The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3470: Volunteers attack

The Moon Ministry of National Defense, the advancement of the Karachi people has arrived here, and they are one kilometer away from the Ministry of National Defense. As long as they fight here, they will be able to completely resolve Yue's war. In order to show the determination to resist, Yue's Defense Minister did not complete it. On the contrary, he decided to stay here. Only in this way can he express his final resistance. Faced with such demands, the Yue officers could only resist.

In the basement headquarters of the Yue's Ministry of National Defense, for safety, they can only put the headquarters here. This may be their last place to resist. Everyone expressed very nervousness.

"The last force has also been exhausted. The last female barracks have been added here. We can only hold on for three hours at the moment. After three hours, what else we can do, I don't know." Speaking pessimistically. Indeed, his strength has been exhausted. Karachi's forces are also desperately mobilizing, and both sides may shed the last drop of blood. However, no one can give up at this time, because whoever gives up means the arrival of the last moment. Everyone knows this very well. The Yue people have already arrived here, and the streets are full of wars, corpses, and ruined walls. They have nothing to do. If there are reinforcements, they are the best soldiers. Without them, they can't say anything. After all, this is a real war and they have worked hard.

"Is there no news of reinforcements yet?" The Secretary of Defense has no time to fix his beard, nor to fix other things. His beard is messy, his eyes are dull, his face is pale, and he seems to be on the verge of extreme collapse. Anyway, there are very few things he can do. But he still watched this happen. After all, such a thing is the last moment for them.

"Not yet, sir." A staff officer said, shaking his head. He looked helpless, this situation had put them on the verge of collapse. All this is extremely unfavorable to them.

"Yeah. I see. If there is news, just tell me." The Secretary of Defense puts his last hope on the reinforcements. If there are reinforcements, it is best to directly solve such problems.

Li Di led the Minister of Defense, and the Minister of Finance is rushing here urgently. He set up a headquarters on his carriage with more than 10,000 volunteers. The Qin people organized more than 10,000 reinforcements. The reinforcements of more than 10,000 people can barely defend their defense lines. They still need More troops.

"At present, the three countries no longer pursue us for more compensation. This is mainly due to the mediation of Qin Guo Wenyang Bank. They have solved this problem, but we must open up part of the market to allow their products to enter Yuezhi. This It's a prerequisite. The people of Qin have helped us agree." The Minister of Finance looked at Li Di and said. He believes that this is another loss of Yueshi's loss of sovereignty, and this is not the first time. Anyway, the ownership of the railway belongs to the State of Qin. They can't say anything.

"Well. I see. As long as the current difficulties can be overcome, some of them are not a problem." Li Di said.

"Yes. However, our situation is still very bad." A security official on the side said worriedly. He said with a copy of the latest telegram.

"The Karachi people are already less than one kilometer away from the Ministry of National Defense office building. We have already invested in the last female barracks. Many wounded soldiers have to take up arms and fight again. Maybe they can't hold on for two hours. For us, it is already in a very crisis." The security official said.

"Let the volunteers into the fight, we are on the flank of the Karachi attack, let them launch a counterattack, make the Karachi aware of the danger, aware of their current situation. We must stop them." Li Di heard this, he I felt very worried. They were less than ten kilometers away from the Karachi flank, and the train was still moving forward, and a large number of troops had already gathered there. Or, it won’t take long to get there.

"But is it too wasteful to do this?" the security official asked worriedly.

"No. If we don't do this, we are the most passive. We must solve this problem, launch an attack, fast. Launch an attack. Launch an attack at all costs." Li Di decided to know. The Minister of Foreign Affairs nodded, indicating that this must be done.

The Yue's volunteers were indeed at the end of the railway station. They gathered about two infantry regiments. The total force was about 3,000. Some troops will arrive one after another. The time interval will not be too long. The situation is very favorable. The Qin people’s organizational efficiency is still there. Although many people are still dissatisfied, this is concentrated among the soldiers, but the officers are very urgent, because most of them are vested interests. If they can return to the South this time, They will probably get more land.

The train station on the flanks is only two kilometers away from the front line, and the front line is easy to open.

"The Karachi people have already shed the last bit of blood. Their ammunition is not enough, the soldiers are exhausted, and the Yue people seem to be very tenacious, they put women into combat. There were old people and children before, which is simply the craziest. In the war, all the Yueshi people joined the rebellion, which is extremely detrimental to the Karachi people." Meng Hao wrote during the war. He recorded all the war process in detail, and he didn't know why he did it. Anyway, that was the situation.

"Those Yue people are extremely crazy. Although combat power is a scum for Karachi soldiers, their fighting will is very tenacious. It is easy to kill Yue people militia. One Karachi soldier can kill three. Some. There will be more time. I once saw with my own eyes a Karachi soldier killing seven militiamen with a bayonet in his hand. Karachi soldiers are gradually becoming more combative. The war has made these soldiers more skilled, but how about this? , The old man, the young man, the woman participates, any method will be used, teeth, holding the same. The old man sees killing so many people, he will carry a grenade to hold each other. This is a desperate way of playing and The other party died together. This is consumption and their way of fighting. Bloody and cruel." Meng Hao felt terrible when he thought of this. They were no longer facing a war. It was a **** massacre, strangulation. Both sides are desperately gathering all the troops in their hands. Use up.

"I think the Karachi people should retreat quickly to stabilize the current front. Their forces have been greatly elongated and the logistics supply line is not clear. This will cause them a lot of trouble. And this trouble may be very fast. It will come. I think that something like this will definitely happen." Meng Hao wrote worriedly. But this kind of worry, Karachi is not worried at all. They felt it was the end, the last. This problem is about to be solved.

Karachi, within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Karachi Foreign Minister excitedly introduced the South Korean ambassador.

"At present, our army has raided the Yueshi within 250 kilometers in depth. Although their resistance continues, I believe that the Yueshi's resistance will soon be offset. Come to think of it, their situation is indeed very good. Not good. They have put the last soldiers into it. Including. The elderly, children, and even women are among them. Think about it, if such troops are put into it, what level of exhaustion will their last soldiers reach? The situation will turn out to be extremely beneficial to us, and we should not worry too much about this." The Minister of Foreign Affairs overestimated the current situation, or a series of victories have made them judge all situations. They think, The situation is still in their favor. This is just the beginning.

The South Korean ambassador listened patiently to the current developments. Originally, he accepted the suggestion of the South Korean War Department to remind the Karachi people to pay attention to their flanks. There might be a Yueshi reserve team. But this proposal has not yet been put forward. It was rejected by the Minister of Foreign Affairs. He believes that the South Korean ambassador’s worry is unnecessary, or in other words, too much worry. They don't believe them at all. They can do such a thing well.

"Mr. Minister, good news." An assistant came up cautiously and handed a telegram to the Minister of Foreign Affairs. After reading the telegram hastily, the foreign minister smiled. Then it was handed over to the South Korean ambassador, who believed that such information content should be shared.

"The Ministry of National Defense of the Yue people is already under our offensive line. Maybe the next time we attack, we can take them. This is a good thing for us." Karachi's Foreign Minister said with a smile. The South Korean ambassador nodded helplessly. The current situation is indeed very beneficial to the people of Karachi. What can he say? Can't say anything. This is the choice of the Karachi people.

Outside the Yue's Ministry of National Defense, the fighting suddenly entered a fierce state, and the Karachi attacked very quickly. They lighted up the only few shells and violently fired at the Yueshi people's position.

"Come up soon. The Karachi are about to attack." A lieutenant covered his injured arm, but was still fighting. Women, the elderly, the militia, and some guards of the Ministry of National Defense are also involved, because their ministers will not retreat. The military police also participated.

"They are coming up." a teenager shouted loudly. He had no weapons, only two grenades, and the two grenades looked heavy.

"Shoot. Shoot." the officer shouted. His pistol is full of blood, but he still insists on fighting. Weapons are everywhere, and the boy can't use it. He tried to pull the bolt, but it was still difficult at this age.

"Bang. Bang." The gun battle broke out, but the Karachi people attacked very quickly. They quickly rushed to their eyes, less than ten meters away. As long as a charge will rush over.

"Ah." An old man fell down with a scream. He was hit by a bullet. The bullet hit his head directly, blood kept coming out, but the boy was not afraid at all.

"Grenade, quick, throw the grenade." The officer shouted loudly. He changed the magazine with trembling hands, and pulled the gun. Their resistance forces are already very weak, but they must go on. Everyone knows that this is the last moment.

"Boom. Boom." The explosions kept coming. The young man also threw a grenade, but he was reluctant to bear the remaining one, because he had to hold this grenade and die with the enemy. He didn't have much strength, and the grenade was thrown very hard. Nearly, shrapnel that almost exploded could hurt him. But such things must be done. Because no one can stop him. The grenade can only temporarily stop the Karachi people. The Karachi people still want to get in. The officer shoots desperately, but a bayonet-mounted rifle stabs him in the chest. The officer was killed all at once. He didn't have time to see that it was the man who killed him.

"Ah." The young man pulled out the fuse and rushed over with a grenade. He was very anxious when he saw that he was killed. But just getting closer. The Karachi soldier swung his rifle **** towards his head, and the boy suddenly didn't know what was going on. He didn't feel a headache, he felt that the world was spinning up all at once. The grenade fell at the feet of Karachi soldiers. He glanced at it and thought it was terrible. It's very bad. But it has exploded.

The Karachi people have already rushed into Yue's defensive line. The battle is very bloody, and it seems that the Ministry of Defense will soon fall. The people of Yueshi fought this last unyielding battle.

On the northern flank of the Karachi main force, the defense force here is very weak. There is only one infantry company. They only have more than 80 people. The area they want to defend is as high as 50 kilometers. It is impossible to defend. All places are There are loopholes. There was no way. Before they had a regiment here. Later, they transferred most of the battalions, and then the last few companies on the defense, because their commander believed that there was no possibility of Yueshi or Yueshi here. Has been defeated by the Qin people. This place is in a vacuum, and it is impossible for Yueshi people to appear here.

"The Karachi people are in front of us. They are attacking our homeland. In order to win, they charge." A captain's officer shouted loudly. He installed his pistol, took the lead with a bayonet-mounted rifle and rushed out first, toward the Karachi people's position. As for killing, attacking their position could they finally solve the final battle.

"Charge." The inspired Yue volunteers charged with a bayonet-mounted rifle. Some commandos who arrived first have cleared part of the barbed wire, and some companies have circled behind the Karachi, and everything will go smoothly. The volunteers launched an offensive.

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