recently arrived in a batch of new weapons. He still doesn't know what this weapon is, but what he knows is that this is a brand new weapon. It is said to have a great influence on the battle situation. Zhong Limei wanted to understand the meaning of such a new weapon.

Zhao Jun did bring a new batch of weapons, that is, armored vehicles. They hope to use such weapons in the next recovery campaign. However, Zhao Jun soldiers generally believe that such weapons are not of great significance, because The thickness of the armor is too worrying. They can only resist machine guns and rifle bullets from a long distance. If the phone is too close, the personnel inside will be killed by the penetrating bullets. Don’t look at it as a weapon equipped with iron armor, but for them, Such weapons are simply rubbish.

"However, sir, I think this war may not be fought." The adjutant looked at Zhong Limei's excitement, and he couldn't bear to disturb his leader's hopes. However, he felt that he should have the right to let his leader in such matters. Understand that there is indeed a possibility that the war cannot be fought.

"Can't fight?" Zhong Limei looked back at his adjutant. He didn't know where he got the news.

"Talk about it." Zhong Limei put down his binoculars and sat on a chair. He wanted to hear what kind of views the other party had that would make him change such a situation.

"That's it, sir, my opinion is that it is indeed impossible to fight. First of all, the Karachi people advance too fast. This seriously threatens the situation of the Yue family. At the same time, it also greatly affects the Qin people in the month. The situation of the layout of the family. I think that the people of Qin will not agree to this. Therefore, I think that although the people of Qin are unlikely to send troops to interfere, they will also interfere in such a matter. They may need people here. If Yueshi If human activities are particularly vigorous, even though our encirclement is formed, they can still surrender. Then they can re-arm to deal with the Karachi people." The adjutant said.

"Continue." Zhong Limei took a sip of his tea and said.

"Yes, sir. Actually, I don’t think our sir also agrees with such a thing, because it costs more ammunition to fight a war. In addition to transportation, these are huge expenses. Our national defense expenses It has always been limited. The army and the navy are fighting very fiercely. At this time, it is difficult to go to war and get more funds. You must know that this kind of thing is not good for anyone. So, I think, this kind of thing , It’s still unlikely to fight. Not only our Ministry of National Defense thinks that way, but Koreans and Zhao people think that way. In their opinion, doing so is too costly. This is extremely detrimental to everyone." Zhong Limei's adjutant said.

"Yeah. That's right." Zhong Limei slowly thought about what his adjutant said. If he thinks about the problem from a higher level, maybe they really can't do this. Because the cost of fighting also needs to be considered, it is very cost-effective to fight directly. It is also very simple, but when the following economic bills are handed over to the politicians, they will read them in a dark face. In their view, these are simply money-giving machines, and they will not bring them a penny of profit. Those congressmen and government officials are extremely opposed to such things. It seems that this war really means that it cannot be fought. Thinking of this, he felt like he was busy again. It is really helpless to think about it.

As for the Yueshi people in the encirclement, they themselves felt very bad.

"We are surrounded. Morale has dropped to the lowest point. Many people worry about their fate, and more and more soldiers are deserting. They believe that only surrender is the only way out, and surrender will not return to Yueshi. They even more. The worry is far away from Yue’s family. The people of Zhao, Korean, and Chu on the other side know that we have a lot of information, and it’s stated on the leaflet. The **** Karachi people are going deep into our homes, and they kill Our relatives, the women who robbed us, and our possessions as their trophies all worried a lot of soldiers, but we were powerless. We were trapped here to death. Damn it. Thinking of this, I I feel that I have been burned by the anger in my heart. This feeling is really uncomfortable." Captain Li Kai wrote anxiously. His handwriting gradually became very big, and it was difficult to clearly recognize what kind of words it was. Many people are anxious to deal with such a situation. After all, such things are too important to them.

More and more soldiers surrendered, it seemed to the Yueshi people. Everything becomes very difficult.

Qin State, Xianyang. Shangwen's cabinet is urgently addressing such a matter. But the first thing to be solved is the problem of financial funds. Only when this problem is solved can the following problems be discussed.

"Wenyang Bank is willing to take on such things, but Zhao, South Korea, and the Chu government seem to be used to extortion. They think they should pay more. After all, the price they pay is still relatively high." Meng Yi Speaking to Shangwen.

"That is their business, but I think it can increase the time extension. After all, there is no such amount of funds to give them." Shang Wen said.

"The specific matters will be discussed by Wenyang Bank. I think they are more suitable for such negotiations than us." Meng Yi said. Specific matters should be left to Wenyang Bank. In terms of calculations, it seems that Qin Guo Wenyang Bank is more advantageous.

"However, we must be clearly aware of one thing. Wenyang Bank is unlikely to provide more financial support. After all, supporting the Yueshi people at this time is undoubtedly taking great risks. The specific representatives, They will also discuss related matters." Meng Yi said.

"It would be great if someone could solve this problem. Okay. This problem is solved. Next, we need to carry out a series of cooperation on the basis of the cooperation between Wenyang Bank and the Yue government. If this is the case, it will be conducive to development. The first aid to the Yueshi people is to provide a large number of weapons. At the same time, to solve the problem of the Yueshi soldiers in Maharashtra, so that they can enter the fighting state as soon as possible." Shangwen said.

"The problem is that the Yue people seem to be unable to withstand the Karachi attack. They seem to be on the verge of an extreme collapse. They must be supported by a wave of support forces. Where does this force come from? "Wei Liao asked this key question.

"This is the basis of project cooperation. I think we can recruit some people from those Yue’s POW camps or the local Yue’s people. Of course. This is a cooperative project launched by the Yue’s government. In this way, we can Resolve part of the force. Although their force is not very large, we will provide some weapons and equipment, but they are just a buffer for time to withstand the Karachi attack. In that case, the situation will have room for change and the time we need. There is not much time for us, so we need to do this." Shang Wen said.

In addition, the Qin government also discussed other issues, such as other specific assistance details, food provided, supplies, and equivalent assets exchanged. These seem to be very familiar. The people of Qin State only provided some necessary daily necessities, but they used a feeling of helping others to make up for their bad behavior of bargaining. This seems to be the people of Qin State helping the Yueshi people. Of course. This is also done by the Yueshi people themselves. There was a big mistake in their strategy.

Within the territory of the Yue family, Meng Hao was sitting on his camp bed. Outside his tent, there were some Karachi wounded soldiers who kept groaning annoyingly, and many people were injured. But they can't get timely help, they can only do a simple dressing, and then slowly wait for death. The medical soldiers are very busy, and there is blood everywhere. Every day there will be new wounded soldiers coming in, and wounded soldiers will die. The situation in Karachi is very bad.

"This is the result of their own encounters. Everyday someone will die, but the Karachi people's fighting will is gradually weakening, and their logistics supply situation is also very bad. The worst and most terrible thing is that many soldiers do not behave. Everyone knows the reason for willingness to fight. There are too many spoils in their arms and personal baggage." Meng Hao suddenly pointed out an important reason for the Karachi people's defeat in battle. Loot. They have advanced a lot of miles. Along the way, they have been robbing and taking too much loot. Although the war is easy, they still want to take more. However, a person who robbed a lot of loot has a different mentality from the person who just entered the robbery. .

Those who have already got the things, they want to go back quickly and put these things down, they will become cherished their lives, because only life can enjoy all this, if there is no life, nothing, in this way Under the circumstances, what reason does the Karachi people have to continue fighting frantically? Every soldier thinks this way. They all want to save their spoils and their lives. That's what they think and do.

"When the Karachi people launched their assault for the first time, they had become very powerful. They could do it all at once, but as a result, the Yue people's resistance became tenacious, and the killing eventually aroused Yue. The resistance of the Clan and the weakening of the Karachi people themselves do not understand this. Their generals just want to take more land. Only in this way can they get more benefits. They urge themselves. The soldiers attacked, but their soldiers only wanted to get their own spoils. As for the others, they were simply beyond their control. In such a situation, the battle was defeated and the towns that the Yue people could not take hold of it became extremely possible. It's something." Meng Hao analyzed it himself. The actual situation is indeed the case.

More and more soldiers have this idea. During the battle, some Karachi soldiers took advantage of the chaos and fled. As a result, the supervising team behind was caught and shot on the spot. Such an approach can allow the soldiers to continue fighting, but it can't suppress the soldier's desire to go home and keep his spoils. And more and more people have this idea. This situation makes them extremely crazy.

On both sides of the Suez Canal. The business of introducing commodities into slaves has become more and more. Some northern merchants from Jews, Aiji, and other regions quickly completed the transaction and took their commodities to the north. This is because the prices offered by Koreans are still relatively high. You can get up to two gold coins and one slave. This is simply a huge price temptation. If they can complete the transaction as soon as possible, they will make a lot of money. Thought of this. Many businessmen stepped up their steps and moved northward.

"Manager, the price we gave is too high. Two gold coins, we can sell a lot of slaves. One. Such a price has never happened before. This will aggravate our loss." An assistant worried to himself. Said the manager.

"We have to do this. Only by driving up the price can more slaves get here. Besides, this is just an inflated price. All we have to do is get them to trade quickly. Only in this way can we let them Complete a large number of slave assembly." The manager said.

"Flies will not only stare at the feces, but also at the cheese. Moreover, the attractiveness of the cheese will be very great. When they gather more, they will have a chance to be dirty. Don't worry, we can't lose it. "The manager used a very disgusting metaphor to illustrate his strategy. But this analogy has made many people puzzled. In their view, this kind of business will cause them to lose money. If this kind of loss cannot be stopped, their situation may be even worse. Such a thing is really unimaginable.

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