The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3469: Folly of Karachi

"Look at this, as long as there is enough fuel, don't worry, you will have enough fuel." A lieutenant Zhao Jun is trying his best to introduce their armored combat vehicles. They want to sell such armored vehicles directly to the Yueshi people. But first, the people of Yue must understand the benefits of such weapons.

"He is able to maintain great mobility and can advance a distance of 120 kilometers at once. This combat distance can chase the opponent far, far away. I think we should understand this." Lieutenant Zhao Jun said . The members of the Yue's regiment kept touching the armor of the armored vehicle with their own hands. They could imagine what kind of result such a weapon would bring. The opponent’s rifle bullets shot on it could not penetrate the armor at all. , They provide a very good defense, in the face of such a defense, they simply can not resist the opponent's attack.

It can be said that the emergence of armored vehicles gave them a favorable weapon in the offensive for the first time. In addition, there are a large number of bicycles that will provide some infantry mobility. The infantry will keep up with such armored vehicles, so that they It will be able to bypass the opponent's rear, which will cause a big blow to the opponent. The Yue officers generally hold this view. They believe that they have finally found a weapon that can defend and attack. This is an armored vehicle. The Yue's regiment is very interested.

In addition to these, Zhao Jun also kept introducing their artillery. Rifles, and related logistics and transportation units, etc. Zhao Jun's unusual behavior attracted the attention of the Koreans.

"Look, sir, they pull a large number of Yue's officers into the barracks every day. If they don't know, they think they are all pimps. But now it seems that they are a bunch of **** guys, they are doing such a thing. Let us feel very disappointed." A South Korean new army lieutenant reported what he saw to his battalion commander, and a major officer looked at what happened inside Zhao Jun’s barracks with a binoculars. There is nothing like this. But this is a bit abnormal.

The two armies were fighting fiercely before, and they had to put each other in the dead. But now, everything has changed. All this has become very abnormal. This makes them feel very puzzled.

"What are they doing?" the major asked his men.

"Sir, they are selling their own armored vehicles. It is a new batch of weapons that Zhao Jun has just arrived. It is said to be used to attack the Yueshi people. But now, the Yueshi people are going to withdraw their troops. They will give us a lot of money. Pen compensation, naturally, the war is over. The people of Zhao Kingdom didn’t want to transport these armored vehicles back, they decided to sell them to the people of Yue. In addition, there were some weapons, ammunition, artillery, bicycles, communication equipment, etc. Anyway, a lot of equipment was being processed. In it," the lieutenant reported. This kind of information comes from the private exchanges of the soldiers. They got some information from Zhao Jun. After sorting out these information, they naturally came into their hands.

"Oh. It seems that Zhao Guoren's mind is very flexible. They can sell, and we can sell too." The major put down his binoculars and said. He feels that Zhao Guoren’s approach is very valuable to learn from, and the value lies in it. They effectively integrated such a resource. This resource advantage can allow them to gain a new market. The major suddenly felt that this approach was correct, and they could follow suit. After all, their equipment was not bad.

"But, sir, if we do this, we will have no equipment." The lieutenant thought this idea was very strange, and it was strange. This is equivalent to disarming oneself.

"Haha. How can you oppose something that can make money? This is impossible. Okay. Just do it. We absolutely can't do it." In such a situation. Sweeping hours quickly reported the situation to his chief, and his chief reported to the superior, and the superior sent a telegram to the War Department. Then he arrived at Han Shu. Because this thing is indeed a very good opportunity.

"Zhao Guoren's approach is worthy of our imitation. They saw the prospects of the arms market all of a sudden, which deserves our attention." Han Shu said.

"Yes, King, I think so too, but I think that our current advantage there is not very big. First of all, the Zhao people have a large number of armored vehicles. This is a new type of weaponry and has a strong Offensive, at the same time, they still have enough infantry artillery. The performance of the rifle is far higher than ours." The Secretary of the Army felt that there seemed to be no advantage in such a military trade competition with them.

"Hehe, you only saw one point, but you didn't see another point, which is the quantity. Although Zhao's military equipment has great technical advantages, it is necessary to arm the three-month infantry division. Only Zhao's weapon is worth it. If it is not enough to deal with such a situation, we can add some weapons to them, and the Yue people want to solve this problem as soon as possible. Naturally, they don't have many requirements for weapons. What they want is quantity, not quality. Understand Is it?" Han Shu said.

"Yeah. But another point, Karachi?" the Secretary of War asked worriedly. Selling large amounts of arms to the Yue people, the Karachi people will inevitably oppose the Koreans doing this.

"The Karachi people are not important to us, and they did not bring us sufficient benefits. For this, they did not make an economic response. Therefore, the Karachi people are not very important to us. You have to understand this." Han Shu waved and said. This is also a kind of dissatisfaction with the Karachi people in South Korea, because the Karachi people have a lot of trade, and their port function is also very important. Faced with such a situation, Koreans naturally seem a little annoyed.

In the outskirts of the small town of Dhaka, Yuezhi, there is a breath of death everywhere, and the body is a little bit decayed. But the soldiers on both sides of the war were not in the mood to clean up, or in other words, they felt very tired, and the corpse and the living were no longer clear.

"Damn the Karachi people, they still have some power in the battle." Dunkin looked at the opponent's position with a telescope. Lieutenant Colonel Gaocha was a little nervous, and his hands kept twitching. These were all unconsciously, and he couldn't control this. He felt a little annoyed about it, but he could do nothing.

"Yes, they still have some strength to invest, but we have to give up some positions to concentrate our forces." Gao Cha said. Deng Jin's face was pale and his eyes were bloodshot. The last reserve team in his hand and the recruited female soldiers were all released. As a result, they only stabilized their current line. Most of the towns have been lost. They are fighting hard at the last town. If there are no reinforcements, they must go to the battle. All of his staff and commanders have participated in the battle. . If we fight again, they will be the only ones left.

"Yeah. I see." Deng Jin said, slowly sitting down and nodding. The situation is still very unfavorable for them, but that's all he can do.

"Sir, look at the Karachi people, they are insulting the female body." An officer ran in nervously to report to his officer.

"What?" Dunkin grabbed his binoculars again at this time. He quickly found the Karachi people's position. They were standing on a higher vantage point. Several Karachi soldiers roped a few corpses. It was the corpse of a female soldier. Some corpses were not recovered due to the counterattack and repeated seesaws. However, those female corpses were suddenly used by the Karachi people, and some perverted soldiers would vent to the corpses, and the practice of insulting the female corpses spontaneously appeared. It's hard to catch those who are alive, because women all carry grenades. In the last time, they will choose to commit suicide or die together. This is something male soldiers don't have, but now they actually carry female corpses to insult.

"Quickly, control the soldiers, tell them not to attack, go quickly." Dunkin reacted immediately, and he shouted loudly. The officer nodded helplessly. Then went to give orders.

"Damn, these guys are just a bunch of beasts." Gao Cha looked at it angrily because he saw it. Some Karachi took the chopped organs and inserted them under the female corpse. This is extremely annoying and insulting too much. But they didn't seem to feel ashamed at all. On the contrary, they were very excited, so excited. They continue to cut some key parts, it seems that only in this way can they satisfy their perverted psychology.

"No attack, no attack. Give me control." The officer quickly conveyed the order. The military police strictly control the front, and they can understand their feelings, but this is obviously tempting them to launch an indifferent attack. Because during the day the opponent's line of defense will become extremely tight, and only at night will there be loopholes, and they must take advantage of that opportunity. Now, the time is not yet. In doing so, they will fall into a great passivity. This is extremely unfavorable for them.

"Damn it. I know this too. But the problem is that they, they are doing something that is extremely detrimental to us. This is a disaster for us, and we absolutely cannot allow such a disaster to happen. We cannot "Many soldiers said angrily. But what else can I do if I am angry? Many Yueshi soldiers can only shoot at each other angrily, but the bullets can only threaten them, but they can't stop them from doing so. This makes many soldiers feel very annoyed, but helpless. This kind of thing will only further arouse the anger of the Yue people. The Karachi people are doing a very stupid thing, but they don't know it.

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