The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3462: The Hope of Yueshi People

With the addition of two cruisers, the battle soon became one-sided. The destroyer was directly blinded by the opponent's 120mm artillery. They had never imagined that there would be such a strange warship, this kind of warship would have such a powerful force, and the opponent's artillery was simply abnormal.

The destroyed destroyer can only be desperately powerful, but the opponent's speed is still very fast, they have been walking around and shooting. This is a big threat to the destroyer.

However, the destroyers were not beaten in vain. They also had their own weapons. They used the only torpedoes to launch. Although the range of the torpedoes was still relatively short and the combat effect was greatly reduced, the trajectory of the torpedoes launched made the cruiser. It feels very dangerous.

"Damn it. These destroyers actually fired torpedoes. Dodge, hurry up." Captain Goguryeo issued such an order. However, their 120mm artillery still showed great power. The boiler of a destroyer was directly pierced, and the power suddenly dropped a lot. This caused a lot of losses. Faced with such a situation, they Also feel very helpless. Because the loss of power means that their warship will be sunk by the opponent.

"Hey, let's run. We are planted." The captain on another destroyer issued such an order. They must leave here as soon as possible. Only by leaving here can their safety be guaranteed. This is the consensus of everyone. Only at this point can they guarantee their safety.

The stationary destroyer had to fly the white flag, and it was extremely unwise to continue resisting. Surrender may be the last helpless choice. Maybe they can escape by themselves, and there is no chance if they are sunk.

The battle soon ended. The cruiser shooting at a distance has a great advantage. Faced with such an advantage, the 75mm artillery can't reach there at all, and it cannot pose a direct threat to the 120mm artillery. The outcome of the battle may have been decided at the beginning. Faced with such a result, everyone can only passively accept it. This is the technological gap, and this gap cannot be made up with tactics. The main reason is that this gap is too big.

The results of the battle that took place here were quickly sent to their respective bases by the Jeju pirates, the Goguryeo Navy, and the Qi State Navy’s consultants, and then they began to summarize the war in detail. After all, the addition of cruisers completely broke the balance of weapons. Up.

Yueshi, Dhaka Town. The siege of the Karachi people is still going on from time to time. Although they pose a great threat, they still show no signs of attacking the town. But the dangerous situation is still great.

"The line of defense on the western front has been loosened. We must strengthen some manpower. Otherwise, we will not be able to hold there at all. If that happens, our entire line of defense will be torn apart by a big hole." Lieutenant Colonel Gaocha Deng Jin said helplessly.

"We don't have a reserve team anymore. The reserve team is all shot. We really can't spare enough manpower to solve this problem." Colonel Dunkin said.

"There are no temporary supplementary personnel. They have been greatly consumed. In this situation, I can only put women into it. However, whether they have such courage, such combat effectiveness, I really don’t know. Now." Dunkin said helplessly.

"This, I think, they will do that. This may be a good idea. After all, women are also a fighting resource. They can greatly help us solve such problems." Lieutenant Colonel Gaocha said.

"Can you?" Dunkin asked in an extremely improbable tone.

"If we don't try it, we simply can't hold on to that front. Once the entire front is broken, I think our situation will not be too good. If someone goes up, it’s better than if no one goes up. If the position is breached, the line of defense we have established is useless." Gao Cha persuaded.

The defensive tug-of-war of the Yueshi people lasted a long time. Dunkin called this kind of defense elastic defense. They kept compressing their defensive circles and contracting their forces, and then, when appropriate, joined some reserve teams to counterattack. In this case, on a position, the two sides would compete repeatedly. , Karachi people are greatly consumed on this, quite a lot of troops, many times, Karachi people occupy an hour during the day, and then retaken by the Yueshi people, then beaten back, and then retaken, both sides always Conducting such a meaningless see-saw battle, but their forces have been greatly consumed. Karachi people are increasingly unable to organize larger-scale offensives, and such offensives are somewhat fatal to them.

"Well, let's try it." Colonel Dunkin reluctantly agreed. After such repeated seesaws, his strength was eliminated a lot, and many soldiers died before seeing the positions they had recovered. More and more soldiers died, and many corpses were too late to be buried and then occupied by the other side. Then another pile of corpses piled up together, and then retreated. This kind of force consumption has brought their strength to the limit. At this time, whoever can complete the supplement can do these things well.

Yue’s cabinet, the office of the Minister of Defense, has become Yue’s last headquarters. The Minister of Defense ordered the mobilization of more troops.

"Mr. Minister, we have sent out all our military academies. If it is not until the last minute, we will not do this." The Deputy Minister said worriedly. In this kind of crisis, nothing can be considered. The Karachi were killed suddenly, and they had to build a broken line of defense to do such a thing. But this broken line of defense can barely resist further attacks by the Karachis. They must stop the Karachis, otherwise, their country will be completely ruined.

"I know. But it's not enough. We still lack enough troops. Think of a way to get more people involved. For example, let the gendarmerie catch workers and farmers, right. Let the servants of those congressmen also Get involved. If necessary, I think that slaves can give them some chances of liberation, as long as they participate in the battle to defend Yueshi." The Minister of Defense said at all costs. Li Di sent a telegram to him. Said that the people of Qin are willing to support him, he will provide a lot of reinforcements. The people of Qin have planned to recruit the original troops in the north to participate. They will also guarantee that the reinforcements from the south will come in time to support them. In the end, reinforcements will come.

"Yes, Mr. Minister, but. Our reinforcements, where are our reinforcements?" The Deputy Minister said worriedly.

"I know, you are worried about the reinforcements, they will come back, but our task is to block and build a line of defense, even if this line of defense only has a little meaning that can be resisted, we must do the same." The Secretary of Defense emphasized.

"We can build more worker infantry battalions, as well as peasants, or slave infantry companies. Just do this. If necessary, women must also join the war. This is related to the future of Yueshi and must be done." The Secretary of Defense said firmly.

"Okay. Mr. Minister." The deputy minister recorded. The Karachi people's offensive spearhead continues to move towards their goal. Many things have exceeded their expectations, but they are still doing it.

The infantry companies and battalions formed by the workers are very poor in combat effectiveness, and they often fail after a few hours. According to the report of the military police. Those workers will be shot and killed mercilessly, but such shooting is meaningless, but they still continue to do things like this. A large number of newly formed military units continue to invest in the defense war, and many soldiers are forced to launch by representatives of the military police. attack. Such a consumption of troops is very staggering. But at the same time they were consuming the ammunition supplies of the Karachis, and at the same time consuming their troops, the Karachi's offensive became more and more stagnant. Maybe in the end they won't be able to move. Anyway, things have become like this. For them, they are doing pretty well.

Yuezhi North. The Yueshi soldiers in the prison camp were re-armed, and they were told to take part in Yueshi's battle against the Karachi. Some soldiers were still happy, and they were finally free. But some other soldiers behaved very negatively.

"Damn it. Fighting with the Karachi, if we are killed, we might as well stay in the prisoner of war camp." A sergeant said dissatisfied. In fact, he was unwilling to go to war, and preferred to stay in a prisoner of war camp. Although he would be pulled out to do some work every day, it was safe and the people of Qin would not shoot them. On the contrary, their treatment is still better. If they complete tasks ahead of time, such as cleaning up garbage, cleaning up corpses, building railways, etc., they will have rewards, and the food will be good, and the people of Qin State guarantee that they still have wages to get. Such a good thing naturally eroded their enthusiasm for reluctance to continue fighting. In their view, the Yue government had forgotten them a long time ago.

They had already thought about it. If they get out of the prisoner-of-war camp, they will be workers. Construction workers can do anything. In short, it was much better than the Yue government. It was the Yue government that abandoned them. When they resisted the Qin people, they did not see any reinforcements. This shows that the Yue government has sacrificed them. It is not worth it to make them work for such a government. But the order has been issued, and the people of Qin state ordered all prisoners of war to join the volunteers. This makes them feel very unhappy.

And for others, their home is in the south, maybe they can stay there. In short, they are still good. However, the attitude of more Yueshi North is that they are unwilling to continue to give their lives to the Yueshi government in the South, and they feel very disappointed. However, they must follow the orders of the people of Qin.

"Forget it. Don't say it. Just when we fight for them for the last time, we still have to come back anyway. I don't want to give my life to those disappointed governments." Another sergeant persuaded. After the Qin government came here, everything changed. For example, the Qin people raised their wages for the first time, and at the same time ensured that they freely choose their jobs, provided labor guarantees, and so on. These were never before the Yue government. They believe that the management of the Qin government is more reasonable than the Yue government, and they have a more favorable impression of the new Qin government.

In the Yueshi camp in the south, the feeling of encirclement has not been eliminated. However, the high-level officials are frequently contacting Zhao, South Korea, and Chu military representatives. They hope to reach a temporary ceasefire as soon as possible. As for specific matters, their government Will come forward to deal with it. They got such a news.

"The situation seems to have changed a lot. The gunshots on the front line have become less and less, although there are still, but few. Various rumors are circulating on the defense line, but the rumors are all good. We are in our favor," Li Kai wrote. He felt that life had hope again, which was a beautiful feeling. This makes many people feel a lot easier.

"Our Yue government may have reached some kind of agreement with the governments of the three countries. We may withdraw from this war and end this **** war. After all, I saw Zhao people on the other side seem to be very annoyed by such a war. Let's end it. We can no longer withstand such pressure. If we can go home, we will be able to severely teach those **** Karachi people. In that case, we will be able to solve our problems." Li Kaizhi desperately hopes In doing so, perhaps this rumor is false, but, after all, there is a certain degree of reliability, and they think they should believe such a thing.

"Although there will be some indemnities, we can still bear such things. We must know that our observation post has seen cannons have been erected on the mountains behind. If the people of Zhao, Korean, and Chu are willing, we will all die. Here, of course. We will also kill more of them. I think the three countries are unwilling to bear such a thing. But now, the situation is much better. With such rumors, I believe that we will soon You can go home." Li Kaizhi wrote repeatedly. It seems that only such things in his diary are extremely important.

Just when the people of Yueshi were excited to agree to such a thing. Yue's council was extremely dull. They are considering Yue's future.

"If you don't do this, Yueshi will be over. Relying on the workers and slaves, even women are now recruited. Can such an army resist the Karachi attack?" a member of the Diet said.

"But in the future, we will lose a lot in the future. It would be better to be killed directly here." Some congressmen said angrily.

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