The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3479: Turbulent situation

The Deputy Commander of the Qi State Navy thought about it and felt that it should be upgraded in this way. After all, although the existing frigates can be built quickly to keep up, their combat capabilities have been greatly reduced. This is for Goguryeo and the future. For the development of warships, it is a huge hindrance. In order to avoid such things from happening, the frigates must be upgraded.

"In addition to these, our Koguryo Navy decided to formally establish the Koguryo Naval Mobile Formation. After many times and the support of your naval advisory group, we found that a single naval warship would cause us great damage. This kind of damage It is extremely large, and its combat effectiveness cannot be further strengthened. We hope to purchase more warships of the same kind in the future, and form a team of at least four warships of the same kind to fight in order to suppress Jeju pirates as much as possible.” Said the Deputy Chief of the Koguryo Navy .

"Yeah. I agree. This is a very good idea. We not only have to upgrade weapons, but also upgrade tactics. Such upgrades are very important to us." Speaking of this long.

The Goguryeo Navy realized that he suffered several losses. Naval warfare is far from what they thought of like that. Maybe they thought it was simple at first. But now, they will never make such a mistake again. Such mistakes are really a big blow to them. They need to change a lot. For example, tactics, and adjustments in the organization, these all require them to make great improvements. This is the progressive art of war.

Chu State, Navy Captain Wu Yue, Weapon Research Institute, and Shipyard are laying the keel of new warships. Chu State is trying to build its own cruisers, or large warships. They believe that the emergence of cruisers has constituted a great influence on their navy. Severe threats, they decided to eliminate such threats. But the entire shipbuilding technology still hasn't made great progress, which is a big challenge for their Chu shipbuilding technicians.

"We should see that our shipbuilding technology has not yet reached such a level. We have to build a 7,000-ton class at once, and at the same time use a variety of high-tech equipment. This is a big deal for us. Pressure." A middle-aged engineer said worriedly. When seeing such technical requirements, many people were worried because they knew Chu's shipbuilding technology too well. They were unable to build such a technology at once. First of all, the raw materials could not be met. A large number of iron armors. Only those civilian shipyards can greatly meet their needs. Except for some imports, most of them have their own iron factories. Provide raw materials. The naval shipyard cannot build such a warship. Because the cost will be very large.

"And the cost is very large. The most important thing is that some key weapons, such as large-caliber artillery, the caliber of the artillery must exceed 120 millimeters, and it may reach an astonishing 200 millimeters. We basically build such artillery. If it doesn't come out, and there is no further equipment, in this case, the construction cost will exceed the bidding document, and it is impossible for us to complete such a task." said the engineer of the weapons research department. This is too difficult for them. The artillery technology of Chu State only conquered the 75mm artillery technology, but now the artillery technology has suddenly risen to 120mm, this kind of artillery. They can't be built at all, they are usually imported technology. Now let them build by themselves, which is impossible to accomplish, and it is also difficult for them to accomplish such a thing.

"We are all aware of these, but we must solve such problems, how to solve them, we should come up with a complete solution." A navy colonel said. He also knows that judging from the current technical basis, there is still difficulty in building such a warship, but there is no such difficulty, and they will at least take more than a long time to conquer. And the funds are not enough.

"I think I have a way." A technician stood up and said. Maybe he is not good at management. Everyone is transferred from the status of craftsman. They naturally know the technical ability, but they must also do what they can.

"Talk about it." Now, there is only one way to go. Everyone has this attitude.

"My opinion is this. Since we can't build it ourselves, why don't we entrust other shipyards to bid to do so. In this way, we can greatly save costs and construction costs. In terms of weapons, some companies have related We can also cooperate with them for the possibility of technical construction. In this way, the matter can be solved greatly. The matter can be solved quickly." The technical staff proposed such a method.

Indeed, the technology of private shipyards is generally higher than that of military shipyards, because many shipyards are built by nobles and foreign investment. In order to continue production, they continue to upgrade their technology. In contrast, Naval shipyards are usually the case. They are all in a state of tight funds. They are more like government departments and are inefficient. Without competitive pressure, they naturally cannot build more naval warships.

"This may be the last resort. We can only do this." The navy colonel thought for a while and said. After all, the threats faced by the Koguryo Navy and Jeju pirates are still relatively large. If they don't take any action, their situation will become very bad. This is a situation that the Chu Navy tried to avoid, and they must change this situation.

"Well, just do this, destroyers can be built like this, I believe those shipyards can also build similar warships." The navy colonel nodded. Then he asked the other party to come up with a specific plan, because they have to make a big change, such a change will help them to further solve the problem.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"This is a plan of the United Petroleum Corporation. In this way, we can profit by exporting a large amount of oil to the State of Qin. This plan will help us ease the relationship between the State of Qin and strengthen the diplomatic advantage between the State of Qin and South Korea. Zhang Liang said to Han Shu with a report provided by United Petroleum Corporation.

"Yeah. But the problem is that Karachi is not in our hands, and the current situation is still unclear." Han Shu said worriedly. Although South Korean intelligence agencies are constantly active in Karachi, the situation is still unclear, and it is still unable to effectively control the Karachi government and at the same time control the development of their situation. This is a huge distressing place for the South Korean government.

"I also know that the export of oil will bring a lot of fiscal revenue to the South Korean government, but the problem is that we must control the port and terminals of the Karachi government. If we don't control there, we won't get anything." Han Shu said. The uncertainty of the situation made Han Shu also very worried. After all, this situation is still developing, which is bad news for the South Korean government.

"This. I think it is necessary for us to intervene at a critical time. In addition, the Yue family's offensive is also continuing. I think the situation will have a great impact on Karachi." Zhang Liang said.

"Yeah. You can only think like this." Han Shu nodded and agreed.

The forecast of the situation is indeed beneficial to South Korea. On the battlefield of Yueshi. The Lapu battle group has defended Karachi’s expeditionary army, and approximately 30,000 Karachi officers and soldiers are surrounded by the narrow passage. But the loss of the Rapp battle group is also relatively large.

"Wow." A shell was launched directly, the distance was only two hundred meters. Although the caliber of the artillery is not very large, only 37 mm, this artillery is an infantry artillery, originally equipped by the Yueshi infantry, but was captured and used by the Karachi army. Their shells directly hit an armored vehicle.

"Boom. Boom." A small hole was punched in the armor of the armored vehicle, and Captain Li Kai on the side heard clearly. Then there was an explosion, and the machine gun tower of the armored vehicle was blown up. Then it made a crackling sound like firecrackers, the shells ignited the spare bullets of the machine gun, and the fuel tank kept burning, making a huge noise.

"Damn it." Captain Li Kai cursed after avoiding a catastrophe. The resistance of the Karachi people began to become extremely tenacious, and the panic caused by the armored vehicles began to disappear. They used 37mm artillery to shoot non-stop, and those armored vehicles could only withstand the shooting of some ordinary bullets. As long as the machine gun is fired violently, sometimes the bullet will penetrate the armor, but now, the thing has stopped. The only four armored vehicles were destroyed. Some were trapped in the trenches, unable to move, and became fixed machine gun shelter positions, which also prevented Karachi from launching a larger offensive.

"Defend on the spot, defend on the spot." Captain Li Kai saw clearly that they couldn't do anything without the support of armored vehicles. They could only defend the Karachi counterattack that might appear on the spot. They were in trouble, but the good news is that they completed the encirclement. They cut off the rear passage of Karachi. The Karachi army was in trouble.

"Sir, what about those armored vehicles?" a sergeant crawled over and asked.

"We can't get them back. The other party still has artillery. Just throw them there. Anyway, they are already scrap." Captain Li Kai looked at it and said. The sergeant nodded and expressed the same view. Their task was to cover the armored vehicles and accompany the armored vehicles to move forward. But now, the armored vehicles are gone. They can't play the role they should have, and if they are allowed to get it back, they will collapse. Fortunately, their chief did not embarrass them further. After they just held on to the occupied place, there was no further action.

The battle entered a short halt. However, Li Kaizhi began to reflect on the war. Although the armored vehicles were powerful, they still could not withstand the fierce fire from artillery. Moreover, they could not overcome various obstacles. Some larger trenches could be built. Blocking them from moving forward is a big problem for armored vehicles.

In front of Karachi Prime Minister's House. More and more people are participating in the demonstrations. But soon, the police appeared and the army also appeared. They came from the city defense force. The Prime Minister felt that they should stabilize the situation, so the army also appeared. They frightened the demonstrators with their bayonet rifles, but those who had lost their jobs and had been suppressed by huge taxes could not survive. They decided to resist and absolutely expressed their dissatisfaction in this way.

"It seems that the situation of the military is coming soon." The South Korean ambassador said through the window to see the chaos outside.

"Mr. Ambassador, we have just obtained some reliable information. The Yue people have surrounded Karachi's expeditionary force, and more than 30,000 people are surrounded. In this case, Karachi will need at least 30,000 troops to rescue. And it is delayed. The longer the time, the more disadvantaged it is for them." An assistant whispered.

"Well, it seems that the chaos of the Karachi people has increased." The ambassador still looked at the scene outside the window, and the chaos began. The police and army soldiers began to wield rifle butts to disperse the demonstrators. Some people beaten with batons were beaten to blood, some excited people were arrested, more people ran away desperately, and more and more people expressed dissatisfaction. But they have no choice. The other party is a violent machine. Such an approach will only make them extremely crazy.

The chaos intensified. But it came quickly, and it went quickly, after some people were arrested. The crowd dispersed. There are all kinds of demonstration signs on the ground, as well as blood. The police and the army are tying up those people, and they don't know how to deal with such things.

In a tavern, everyone took refuge, because all kinds of people were being searched on the streets, some arresting soldiers and some arresting rioters who were demonstrating. In short, it was messy, and the store had to close its store urgently. In order to avoid more inspections and hunts. For a while, people were panicked. More often, they hated the government's actions, because they severely damaged their losses.

"We have been overwhelmed by conscription and taxation. We have been arrested for legally venting our dissatisfaction. This is not fair." Some businessmen said dissatisfiedly. But soon, some people sighed cautiously. They think that such words will bring them great harm, but they know too well what such harm is. But the current situation has forced them to do so. Their interests have suffered unprecedented losses. If they continue, it is difficult for them to guarantee that their interests will not be greatly affected. Everyone said that they would resist.

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