"Don't shoot, don't shoot." Ma Bang, the name of Zhao Guoren. On Zhao Jun's forward position, two Yue officers and soldiers shouted loudly under the white flag. They were hiding in a tunnel, and the snipers had noticed them long ago. It is a pity that they seem to have become very agile, and all of a sudden they got into a big hole. In this case, the sniper would not be able to hit them.

"Don't shoot, we have something to discuss with your chief. Don't shoot." Two Yue officers and soldiers shouted loudly. The sniper shook his head helplessly. They stopped the possibility of continuing to shoot each other. Because it makes no sense at all.

"Don't shoot. Don't shoot." The two poor Yue soldiers shouted loudly. They stood up slowly. Zhao Jun came out as a corporal. He was very courageous. The same snipers aimed at them, but no one could do anything to them? After all, such a thing is still difficult to proceed. Both sides have things to go on. It's easy to fight, but it's very difficult if they can't fight.

A second lieutenant and a sergeant. These are two people dispatched by the Yue family. Both of them held up their hands to indicate that they were not carrying weapons. The second lieutenant held a white flag in his hand. This was a symbol of their safety. . They slowly entered Zhao Jun's forward position under the guidance of the corporal. Soon, they were safe. Zhao Guoren looked at them with strange eyes. Then check for suspicious things on them.

There was nothing, they took away the valuable things before they came. For example, a watch. Wallet. Or more valuable things are taken away. Because they are afraid that the other party will take the opportunity to take their things.

"Here is a letter. Sir." A sergeant retrieved a letter from Lieutenant Yue's body.

"This is a letter from our supreme officer, for your officer." The ensign said with his hands raised. He looked scared.

"Let them put their hands down. Give them some food, or give them some tea." A lieutenant read the letter and said. The envelope is open. Anyone can show it. It seems that the people of Yueshi said that there is no secret at all. The lieutenant looked at it. The content of the letter indicated that the Yue people were unwilling to fight. They hope that both parties can talk peacefully. They can give up all the land, as long as they can evacuate here. If necessary, they can talk about other conditions in detail. The words were not straightforward, but they showed one meaning, that is, the people of the Yue family don't want to fight anymore. They want to retreat. Leaving here safely depends on whether Zhao Jun is willing to do so.

It was also because of the content of the letter that the lieutenant felt that he would treat these ensigns and the sergeant to give them a good meal so that they could say that they had performed very well.

"What do you think of this war?" The lieutenant seemed very interested, and wanted to get some information from Ensign Yue's. The information was very useful.

"Very meaningless. Sir." Ensign Yue's replied after taking a bite of biscuits and a bite of canned meat.

"We think that this kind of war is very meaningless. It shouldn't be continued. You know, we have a big situation in the north. Many of our soldiers are reluctant to fight. They want to go back. Take a look at their home. . Is there a problem? In short, the situation seems to be very unfavorable to us, and we don't want to fight anymore." The ensign said frankly.

"Yeah. You want to go back?" the lieutenant asked.

"Yes, sir. We really want to go back, not just me. Many people, but also the sergeant. Our home is there, there is being invaded there. It was a mistake to attack here. We are just soldiers. Act. If we have the opportunity to go back, we definitely hope to be able to return to where we were. This war is a nightmare." The ensign said.

"Yeah. It is indeed a nightmare." The lieutenant said while looking at each other. The lieutenant asked his soldiers to add some dishes to them, just some navy pickles. But Lieutenant Yue's and Sergeant ate a lot, and it seemed that they hadn't had a full meal for a long time. Their military uniforms are very dirty, there are lice on their bodies, and their beards are very long. It is estimated that it hasn't been scratched for a long time. It seems that the situation of the Yueshi people is indeed very bad. But negotiating things like this is not something they can do. This needs to look at the above, if the above agrees, they will naturally agree.

Full. Premier Li Di was invited here. In fact, he was brought here by two patrolmen, and then his foreign minister also brought him here. They didn't know what happened. However, something must have happened. Otherwise, the people of Qin will not arrest them.

"I really don't know what the fate of the Yue people will be?" The Foreign Minister looked at Li Di's opening topics, and the Qin State Sentinels would not look at them. These are two poor people, they look very dirty.

"I think it will be a good thing. If it is not a good thing, the people of Qin will not see us. Moreover, look at the attitude of the people of Qin to us, it is much better than before. If it is a bad thing, they will just greet you directly. They will declare war directly." Li Di still kept a cool head. He analyzed the situation of the Qin people. It is unlikely that the Qin people will send troops. The Qin people still need them. If the Karachi people do not attack frantically, it is possible that the Yue family will really be there. Ruined. But the problem is that the crazy Karachi people are rushing too hard. Their unrestrained impact suddenly disrupted the balance of power among all parties. In this case, some people will inevitably be involved. What they have to do is this kind of thing.

"Is this possible?" the Foreign Minister asked worriedly.

"Wait and see, I think the people of Qin will tell us some good news." Li Di said without worrying at all. In fact, he felt that he shouldn't worry. In any case, the Yueshi people were already in the worst situation. Their MPs will only quarrel, but what is the result of the quarrel. Nothing can be solved. The only way is to have some contact with the people of Qin. Perhaps it can bring surprises.

Soon a lieutenant colonel came in with a document. Then the lieutenant colonel just saluted and handed a report in the hands of the other party. Motioned them to look down. salute. This is a very good start. Li Di thought inwardly. This shows that the people of Qin are willing to talk to them. Li Di has made up his mind that they are willing to sign regardless of the content of the report. Even if they sell the entire Yueshi, he is also willing. After all, Yueshi is actually bankrupt. This is no different from bankruptcy.

"Have you read the contents of the report? Our requirements are not many. We just open up some rights to trade and trade. As a pledge of your country's rights, we need to garrison troops on that key railway. This is the condition of assistance. "Lieutenant Colonel Qin Jun said. This kind of work was originally done by civil officials, but there were not so many civil officials nearby, and King Qin directly authorized Wang Ben to be fully responsible until the new civil officials accepted such things. This makes Wang Ben very uncomfortable, but he can assign his hand to do such a thing.

"It's finished. I've finished it. I can sign such a document immediately and it will take effect." Li Di buckled the report and said directly. In fact, he didn't finish it at all. Even the foreign minister next to him is watching carefully. But now, he doesn't like it either. Because his prime minister directly withheld all reports.

"Really?" the lieutenant colonel asked suspiciously. They looked at each other with eyes that looked at the prisoners of war.

"Yes, we are finished. We can do many, many things. We can agree to these things." The other party said.

"Don't you want your parliament to sign such a document? You must know that only in this way can you have greater credibility. What we worry about is that your government will not have such credibility, or you will be dissolved all at once. You must know that Qin has a lot of things going on, and we also need to guarantee some of the interests of banks and enterprises." The lieutenant colonel looked at the other side and said.

"There is no problem with this. I will persuade the parliament, and at the same time, I will give my best. You must trust us for this. You can rest assured that we can definitely do it. But we need some time, but soon, I can reply to you soon and give us some time. Some time, soon, soon." Li Di said almost in a begging tone. This makes the Minister of Foreign Affairs a little sad. Because they actually fell to this point.

"Okay, we will give you some time, of course. We will also give you some support chips, for example, we will provide a lot of assistance, for example, we will collect some reinforcements in the north. The previous month of surrender We will also find a way to win over the soldiers, some volunteers, and the Yueshi people in the south, of course. This requires a lot of expenses. Without this fee, it would be difficult for us to solve this problem. You are the most Take a look at the report. This may be of great use to you." said the lieutenant colonel. At the same time, he slapped the report, motioning the other party to take a good look at the report. Maybe they can't accept some conditions themselves. They love the Buddha the most. They think about it carefully. After all, if they suddenly become confused, it will be detrimental to everyone. After the lieutenant colonel left. Li Di went to send a telegram. He felt that things had a big turn for the better. The Foreign Minister looked at the report carefully. Perhaps some problems can be seen.

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