Qin State, Xianyang, Ministry of National Defense, Wei Liao was looking at a telegram, which was intermittent. The content is not complete, but this is the telegram forwarded by them in the original text. The content of the telegram made them feel very distressed, because the people who sent the telegram were Rouran people. They were one of the several northern tribes controlled by the Qin State. They were positive. A tribe in the expedition, they brought a lot of territory expansion to Qin, but they encountered trouble. There was a conflict with the locals. The specific situation is not too detailed because of the telegraph signal. But the final result is very clear. They need reinforcements and greater support.

Wei Liao took the telegram and looked at it repeatedly. He shook his head. He felt that this matter should not be done by the State of Qin, because a large amount of funds of the State of Qin had already begun to be transferred to the ocean. If it continues to expand westward, it seems difficult for Qin to do this. Wei Liao thought for a while, and decided to tell King Qin about this matter, as well as Shang Wen. This has a lot to do with Qin's national strategy.

Zhao Guo, Handan Stock Market.

"Let's take a look, I said, steel stocks will definitely rise, because everything is inseparable from steel, and so does the railway." A Zhao Guo investor looked at the market and said. Driven by the prosperity of the shipbuilding industry in Qi State. Zhao Guo's steel stocks rose rapidly and became popular. This is the second time that steel stocks have driven the entire stock market up. Everyone believes that this is another big bull market. Many opportunities to make money are coming.

"I think we should wait for the retracement to buy again. I think that would be more secure." A man with glasses analyzed.

"Hey, man, buy, don't wait for the retracement. There is no retracement. The opportunity to make money is here." A speculator patted the other side's shoulder impolitely and said. Making money makes all speculators excited. They think that investing in such an environment is the most ridiculous thing. That's why they say these things frantically, which makes many people feel uncomfortable, but the speculators just make money. Because the market is experiencing an unprecedented volatility, such volatility will have a great impact.

Qin State, Xianyang. The speculators are also making money. But when he makes money, he seems more relaxed, because he began to feel that he became a celebrity, because speculation comes quickly, and he himself will come in a lot of money, celebrity effect drives more investment, Li Wen is accepting more In the interview, he hopes to see himself occupy the front page headlines, and even he will spend money to do so. For example, when the Yueshi War was the most tense, this guy still occupied the front page headlines of some news papers. He is trying his best to publicize that speculation is legal and feasible. His behavior is affecting more young people and participating in it. In this regard, King Qin published an article specifically criticizing him. It is said that he is the most unreasonable existence in the State of Qin, but Li Wen still exists because the capital market of the State of Qin is a free entity. If King Qin denies speculation, then Qin’s bankers, investors, and more Entrepreneurs will oppose him.

"We should be grateful for this era. This era is a thriving era. All places are developing and need development. For example, steel, not only we need steel, you also know that some places also need steel, I heard that South Korea People are actively investing in the construction of the Suez Canal. Take a look. They all know that the canal is very important, and the construction of the canal requires iron wire, steel reinforcement, and cement. These things cannot be provided by a few people. Only we can provide these things. Therefore, we will build some factories, they will produce, we will sell to them. We can develop, and the construction of the canal can promote the growth of our trade. Look, the world is being closely connected, even though we are not yet I know how many nations, tribes, and countries there are in this world. But we are doing this." Li Wen said boastfully. The reporter can't keep up with this guy. According to the reporters' understanding. Li Wen is a shy big boy who encountered obstacles, or problems, when he first fell in love with a girl, but now, he looks like a cliché. Become very talkative. This feels incredible.

Li Wen's achievements come from his personal efforts. Of course, this has a lot to do with the background of the world he lives in.

In Xianyang Palace, King Qin and Feng Quji are discussing some opinions on the expansion of the west and the east.

"My lord, all countries currently have their own navies. Prime Minister Shang Wen's idea is correct, and we, Qin, should also pay attention to this." Feng Quji considered from the perspective of national security. The marine strategic advantage is correct. This can prove that Shang Wen's strategic vision is very correct and unique. The land model of Qin's westward expansion, although it has brought a large territory to the Qin State, the Qin State is still unable to expand more territories, because the land is too large. It takes a long time to digest it. Qin is working desperately to build railways. Even in this way, it can't be laid to the most fringe areas of the empire. Qin's ability to digest still has a big problem.

"Yeah. The widows are also aware of this, but Qin must digest these places before it can expand further. Population is a very big key. Wows have reason to believe that in the future, Qin will eventually control it. A great strategic depth. In this regard, no country can compare to Qin." King Qin said proudly. He felt that he had done something that the kings of Qin did not do well in the past. Qin State has a great strategic depth and closely linked these areas. What Qin needs to consider is to consolidate these areas and then further The development there. However, time, Qin's attention, and financial resources could not continue to support Qin in doing so. Moreover, the situation in the Kanto countries has also changed a lot, and Qin must make some adjustments.

"My lord, these are all things that can be done, but the six countries in the Kanto region are actively developing their munitions industry, as well as the related shipbuilding industry, and the advantages of the navy, so that they can closely link the resources of various places. If it simply expands on land, it will inevitably lag far behind these countries. Qin still needs to develop some navies to maintain such a strong posture. At the same time, Qin has discovered a larger continent in the farther east. If Qin can consolidate the western and eastern continents, then Qin will have a larger territory, more soldiers, and more resources." Feng Quji said. Feng Quji also suggested that King Qin revise Qin’s development strategy. This strategy is to change the current land strategy of Qin to the West. That is to say, Qin cannot continue to expand. Expansion on the mainland will favor more resources. Instead, the navy should be developed and the navy and the army should be balanced. In other words, in a short period of time, in order to achieve the goal of developing the navy, the army's equipment should be weakened.

"Well. No one understands." King Qin said.

"But it will take some time to modify such a strategy. The adjustment is also very painful. After all, many parts of the Qin State cannot be lost." King Qin said.

"Because of this, Qin needs to adjust. If we blindly expand on land in the West, it will inevitably affect the development of Qin's navy, and the navies of all countries have strong strengths. Under such circumstances, it will be very unfavorable to Qin. "Feng Quji said. King Qin nodded and agreed with Feng Quji. This is the most favorable situation for Qin. If Qin does nothing, it will be very unfavorable to Qin if he continues to let the navies of various countries develop. But this is not something that can be done just as it is done. There are many things to consider.

In the prime minister's house, Shang Wen looked at the telegram from the Ministry of Defense.

"They did the right thing. We can't continue to expand westward. That way, it will cause us a lot of trouble." Shang Wen said to Meng Yi. Meng Yi also had the same view, but Qin must adjust the surrounding situation. After all, countries like Dawan and Anxi still exist.

"So, how do those Western Regions countries deal with it? Did Qin establish friendly diplomatic relations with them?" Meng Yi asked.

"Of course. But we should solve this problem further, for example, to further reduce their trade tariffs. In that case, Qin will link these countries together through the economy, because they are all beneficial to Qin. At the same time, they It is inseparable from the economic development of Qin State. Therefore, they will rely on Qin State, which will reduce our efforts to further expand westward." Shang Wen said.

"At the same time, we can dedicate some energy to develop the navy. If we do not develop the navy, countries will quickly surpass Qin. Qin will inevitably lag far behind on naval issues and may eventually lose its right to speak in the ocean." Shang Wen Speaking of.

"But it will take a long time to establish a naval port." Meng Yi is worried about time, because all countries have already noticed this.

"I know, but fortunately, our external environment is not bad, because there are two big competitors who will not notice us. They are bound to make some adjustments for their own interests. Such adjustments are best for us. Yes." Shang Wen said with a smile. If it weren’t for Zhao and Qi to oppose Han Chu’s navy, Qin might not have such an opportunity, and some other countries did not have such an opportunity to develop the navy. This is a balanced force. Without such a balance, adjustments cannot be made at all. It's all for free. Adjustment requires the cooperation of the external situation.

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