Suez City, South Korean Army Intelligence Department. A lieutenant took a piece of information and handed it to the stationmaster in charge of the information. Colonel Zhang Pu. However, he was unwilling to wear military uniforms, not just him. Few people in the entire intelligence station wear military uniforms.

"What information?" Colonel Zhang Pu didn't mean to open it. In fact, he didn't want to read the literal report.

"It's some countries in the north. They plan to unite to attack the Aiji country, because in that case, they can get a large number of prisoners of war, and the prisoners of war will become a sufficient source of slaves. It is said that these are things that some merchants do together." Speaking of.

"Oh. Where did you get this information?" The colonel looked at the other party. He felt that such information was not credible, but there was a certain rationality in it. He decided to listen to the other party's source. After all, they are the intelligence department, and they must have a keen insight into intelligence.

"Businessmen. Some businessmen in the north are saying this. They think this is a big deal. They hope that we can provide greater convenience in the arms exports to the north, because they have to work on the entire patriotic countries, and then Divide each other's land and population, of course. A large number of slaves will be provided to us, and we hope that we will not lower the price." The lieutenant said.

"Yeah. I see. This thing is done very well." The colonel suddenly felt that such a thing could be used, after all, this is still a very advantageous move. If some countries in the north take military action, they will quickly destroy the country and provide a large number of slaves. If necessary, they can still establish their own government. The affairs of the Suez government will shame the intelligence department, because such a government does not The fixed interests are linked together, and finally had to be dismissed, which makes the intelligence department feel very shameless. This may be a good way to save face.

"That's the situation. You are doing very well. Pay attention to this aspect, and report some trends at any time. In addition, confirm it. Or get in touch with them. Necessary help is still available." Colonel Zhang Pu checked My subordinates said so.

"Yes, sir." The lieutenant nodded and left. It was pretty good to be able to do such a thing well. What they want is such an effect.

Yue's Southern First Army, the armored vehicles were advancing quickly, but there were often stopped armored vehicles on both sides of the road. They need to be repaired. They need to refuel, and for various reasons they have to stop on both sides of the road. Some are damaged. This makes them feel very anxious.

"When our armored vehicles came out, there was a battalion of troops. There were about eighty-two armored vehicles, but now. Only thirty-two are still moving, and the rest are parked on both sides of the road." A lieutenant complained. He looked at the stove while eating the food provided to them by the bicycle troops. They are boiling water to make tea, which may make them feel a little relaxed.

"That's not bad, as long as we attack, everything will become easier." A sergeant said. Their maneuverability unexpectedly surpassed that of armored vehicles. Because of the relationship between roads and long-distance marches, the problems of armored vehicles continued to be issued. This made Zhao Jun's logistical support and consultants feel very headache, because they had to frequently repair and replace parts. part. This made them extremely busy, and many technical officers and soldiers were very distressed. They feel too tired. Often before one is repaired, another one will appear. When they feel helpless, there are still a lot of armored vehicles waiting to be repaired.

The Yueshi people did not have such technology, and they could not learn it, and the technical support personnel of Zhao Guo's logistics underestimated the failure rate of armored vehicles from the beginning. In other words, this is very different from their original plan. The original combat mode was close-range offensive operations. They would not advance much distance, but the problem was that after selling a large number of weapons to the Yueshi people, they had to make a long march. The Zhao Guo armored vehicle, which was not very stable, encountered an unprecedented test at once. This kind of test makes everyone feel an unprecedented worry.

"The problem is that we have to repair all these armored vehicles. Looking at the logistics support personnel of the State of Zhao, I think we may not be able to repair them. Because of such weapons, it may take too much time for us." The captain said worriedly. He was worried that he could not participate in the battle. Because he learned from the logistics support staff that their spare parts are all consumed. Many armored vehicles had to stop in place because they could not find enough parts, which meant that they had lost the possibility of participating in the battle. In contrast, bicycle units are much faster. Although there are some carriages provided to infantry units, the number of carriages is not very large, and there are quite a lot of carriages used to transport logistical ammunition and supplies. It is simply impossible for more soldiers to ride in carriages. A large number of infantrymen are still advancing on foot. They are left far behind, while the bicycle troops miraculously follow behind the armored vehicles. This is mainly due to the running of the armored vehicles Unhappy, there are mechanical failures, but bicycles can eliminate a large number of faults and continue to move forward. Some supplies rely on bicycles to carry them. The mobility of infantry is greatly increased, and the number of materials to carry is twice as much as that of ordinary infantry. . This is an unexpected discovery.

"Damn it. It's this position again, we can't fix it at all. These parts are all in short supply, and when we are halfway through the road, we have already used up." A sergeant Zhao Jun threw away the wrench in his hand and cursed. Tao. They repaired almost all the armored vehicles twice. But the situation still happened, which made them feel very distressed and many people were discouraged.

"Okay. Sergeant, don't be angry. I think we should control our temper as much as possible to work." The ensign said. He also felt a headache. There is no alternative, the workload is huge.

"Without parts, it can't be repaired at all. I can't find anything that can be replaced." The sergeant waved his empty hand and said.

"Well, I think, I have a way. We can disassemble some parts of armored vehicles that are almost immobile and scrapped and install them on some usable armored vehicles. In this way, it can greatly guarantee that they can move. . This is the last chance for us. Come on, let's move." The ensign encouraged morale. The sergeant nodded, nodded helplessly and agreed. This was the ensign's idea, and it was also a good idea.

Li Kaizhi's bicycle unit served as the forward of the entire mobile unit, which is the reconnaissance unit. They have entered the territory of Yuezhi, and they must carefully detect the main position of the Karachi people.

"Put down the bicycle and step forward carefully." They soon ran into a farm. The situation is good, but the farm is too quiet. They had to get out of the car and quickly scout here with their rifles in their hands.

"Go over there. Be careful." Captain Li Kai said with his pistol. A team of soldiers carefully detoured the flanks. They said that there were no enemies. Then they continued to move forward looking for people alive, but they quickly stopped such military actions because they found the body. Some corpses have been highly decomposed.

"Is it ours?" Li Kaizhi came here after getting the news.

"Yes. Sir. They were all killed. I think this is a family on the farm. Old people, men, and women. They are all thrown here. There are signs of wolf bites." A corporal explained.

"Damn it. Bury it, it must be done by Karachi." Li Kaizhi cursed.

"But sir, why didn't they burn this place?" the corporal asked.

"Perhaps they still find it useful, there is no need to do this, they just killed them. But this also shows that we are not far from the Karachi people." Li Kaizhi said dullly. Soon they found some evidence of killing each other. Some shells and ammunition are the kind of Korean rifles, and only Koreans will provide them with this kind of rifle ammunition. In addition to these, in the farmhouse, they also found a lot of traces after slaughter. Apparently they ate everything that the farm could eat. The people of Yueshi seem to have stayed here, but they haven't burned it down, maybe they think they will come back. All signs are that these **** Karachi people deserve to die. Damn it.

Within the month of the Ministry of Defense.

"The Karachi people are no longer able to launch an offensive. Their strength is blocked by us five kilometers away. It is difficult for them to move forward. From the day before yesterday, to this day, they have not inspired an offensive. It seems that their strength has been Exhausted." A lieutenant reported.

"Pay attention to their dynamics, we still need time, at least half a month, we must find a way to recruit some soldiers again." Li Di said.

"We have emptied all the soldiers. The only way is to rely on the southern forces to counterattack." The Secretary of Defense said. He felt very tired, because they had exhausted all the combat troops, but still needed to wait, and could not completely reverse the situation.

"Oh. I know." Li Di nodded, indicating that he knew. This situation makes them feel very uncomfortable.

Karachi Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Foreign Minister gave a note to the South Korean ambassador.

"We need support, a lot of support. We also need to recruit at least two infantry divisions, so we need some funds." The Foreign Minister said straightforwardly. The Foreign Minister frowned because the Karachi people had already borrowed money. If you continue to support it, there may be risks.

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