State of Zhao, Handan.

"It's okay to let those Yueshi people lay down their weapons, but the problem is that the issue of compensation must be resolved, otherwise, we will find it difficult to provide them with further and more support." Guo Kai said. The army in the southern part of the Yue family is contacting the Three Kingdoms. They hope that the Three Kingdoms will be able to open a network and let them go north quickly. The people of the Qin Kingdom have also intervened. However, the soldiers in the southern Yue family are not aware of this matter. In their opinion, This matter has nothing to do with them, or in other words, the relationship is not very big.

"But, Prime Minister, the people of Qin have already stepped in. They don't seem to like us doing this. They want us to take a step back." The Secretary of War reported.

"What if you let go of those Yue's troops and don't get the compensation?" Guo Kai said worriedly. Guo Kai was very concerned about the blackmail indemnity of the war, because they lacked too many such materials. Such materials are very important to them. What they need to do is such a situation.

"At this point, I don't think the prime minister has to worry about it. Moreover, it is impossible for them to make such a sum of compensation for the people of the Yue family. They still have a lot of trouble. Moreover, the people of the Qin country are bound to enter it. It will solve this problem. If we prohibit those Yue soldiers from leaving, they will cause us a lot of trouble. First of all, they will pose a great threat to us. This threat is real and they will continue. Fight, and we have to fight. If this continues, the cost of national defense will be very large." The Secretary of the Army said. Although he agrees to continue the fight, it is of no use. On the contrary, he may not receive compensation in the future, but if you let the Yueshi people out at this time, you will get more compensation, because there are still many prisoners in your hands. The soldiers of the Yue family, they will propose the conditions they should have, etc. Faced with such a situation, they naturally hope to let go of the Yue family, because in that case, it will be more advantageous.

"You are right. I just don't know what the attitude of Qin people is." Guo Kai said worriedly. Guo Kai also knew very well that if the Yue army was not let go, the situation might be very unfavorable for them. First, they have to fight. In that case, their situation will become very passive. Second, letting go of Yue's army can get more compensation, but the third problem is because of the Yue's government. Already on the verge of collapse, it seems that as long as the Karachi people work hard and kick the Yue people's ass, the Yue people will collapse. It is precisely because of this worry that Guo Kai feels that the Yueshi people may be in a worse situation. In fact, no government is optimistic about the Yueshi government. Although the people of Qin have already taken the shot, especially the banking group represented by Qin Guo Wenyang Bank, although they can solve some of the financial problems, it is obviously impossible to take all the funds at once. They still need wait.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"The key to letting go of the Yue family lies in the financial problem. The Yue family government’s finances have long collapsed. They have already used bond issuance and various economic methods. If it were not for the last bit of military police to drain the government’s prestige, I think they collapsed a long time ago." Meng Yi said mercilessly. Shangwen agrees. And nodded to express agreement with the other party's views.

"This is indeed the case, but we still need the Yue government. The bank's explanation is that it is mortgage. However, such a mortgage does not seem to be able to solve the Yue government and the current government expenses all at once. They I feel that we should get some special methods, such as issuing banknotes, to solve this problem." Shangwen said.

The intervention of Wenyang Bank solved Qin's big problem, but the problem lies in how to solve the financial problem. The Yueshi people’s economy has collapsed, and it may not be possible for a long time to become a profitable project. Many Qin State Banks are not optimistic about this project. This is the reason, because the disaster brought here is too great. .

"This is the situation. I think we still need to solve this problem ourselves." Shangwen said.

"How to solve the indemnity of Zhao, South Korea, and Chu?" Meng Yi asked this question again.

"If they are not given some money, they are unlikely to let go of the Yue army in the south. We need the strength of the southern army to solve this problem. After all, in the north, there are very few volunteers that can be recruited. Their number, and The power is not enough to completely repel the Karachi people. In the future strategic counter-offensive, the power appears extremely weak." Meng Yi said. It is true that Qin can solve part of the problem of military strength, but this military strength still cannot completely solve all the problems. Therefore, the Qin people still need the support of the Yue army from the south, and at least the Qin country needs them to withdraw. This may be Yue's current only strategic mobile force. It may be okay to rely on the volunteers in the north to resist the Karachi attack, but they are still not strong enough to launch a counterattack.

"But the problem is that they need money, take money, release people. That's the attitude." Shang Wen said. Zhao, Han, and Chu all believed that the Yue people should show their sincerity. This sincerity is that they must use a portion of the funds to redeem the lives of their soldiers. Because the Yue government needs it, but they don't need it. In such a situation, the situation of both parties has naturally undergone great changes.

"You can ask the bank to give them part. I just hope that they can agree to such a situation." Shang Wen had no choice but to compromise. He hoped that the three countries would understand that Qin State Bank’s situation was not very good and could not provide most of the expenses at once, because they needed to support Yue State’s military counterattack. In that case, the pressure on the banks would not be great. But if the three countries insist on blackmailing in this way, then the pressure on Qin State Bank will be very high. This is definitely not a good thing. Therefore, Shangwen hopes that the three countries can make corresponding adjustments.

Meng Yi just shook his head. He thought it was impossible. The three countries were very greedy, one more greedy than the other, and asked them to give up the meat they had bitten on their lips. He believes that this is absolutely impossible. Because it is very difficult.

The Qingcheng Naval Weapons Research Institute, South Korea. Some weapons experts, shipbuilding experts, and related engineers formed a special emergency team, and the cruisers equipped by Goguryeo had a great impact on them. This effect can be said to be panic, because many people are worried that the opponent's weapon will cause great damage to them. This kind of damage is extremely obvious, and many people feel that this kind of weapon must be resolved. Therefore, the South Korean government formed a special team. They hope that this special team can solve this problem in time. After all, they still need to deal with the huge threat posed by the Koguryo Navy.

"It is obviously too late to build a new cruiser. The only way is to install large artillery on the basis of the existing destroyer. Although such a warship has great risks. However, we must take into account. Such risks are what we have to do. Take it." A middle-aged man said as he looked at the crowd. Although South Korea’s research capabilities are not comparable to that of Zhao, they are very powerful in certain technologies, but they are still behind Zhao in terms of equipment manufacturing. They have to admit this, but they have a huge advantage. This advantage is that the South Korean government can integrate relevant weapons professional teams in a timely manner. They are professional and a team that can clearly know this. Their team spirit is far superior to the advantages of others. This advantage is extremely obvious.

"Warships mainly rely on firepower, mobility, and defensive capabilities. As far as current technology is concerned, our technical advantages are not very obvious, and the state of Qi is also the same. We have conducted preliminary research and thought, The only way to make the current destroyers have a certain ability against cruisers is to equip them with larger artillery. No one can change this." said the middle-aged man.

"However, we have to rebalance the destroyer, because we all know that the problem of destroyers is very big. The installation of a large-caliber gun has changed the center of gravity of the destroyer's structure. We need to adjust the proportion of the entire destroyer. The defensive ability is reduced and maintained. , Or to improve the maneuverability of a certain destroyer. If we can hide quickly, it is much better than passively hitting a shell. This is a result we must know." The other party said.

"At the same time, we have to solve another problem. This problem is the increase in firepower. Changes to the overall warship structure." The middle-aged man said. Other experts nodded, and they agreed to do so.

If you want to come up with a plan in time, you can only transform most of the destroyers that have been built. Such a plan seems crazy. But it is very effective. But transforming the destroyer requires a certain amount of patience. In other words, this requires a lot of technical courage.

The Korean plan is to reduce the overall defensive performance of the destroyer, which requires reducing the dismantling of a large number of unnecessary parts. At the same time, in order to balance the overall performance, they can only retain some necessary defense capabilities as much as possible, such as the control tower, turret, steam engine, and boiler. The entire safety structure of the hull was completely destroyed. This requires a great price to do this, but they must do it.

In terms of speed increase, the speed of the destroyer has not increased much. Because his space has been restricted. But as much as possible to ensure the blow of some vital parts, and at the same time, to improve the maneuverability as much as possible. In this case, the threat of the cruiser is relatively small, and they have to install a double-mounted 130 mm artillery. There was another artillery at the back, without any protective equipment, a large number of 52mm artillery was completely dismantled, they just replaced some machine guns and nothing more. In their plan, such a machine gun may no longer be considered within the scope. This greatly enhances the maneuverability of the destroyer. But it also greatly weakened the defensive capabilities of the destroyer. Everything can only go on like this.

For such a design. Although some people still resolutely oppose it, their opposition has no effect. Everything is based on dealing with the opponent's cruiser. They must do this for this purpose.

50 nautical miles from the sea west of Jeju Island. Here has entered the minefield of Jeju pirates. Arranging minefields here is an extremely helpless choice, because they also feel unsafe. The emergence of large-caliber artillery cruisers made all the pirates feel threatened. They could destroy their artillery turrets with a single shot. They thought that the 75mm artillery was already very powerful. This artillery can exert a great threat. But now, after seeing the power of the 120mm artillery, they felt that the 75mm artillery was just a scum. Very scum.

"Damn it. The Koguryo Navy didn't know where it got so many things." A pirate sailor pushed a heavy torpedo into the sea. They are Mine No. 1 Mine Boat, in fact, they are also a type of gunboat. But their main task is to arrange a large number of mines. Of course. They are all-rounders, and when necessary, they can also act as gunboats, responsible for landing, fire cover for landing troops, etc., but now, their main job is to arrange mines. This is their only way to defend the security of Jeju Island.

"There is no other way. Goguryeo people are rich. They can live by transporting those coal resources. But we don’t have such a thing. We can only watch being beaten. Damn, think about it. It's not fair." said a little boss.

"Head, we can't go on like this. I think we should take the initiative and give them a shot. We still have 75mm artillery." The other party said excitedly.

"Fuck. Damn it. This 75mm artillery is scum, and it has no effect at all. It is estimated that your shells just flew out after two kilometers. People's artillery shells have already hit. Moreover, most of your shells fell It’s in the sea. But people’s shells are still straight. I think you’re too long to live. The shells can blow you up all at once. I think it’s better for you to be honest.” The little boss was helpless. Speaking of.

"Hurry up. Arrange all the mines. Let's go back quickly. The task is too heavy. Tell you, in the next month, we will all have to set up mines here. There is a minefield of fifty nautical miles. It's been a while." As the little boss said, he stood up and ordered. When other people heard it, they felt very annoyed. Helpless. Angry.

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