The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3476: Rapp battle group

Qin State, Xianyang. Prime Minister's House.

"The analysis of the Ministry of National Defense and the General Staff is that the Yue people cannot enter Karachi. At the same time, South Korea's intention to express is the same." Meng Yi was in charge of this matter, so he combined the reports of some departments and told Shang Wen. In order to provide the appropriate combat report.

"Yeah." Shang Wen nodded and said he knew it.

"The staff’s analysis is that if the Yue people continue to attack Karachi, they can annihilate the enemy’s field army, but they cannot attack Karachi. Karachi still has certain defensive capabilities, and their defensive capabilities have not been further weakened. On the contrary, they have also made relevant other preparations. For example, they can mobilize more troops to participate in the urban defense war, and Karachi will receive more artillery support. Obviously, this will be extremely detrimental to Yueshi Under such circumstances, the Yue people should take conservative measures. After all, most of their troops have been further weakened. If they continue to fight, their situation may become extremely bad. "Meng Yi said.

"Well, it seems that we must also make them aware of this. We should resolutely organize the Yue government to take further measures." Shang Wen said. Meng Yi nodded in agreement. They must control Yueshi. If Yueshi loses control, the situation will cause them a lot of trouble. This trouble is extremely bad for anyone. This is the situation they are currently experiencing.

In Karachi, a shop saw a tax officer coming to collect taxes in the distance, and it closed immediately.

"Damn it, business can't be done. I just close the door and forget it." A Karachi businessman shook his head and said. He asked his subordinates and clerk to close the shop. He is mainly engaged in the cotton and silk business, but now it is fighting, and the silk business is not easy to do because it is impossible to reach the north from here, and the cotton business is not easy to do because the trade route is interrupted. Not only that, as long as they open a store to operate, they will continue to increase taxes, and the tax has been collected twenty years later. They even have to recruit. This makes them feel very disgusted.

"Boss. The tax people are here. Are we going to pay taxes again?" a clerk said kindly. He felt that tax evasion was wrong.

"I won't do it. I will cancel my business qualifications, just say, today's tax, I will not pay." The boss said very annoyed.

"This." The shop assistants were very surprised when they heard such a thing. If it weren't because they had a job, they would be recruited to the front line. If the conscription office knows, they will be called up immediately and sent to the front line. I heard that more than 50,000 people have been killed on the front line. This number is still increasing, and it is reported that more than 70% of the casualties have been caused by the 100,000 army. There are casualties in every household, which makes Karachi people very worried, and these shop assistants are also very worried about their fate.

"Boss, don't, we can pay taxes, but let us stay." When the clerk heard the news, they were willing to pay taxes with their own wages, hoping to issue a certificate of qualification. Now there are everywhere on the street. It is the one who catches the conscription. This makes them feel very worried, they don't want to die.

"Hey, I can't help you with this matter. You have seen it. I can't run it anymore. I can't do business anymore. I pay every day and I pay taxes. I don't even get in. A lot of money came out. I can’t run a business like mine. Don’t persuade you. I have to think of a way.” The boss said worriedly. He felt very irritable. He decided to go for a drink, maybe a drink will solve the troubles.

In a Korean tavern, Karachi people did not levy high taxes on Korean taverns. If the tax collection is too high, it will affect the normal diplomatic relations between the two countries. Karachi people still need the help of Koreans. At this point, they are quite clear.

"It's hard to do business now, and my shops are closed. I think I should learn from Koreans and go outside to see if there are any investment projects." A middle-aged Karachi businessman said with a glass of beer. .

"This kind of risk is too great. The overseas affairs are also not peaceful. What I know is that the newspaper said that in Port Seth, some Korean investors were killed by local people. People like us go. There is no such big guarantee at all. A country like ours will not guarantee our interests at all. I think it is better for us to be careful about such things.” A middle-aged man said. Obviously there is a cooperative relationship between the two.

"Hey, this is not a solution. If this continues, we will be suffocated to death sooner or later. This method of death is too ugly." The middle-aged businessman said anxiously.

"There is no way for such a thing. We can't do this at all." The middle-aged man said.

"However, I think there are some opportunities. From the perspective of the future, I think that we have some disasters to happen. I think we should unite." The middle-aged man said.

"What do you mean?" the middle-aged businessman asked curiously.

"Of course it is to unite with the chamber of commerce. We have lost too much of our profits. What the government gets from us is that there are too many taxes. What I know is that they will also collect commercial taxes, which is extremely detrimental to us. If we continue, our situation will become very passive. If we unite, strike out business or hold some demonstrations to express our interests, perhaps we can express this attitude." Middle-aged people Speaking of.

"Is such a thing feasible? If the government suppresses us, we can't do anything." The middle-aged businessman said worriedly.

"A large number of businessmen in the Chamber of Commerce have already done this. They decided to unite to do such a thing. Otherwise, our profits will be lost to an alarming degree, and if everyone is badly injured, we will be unable to do anything. This is a great disaster for us, and we should try our best to avoid such things from happening." The middle-aged man said. The other party nodded in agreement. Perhaps it was a helpless move, but in desperation, it was also something they had to do. If they didn't do it, someone would do it naturally.

In fact, this chamber of commerce was formed under the agitation of South Korean intelligence agencies. Their intention is to incite the dissatisfaction of Karachi businessmen and let this sentiment be further expanded. From the beginning, they used violence and violence against the government. They tried to bring Karachi's political situation into a state of chaos, of course. Such a state is extremely beneficial to them.

But Karachi businessmen also have their own plans. They just hope that the government can pay attention to their legitimate rights and interests. They don't want the political situation to suddenly develop towards their extremely unfavorable situation. That would be too unfavorable for them. This will cause great damage to them. They don't want this to happen. Therefore, they just hope to solve this problem in a peaceful way.

Within the territory of the Yueshi, the First Southern Army of the Yueshi had reached a battle group, a bicycle battalion, and two infantry battalions that arrived quickly by horse-drawn carriages. Twelve armored vehicles were parked here. This was the only force they could gather.

"I know, you want to go home very much and see your relatives. But now, our situation is very bad. You have seen it along the way. The Karachi people have killed many of our relatives. This is National hatred, family hatred, for those **** Karachi people, we should not be soft. Now, let them try our avenging methods. Brothers, take out your bullets and bayonets and kill those **** Karachi people. "Major General Rapp shouted loudly. His troops dispersed in a high-intensity march. He has a division, in fact, only this force has arrived. They may arrive one after another, but time is running out. They must attack. They are right on the flank of the Karachi people, and now they are going to attack and take revenge.

"Kill." Major General Rapp didn't say much. He immediately entered an armored vehicle, everyone entered their combat positions, and they were about to launch an attack.

With the strength of three battalions and twelve armored vehicles, this is the result of the Zhao people's guarantee as much as possible, and now they want to enter the Karachi camp.

The Rapp battle group officially launched the offensive. With twelve armored vehicles as the guide, the bicycle battalion detoured to the side and rear of the opponent. Two infantry battalions followed closely. There was no reserve team, and everyone participated in the attack.

Inside the temporary camp of Karachi people.

"Quickly, get up quickly. Yue, the Yue family." A Karachi sentry shouted in a panic. He looked very excited.

"What, there are Yue people, **** Yue people guerrillas, they are looking for death." A Karachi sergeant said. They are the troops that have retired and repaired. They feel very helpless for the Yue guerrillas because they have no way to completely eliminate the opponent. They have also conducted several lure operations, but the effect is not very obvious. In many cases, they All have been severely hit, and this is for them. The loss is still relatively large, so most of them are huddled in some larger strongholds. In this way, the Yueshi would not launch an attack. They thought it was because the Yue guerrillas could not rob their supplies and started hitting their attention, which made the Karachi people very dissatisfied, because they believed that the defense here was extremely tight and the Yue guerrillas would not be able to attack.

"Suddenly. Suddenly." The sound of the machine gun began to come. At the same time, a huge roar came, which made everyone feel a little panic, and they felt that something was wrong.

"What happened?" some people asked curiously.

"I don't know, **** it, go out and have a look." Karachi soldiers took out their rifles and walked out of the camp, but what they saw was that many soldiers lost their weapons and their equipment was fleeing frantically. They feel that they have encountered a serious disaster.

"What's the matter?" a Karachi corporal stopped an escaped Karachi soldier and asked.

"Iron armor, monsters, they rushed over. They shot at us. It's a monster of the Yue family." The soldier ran away in a panic. They have no idea what the situation is.

"Let’s run, otherwise, it’s too late." Some soldiers have fled here in a panic. The soldiers have a lot of blind obedience. In their opinion, they must do this. For them, this. It's just an opportunity. If they don't leave in time, they will have a lot of trouble. Many soldiers think so, and they do the same.

"Quick, retreat. Get out of here." An officer shouted loudly. In fact, the officer didn't know what happened.

"Boom. Boom." There was a huge roar. It was the roar of the engine of the armored car. The unevenness of the road still hindered the armored car, and even they could not cross some barbed wire areas, which made them In an extremely bad state.

"Oh my God. Damn it, there is such a weapon." A Karachi soldier suddenly saw a strange weapon, a guy full of iron armor, with bullets crackling on it, and it was useless. , And the other party was still spraying out fire tongues, and a large number of bullets flew towards them. Many shooting soldiers were killed, and more soldiers were desperate. They could only flee here madly.

"Run." More people run, they are unorganized, more people have lost the will to resist, they have collapsed. The collapse made it difficult for them to accept this fact.

"Run." The corporal reacted at this time. But by this time it was too late. The bicycle camp that went around is launching a flank attack. Many people were hit by flying bullets. They have no weapons to resist.

"Surrender, we surrender. We surrender, don't kill us, don't kill us." Some Karachi events raised their hands and shouted loudly. They hope to keep one of their lives.

"Puff. Puff." Several extremely excited Yue soldiers rushed over and assassinated them with their bayonet rifles. Several Karachi soldiers who surrendered were killed. Fortunately, their officers prevented the tragedy from happening further. . This is hatred. The power of hatred made them kill the captives, because these captives did too much.

"You **** Karachi people." A soldier used a rifle **** toward the opponent's head. Suddenly make the other party feel bad. Many people lie motionless on the ground. Karachi people are very nervous and scared. They know what they have done.

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