The shelling of the Yueshi people was very effective. After half an hour of continuous shelling. Karachi sent someone to deliver the letter.

"Don't shoot, don't shoot." A Karachi second-class soldier walked out of the trench with a white flag. He shouted loudly, and the white flag kept waving. It seemed that this was the only way to better show that he was not threatening.

"Come here slowly." A Yueshi soldier shouted loudly.

"Be careful, the other party may play tricks." A Yueshi veteran reminded.

"Don't worry, the other party will definitely not. If they dare to do this, we will definitely bombard them." The Yue soldier said with a smile. As he said, he went up and checked the opponent's body to prevent any accidents. He found a letter. Then he brought the Karachi soldier over.

"Sir, my task is to deliver this letter. If you receive it, I think it's done." The Karachi soldier said worriedly. His military rank is not very high. He is just a second-class soldier. Once such a soldier catches a large number, they should have sent a small soldier over, maybe just a private soldier, because everyone is afraid of being retaliated by the other side.

"Protect him, I have something to ask." A lieutenant looked at the other party and said. The other party looked very timid, he kept trembling, this kind of thing is normal.

"I want to know, what do you think of the shelling?" The letter was passed to a higher-level commander who had no right to deal with such things. But they can get some results they want to know from the opponent's soldiers, such as shelling. Their casualties, how they ate, etc., all of which can understand the situation of the Karachi people from the side.

"Very bad, no, no, I mean, your shelling was very powerful, and many of us were in an abnormal state. Many people were killed, and many people could not bear such shelling. I was shot. If I were not behind, I might have been shot." Karachi private said.

"Yeah. That's right. How are you eating?" the lieutenant asked. As he said, he motioned to a soldier on the side to give him a cup of tea, so that he could relax. Even though they could beat each other up, doing that was really detrimental to the image of Yue's army.

"Well. No, I only have one meal a day, and it’s all gruel, and I can’t eat enough. Many times, we are hungry. Only when we are fighting, we will be full, but that’s useless at all. It's very bad." The soldier complained.

Then a series of details were set out by the lieutenant. The situation of the Karachi people was not very good. The offensive stopped. They could not rob a better thing. Naturally, they ate a lot less. Not only that, but morale was also extremely low. This shelling made them realize. They may not be able to hold their ground. In addition, the second-class soldier also told Yue's people a very important information, that is, the ammunition situation. A second-class soldier like him is not eligible to be supplemented with ammunition, and the ammunition situation in the hands of every veteran is not much. There are only 20 bullets at most, and most of them have only a few bullets. This situation made the people of Yue realize that the situation of Karachi people is very bad. These are all things the lieutenant has learned, and the senior has his own ideas.

Yue's Ministry of National Defense, Li Di's headquarters is here.

"I just got the news that the encircled Karachi army wants a decent surrender, and they don't want to fight anymore. And they can't fight anymore," said the defense minister.

"Oh. They really know how to do it." Li Di said.

"Yes, their situation is not very good. Many people have insufficient food and morale is low. It is no longer necessary to do so. If we surrender, we can enter a state of peace as soon as possible. But the question is how to deal with these prisoners of war. This becomes extremely tricky." The Minister of Defense asked with a cup of tea.

"We also lack labor. Many places need to be built. For example, railway maintenance and more minerals need to be developed. Our economy cannot do without these labors. Talk to them and let them surrender as soon as possible. We are good." Li Di said.

"Well, all right." The Secretary of Defense nodded. He decided to do it himself. Li Di agreed to do the same. After all, it takes a day and they will spend more money, even though the debt of the Yue government is already high. However, he still feels that it is better to save some. There is not so much money that can be wasted.

In the city of Suez, Zhang Pu was looking at the telegram sent from China. The telegram was sent from within the country, indicating that they would do a good job in supporting the Jewish countries in the North, so as to further put pressure on the countries of love. Settle the Suez Canal.

"The Suez Canal Company also wants us to do the same. They stock up a large amount of weapons and ammunition here, as does the Western Company." Zhang Pu said after reading the telegram.

"Should we provide them free of charge?" Sha Ming asked his chief.

"Hehe, if those merchants can provide something for free, then they will definitely eat your bones and scum. This matter will be done by the Western Trading Company and the Suez Canal Company. They Responsible for such things, we are only responsible for contact, weapons are the best thing to help them, don't use Aiji smugglers, they are not reliable." Zhang Pu said.

"I understand. Sir." Sha Ming then left here. If this matter is dealt with properly, Aiji Country will soon become a center. In fact, they have already become such a center.

Inside the Suez Canal Company.

"There is about to be a war in the North. The ending of this war, regardless of our business, we care about the course of the war and the opportunities it can bring to us." A manager said with a smile and drink. . He was facing some smuggling merchants who love Ji, most of them are some black-hearted merchants, they have participated in the trade of entering slaves for arms.

"For this kind of business, we know some. The Jews in the north are very good businessmen. They have already smelled the taste of money." A few smugglers said after taking a sip of wine. For them, they are not used to this kind of spirit, but if you want to deal with the people of the Central Plains, you must learn this kind of alcohol business. Alcohol can numb your nerves. It can make you relaxed and can say anything. This is the benefit of alcohol.

"Oh. They seem to think very long-term." said the manager.

"Of course. They are born businessmen. They think very clearly. The threat to them is relatively high. However, the profit of the slave business is very large. There will not be too many prisoners of war in the war in Asia Minor. The same is true in the north. Only Aiji people will be here. If the Aiji government is defeated, more people will come here. Not only that, some black slaves in North Africa and already in the South will also arrive here, and all business will be there. It becomes simple, they very much hope that this kind of business will go on." Said the Aiji smuggler.

"So, war is the best solution. The Aiji government can easily be defeated." Another Aiji smuggler added. They have no feelings for the Aiji government. Those nobles and kings are selfish people. They will only enjoy everything they have. For his people, he was extremely stingy, and for businessmen, they would not have any good ideas of their own. They were seen as providing all the enjoyment of property. For them, businessmen are tools. Nothing at all. Therefore, the Aiji businessman has no feelings for his government, and does not seem to have much feeling for the motherland.

"Well said, to our future, cheers." said the manager of the Suez Canal Company. They need a lot of labor. No matter what method is used, as long as there are people and enough people, there is no problem with crimes and crimes. If war starts, it is natural to hope to achieve this goal.

Qin State, Xianyang, Admiralty.

"Sir, our expedition ship has arrived in the New World. They have prepared more supplies. Although the information has not been fully received, I believe they will bring a lot of novelties." A naval officer said with a report. To.

"Well, I hope they can bring in a lot of investment. This investment is very important to us, you know. If we can't release this hot thing, we won't be able to get more ports, fleets, and now The navy is developing too fast." The Secretary of the Navy looked at the report in his hand. The tonnage of the navies of various countries has grown from more than 1,000 tons to the level of 7,000 tonnage. The tonnages of several warships that have recently laid keels are above 7,000 tons. The Chu people let some commercial shipyards participate, so they have reason to believe. The future naval competition will be very fierce, but look at the Qin State Navy. Most of their warships have been dismantled, researched, and in exchange for a large amount of financial support. In addition to these, a considerable amount of naval technology has been sold out. They also exchanged a large amount of funds for expeditions to expand them. Territory.

They let the Qin naval expedition in the New World bring back more crops. They are already new things. They are trying to get more investment through this method. Only in this way can they make up for the navy’s huge investment in expedition and expansion. Of funds. In this case, once the funds are returned to circulation. Only by solving financial problems can the State of Qin maintain a strong naval force, and there are still many things they need to do.

"Sir, it's just that I'm worried that this kind of land is not very attractive. After all, that place is too far away. We don't have any power to expand that far away yet." The officer said worriedly. Although their ministers’ ideas are good, based on investment experience, it seems that no merchants or banks have yet to do so. Agriculture is not very attractive to them. The most important thing is the degree of financial support. It's not very big either. This is a relatively big trouble for them.

"I know this, but it's much better than doing nothing." The Secretary of the Navy said. The navy officer nodded and agreed. The Qin State Navy must solve this problem as soon as possible. Otherwise, the Qin State Navy will be greatly lagging behind the navies of other countries.

State of Zhao, Handan. Guo Kai is holding a cabinet meeting.

"Now, the price of steel is on the rise. This is of great benefit to our economy. Our fiscal revenue can increase a lot at once, especially for shipyards, whose demand for steel has become very high. We should see that in the next period of time, our situation will be very good." Guo Kai said. Cabinet members all agreed that the shipyards, especially some commercial shipyards, were building warships, making them very advantageous. Their demand for steel suddenly became very large, and their demand for some special steels also became large. Get up, which makes their business very easy to do. This is a good thing for them. Of course. As the price of steel rises, so do raw materials.

Goguryeo relies on the export of coal resources to maintain its financial status, and a large part of their financial income depends on the export of mineral resources.

"But we should also see the unfavorable development situation in the future, such as the rise in raw materials. This puts a lot of pressure on us. In many cases, our pressure has become very large. To a large extent. For this reason, we should pay attention to such things, which is not a good thing for us." Guo Kai continued.

"We have to solve some iron ore problems. Most of our current iron ore is imported from South Koreans. Their prices continue to rise, which suddenly affected our production costs. In terms of this, this is not a good thing. We must solve such a thing. Otherwise, it will be difficult for us to control our production costs and eventually eat up our profits." Guo Kai reminded again . Cabinet members nodded in agreement. But how to solve this problem makes them feel a headache.

Just then. Guo Kai's assistant came in cautiously and whispered something to his ear. After Guo Kai heard it, he felt that the situation was very serious and left. The cabinet meeting had to adjourn halfway through, but how to solve this problem is really difficult.

"Is it true?" Guo Kai asked his assistant in his office.

"It is true, Prime Minister, this is their report. Although the content is not long, it has been repeatedly questioned. It is true." The assistant said affirmatively.

"Make sure again, let the navy send some warships, no, go to the south carefully to check." Guo Kai said cautiously.

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