In the Naval Weapons Research Institute, Qingcheng, South Korea, all researchers are studying a piece of information they have obtained. Because of insufficient information, after all, copying will take some time. At this time, the copying is still old-fashioned roller copying, not only copying. Time is slow and unclear, sometimes. The whole ink still seems to be floating on the top, but there is no way. I still can’t find a suitable copying equipment. The use of mechanical copying is very troublesome. It requires typesetting and many, many things need to be done. In short, copying is one thing. This is a very troublesome thing. Although the concept of laser is available at this time, no one has put the two things of laser and printing together. After all, this thing is still in the imagination. They are better aware of these situations.

"The cruiser is too powerful. It seems that the destroyer can't deal with each other at all." An ensign shook his head and said. Judging from the numbers they collected on the surface, it can basically be seen that this one has taken over. The tonnage of the cruiser is around 7,000 tons, which is even a lot larger than the destroyer according to their conservative estimate of 5,000 tons. Under such circumstances, this situation would be a very bad result. After all, the larger the tonnage, it means that the weapon loaded by the opponent and the overall performance have been greatly improved. In doubt about the tonnage limit, it is impossible for a destroyer to be equipped with too much artillery.

"It is conservatively estimated that the artillery of cruisers will be more than 120 millimeters. Such artillery can easily penetrate the iron armor of any destroyer within two kilometers. Even simply increasing the thickness of the iron armor will not be able to withstand one hundred and two. The fierce bombardment of ten millimeter artillery, this result is very powerful." A technician shook his head and said. Artillery over 100 mm is an important watershed. No matter how powerful you are at 75 mm, you still need to be close to fight. This means that your way of fighting is still visible. This is a very dangerous combat tactic, close and shoot. Rely on the rate of fire and firepower to suppress the opponent.

But now, everything has changed. The cruiser was armed with 120mm guns. This kind of artillery has a terrifying range, up to ten kilometers, which means that if the opponent needs it, they can attack from unexpected places, of course. Obviously, the opponent does not need to do this, because they do not need to do it. Seventy-five millimeters, the strikes launched in the two-kilometer accident are very limited. Even with the use of armor-piercing shells, it is difficult to pose a serious threat to the opponent, and the torpedo is released. Because of the range of torpedoes, they also need to be close to shooting, in such a situation. Obviously they are in an extremely unfavorable state. They need to change a lot of things to do this.

"The threat of 120mm artillery is too great. They can easily penetrate our armored defenses, and then penetrate and destroy our boilers and steam engines, causing us to lose power. At the same time, their destructive power is also very amazing. This is definitely not good news for us. We must figure out a proper way to solve such a problem." said a naval officer. He hopes that the technical department can come up with corresponding solutions to solve such problems.

"What if we equip the destroyer with larger artillery? We can also equip the 120mm artillery." A technician immediately put forward an emergency plan. After all, he knows very well that most of the shipyards are destroyers. Temporary changes to the plan will take some time. From the design drawings to the construction of the cruiser, it will take a few months at the earliest, and the time may be too late. The only way is to transform the existing destroyers, upgrade them, and upgrade their weapon systems. For example, equipped with large-caliber artillery.

"Is it a bit reluctant, in that case, the power and protection capabilities of the destroyer will be reduced a lot?" Another technician raised his concerns. After all, such places exist. The small battleship is equipped with large-caliber artillery. It means that the load carried by his power will be extremely large, and the speed will be reduced, and if the speed is not reduced, the only way is to reduce the protection capability of the battleship a lot. This approach is extremely unsafe.

"If we don't do this, we have no way to deal with these cruisers. They have caused a great crisis for us. You know. The Jeju pirates don't seem to have the ability to deal with such warships. Their artillery caliber is only 75mm. Artillery. It seems that the speed is far higher than that of the cruiser. I really don’t know how Qi and Zhao designed things like this monster.” A technician complained.

"I think it can only be done. In order to be able to come up with such an opponent. And to ensure such over-equipment, we can only do this." An officer nodded and said.

"But the caliber of our guns should be larger, for example, a 130mm gun. At least the power should not be weaker than the opponent, so that the opponent feels threatened. It is best to be equipped with a 200mm gun. In that case, We can make the other side afraid to approach us." Some officers said excitedly. This makes many people feel worried, thinking that such an idea means that the destroyer basically has no protection. This is no different from a large-caliber artillery equipped by a merchant ship. The opponent may still be able to withstand some shells, but you are basically the kind that sinks in one shot.

However, what the technician said caught the attention of South Korean naval technicians.

Yes, how did the people of Qi and Zhao achieve this? In such a short period of time, how did they come up with such technical equipment. However, according to the normal technical reserves, Zhao Guo seems to have this ability, but they still need some time. According to their estimation, they will be able to come up with more mature equipment after at least two years. However, now they have encountered such equipment, which has greatly exceeded their expectations. After all, there is a time course for technical reserves. What factors caused Zhao Guo to surpass the limitation of technical reserves. This makes them feel very unclear, and very unclear, they really can't figure it out.

The technicians quickly analyzed the technology for building such warships. However, some engineers did not say that they were involved, they just sat aside and looked at the report calmly. Then think about something. There are also master-level figures among them, and they also find it very strange. Because in terms of technological development, it seems that neither Qi nor Zhao have designed such fast and powerful warships. They must be reduced by a certain technical standard to achieve this goal. But they have no evidence to prove this. They can only reach their own ideas through subjective guesses, which makes them feel very depressed, because they can't guess how their opponents did this, even though their ideas are correct. However, they have no evidence. They need a piece of evidence to illustrate this situation.

In fact, their thinking is correct. Zhao Guo originally built this large and new type of warship according to their plan. Because of the emergence of this kind of warship, many problems have been solved, but the problem is that with the development of the Koguryo Navy The development and changes of China, especially as the threats to some important areas have become greater and greater, Qi has had to change some of its thinking separately. They used some special methods to reduce the cruiser’s construction technical standards as much as possible, and at the same time, they built as fast as possible. It can be said that this is a hybrid product designed by Zhao Guoren and Qi Guoren arbitrarily and boldly reformed, but that's it. The product has caused a great threat to the Koreans.

In the Wuyue Naval Research Institute of the Chu State Navy, all the engineers looked ugly.

The cruiser had a great influence on the pirates of Jeju Island. This kind of influence is fear, because the opponent’s artillery is very powerful and the threat is also great. This has caused a great psychological shadow on them, and it has seriously affected the morale of the pirates on Jeju Island. For them, this It is definitely not a good thing, because many things have exceeded their expectations.

The situation is far worse than they thought.

"We must come up with a solution to this threat. Although our destroyers can suppress the other side's frigate, they have come up with a terrible warship. If we can't find a way to suppress this As for the warship, the result will be very unfavorable to us, and we simply cannot cope with such a situation. This will be a great disaster for us.” An engineer said.

"Only artillery can solve this problem, but our artillery technology still stays below one hundred millimeters. We have nothing to do with artillery above one hundred millimeters. Even if it is produced, the lifespan is very short, and we can’t do it at all. To deal with such a situation, the range of the torpedo is too close. We can't pose a big threat to the other party at all. This is for us." A technician shrugged helplessly.

"We are technicians. If we can't do anything about it, the frontline will be even more helpless. We must figure out a way." The other party said solemnly.

Indeed, the emergence of the cruiser caused a lot of panic to the South Korean and Chu navies, because both countries currently cannot come up with a good solution to solve this problem. They can only face the panic caused by this cruiser. This was very frustrating, and the cruiser panic continued.

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