For prisoners of war, Yue’s army has absolutely no favor. Some soldiers will not take into account the Karachi soldiers who have surrendered. They will still shoot or use bayonets to kill each other. Although some officers rationally prevented some soldiers’ excessive behavior, they still It is inevitable that there will be some deliberate killing of prisoners of war.

"This situation is under timely control. Otherwise, it will cause extremely bad effects. We are soldiers, not executioners." A major staff officer said to Li Kaizhi seriously. He nodded, he had tried his best to prevent his subordinates from doing so. But the situation is still not so good.

"Perhaps only when the military police accept those prisoners of war, the situation will get better." Captain Li Kai suggested. But these are not important anymore. The armored vehicles are advancing, and the bicycle units need to quickly follow behind to advance. The infantry will allocate some personnel to guard these Karachi soldiers and become prisoners of war. This is their best thing.

Karachi soldiers who surrendered were locked up in a prison camp surrounded by barbed wire. They can only pray that their lives will survive.

The Rapp battle group is still still moving towards the back waist of the Karachi. In the outskirts of the small town of Dhaka, killing here will cause a very serious disaster to the rear of Karachi.

Captain Meng Hao was observing the position of the Yue Clan, and the Yue Clan had exhausted his last strength. But the situation of the Karachi people is also the same, their strength is extremely tense. Under such circumstances, it seemed that it was difficult to achieve a further breakthrough, or that they had no strength to further suppress the Yueshi people's defenses.

"At this time. Who can get reinforcements, who can win, even if there is only one company's support, victory will appear." Meng Hao said to Zhou Ming. But Zhou Ming just shook his head. He didn't hold any hope, because everyone was cursing this war. The complaints of Karachi people are bigger. They really don't know how those Yueshi people persisted.

"It's not good. No, it's not good." A second-class soldier ran over nervously and reported. He was very panicked, which made many people nervous, and there were too many bad news. There is too little good news. When morale is extremely low, a piece of bad news can make all things worse.

"Yueshi, there are people from Yueshi behind us." The second class reported nervously. Everyone was nervous, they couldn't believe it.

"Have you made a mistake? Did you make a mistake? Or is it a guerrilla?" Many people asked anxiously. But an officer came over. Raising the pistol in his hand, he fired a shot at the head of the private.

"Bang." There was a clear gunfire. Everyone was shocked, and the other's head suddenly blossomed, and then fell to the ground. Because the shooting came so quickly, many people were very surprised. More was a shock.

"You are not allowed to scare yourself, this is deceiving the crowd." The officer glanced at the second-class soldiers on the ground with disdain. Strict military laws enable soldiers to fight as much as possible, and previous battles have been conducted in this way. This is also a big reason why the soldiers cursed the war, because the officer's oppression was too severe.

"Look, what is that?" At this moment, a soldier suddenly saw a strange thing appearing on their backs. It was an armored vehicle, an armored vehicle of the Yueshi people, but no one had seen it. They can only think that it is strange.

"Suddenly. Suddenly. Squeaky." The armored car made a sound, and the machine gun kept firing at the target they saw.

"Ah. Puff." More soldiers were knocked to the ground because the opponent came too suddenly.

"Damn it, it's an armored car." Meng Hao also saw this, and he suddenly realized something. It was an armored car. These people from the Yue family didn't know where they got such a weapon. This weapon can only come from the Central Plains. he knows. There must be some countries supporting the Moon Kingdom.

"Bang. Bang. Suddenly. Bang. Bang." Karachi soldiers quickly counterattacked. They fired desperately. Now the ammunition that was used to save the last strength had to shoot. Machine guns also had to deal with targets like armored vehicles, but they soon became disappointed.

"It's crackling." The bullet hit the armored car with a crackling sound, and there was no bullet that could hit it. This makes them feel very disappointed, or in other words, desperate. Their rifles and machine guns are actually useless. For them, machine guns are artillery. These weapons come from Yueshi, and now such weapons have lost their effectiveness. They have no idea what else they can do.

"Run." Some soldiers jumped out of the trenches.

"Bang. Bang." The officer immediately fired at the opponent's back. The escapers were punished as they should, but more escapees appeared. They are all too aware of the power of this weapon. You can't kill the opponent. What kind of consequences will this have?

"Run." Soon, the collapse occurred. The desperate Karachi soldiers desperately left their positions, but they soon realized a problem. They were in front of the Yueshi people, and the Yueshi people would cause them great damage. Some people chose the flank very wisely, maybe there is a way out, the reason why they escaped. It's because they know what they are doing. The people of Yueshi would retaliate. They didn't expect this kind of retaliation to come so quickly, they really regret it.

"Surrender, we surrender. We all put down our guns. We don't resist." After the officers shot the escaped soldiers, they suddenly realized the seriousness of the problem. For their own lives, they have always been responsible for their own lives. They chose to surrender.

"We surrender. Quickly, raise our hands." The officer shouted loudly. The infantry and armored vehicles of the Yue clan had approached them. They raised their hands obediently. The Yue clan soldiers did not shoot them, they just used it. The bayonet's rifle forced the opponent. The officer took the lead in surrendering, which is somewhat unexpected, but perhaps not at all. Most of the Karachi soldiers chose to surrender, and only a few fled their lines.

"A Korean officer?" A Yueshi Lieutenant looked at Meng Hao and asked.

"Yes. Meng Hao. Captain." Meng Hao said helplessly. He also had to be a prisoner.

"I don't know what your position is?" Lieutenant Yue asked curiously.

"I'm just an observer from South Korea. I don't participate in the war. I just observe the behavior of the war. There are many such officers." Meng Hao said.

"Yeah. We understand. Don't worry, you will get the respect you deserve. We will respect your life and related rights." Lieutenant Yue's handed over the relevant documents to Captain Meng Hao, and at the same time saluted. In the army, these former officers are not to be provoked, and they must also pay enough attention to the other side.

"I want to know, those armored vehicles, how did you get here?" Meng Hao asked curiously.

"Zhao people, that is the weapon that Zhao people provided to us. They will help us in a series of wars. In addition to these, there is also that they will continue to provide technical support and tactical support. If you are interested. , I think, you should be able to follow them." Lieutenant Yueshi said.

"Thank you." Meng Hao said. Armored vehicles are used in land offensive operations, which has broken the traditional infantry offensive tactics, because armored vehicles will provide an extremely sufficient combat state. This will make them extremely crazy.

Yueshi re-occupied Dhaka. Dunkin and Gaocha sat in their headquarters relaxedly. They had never felt so relieved. Such things made them extremely relaxed. Perhaps they should enjoy such a short period of time. For them, this kind of thing is extremely rare.

Zhao Guo, the General Staff.

"We don’t know the political significance of the Yueshi people, but we should be clear that this is a new war. The use of armored vehicles may bring great revolutionary changes. For such changes, We should be fully aware of this." Li Mu said.

"Yeah. I think so. However, judging from the report provided by the logistics, the war has become a little abnormal. Or, we have not noticed many problems. At the beginning, we used armored vehicles only in general Tactics, or use in frontline conflicts, and rarely consider moving armored vehicles, and the Yueshi people used armored vehicles in sports for the first time. In the process of using them, many problems were exposed. For example, logistics, we invested eight There are more than ten armored vehicles. But in actual combat, there are only 12 armored vehicles. This number shows us. If long-distance marching, the armored vehicles still cannot meet the requirements of rapid maneuvering operations. I think we should strengthen training in this area, and Related guarantees." Li Zuoche pointed out. The future war is technical, and it can be said that technology occupies a large part.

"Yeah. I think there is one more point that must be pointed out." Li Mu has his own views on this issue.

"We have not only seen the mobility of armored vehicles, but also should pay attention to firepower. For example, for things like battleships, machine guns may not play a great role in future mobile operations. We also need artillery. If the artillery can be loaded on it. I think this effect will be very good.” Li Mu said. In fact, Li Mu still believes that Zhao Jun should develop tank troops instead of armored vehicles. After all, armored vehicles are still difficult to meet such and other needs. He still has certain technical limitations, which are quite obvious.

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