Because arranging mines is dangerous, it consumes energy, and does not eat good work. At this time, the mine technology is still relatively low, and the mines are extremely heavy. Coupled with the need for personnel to personally install some key components, this makes the layout of mines full of dangers. Therefore, many people are reluctant to do the job of mine layout, in their opinion. It was totally unlucky to be sent here.

Just when they were complaining, they were not far to the north, about less than one nautical mile, and a mine boat was ringing their alarm nervously. All the pirates and sailors, as well as the officers of the Chu State Navy and Marine Advisory Group, entered themselves urgently. Post.

"Damn it. We are in trouble." A little pirate leader said while standing on his warship. They are Mine No. 7 and are responsible for the layout of mines in this area. According to their operational tasks, it takes more than two and a half months to complete the layout of mines in this area. The deployment of mines is not just to block the waterway. The most important factor is that they are responsible for protecting the safety of Jeju Island, because the security situation there is not optimistic. Under such circumstances, what they need to do is to ensure themselves as much as possible. Safety of life. Arranging mines has become very important.

Their mission has just been completed. Originally, they thought they could go back for a drink earlier. The pirates were very eager for alcohol. There was nothing to do. Sailing life was really boring, and it felt like nothing could be done.

"Damn, our condition is very bad." An ensign of the Chu State Navy. He only wears his rank badge, but he does not wear the Chu State Navy uniform. This means that he is a member of the Chu State Navy. . This is just a sign that he has not left the navy's jurisdiction.

"Yes, it's not good. I have seen two large warships. We are right in front of us." The little pirate leader said nervously.

"Hurry up, turn around, we leave here." The pirate leader cursed loudly. He really didn't know how to deal with such a situation. Because they have never encountered such a thing, or say. They feel that they are in a big trouble now.

They saw two large warships appear in front of them, even though they only saw part of the superstructure, it meant that the other party appeared in front of them soon.

"Quickly, get out of here." The pirate leader ordered nervously. They only have fifty-two millimeter artillery. But looking at the opponent’s posture, it should be the kind of large warship, the cruiser equipped with 120mm artillery. This kind of cruiser fleet poses a huge threat to them, because the opponent can easily destroy the destroyer and deal with them. , It will become very easy.

"Head, it's not good. One part of our steam engine is broken, and we need to install an accessory to start it." A sailor reported.

"Damn it. What do you do for food, hurry up to fix it, otherwise, we are all in big trouble. Go ahead." The other party shouted loudly. Misfortune did not come singly, but at such a critical time, their steam engine had such a problem. In fact, they can’t blame them, because Chu’s navy officers and non-commissioned officers have long put forward relevant suggestions to establish a professional team for maintenance. Because these machines are very delicate, they usually need to complete inspections, upstream, and replace parts. Even when they are resting, warships and warships will have problems on their own, not to mention such a special combat readiness situation.

However, these pirates have no intention to learn, they think these things are too difficult. This is not something they can learn, because such things take a long time, need to know words, and learn professional things, which will make their minds unacceptable. It must be blown up. You know, they are just pirates. Although there are some professional naval soldiers among them, they are defeated sailors, but they are still unwilling to learn such professional knowledge. Although Chu has sent a group of outstanding soldiers to teach them, they They don't learn these things at all. For them, these things are too difficult. If they have time, they will drink, tease, or chat about women, and are unwilling to accept such a fact, or that they are unwilling to learn such things.

It is for this reason that they usually do not maintain and maintain their warships at all. At a critical time, they discovered that maintenance is so important, and some key parts simply cannot withstand long-term wear and tear. , They need regular replacements to ensure that their ships have a good combat effectiveness, but now it seems that the situation is still very bad for them. This situation will make their situation extremely passive. Because this kind of thing can happen at any time, this is how accidents happen.

"Damn it. We're done." The pirate leader scolded loudly.

"What to do? Head, what should we do?" the sailors asked. In fact, even if there is no problem with their warships, it is impossible for them to escape from such a place, because this situation is extremely dangerous, and they cannot leave here at high speed. This is extremely difficult for them.

"Boat, let's leave here with a boat." The pirate leader said clearly at this time. He thought of the boat, maybe they could row back.

"No, it's impossible. We are too far away. There is no ship nearby, so it will be more dangerous. This is too dangerous for us. It is absolutely impossible to do this." The ensign resolutely objected.

"Is there no way?" said the pirate leader.

"We have arranged mines. If we are lucky, we can sink one. Maybe we can repair our steam engine at that time. In short, the situation is still more favorable to us." Lieutenant Chu Jun said. To. But he knew that if they really escaped, their chance of survival is extremely slim.

"I don't want to die," the pirate leader said. He felt that this was absolutely impossible to do, because their warship simply couldn't do it.

"Swish." Just then. There was a sharp sound of shells, and they heard the sound of shells breaking through the air.

"Boom." A huge explosion sounded a hundred meters in front of them. This was a test firing, and the artillery needed a calibration process. This process will come slowly. When their shells came again, no one knew who would die first.

"Damn it. One hundred and twenty millimeter artillery, his mother is powerful." The pirate leader shouted. He finally knew what the power of large-caliber artillery was. Once this artillery is hit, their small warship will be torn apart.

"Damn it. I still think it would be better for us to leave here," the pirate leader said. On the battleship, many soldiers were already motionless. The threat that Heyang's shelling posed to them was too great.

"We must find a way to solve this problem. Hurry up and replace the parts of the steam engine. We still have a chance to go to the front, operate our artillery, and hit the opponent as much as possible. Hurry up." Lieutenant Chu Jun ordered at this time To. The pirate leader has lost the fighting spirit to continue fighting, or more, they have lost the possibility to continue fighting. The second lieutenant of the Chu State Navy had to regain command, because the pirates were really a group of unorganized soldiers.

"Wow." The ensign of the navy had just taken over the command. Another 120mm shell came over. This time the shells were very close to them. But they still didn't hit them, but more pirates had lost the ability to fight, and their bodies were extremely stiff. Slow movement, it is already difficult to accomplish such a thing.

"Damn it." The second lieutenant calmly looked at the situation on the opposite side. He felt it was difficult to deal with such a thing.

"Swish." Just then. Another shell fired again. It seems that the Goguryeo Navy planned to kill them here.

"Boom." With a huge explosion, the shell hit the rear deck, and a cannon behind was instantly destroyed, and the gunner was killed on the spot.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Because there is no way to save them. The ensign's ears were buzzing with a huge explosion. His head also became groggy, and he felt like he was going to die of dizziness. I don't feel very shaken in everything.

"What should I do in this situation?" He himself felt unlikely. The two cruisers have entered their minefields, but still have not triggered a mine. This made him feel very depressed.

Fortunately, the opponent did not use armor-piercing shells, or more powerful high-explosive shells, otherwise, everyone would simply not be able to withstand an attack from the opponent's shell.

"Damn it, hurry up, otherwise, all of us will be torn to pieces." The ensign called out loudly. Because he couldn't hear anything, everyone became extremely stiff. In their opinion, their situation was the worst.

"Boom." A huge dull explosion came, and all of a sudden, the turret of a cruiser that was about to be aimed at them was lifted by flames. It was a mine, and the cruiser triggered the mine all at once. They thought it was a patrol boat and a guard boat. What they didn't expect was that they were mine boats, because they had never thought that there would be mines in that area before.

"Hahaha." The second lieutenant laughed, he felt his headache eased a lot.

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