The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3486: The solution to the crisis

What Guo Kai handled cautiously was that Zhao's expedition ship found iron ore on the Australian mainland. The quality of the ore was good, which is for Zhao's steel smelting. It is a huge excitement. Guo Kai also realized this, so he repeatedly asked the other party to confirm.

But the problem is that there is some controversy in the confirmed place. The Koreans have also discovered the Australian continent, but they only occupy the northern area, where it is desolate and the Gobi Desert is everywhere. This makes them feel that there is nothing in that place, but the problem lies with him. On the east coast of the country, the people of Zhao Kingdom bypassed the Korean blockade and delineated boundaries to get there. If divided by latitude and longitude, in fact, this area is Korean, but it is the first time for Zhao Kingdom to arrive there. And established a stronghold there. The Koreans have never been there before. Such a problem will exist.

Faced with such a problem, this is a controversial issue, but Zhao Guo believes that it is necessary for them to conduct such a dispute because there is a large amount of iron ore there. Zhao has rich coal resources, but cannot bear no iron ore. The predicament of the stone. This also directly led to such a situation.

In order to have sufficient iron ore, Guo Kai believes that it is necessary to take such a big risk to compete for this piece of land, because it is related to Zhao's economic development.

Yueshi Frontline.

"Will the Karachi people surrender?" A sergeant asked Li Kaizhi a question like this.

"Yes, maybe not." Li Kaizhi gave such a vague answer. The sergeant nodded, expressing his understanding that they saw the two officers go to Karachi under the white flag. I heard that their senior management has already conducted some specific discussions. It seems that the other party intends to surrender, but the attitude of most of the Yue soldiers is that they believe that the other party should not surrender, the war should go on, and the hateful Karachi people should be killed by artillery.

The hatred made the soldiers extremely excited, and only high-level officers and politicians would want to solve this problem peacefully, because Yueshi really couldn't fight it anymore. Finance has reached an extremely dangerous level, and it is meaningless to continue. Many soldiers wait for the final result, which may be a long time, but they are willing to wait.

Some people do not believe that the Qin government knew the result before the Karachi people formally surrendered.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"Karachi's field army chose to surrender. They no longer have the capital to resist. The lack of weapons and ammunition supplies, the low morale, and the soldiers are unwilling to continue fighting." Meng Yi said to Shangwen. He took a telegram from Yueshi and told Shangwen. The Yue government explained in detail their reasons for accepting the surrender, and they were unwilling to fight. And they promise that they will not cross the previous border, as long as the previous border can be guaranteed. However, they asked for compensation, and the Qin government did not object to this. After all, the Karachi people were defeated.

"Well. Karachi people are more unlucky, their domestic situation is not very optimistic." Shang Wen said.

"Yes, the Karachi government has no ability to control the riots, and the riots intensified. It seems that everyone is opposed to the Karachi government. I think their government needs to be dissolved." Meng Yi said. Such a situation cannot be controlled. This will only bring even greater disaster to Karachi. Perhaps the Karachi Expeditionary Army surrendered in such a desperate mood. They must do this.

"Such things, let the South Korean government consider, they are better than us, they will do these things well." Shang Wen said. The South Korean government and the Qin government reached a preliminary consensus, that is, Karachi is the sphere of influence of the Koreans, and the Qin people have no right to interfere in such matters, and Yue’s troubles end here.

"There is a bigger trouble waiting for us, Jeju Island. Our bank is involved." Meng Yi said to Shang Wen.

"What's the matter?" Shang Wen asked.

"Investment, Jeju pirates cannot fight the Koguryo navy. Under normal circumstances, they found Koreans and Chu people. Both countries provided them with a large number of warships. Under normal circumstances, this kind of warship is not. It will be sold to them, even if there are. The quantity will be very small, and the reason is simple. They don't have much money. They are just a group of pirates. Such a group of pirates can't do anything at all." Meng Yi said.

"So, our bank played a role, we provided loans, and if necessary, we also participated in it. Right?" Shang Wen asked.

"Yes, that's it. Our banks need investment and capital guidance. We just provided some loans and then helped them buy warships. But the current situation is that this has entered a long-term arms race. This kind of competition is There is no possibility of production in the competition between the state and the bank. This is of great help to the shipyards of Chu, South Korea, Qi and Zhao, but our situation is not very good." Yi said.

"The bank hopes that we can solve such problems, in particular, to mediate the arms race among some countries." Meng Yi continued. Shangwen didn't say a word. After listening to such things, Shangwen was also considering how to solve this problem. Obviously, Shangwen did not stop the arms race when he wanted the other party to stop. This has already been involved. The battle between the Chu camp and the Qi and Zhao camps in South Korea. But Qin Guo's bank capital fell into a passive state.

"If the arms race does not stop, our capital will be threatened. The value of Jeju Island lies in their strategic value. They guard an important trade and transportation route. This location is extremely sensitive to all countries, Koreans and Chu people. Seeing this, we also saw this, but the difference is that the funds we provided, a large amount of funds were injected into it, to keep their shipyards and munitions factories running." Shang Wen said.

"Yes, this is the situation that is not good for us." Meng Yi also saw this, and he hoped that Qin State Bank could get rid of it.

"But if you want to stop and not jump, if they stop, their factory will stop operating, we can only get away from here a little bit. Or we can find another way to solve these problems." Shang Wen said

"How to solve? This problem is too difficult. It is extremely difficult to solve. The main problem is that the value of Jeju Island has been kidnapped by the arms race. Many places can no longer be separated. How to withdraw will be extremely passive." Yi said.

"Well. Maybe we should talk to a Korean, this issue is more sensitive." Shang Wen said. He also knows this very well.

Jeju pirates have not been recognized by the Qi government, they think they are all traitors of Qi. But the pirates of Jeju Island have not established a country. After all, they have not realized what a country is a community. They have no sense of management and are just a loose pirate alliance. They only infringe on the interests of others, and no one else infringes on their interests.

Inside Wenyang Bank. Xiao He was also looking at such a report. The report made him feel very worried, because many things had exceeded his expectations, or in other words. The value of Jeju Island has been overly suppressed.

"This matter is difficult to resolve. Jeju Island is not a country, nor an economy, nor a business organization. Its risks are greatly underestimated. If we continue to invest, our risks will increase further, but we Once investment is stopped, this situation will immediately deteriorate." Xiao He said.

"Yeah. The problem is here. We originally thought that they could easily solve this problem. After all, Chu and the Korean naval power tribe, but we did not expect that they would fall into a passive position on the issue of the arms race. Investment became In the long run, this has greatly suppressed our financial flexibility. If we leave, we will lose more, if we do not leave, we will fall into more. This is a dilemma. I feel very painful." Speaking of. When she realized the seriousness of this problem, it was too late. Qin has provided a large amount of funds to help Jeju pirates invest in a large number of warships. And the scale will become more and more, they can't help it.

"Maybe we still have a way to solve this problem." Xiao He thought for a while and wanted to say.

"How to solve it?" Yingyu thinks that Xiao He can always perform miracles at critical moments.

"I think we can revitalize the assets of Jeju Island, or use some of their characteristics to further revitalize them, let them have a greater role, and let them establish a country, or, say, become a vassal. The existence of. In short, we can only do this, and then turn their warships and pirates into a trading company, go public through their trading company, and then sell out the shares in our hands. In this case, we may withdraw and withdraw.” This It's Xiao He's plan. If you don't help, the Jeju pirates will soon be over. If you help, then help seriously. Keep helping until they can solve all the problems.

"This. Maybe it's a solution." Yingyu suddenly understood Xiao He's idea. This idea is to let them solve this crisis through financial means. This may be their only way to solve the crisis at present. Although Yingyu still has some worries, this is the only way. If they don't, they may lose more opportunities. Only in this way can this problem be solved more appropriately. Yingyu had to agree to do so. This is their only chance.

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