Qingcheng, South Korea. South Korea’s East China Sea Squadron, this is a separate squadron. Although its military power is not very strong, it does not have a main battleship, and most of them are equipped with just produced destroyers. However, they have more new battleships. , Plus location is very important. The squadron is also extremely famous.

"Sir, two of our assault-class destroyers that we have just undergone emergency transformation have already been launched." Lieutenant Colonel Cui Ming reported.

"Well, I see." Rear Admiral Song Changqing said with a teacup. He already knew about this. However, he did not consider this matter. With the naval armament race between Jeju Island and Goguryeo, the security situation of Qingcheng has been greatly threatened. In Qingcheng, South Korea has built a whole set of shore fire artillery fortifications. They targeted It was a threat from Qi and Zhao, but now, this trend is becoming more and more unfavorable. Because the cruiser can be equipped with larger and larger-caliber artillery. The shore fire artillery also needs further upgrades, but if the funds are not in place, they will not care about these things at all. He felt that hope should not be placed on this, and it was too passive. He felt that he should put more energy on active defense. For example, relying on more warships for defense, the assault-class destroyer needs to perform such a task, but this is only a destroyer, and it seems difficult to perform such a task.

"Sir. Are we immediately handing over to the Jeju pirates? They seem to be in a bad situation." Cui Ming suggested.

"Yeah. How do you think the two assault-class destroyers pose a threat to them?" Rear Admiral Song Changqing asked.

"This. I think there is still a threat. After all, we are equipped with 130mm artillery. At the same distance, we are more powerful. However, in terms of defense, it seems that we are not as good as the other party. It is also difficult for us. Resist the opponent’s shell. But the current Goguryeo Navy only has one cruiser. I think we have two. Maybe we have some advantages at the same combat distance." Cui Ming self-analyzed.

"Well, your analysis makes sense, but I am not so sure. After all, the assault-class destroyer is only a destroyer. His tonnage has already limited his combat capability. The result of the replacement of large-caliber artillery is our defense. There has been a serious decline. Under such circumstances, it seems that it is difficult for us to resist further attacks by the other party. In addition to these, the worst is. The development potential, this kind of destroyer is only an emergency, if it is really used for combat. "Song Changqing said, shaking his head. Obviously he is very optimistic about the role of this destroyer.

"This. Officer." Cui Ming was a little puzzled. He didn't know why his officer was so optimistic about such a warship. According to reason, he should be hopeful.

"Perhaps we can make up for it tactically. For example, our two warships or multiple warships form a formation to give full play to our firepower advantage, but the pirates seem to be unable to complete such a tactic." Song Changqing said. What kind of ship the Assault class destroyer is, he knows too well. How could this kind of emergency product obtain a great advantage? The only thing that can offset the opponent's advantage is to use their advantage through tactics, relying on quantity, or the formation to use his firepower advantage to solve the opponent. After all, the opponent has only one cruiser. On the frigate against the destroyer, the firepower of the frigate is too weak. Therefore, Song Changqing had such a similar idea.

"This is indeed a way, but the problem is that the pirates seem to be unable to meet such a requirement. If they fail to meet this requirement, they may be weakened by themselves. In that case, it will be disadvantageous." Cui Ming said.

"We should clearly tell the Jeju pirates that if they don't do this, the danger will come soon." Song Changqing said. The arms race should also improve the quality of naval combat personnel. The pirates seem to be unable to satisfy such a request.

On Zhang Xiong Island, the production scale of the arsenal here is getting bigger and bigger. They have established two artillery factories, two rifle factories, one rifle assembly factory, in addition to factories related to grenades, bullets, and explosives. Because the location here is very important, the arms industry is also relatively developed, although they lack a large amount of steel, these steels are supplied from South Korea, and some are imported through the country of Zhao. But they can also quickly export to various countries to earn high profits.

"Director, there have been a lot of rifles produced recently, and there are also more small-caliber artillery. Hasn't the Yueshi wars stopped? Are they going to fight?" A supervisor asked his factory worriedly. Long, the number of rifles they have produced for Vietnam has risen to more than 5,000 at once, and the workers have been processing them for two months. This made their workers feel very tired. What they heard was that Yueshi was fighting and the demand was great. They understood this, but the war was over. Do they continue to fight. This makes them feel a little bit confused.

"What are you worried about?" the factory manager said displeasedly. Because he felt that the other party asked too much.

"To tell you the truth, this time the order is not from Yueshi. The Yueshi war has nothing to do with us. Moreover, there are not many orders, just more than 10,000 rifles. There are also some light artillery, bullets, grenades and so on. Nothing," the director said easily.

"Then, if we produce so many weapons, not all of them will become inventory. Could it be to deal with some special situations, but we don't have to worry about it." The supervisor said worriedly.

"It's a war. The war on the Suez Canal. Our thousands of survivors there have long been sold out. If we don't hurry to produce, we will delay other people's major events. Therefore, this matter, we have to produce it as soon as possible. Otherwise, there will be trouble." said the director.

"Love, what's wrong over there?" the supervisor asked.

"Too many questions." The factory manager said unhappily. It seems that the other party can only serve as a workshop supervisor. Because he asks too much about many things and knows too much, it will be very detrimental to the company. The supervisor does not know what happened to Aiji, obviously this is a large-scale war, and the processing is helpless. After all, the demand is so great. Normally, rifles with so many shares would not be produced.

A few smugglers on both sides of the Suez Canal are involved. A large number of guns are gathered here. They are unloaded from punts and placed on camels again. These camels will continue along the Suez Canal. When they reach a place where they can pass, they will unload these weapons. When they come back, a large number of slaves will arrive and the weapons will be carried on the camels. And some slaves from the north have also arrived here. They will conduct a second inspection here and then hand them over to the Koreans. They will be sent to the nearby canal excavation site for excavation work. This work is very physically demanding and can survive. There are very few people.

"A grenade can be exchanged for a beautiful lady. These Koreans really know how to do business." said a lover.

"Don't talk. Be careful that you are treated as a slave. There are not so many people now. Don't talk nonsense." An old man persuaded. What kind of business they were doing, they knew that among those slaves, there were still their own people, but they couldn't help it. The price of weapons had risen a lot. They knew that this was a prelude to the war. The price of weapons is a good reflection of the intensity of the war. If there is no war in that area, the price of weapons will be very cheap. When the price of weapons rises and you can get a gold coin, it means that the war will not be too late. Up.

The old man knew this too well. He has a lot of experience and has done a lot of business, but he has never been so crazy doing business with Koreans, and there are those smugglers who are crazy. They are also crazy. All the money was made, but they were caught. They were sent to the nearby canal area, where many people would die. The old man didn't like to talk, because he saw with his own eyes that a guy was taken away because he talked too much. Until one time, when he escorted a group of slaves to the canal, he saw that guy. He had become a corpse with many scars on his body and was tortured miserably. But this is the fact. No one will worry about them.

"Da da da da." A sound of cavalry approaching quickly, they carefully avoided, and the fierce Shazhou cavalry ran past them like a gust of wind. They were armed with carbine, a smaller carbine, which was suitable for fighting on horseback and camel. Of course. There is also their favorite Qin State shotgun, which is very powerful, but unfortunately the range is too close. They like to shoot each other at close range. Because it is cruel, violent, and bloody, in addition to these, there are a lot of sabers. They are the most brutal cavalry unit. Their flag bears the South Korean flag, which means that they are part of the South Korean army.

After the cavalry passed quickly, another group of camel soldiers passed. They walked slowly, but the number of them was large and the dust made them feel overwhelmed. They were laughing and talking, and they looked like they were on an outing.

"Don't look at them, those people are crazy, murderous crazy." The old man whispered. He bowed his head and sorted all his equipment. I don’t know why there is such a group of people. The people around their notoriety know that they are robbers in the real sense, not soldiers, men, women, old people, and children. They will choose all kinds of things. The same way to kill each other. They grab everything because they are poor, aggressive, and very bad-tempered. When dealing with a few people they love, they will kill when they are angry, and they will kill when they are happy. This makes love a few people very hate. Therefore, no one dared to look at them, because the other party might kill them with a rifle. The line is very long, but sometimes when it is over, the guy spit at them. To express dissatisfaction with them. But the old man just shook his head, he would never do that. Because these Shazhou cavalry will only show their respect to the strong. And this strong is the Korean, they will use extremely powerful methods to deal with the Shazhou cavalry. The old man knows very well that a large number of weapons are transported to the north, and high-priced weapons are also needed. At the same time, there are also a large number of Shazhou cavalry. These will only indicate that there is a war coming.

The Koreans finally brought their war. Koreans are the most unknown people, because they appear there, and the war appears there. There will be a turbulent situation there. They are very disgusted with it. But no one stopped them.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"This is the suggestion of Munyang Bank. I think it is also a good choice for the Jeju pirates to form a country. After all, if they loosen up like this, sooner or later they will be labeled as pirates in the true sense. I think, take advantage of them now. There are also some organizational aspects. We should organize them, and then regularize them and become a country. It is also possible." Meng Yi fully considered the bank's proposal and said.

Their suggestion is correct. Meng Yi sees it this way. After all, they have solved the problem of bank capital safety and they must find a way to solve it. But if you leave rashly, it’s not good for anyone. Instead of doing this, it’s better to go ahead and see the situation. For example, let them form a country. In this case, they will become regularized and many things will be solved easily. Up.

"Their assets can be revitalized, and they are more meaningful, and we can better solve this problem. They are originally paramilitary organizations and can easily transform into a government. Although the Qi government is extremely unwelcome to them, I I believe. If we establish diplomatic relations with them, we can still achieve this." Meng Yi said.

"Well. We don't know the bank's idea yet, but it can solve some problems. For example, it's a bit easier to mediate, which is beneficial to us, and I also accept such a plan." Shangwen said. For such a program. Shang Wen decided to accept, after all, he can bring great benefits, the advantage is that they can actually solve the problem of Jeju pirates. They are no longer pirates, but a country, and it's much better to become a country. They have their own national assets, they can do many things, have businesses, and have income, which is much more formal than a loose pirate alliance.

Meng Yi and Shang Wen didn't think that pirate founding a nation was not a very peculiar thing, and this kind of thing was nothing new to them. In this way, this suggestion was also sent to South Korea, and Koreans need to give full consideration. It was also forwarded to Chu people.

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