The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3480: God treats me well

"For your own motherland, join the Karachi army." The advertisement slogan of the conscription station wrote without innovation. For young people in Karachi, such a slogan is only disgusting, because it is like artillery propaganda, and only lunatics will follow the arrangements of the country to enter the army.

"Kang Dang." There was a clear sound, a big rock hit it all at once, and the billboard was knocked off.

"Hit. Hit. Hit his mother." A group of young people, as well as middle-aged people joined in, and they hurled a lot of rocks at the conscription station frantically. Some people still have fires. They made Molotov cocktails themselves. They saw this kind of weapon in the newspapers. This thing is cheap and easy to make. As long as there is enough gasoline, it can be made.

"Boom." The fire ignited quickly. The young people looked at the burning conscription station and suddenly became excited. They turned to attack other government targets, post offices, telegraph offices, and some temporary police posts. These became their targets. For a while, Karachi There was chaos in the city, fire, loud shouts of people, and more ambulances. In short, the whole city fell into chaos.

"What happened?" The South Korean ambassador looked at Karachi at night. Karachi also has its own city facilities. They have highways and street lights, and they provide tap water when they come. It can be said that Karachi is on the road to modernization. Moving forward their city is quite perfect. But I don't know why, I fell into such chaos all at once.

"Ambassador, we must take refuge in the port area, where there are a large number of Korean merchants and our warships. The conditions here are very bad." His assistant came in nervously and persuaded.

"I want to know, what happened?" the ambassador asked.

"I don't know, it seemed to be messed up all of a sudden. In the afternoon, such a situation occurred. Now the telegraph and telephone are cut off. We only have one radio equipment to use, and the local Marines are trying to contact. They hope Karachi can provide protection." The assistant told the ambassador what he knew.

"Let everyone take up arms, and we guarantee our own safety. Now the situation is very chaotic. We don't know anything. Don't worry, don't panic. We can figure out our own situation." The ambassador said in a hurry.

"Yes. Ambassador." The assistant nodded and agreed. The situation in Karachi is very strange and chaotic, it seems to have risen all at once. This makes many Koreans feel puzzled. There are still many things they don't know, but they must understand this in detail because the country needs such a situation to develop.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"Coming soon." Han Shu learned about Karachi for the first time.

"The Yue people surrounded the main force of the Karachi expeditionary army. The Karachi people are currently unable to escape there. Their logistical supplies are lacking too much. They have been too late by robbery before. Now, this situation has happened. It seems, Their condition is very bad." Han Shu said.

"And now that something like this is happening in their country, it shows that the situation is very unfavorable for them. Under such a situation, the only thing they can do is to quickly form a support army, but this is impossible. There are reinforcements." Zhang Liang said.

"However, we should add some fire to them, we are not yet time to mediate." Han Shu smiled and said. She felt that South Korean intelligence personnel should be allowed to quickly expand their operations, so that the chaotic situation in Karachi was further chaotic. In this case, the Karachi government would not be able to organize a large army. Under such circumstances, they naturally cannot do these things.

In this way, there will be a battle between the Yueshi people and the Karachi people, and they are bound to cause an extremely dangerous situation in Karachi.

Not only Han Shu is the only one who is paying attention to this war, but Zhang You is also paying close attention to this point.

"God treats me well." Zhang You saw the chaotic telegram of the Karachi situation for the first time. At the same time, he also received a report from the Yueshi battlefield. These reports come from the advisory officer group of Zhao Guo and the advisory officer group of South Korea. Their reports came later, but this news has proved that the facts are indeed reliable.

"Chairman?" a young man beside him asked curiously.

"The Karachi people themselves are in chaos. If this is the case, they will be unable to control the affairs of the army outside. They are defeated outside, and the country is chaotic. Such a government and such a country will become extremely weak, as it is now. In the Kingdom of Seth, they clearly have no money to continue fighting. As a result, such things are still going on. It is a ridiculous fact. God gives us such an opportunity, and we should actively participate in it. Let them mess. The bigger the chaos, the better." Zhang You said excitedly. Young people may not understand what is going on. But he knows that only when the situation becomes extremely chaotic can their affairs become extremely advantageous. For example, the previous fire in Port Seth, if there were no such fire, they would get nothing. .

In the city of Suez, Captain Sha Ming found his boss with a report. He wants to report some news he has recently.

"Is there any valuable news?" Zhang Pu asked the intelligence colonel. His job is to understand everything and provide all the information they know.

"The previous report on the joint offensive against Ireland and Guinea was true, and we have confirmed this." Captain Sha Ming submitted a report. Zhang Pu didn't read it, he didn't want to read the report. Because he has a lot of reports to look at, he is an intelligence officer, and needs to infer from a lot of detailed details what is conducive to the development of his situation. If there is anything unclear, he still needs to make his own correct inferences.

"Talk about it." Zhang Pu said, throwing the report aside.

"Our peripheral intelligence personnel based on our development, his name is Ola, he is a Jewish businessman, he is in the slave business, in fact, the slave business in the north is not easy to do, they can not approach North Africa, just love several countries The location area to the west. There will be a large number of black slaves." Sha Ming explained.

"At the same time, despite the war there, the level of **** and cruelty of the war is quite high, which has a great impact on everyone. Under such circumstances, we naturally cannot do it. This. We need a large number of slaves. We increase the price of slaves. They cannot get such benefits. Therefore, they chose Aiji, because the geographic location of Aiji is very important. Not only that, they There are also important population resources, and the national military strength is not very large, but they still need some support, and at the same time they hope that we can launch some offensives." Sha Ming reported.

"It seems that the interests of slaves drive them to do such a thing?" Zhang Pu asked.

"Yes. They really want to do such a thing well. After all, there are not many such things. They want our support so that they can make greater adjustments." Sha Ming said.

"Well, it seems that our interests are driven well, but we need to report such things to the above and how to do it. This is not something we can do well. It requires them to do such a thing well." Zhang Pu said To. He suddenly felt that this was really an opportunity. If they could achieve such a goal through trade in funds, weapons, and slaves, it would also be good. This is a huge credit. He might be in the position of intelligence. Go one step further, and then. They sent new telegrams to the country. He hopes that the country can pay attention to this point, at least it should be recognized. This kind of thing will make them more advantageous.

Navy Division, Qingcheng, South Korea.

"The guests from Jeju are very anxious. It seems that they have already felt the threat of the cruiser. They think that they cannot defend such an island. They hope that we can provide some effective weapons. In terms of funding, they are willing to provide more funds. Promise. They will take a loan to solve this kind of thing." said a Navy Lieutenant to the Director of the Office, a Navy Colonel.

"We also have no way to solve this problem quickly. We can only provide some assault-class destroyers, but such problems cannot quickly solve such problems." The colonel said embarrassingly.

"Sir, I think we can provide some other weapons," the major reminded at this time.

"Other weapons? What weapon?" the colonel asked puzzledly. He didn't know what other weapons of great threat in South Korea.

"We still have some shore defense guns to provide them. In addition, we can also provide some airships. Although their flight efficiency is relatively low, attacking from the air can still pose a great threat to the other party." Such suggestions come.

"Yeah." The colonel nodded. Said to understand this situation, the shore defense gun needs a special fort, which will take some time, but this may be the only weapon that can be used at present. As for the airship, he is not optimistic about the role of the airship, because it is very slow. The most important thing is that it is unknown whether his bomb can penetrate and can hit the other side, although the airship can carry larger aerial bombs. , But his threat is really not great. Maybe they also need some other weapons to be able to do this, but this does provide them with some ideas.

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