In Karachi, the prosperity of the entire city disappeared. I don't know when, the prosperity disappeared.

"I saw this city from prosperous to depression, and then into such a situation." The South Korean ambassador looked out the window and said.

"Ambassador, be careful, don't get too close to the window." The assistant said worriedly. As he said, he pulled the ambassador away from the window. The riots in Karachi have intensified and are no longer under control. The fire is still spreading, and there are more military police and patrol soldiers in the city, but they are very nervous, and the police are also cautious. because this is**. Everything will develop where there are no rules.

"I see. I won't give them more opportunities," the ambassador said. He just felt very depressed. The Karachi riots did not evolve into an active attack on foreign embassies. It seems that people deliberately circled foreign embassies. It seems that this has become the safest area. But South Korean security believes that in such a chaotic situation, there is no safety at all. They hope their ambassador can leave here as soon as possible, but the ambassador rejected such a request. He believes that they must be here, and here represents South Korea. In desperation, they can only watch the further evolution of the **.

"Have you found out the cause? Why did you do this? I heard an explosion. What happened?" the ambassador asked his assistant.

"Ambassador, things are developing towards a situation that is beyond our control." The assistant said.

"We didn't control the situation of the Karachi people." The ambassador said.

"Yes, ambassador, the situation is like this. The battle situation on the front line is very bad. Karachi needs to add another 30,000 soldiers. In this way, many people will go to the front line to fight. Karachi people hate to fight. With such news, coupled with the adverse effects of the war situation, they decided to make trouble. They attacked the conscription stations, and then only burned some conscription stations. Later on, some people deliberately launched a larger police force, and they used black powder to blow up. Some conscription stations, police stations, and some policemen were also attacked. This was deliberately created. At the same time, the previous government strongly suppressed the demonstrations of businessmen. It seems that a certain agreement was reached between the two. Unite. In this situation, the two sides have become extremely serious. In this way, the situation has become extremely unfavorable for all aspects of us." The assistant reported what he knew to the ambassador.

The ambassador closely followed his brows. He knew that the government had ordered the suppression of the so-called protests and demonstrations. Their explanation was that this was an illegal assembly and that they were deliberately opposing the government. Therefore, they have taken drastic measures, but the drastic measures are further evolving into uncontrollable situations.

"It seems that their situation is very bad," the ambassador said.

"Yes, but the situation is still very unclear. I heard that the government is having a headache for such things. According to our staff in the government department, the Karachi government has no troops to prevent such things from happening. Most of the military police have been transferred to the front lines and patrolled. The soldiers are not enough, so to speak. There are no troops to defend the city of Karachi." Said the assistant.

"What?" The ambassador was shocked when he heard this. The news was unclear, but he knew what it meant. Once the main field force was annihilated, Karachi would have no defensive power. Coupled with the situation like this, the government cannot recruit more people, and the situation will become extremely complex and changeable. Upon hearing this news, the ambassador felt that something should be done.

Yueshi, the Lidi government, their pressure has reduced a lot, although the Karachi people are still threatening them outside, they are less than 30 kilometers away from the seat of the Yueshi government, and only 12 kilometers away from the front line. The Yueshi’s defense line seemed very fragile, but the Karachis did not have the ability to penetrate them further. They have no reinforcements, no adequate supplies of ammunition, and no hope, and some, only despair.

"The situation has become very favorable for us, sir. We should cheer up and welcome our victory." Li Di said excitedly at the dinner table. Their lunch is quite generous, with grilled meat, ham, eggs, of course. There are also some fruits, cakes, snacks, etc. These are things that frontline fighters can't eat, but they can't be better there. The people of Qin State sell some of their inventory materials to them, which solves many of their problems.

"Prime Minister, I think we should be more careful." The Minister of Defense said after a sip of wine.

"Be careful, I don't know what else we need to be careful about? Karachi is about to end?" Li Di said disapprovingly. He believes that the current situation is very beneficial to Yueshi. Although Yueshi was almost wiped out, he still exists, and still exists. Many parliamentarians expressed their gratitude. They believed that he made the right choice at a critical time. Everyone said so. This makes him feel very good about himself.

"We should look at the thinking of the people of Qin. It seems that the people of Qin don't want us to attack Karachi further, or in other words, we can only annihilate the main force of Karachi, but cannot attack Karachi." The Defense Minister said calmly. He had seen it a long time ago. The Qin people did this only for some balance. Once this balance was broken, they would intervene in, but the Karachi people just didn't understand this, and they were defeated in a daze. I can't blame them for this. If they only advance more than a hundred kilometers, the people of Qin must not care. Unfortunately, they advance too fast.

"Talk about it." Li Di asked in good self-condition. For such things, he thinks there is no need to worry.

"The reason for the failure of the Karachi people is that they pushed forward too quickly, and the strength of the advancement was so great that they broke the previous balance. The Qin people only occupied our north, but the Karachi people broke all the balance. The Qin people can't stand it. So, Koreans and Chu people are the same, Zhao people needless to say, they participated in the beginning, they spent a lot of effort to fight us, not just for some compensation. But Karachi people do not understand anything, they They think that they have done very well on their own, so they moved forward. They got the most benefits. This greatly stimulated these countries." The Defense Minister analyzed.

"The same principle applies to us. We cannot advance too fast, or that we cannot attack the Karachi people. We can only destroy their main force, but cannot enter their land. At the same time, we still need Restoring the border with them will make the situation more peaceful. Only in this way can we maintain a balance and get more support. Otherwise, we will be the next Karachi." The Secretary of Defense said. He must think about the post-war situation. Perhaps Li Di does not have such an idea, but he must have it, because he is only a minister, the minister of defense, and he must proceed from the perspective of national security to achieve this goal.

"You are right." Li Di nodded, agreeing with the other side's opinion.

"In fact, we are no longer able to attack the Karachi people. In this battle, we lost a lot. Many young people lost their lives. Even some old people, children, and women joined the war. The population loss was huge, and the land was lost. Our financial situation has not been solved very well. If it were not for the support of the people of Qin, we might be really bad." The defense minister shook his head and said. Hear here. Li Di feels right. And the point of view is very correct.

The fiscal expenditure of the Yue government is very large, and the fiscal deficit has reached an alarming level. This means that, judging from the current profitability of the Yue government, it seems that it will take more than 20 years of accumulation to repay it. The war, which consumed Yue's financial capacity twenty years later, would more or less make them feel very pessimistic.

"We have to repay the debts of Qin Guoren for a long time in the future. This is a lot of pressure for us. We can't fight, and we don't want to continue. We are unlikely to do such a thing well. , I decided that we will stop fighting. We must develop well. If the problems of Karachi people can be resolved peacefully, I think it would be quite good." Li Di said. Perhaps it is better to enter peace as soon as possible.

"Well, Prime Minister, we have defeated the Karachi people somehow. Maybe the Karachi people don't have the strength to fight back against us at all. Do we take the opportunity to let them make war reparations in order to make up for our losses." The Minister of Finance couldn't listen. Although restoring peace is beneficial to economic development, they cannot give up a chance to get war reparations because their situation is already very difficult. If there is a war indemnity, it can also solve their problems.

"This, maybe it makes sense." Li Di hesitated.

"No, we must not do this. If we do this, it will have a great impact on us. Think about it. If we stimulate the Karachi people too much, then the Karachi people will resist as resolutely as we do. What will happen? Well? Shall we do it again?" said the Secretary of Defense extremely upset.

In this case, everyone shut up on the spot. Because they know it too well. This time Yueshi's loss was too heavy. Do it again, Yueshi will go bankrupt.

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