A new weapon still has a long way to go from production to actual combat. Because this is a new kind of business, it takes a while for people to get used to it when they understand its characteristics, which takes some time to ponder. Because they always feel that what they are doing is not so good.

While Zhao Guo was discussing armored vehicles, the Rapp battle group continued to advance north, but when they advanced, there were only seven armored vehicles. But this kind of weapon is also enough to allow them to quickly advance north, because it is an armored vehicle. In addition, the follow-up infantry battalions are also arriving one after another. Although many infantry battalions lack too many personnel, there are many left behind. After all, this is a long-range march. The large force was thrown off. But they arrived in time and helped the Rapp battle group maintain their extremely weak rear.

Karachi Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

"I have tried my best. We can provide some weapons, but it takes time. You know, our country is very far away from here. A large number of weapons have been exhausted on other battlefields. Not only that, but several nearby bases. There is no large inventory of weapons. I'm sorry." The South Korean ambassador said helplessly. He hoped that the other party would understand this.

In fact, after the last negotiation. The foreign minister thinks that we should start with weapons. They hope that South Koreans can provide some powerful weapons. In this way, they can avoid many unfavorable situations, which will be extremely beneficial to them.

But the South Korean side was in contact with the Yueshi people at that time, and a large amount of weapons and equipment were sold to the Yueshi people on the spot. The South Korean government received quite ample weapons and equipment. The South Korean side also had some dissatisfaction with the Karachi government because they were borrowing from themselves. This debt has risen to a point where South Korea feels very worried.

Although the Karachi government keeps increasing their tax revenue, according to Karachi's fiscal revenue, they are all invested in it, and it is difficult to maintain an army of more than 100,000 people. This situation will make them extremely Crazy. Their financial funding gap is still very large. In order to solve this problem, they decided to continue to increase investment, but they have no money, and if they don’t have money, they will increase taxes. At the same time, they continue to borrow money. This part of the funds comes from the Bank of Korea. With the increase in taxes, the frontline situation is not optimistic. The main reason is to stop moving forward and make Korean bankers more and more aware of the seriousness of the situation. They believe that at this time, this trouble should be solved as much as possible, otherwise it will bring them great disasters. Disaster will make them extremely passive.

Therefore, the South Korean government and banks have responded negatively to the Karachi government. In their view, this is a dangerous area and a dangerous signal. The South Korean government has a lot of weapons, but they just can’t sell them to the Karachi government because they don’t have money and they are in serious danger of debt. Under such circumstances, the South Korean government is naturally unwilling to help the Karachi government.

"We just need a batch of weapons, and the requirements are not very high." The Foreign Minister said.

"I know this, but the problem is that we don't have such a large inventory. It takes time, and the sailing of ships takes time." The South Korean ambassador refused with such a request. After all, such a thing, for him, It is an extremely reasonable request. Hearing this, Karachi's Foreign Minister didn't know how to deal with this issue. Because the other party is really difficult to get around.

Inside Karachi, a conscription station.

"Tell you, I must be recruited. The frontline needs at least 30,000 people. You must find a way to get more soldiers. Everyone can get at least 15 soldiers. Otherwise, you just wait to get on the frontline. Whether it's them or you, you can solve it yourself." A major officer pinched his waist and shouted loudly. The officer sergeant below felt very embarrassed.

Because all the recruits have been cleared out, if they are recruited again, they can only send some dumb, blind, or mentally handicapped people to the front line. But these people are still not enough. They must recruit troops from some shop assistants, or from other places. In that case, the conditions must let go of larger conditions, such as the elderly. After all, they are also men, very good soldiers. Many people think so. Because this task seems to be difficult to complete. They don't want to go to the battlefield. They have long heard that the battlefield is hell. There are many people who die. They don't want to be beaten to death just like that. Under the threat of death fear, they thought of another way, which is to let others die. At this time, they can only do so.

The next round of conscription is brewing in the conscription station. And Karachi has also become undercurrents. On the streets, many people are floating. They are worried about their fate, their tomorrow, and what will happen next.

"I got bad news." A middle-aged man said worriedly, shaking his head. He looks very heavy.

"What news?" a businessman asked.

"Tax," the middle-aged man said. This is the most reluctant vocabulary for businessmen, and the most annoying vocabulary.

"Damn it. Taxing again, we can't survive." The businessman said anxiously.

"This has a lot to do with the situation on the front line. The occupation of the front line has undergone great changes. According to a family member of mine who told me that the Yue people launched a counterattack, we might have the possibility of failure." The middle-aged man was worried. Speaking of. The businessman heard this whispered. Obviously some curse words. Businessmen are extremely concerned about taxation and the development of the war situation. Under such circumstances, the disadvantage of the war situation means that a larger-scale taxation begins, because the war is very costly, and it is impossible to fight without sufficient funds.

"It is against taxation, against taxation." At this moment, there were protest demonstrations organized by merchants and shop assistants on the streets. At first, they were few people, but gradually some people participated in it.

"What happened?" The merchant asked the store owner curiously.

"Oh. I heard that this morning, someone was kneeling at the gate of the Prime Minister's Office. They demanded to stop the war and stop collecting more taxes. In short, it's a good thing for us, but the government ignores them and disperses them. Let them Get out of here as soon as possible," the store said.

"No, no one in front of the Prime Minister's Office suppressed it, so many people opposed it. The current situation. It's really hard to tell." The shopkeeper said, shaking his head. Obviously, he also has a lot of dissatisfaction with the development of this situation, but dissatisfaction returns to dissatisfaction, and they can't say anything. In general, the situation is very bad for the Karachi people. They must make some changes.

Qi State, Ministry of the Navy.

"We need more cruisers, and at the same time, we hope that you can provide a weapon that can clear a large number of mines. In this way, it will be of great help to the development of our navy." Goguryeo Navy Deputy Commander said. To. This is a discussion between Qi State and the Koguryo Navy Deputy Chiefs Meeting.

"Rest assured, we will provide a large amount of coal resources, and more gold to pay, don't worry about this." The Navy Deputy said with confidence.

"This, there is no problem, but the construction speed of the battleship may be slower, and you need to wait for some time. After all, the battleship is not just a leaf." The navy deputy said with a smile. This is a big deal, and he may be very happy in his heart. He thinks that they should thank some Jeju pirates for their excellent harassment. Without their help, they might really not be able to do this.

The Goguryeo navy was very satisfied with the cruisers. The reason was that their warships had an overwhelming advantage for the first time. This advantage allowed them to see the complete solution to the Jeju pirates. Therefore, Goguryeo purchased more cruisers at all costs to supplement its navy. At the same time, some requests for minesweepers were made, and the Qi state naturally agreed. This is a big deal.

Zhao Guo also gained a lot of benefits later, for example, they provided the 120-mm caliber artillery. They also provide steel in some special areas. Technical support, technical consultant is also Zhao Guo, and Qi Guo also has its own steel plant, although they can only produce iron, but the construction of battleships requires a lot of iron armor, which will naturally drive the development of their steel industry.

Steel and shipbuilding are inseparable, and military orders have brought a lot of foreign exchange reserves, which makes Qi and Zhao’s economic development prosperous. Both Zhao Guo and Qi Guo appreciate this very much.

"In addition, we also hope that you can upgrade the frigate. We think that the tonnage of the frigate is too low. His tonnage should be more than 2,500 tons, equipped with a larger caliber artillery, the lowest is 100. Millimeter artillery. Only in this way can the frigate have greater firepower to suppress the opponent." The Goguryeo Navy Deputy Commander made another request. This request surprised the Qi navy side. But thinking about it carefully, this is not an accident. After all, the frigate is relatively incompetent for the current job. Its endurance is weak, its speed is slower than that of a destroyer, and its firepower is extremely weak. It has only 52mm caliber artillery. When most warships are replaced with 75mm artillery. At the time, the fifty-two millimeter artillery was too weak. His role was reduced to the lowest position, which obviously exceeded the mission capability of the frigate.

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