The two new cruisers of the Koguryo Navy were quickly launched for commissioning, and their commissioning direction was Jeju Island. Two cruisers and two frigates formed a small team heading towards Jeju Island. In this regard, the Goguryeo Navy is very confident. In their view, this is the confidence they should have. The artillery of the two cruisers was enough for them to exert tremendous power. Faced with the threat of destroyers, there is no threat to them at all. The two frigates walked ahead because they were slow, while behind, the cruiser moved forward at cruising speed. They are not too far apart. In fact, Goguryeo wanted to use two frigates to attract Jeju pirates’ destroyers to launch an attack. In this way, the cruiser could launch an attack from the rear at its own high speed. This is a typical lure tactic. If Jeju pirates are fooled, their situation will be very bad.

The frigate still has no great advantage over the destroyer. The upgrade space of the Koguryo pirates' frigate is very limited because their tonnage is too limited. Nothing else can be done at all. In contrast, there is room for the destroyer to be upgraded. Except for the early destroyer model with one or two 75mm guns, the rest of the later models of destroyers have all been replaced with four. 75mm artillery above the door. This kind of artillery has a great advantage in armor penetration, and its firepower and range far exceed that of frigates, and the upgrade of frigates has been very difficult. They can only change to a 75mm artillery at most. The others are fifty-two millimeter artillery. Such artillery doesn't have much power at all, and it can't hit far. The ability to penetrate armor is limited. Can only perform **** missions, such missions are reluctant.

Most of Jeju’s pirates’ destroyers were later upgraded models, and their tonnage rose to more than 2,000 tons. The endurance, defense, and speed have all increased a lot. This makes Jeju pirates extremely rampant.

The two cruisers of the Koguryo Navy are named Koguryo and Changbai Mountain. It seems that Koguryo is very interested in these two names. This is the most depressing part of the Qi State Navy advisory officers, because they think that such names are not very good. For example, in the previous Goguryeo and Changbai Mountains, one of the ships was severely injured, almost equivalent to scrapping, and the casualties were still very heavy. The other one was directly hit by the torpedo. Many people think that this name is a very unlucky name. In this regard, some officers refuse to board such a warship. Because it is very unlucky, they are afraid of unlucky events because of these two warships. In their view, this is the situation. Refused to board the ship because of the unlucky name. However, under forced orders, the officers also had to refuse.

"Damn Jeju pirates, they haven't even appeared yet." On the podium, Captain Cui Changming of the Goguryeo cruiser anxiously awaited the appearance of Jeju pirates. Regarding the performance of the new-style warship, he was full of confidence and believed that this was enough to solve all the problems. Moreover, these warships can exert considerable combat capabilities, for which he is very confident. But to have confidence is to have confidence, but it must wait until Jeju pirates appear before proceeding.

"Maybe, before the time, we'd better wait patiently. Mr. Captain." Lieutenant Commander Qi Guo. Zou Hai said helplessly. He can understand the excitement of the Goguryeo Navy's new-style warships, and they can't wait to fight a battle. In this way, their warships can exert a great effect.

"Yeah. I can't wait. Maybe we should kill the Jeju pirates. Our artillery range is still very long. It can reach 10 kilometers unexpectedly. The explosion is very powerful. If we can't find the Jeju pirates, maybe , We can give it a try." Cui Changming suggested. He believes that this proposal is very good, at least it seems very useful, because many things can be done.

"Alarm, alarm. An unknown battleship was found ahead. It seems to be the destroyer of Jeju pirates." At this moment, the alarm sounded. A naval officer immediately reported the warning message, which was obtained through the semaphore of the frigate ahead.

"Damn it. Theirs is finally here." Hearing this, Cui Changming jumped up nervously and excitedly. He has been waiting for this day. He didn't expect to come so fast, it was too powerful for him. Because finally there is a place for him to play. This made him feel very happy.

"Damn it. It's finally here. It's here." The captain's performance was very ordinary, because he wanted to control the overall situation and shouldn't do this, but the Qi navy is not good at saying anything. After all, this is the Goguryeo navy fighting, and The Qi State Navy only provided consultants and some technical guidance.

"Bang. Bang." The artillery battle in front opened soon. Because the frigate did not have much advantage against the destroyer, that is, with the 75mm gun, the frigate still did not have much advantage at all. Under such circumstances, it is still difficult for them to achieve a further breakthrough. The frigate began to turn around and retreat, and fired from time to time, but the combat distance between the two sides became closer and closer. The frigate only had one 75mm artillery at the rear to fire, but the opponent had at least two offensive bombardments, and the shooting speed was faster than them.

"Swish." The cannonball screamed and hit the side of the frigate. The splashing water jet scared the sailor above and sat on the ground.

"Shoot, shoot, damn, these Goguryeo frigates were finally caught by us. Normally, they ran away. This time, run. Grandson's. Lao Tzu, this is a new destroyer. "The captain of a destroyer used by pirates shouted loudly. They use the Chu State Zhuzi destroyer, which is a simple enlargement, an upgraded version of the original destroyer. They simply enlarge the tonnage and increase the speed slightly, but the significance is not great because it is not visible.

Now they are chasing the enemy's frigate frantically. For them, this small frigate is a dish. They only need to concentrate their firepower and shoot fiercely, and the opponent’s boiler is damaged and loses power, and then torpedoes can solve all the problems. . Just when they were frantically chasing the frigate. On their flanks, two cruisers are rapidly passing through the two wings of the frigate. Together with the retreat of the frigate, they speed up the speed of their engagement with the enemy. In this way, their firepower can be used to give each other a severe attack from the flanks.

"Damn it, come out soon. Their cannons have been aimed at us." A gunner on the rear turret of the frigate shouted loudly. They fired desperately, but helplessly, the opponent was faster than them, and was constantly pulling in the distance. Once the distance was close enough, their situation would be completely bad. Because they know that the other party will definitely use torpedoes, no one can prevent this stuff, they can only resign themselves to fate.

"Wow." At this time, a shell hit directly. The shell unfortunately hit a steam engine. It was an armor-piercing shell. Obviously, Jeju pirates were willing to spend money. You know, the money for armor-piercing shells is very expensive.

"Damn it, the steam engine is broken." a gunner cursed. Because the frigate stopped for a while, they felt it slowed down a lot. This means that their power plant has lost its function. At least it is a state of paralysis.

"It's over." The gunner said with a heavy heart, looking at the frigate slowly stopping. He knew that this kind of thing shouldn't happen, but the problem is that this kind of thing has already happened.

Looking through his binoculars, two 75mm artillery guns were aiming at them, and they were next. The gunner was ready to die.

"Boom. Boom." Then came a huge explosion. There is also a sharp sound of breaking through the air. The gunner did not feel death. Instead, he saw that the destroyer was knocked out of a cannon. Another seventy-five-millimeter gun was directly beaten up. It's impossible for the opponent to shoot anymore.

"The good guy hit directly on the first shot." The gunmaster exclaimed excitedly, and they were saved. At a critical time, the fast cruiser quickly appeared. They used their 120mm caliber guns to shoot directly at the opposing turret, of course. The first artillery shell was operated by the Qi navy gunner. The Goguryeo navy hadn't reached the technical essentials for firing on the voyage. If they fired the first artillery shell, they would definitely hit the shell to an unknown position.

"Damn it. What kind of battleship is that, it's more to fight than us." The Jeju pirates who were beaten up looked at the battleship that appeared on their flanks in horror. The opponent's speed was obviously faster than them, and the caliber of the artillery was very large, otherwise How could it be so powerful.

"Left full rudder, retreat, fast. Retreat." The captain quickly issued an order. But this time the artillery fired again, and one shell nearly hit them. But this still produces a large water column. This makes them very worried, because the opponent's gunner's skills are still very large.

"Mobile retreat. Hurry, avoid. Hurry." The captain shouted in panic. They met an opponent. Such opponents are not something they can deal with. You know, this kind of warship is much stronger than them in power and speed, and they must leave here as soon as possible.

"Hurry up." The captain urged loudly. I don't know if they are not fast enough or the other party is too fast. The captain felt that their lives had been greatly threatened. This was the first time they had dealt with such a problem. Although very helpless, life-saving was the first priority.

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