The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3465: Women are crazy too

"The panic caused by the cruiser made us very uncomfortable." South Korea's Xinzheng, Han Shu said after seeing the telegram from the Admiralty.

"My lord, cruisers are just a technical weapon, and the threat they pose to us is still limited after all." said the Secretary of the Navy.

"I know this, but the problem is that we still can't solve this problem. If we can't restore balance by force, it will be difficult for us to find what we lost. This thing must be completed as soon as possible. There is no delay." Han Shu said. On technical issues, she can only encourage technological innovation, and the rest, what he can do is still very limited.

"Yes, Lord." The Secretary of the Navy nodded and said.

"The problem of the Yueshi people should be resolved as soon as possible. This problem cannot be delayed for too long. In that case, our strength will be excessively affected. After all, our strategy is more dependent on the navy, and the naval technology and equipment are a little behind. You must strengthen it. Research in this area is enough." Han Shu said. The Secretary of the Navy has become accustomed to Han Shu's leap thinking. after all. They often have to discuss matters in cabinet meetings with the Queen. This kind of discussion is still a very valuable thing for them.

And this thing Han Shu said. In fact, there is no conflict. There are very close connections. First of all, South Korea’s strategy is to control traffic arteries. This is actually to control several strategic points in order to achieve the goal of all strategic areas. This goal is for South Korea. In other words, it needs to rely on a strong navy, so the navy’s technical equipment must maintain a strong presence, but judging from this cruiser panic, it seems that the South Korean navy does not yet have such an advantage.

To deal with weapons such as cruisers, the South Korean Navy cannot produce a corresponding warship to deal with it. This shows that the technical equipment of the South Korean Navy is still very backward. Under such a situation, how the South Korean Navy develops will have a big impact. Han Shu does not want such a big impact, because it is very bad. In this regard, the South Korean Navy has a fresh understanding.

However, these all require a lot of funds to complete. Without sufficient funds, they are still very unforgettable to complete such a thing. To complete such a thing, Han Shu must first solve the problem of Yueshi, perhaps from Yue. The Clan’s war blackmailed part of the funds. With this part of the funds, they could guarantee the adequacy of their navy funds, but the problem was that it seemed that Zhao could do the same. This made Han Shu a little bit distressed. After all, this is a strong competitor. Such competitors still put a lot of pressure on them.

The middle part of Yueshi. Recruitment work is underway. But in fact, fewer and fewer men can be requisitioned. Many workers have gone to the battlefield with guns. For them, men are scarce resources.

"Can we also join the army?" A group of factory female workers excitedly asked a lieutenant officer. It was the first time that the lieutenant had encountered such a large number of women. He was ordered to form a female barracks. The factory has more than 800 super-nationals. Human female soldier. The number is still quite large. Too much to death. Many women seem to think that fighting is also fun. This makes them very excited.

"We can fire, can we shoot?" a woman asked the lieutenant.

"This, yes, this is an order from above. I was ordered to form a female barracks." The other party explained. There are so many women that make him feel a little uncomfortable. Maybe there are too many women. It was the first time that he fell among so many women. This made him feel that happiness seemed to come suddenly.

"Oh. Great. I heard my man say that shooting is very powerful." said a middle-aged woman.

"Usually, men shoot us with guns, but now we finally shoot at men with real guns." A woman said. In this case, the lieutenant feels very embarrassed, because he is a man. And he knows what women mean.

"Hahaha." Such a joke made all the women laugh. They were all women. Although some women felt very shy, they thought it was very interesting. Indeed, there is currently no country that does not have the power to put large-scale soldiers into battle. But Yueshi has already encountered such a problem, and they must do this, otherwise, their situation will be very pessimistic. In order to solve such problems, they must do so.

The small town of Dhaka. Karachi people are very angry at this small town. Because they have died here too many people and shed too much blood, they have cursed this small town. But this small town still exists, which annoys the people of Karachi.

"Damn it. If we have enough artillery and cannonballs, I believe we will surely let everyone be blown up and blown to death." A Karachi officer shouted angrily. His subordinates dropped from the original more than 120 people to more than 40 people, and his company has been crippled. But his commander still didn't intend to remove them, which meant that they had to attack. They have to face death, and the Karachi people have become a bit exhausted, which makes them very annoyed.

"The situation is worse than we thought." Meng Hao said to Zhou Ming on the side. The lack of supply makes everyone feel that the problem is a bit bad. Zhou Ming's beard began to hang up. Because the rear could not send clean underwear and soap in time. These are all important things for him to remain decent, but now, they are gone. This made him feel very sad.

"Damn Yueshi, they keep attacking our transport convoy from the rear. Ammunition, weapons, and some supplies can't be delivered to us at all. What do they want to do, do they think this can trap us? Damn it." Zhou Ming cursed loudly. Very dissatisfied with the Yueshi people. He believes that the Yueshi people are simply a group of mice, and they don't even know where they came from.

Meng Hao shook his head helplessly. He had reminded the Karachi people of this situation a long time ago and let them pay attention to this. However, they think that this is just a small matter, but this small matter now makes them feel very bad.

The Yue people organized a large number of so-called volunteers and so-called volunteers. In fact, they are all part of the militia. Many of them have no weapons. Some have become part of the local bandits, but they are just like this. Armed, constantly attacking the extremely weak logistics transport convoy of the Karachi people, not only that, but the crazy advancement of the Karachi people also caused their supply line to elongate, and this length can no longer adapt to the ultra-long supply. This caused them trouble. At the same time, it also brought opportunities to the Yue people. More and more people have participated in the logistics convoy that attacked the Karachi people.

When they attacked the Yueshi people, they didn't expect that under such circumstances, they would encounter such crazy resistance, and such stubborn resistance had far exceeded their imagination. This is a terrible thing for them.

At the critical time of the offense, their ammunition was not very sufficient, which made the fire preparation that should have been reduced or cancelled. This kind of attack became very meaningless, because there was no fire preparation, for them, there is no doubt. Is the worst. But this situation is still happening, not just that. Quite a few guns have stopped firing. Because there are no shells. The evil consequences caused by the extension of the logistics supply line are further deepening, which makes them feel very annoyed, but they can do nothing. After all, they have no good way to solve this kind of thing in a timely manner.

"Damn it, are those Yue people crazy?" Meng Hao raised his binoculars and shouted in surprise at this time. Zhou Ming didn't know what happened. He felt that things were very abnormal, and he was watching with his binoculars. He saw an amazing scene. It was a woman, to be precise, a female soldier of the Yue family. They were holding a bayonet-mounted rifle, a spade, and a wooden The stick is chasing a group of Karachi male soldiers who are trying to occupy them, a group of Karachi male soldiers are fleeing frantically. They run very fast. Meng Haodu felt that there was a problem with the telescope he was holding. He got it wrong from time to time. But he confirmed again. This is indeed a female soldier.

"The **** Yue people are crazy. They even used female soldiers to resist the Karachi people. How should we deal with such a woman?" Zhou Ming asked Meng Hao when he looked at him.

"How do I know. It's a bunch of lunatics." Meng Hao said. What he saw was a group of female soldiers chasing Karachi men frantically. Obviously, they didn't expect to encounter such a thing themselves, which made him feel very uncomfortable for such a thing.

For victory. The people of Yueshi fight. They must invest such military power. This is their last reserve team, and defending here is their only task.

"Look, I'll say that our Yue women are no worse than men. I like their crazy look." Dunkin looked at the women who charged. Although their physical structure was different from that of men, he felt that such things should be done by them. Women do it, in fact, they fight just like men. There is no distinction between men and women in war.

"Is that okay?" Gao Chai asked by the side. But the other party did not return. Saw some young women turning into **** corpses. This made Gaocha feel even more that the war had become extremely disgusting. He hates, hates this **** war very much. This made him feel very uncomfortable in his stomach, and he felt that he would vomit.

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