The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3487: Technology exchange

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"We can't do anything about this matter. We can't agree to the Qin people's request, not just them. Some of our banks are also involved. Without these loan funds, our shipyard will stop work." Han Shu has seen it. The telegram from Qin State said afterwards.

"Yes, Lord, but we should also see the risks involved. If this continues, once the war on Jeju Island ends or the arms race ceases, the situation will be very bad for us." Zhang Liang reminded. South Korean banks are also involved, because as long as Qin State Bank is involved, they must also be involved. The same is true in Chu State. Qin State Bank only took the lead. They loaned Jeju pirate funds on a large scale and then disguised it. Supported the development of the shipyard, and they made a profit. At the same time, it also allowed the shipyard to flourish. But the problem is that this kind of investment is a bit deformed, or in other words, abnormal, and it is this abnormality that makes them feel something is wrong. It has greatly exceeded their imagination. If such things continue to happen, the situation will be extremely unfavorable to them.

The people of Qin had already realized this, and they also thought of it naturally.

"But, my lord, we can no longer let go. Once we let go, it will inevitably pose a great threat to our shipyard. This kind of threat exists, and we cannot watch this happen." Zhang Liang said .

"What I said is that such a thing really can't happen. I also think that we should deal with such a thing carefully." Han Shu said.

"But we can't help it. We can't let the bank get rid of it. The result is even more terrible than the bank's involvement." Han Shu said embarrassedly. This is really a problem. If the bank does not support it, it will result in the direct surrender of the arms race between Han, Chu, and Zhao Qi. The outcome is extremely tragic, or, in other words, the tragic to the extreme, that is, a large number of military workers. And the shipyard was destroyed in a hard-to-hard confrontation. This is something that South Korea absolutely does not allow. In addition to these, banks can also cause collapse.

But if you don't do this, the bank will be consumed alive, and the bank will become weak and the entire economy will fall into a state of weakness, which has a very obvious impact on the economy.

Yueshi, the frontline. Soldiers of the Yue family were holding their rifles. They stood outside the trenches and looked at the long queue of Karachi prisoners. They were not happy at all, and many were angry.

"The war is over. Damn Karachi people, just surrendered. They think everything is over." A corporal said helplessly, looking at the long team of prisoners. The Karachi people were very obedient. Under the guidance of the military police, they put down their weapons, raised their hands high, and then checked and found that a bullet would be shot, of course. Their personal belongings will not be taken away. Once they find their trophies, especially the things taken from the civilians of the Yue family, they will be treated separately. Therefore, the Karachi people chose to give up very wisely. The gadgets led to a beating, in that case, it's not worth it. This is what they think. What they want to do is safe. To ensure the safety of their lives, the rest is what they consider.

"The war may not be over. We may go back to the Karachi people and beat them. Now the situation of the Karachi people is very chaotic. We should kill them. We will treat them as they treat us." A sergeant Speaking of. This may be wishful thinking, because many soldiers have not been ordered. They just rested on the spot, and they didn't know much about other things.

The Karachi people have a lot of criminal activities, which caused great harm to the Yue people. The soldiers hate them. They know that doing so may lead to a very passive situation, but they cannot watch the murderer just like this. The matter left.

"Sir, are we still fighting?" a second-class soldier asked Li Kaizhi. He just shook his head. He didn't want to answer this question. The people of the Yue family had different feelings. They suffered from the war. Many people died in the war. , There were a lot of civilians killed, which was a huge disaster for them. But this kind of thing is not to say that forget it. This will cause great losses. He can only watch the other person leave.

The privates watched the long Karachi leave here. They would be taken to the prisoner-of-war camp. The facilities of the prisoner-of-war camp might be very simple. Where they go, we need to look at their financial needs.

Karachi city.

"The situation is becoming more chaotic. The government has lost control of the situation." The South Korean ambassador said in the embassy. His assistant is writing a telegram quickly.

"We have received news that the current cabinet government in Karachi may be disbanded because their ability to deal with the crisis has become very low, and their king has become helpless. Under such circumstances, they can do very little. "He said.

His assistant kept writing, and then kept condensing some words, sending out such a long telegram would surprise them. The South Korean Embassy was specially reinforced. The windows were sealed with thick bricks, leaving only some shooting holes. A platoon of Marines was ordered to station here, and a few blocks away, there was also a company’s. The Marine Corps was stationed there. That was the only place they could get close to the embassy. Obviously, South Korea did not want to disrupt diplomatic relations with the Karachi government, but their situation became very chaotic.

People are killed every day. There are some people’s bodies on the streets. The government is fighting against some people. Some people are fighting against the government. There are police, civilians, and soldiers, but no one can control who. In order to get weapons and support, From time to time, they would attack some shops, companies, enterprises, or simply attack the families of aristocratic parliamentarians. Some of them were killed. Such incidents shocked the Karachi government, but they could do nothing but express their indignation. No military suppression. Under such circumstances, the government was disbanded. A new government was cleaning up the mess, and as soon as they came to power, they received the bad news that their expeditionary force had surrendered. This means that most of their military power has been exhausted. This result is very unfavorable for them. Everyone knows this, but they can't help it.

Qi State, in Lou Jing's prime minister's office.

"Our shipyard is very busy. If it weren't for the naval military order from Goguryeo, we might not have built so many warships, and our financial revenue would not increase further." Lou Jing looked at the report of the Admiralty, except for them. In addition to meeting part of their own military expenses, they also paid part of the expenses, which greatly increased the government's fiscal revenue. This made Lou Jing very happy.

"Prime Minister, I heard that Chu and South Korea's shipyards are also very busy, but most of their funds are supported by banks. Can we do the same?" the assistant on the side suggested.

"I also thought of this. But our bank is not as developed as they are. Moreover, Goguryeo is very rich. Our shipyard will solve this problem by itself. However, it is not good for the bank to participate in it. You know. . This kind of thing should be handled carefully, rather than being so blatant." Lou Jing said.

"We should see that we can solve these problems from other aspects. For example, we can use some other methods to increase our fiscal revenue. We must solve the oil problem very well. The introduction of technology requires a lot of money, but think about it. , We have solved the oil refining problem, and our profits will become greater." Lou Jing said.

In Lou Jing's view, oil refining is the most profitable place, and Qin needs a lot of crude oil imports. Although they were able to transport a large amount of oil from the Parthian country, the journey was too long and the oil pipeline was under construction. This still could not meet Qin's needs. Most of it still needs to be imported from Qingcheng Port in South Korea. And Qi's oil industry is being merged.

Although the local oil owners are unwilling, they cannot help but because a large amount of capital enters them, leaving them passive. Many local oil owners have lost their oil resources. There are many violent, illegal and criminal things that happened, but Lou Jing only saw the benefits of the oil merger. He didn't want to know the specific situation.

When oil mergers reached a certain level, oil companies began to improve the quality of their oil. They hoped to regain some markets through this method. For example, the Zhao country market in the traditional region was snatched away by South Korean oil companies. Up. They exported a lot of cheap oil to the country of Zhao, which made their situation extremely bad.

Therefore, improving the quality of oil has become the key. Only in this way will the oil industry bring them a lot of profits.

"Banks will provide them with the funds they want, but the key is technology. If we cannot master the technology, we will not be able to improve the quality of oil. This is a very difficult thing, but we should be prepared for this." Lou Jing Speaking of.

"Prime Minister, the fastest way is to import related technologies from Qin. We should see the convenience brought by such technologies. We still have great difficulties in our own research," the assistant said.

"What do you mean is that our government supports them to do this and use our gold reserves to do this kind of technology exchange?" Lou Jing asked.

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