Qi State, Laizhou, the Ministry of the Navy, the Secretary of the Navy looked at a report submitted by his subordinates. This report is an assessment of the current construction of frigates. They believe that the current frigates are difficult to adapt to the current **** operations. So they suggested to convert these frigates into large minesweepers. In this way, they can get more support. In addition to these, they also suggest that, given the unfavorable current situation, they recommend that more small merchant ships be transformed. This transformation is mainly aimed at mine clearance, because mine clearance is considered extremely severe. If the Goguryeo Navy wants to take down the entire Jeju Island, it must eliminate the threat of mines.

"Well. This can be said like this. The question is, transforming the frigate into a large minesweeper. Isn't it a bit of a disadvantage?" the Secretary of the Navy asked.

"Mr. Minister, this is not a disadvantage at all. After the transformation of the large minesweeper, it can carry more small minesweepers, and his working area will become very large. In this way, our situation will become very good. Favorable, because the value has risen. The situation is naturally different." A lieutenant colonel explained.

"Yeah. I hope that this kind of explanation Koguryo can understand. If they can't understand it, I really don't have any good ways to help them understand." The Secretary of the Navy said.

South Korea, Xinzheng, Admiralty.

"Yes, we can all produce these artillery pieces. There are still some inappropriate installations on large warships. Such warships should be able to get a lot of help. Give them, as for the submarine force." The Secretary of the Navy did not hesitate to put it aside. The fire cannons were sold to Jeju pirates. They were not worried at all, because the people of Qin would pay them. The value of Jeju Island is that he guarded the trade in the eastern coastal area. Especially Goguryeo, and good nautical trade in the direction of Washima. This is the value of Jeju Island. The people of Qin provided the funds, and the Jeju pirates made crazy purchases.

"Although the submarine force cannot be further improved technically, I think we should give them a chance, or we should let them try, or maybe they have accidents." The Navy Deputy Admiral suggested.

"You are right, but I am worried. What I am worried about is that technology like submarines will leak out during the war. If it is used by other countries, our situation will be bad. We should prevent such things from happening. "The Secretary of the Navy said.

"Sir, I don't think we should worry too much." said the navy deputy.

"We are all aware of the current submarine technology. Such technology is not enough to pose a big threat. Its endurance and combat capabilities are in an absolutely weak link. Under such a link, the enemy has obtained such technology. They may not use it, even if the other party uses it. We can also be worth learning. After all, we are not much inferior to their technology." Said the Navy Deputy Chief.

"Okay. What you said may make sense. For some things, we must look forward to solve the problem. If we stop moving, nothing can be done. In that case, it is not good for us. We should solve this problem. Difficulty. Otherwise, our position should be down." The Secretary of the Navy agreed. Although they still don't know how to use the submarine, how to make the submarine have a better development, but they know that maybe in the war, he will have a better development. As a result, they agreed to the idea and boldly use submarines in defensive operations. It has to be said that this is a very bold idea.

Qin Guo, inside Wenyang Bank's headquarters.

A manager looked at their chairman very worriedly. Wenyang Bank’s investments are spread all over the country. It may surpass King Qin in large and small matters. King Qin also has his own affairs, but he has the prime minister’s office, the general staff, and various departments. Checks and balances are solved very quickly. There are not many things about King Qin, but Wenyang Bank is different. They are an investment bank and a commercial bank. They have a lot of business and are very powerful in their integrated business. This makes them feel very busy, and such a busy situation does make them feel a little nervous. But such things must still be dealt with.

"Are you worried about Jeju Island's loans and the inability to recover the investment?" Yingyu asked.

"Yes, Chairman, they have bought too many warships. The destroyer will have to buy more than 20 ships, and the tonnage of these warships has risen to more than 3,000 tons. This is a big number. It is expensive to build a destroyer. , And now, the naval battles are constantly being upgraded. The Qi people have frigates, and Chu and South Korea have produced destroyers, which have risen from 1,000 tons to more than 3,000 tons. Now, the Qi people have built cruisers with tonnage. Suddenly it rose to more than 6,000 to more than 7,000 tons. The caliber of the artillery was also much larger. It is said that 200mm artillery must be on board." The manager said worriedly. Yingyu nodded, and she also felt that this matter was a bit bad, because it was an arms race and it was an endless matter.

"Jeju pirates usually give us the cost of purchasing shore fire guns and some other weapons, hoping that we can pay. In order not to lose such customers, we have already paid half of the payment. However, if this continues, the banks will be pressured. It will become very large and our burden will be too great. I am worried that in the end this will become a bad business. In that case, the situation.” The manager felt that there was no worse news than participating in a military competition.

"Yeah." Yingyu nodded and agreed with this view. Judging from the value of Jeju Island, he has important strategic value, but at that time, they would not consider military value. They considered economic value. value. From an economic point of view, the potential of Jeju Island seems to have been tapped. If you continue to invest, who knows how far the war will be, the arms race is endless. If there is not enough funds, one party will fail.

"If we don't invest, our previous investment will fail. This will have a greater impact on us." Yingyu also felt a little worried.

"So. I think the risk level of this investment has risen a lot, and I don't know what to do." The manager looked at his chairman and said. He didn't expect it to be like this. Yingyu nodded. Tell him to want to go first. He will consider this matter himself. Maybe there are other solutions. Yingyu felt that she hadn't thought of it.

Qin State Bank is involved. In the face of such an arms race, it is indeed not something Qin State Bank can afford. Currently, there are many places for investment, and funds are needed everywhere, and a lot of money is spent on buying a lot of warships. This is meaningless. He felt that perhaps the Qin government should be involved, and it would be best to free them.

"Aiming finished, aiming finished." A gunner yelled loudly. This is the artillery position of the Yue's No. 1 Artillery Regiment. They have reached twelve 75mm artillery pieces. However, there are not many cannonballs. Each artillery has at most two base ammunition. Perhaps after a round of shooting, it will consume a lot. This makes their gunners still worried.

"Load." The order was issued immediately. A large number of gunners entered their positions with cannonballs.

"Dangdang." The metal sound made by the contact between the shell and the barrel. Then the gun gate enters the standby position.

"Let it go." The artillery officer issued an order.

"Bang bang bang. Bang." Twelve artillery guns began to fire quickly. The shells whizzed past.

"Listen, did you hear that, it's our artillery." In the trench, a sergeant held his rifle and said to two privates.

"Damn it, these hapless guys should have a taste of our artillery now. We don't have to worry about their counterattack. If the bombardment continues, they must be very uncomfortable." The sergeant said excitedly. There is no more powerful weapon than artillery. The arrival of artillery troops made them feel more relaxed. These shells dealt with the infantry. It is simply the simplest thing, as long as they maintain a certain amount of firepower, nothing is better than they think.

The Yue officers also felt that they could not sacrifice their soldiers to compress the enemy's defensive circle. In that case, a considerable number of infantry would be lost. The soldiers' lives will be lost in vain. The current war is beneficial to the defensive side, while the offensive side needs to pay a high price to seize the opponent’s position. This type of huge casualties cannot be tolerated by the Yue military. The same is true for Li Di. The increased casualties are not at all. meaningful. Therefore, their high-level military suggested that more artillery units should be used. They concentrated a large number of artillery units to bombard each other’s positions. This was also the suggestion of the Zhao State advisory group. They believed that as long as there were enough artillery units to bombard each other’s positions, the same would be true. Can achieve the effect of infantry charge, and the number of casualties will be greatly reduced. For them, this is undoubtedly the best result.

Thus, this was the beginning of a large-scale shelling. The Yueshi people came up with a way to save energy, but doing so would increase their financial burden and a large amount of funds would be consumed. But the lives of their soldiers survived. Forcing the Karachi soldiers to surrender is the best way. It's not a good way to let them fight with the beast. In that case, they will bite themselves in the end. Everyone knows this, and they are trying their best to prevent it from happening. The shelling continued. The Karachi position is under unprecedented pressure, and the shelling has greatly damaged the spirit of some soldiers. They can't bear such pressure.

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