The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3490: Turbulent situation

Major General Rapp is now a hero. He led the Rapp battle group to outflank the Karachi from the back wing. Without him, the Yueshi war might still go on for a while. He is an amazing soldier. However, he doesn't take care of those heroes now. In his opinion, these things are not important, or in other words, they are not as important as shaving themselves.

Major General Rapp foamed his beard. Qin Jun also had shaved people, but most of them were Huns, mountain people, and Qin people, but only a few. There are many people from Yueshi who shave, mainly from the Tocharians, who think they are the influence of Alexander Emperor.

"Sir, there is a telegram." A captain came to him with a telegram to report. Major General Rapp is shaving half of his beard, which makes him look young. Only young people can make such a bold attack.

"Say." Rapp washed away the foam and beard scum, and then continued to shave. The corners of his face appeared.

"Sir. The above means, let us just advance to the border for defense, not allowed to cross the border for half a step." The lieutenant reported helplessly.

"Damn it. Oh. It hurts me to death." Hearing this command. Major General Rapp was very angry. He accidentally scratched and bleeding on his face. The blood kept staying. This made him very annoyed.

"Sir." The lieutenant immediately put down the telegram to help stop the bleeding of his officer.

"What a **** order. How could such an order be issued from above? They are simply a bunch of lunatics. Don't they know we need to attack? These **** politicians, Karachi people are at their weakest time now. We just have to go up and kick. , With just one kick, they can be kicked to death by us alive." Major General Rapp scolded. His blood kept staying. He took the lieutenant’s tourniquet, which was a kind of woman’s aunt’s towel, which was sent by the Koreans. Hemostasis is very easy to use. It is a pity that the people of Yueshi didn't even know that the thing was to stop the bleeding of women. If they knew it, they would definitely hate Koreans to death.

"Damn it. Those politicians don't know anything. They know how to command blindly." Major General Rapp still cursed dissatisfied.

"Sir, I think you should stop the bleeding," the lieutenant persuaded. Major General Rapp shook his head and cursed. He refused. He washed his wounds and continued to shave. The lieutenant looked at his officer helplessly. Many officers of the Yue family suggested to continue the offensive, because this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Such an opportunity can allow them to obtain greater military benefits, and they can easily occupy Karachi City. However, politicians repeatedly ordered them to forbid them from launching attacks, and strictly controlled the unauthorized actions of their officers. This annoyed many officers because they couldn't understand why they did it.

In Karachi, the ** became bigger and bigger, and the South Korean embassy was also affected. This is inevitable.

"Boom. Boom." Gunshots were everywhere in the city, and it seemed that it had become like this overnight. There was a rain of bullets everywhere, and the fighting sounded fierce.

"Sir, we'd better rest here. The captain will send someone over," a second lieutenant said to the ambassador. The ambassador paled and nodded to indicate the notice. It happened so suddenly that they didn't even know what happened. Then came the explosion. If the Marines hadn't been on high alert, they might have been killed by the Karachi. He didn't understand why this was done. But the embassy was indeed attacked. Not only that, they also lost two staff members because they were all hit by bullets.

Things have exceeded their imagination. The ambassador couldn't figure out why the situation suddenly developed to this point. It seems that the entire Karachi has fallen into anarchy. During the retreat, he also saw some policemen shooting at them. Could it be that they were too nervous Up? The ambassador couldn't figure this out. Soon, the captain sent a platoon of troops to meet them. They encountered some troubles in the process of advancing. A group of civilians with rifles actually fired at them, which made him very annoyed. If they hadn't mobilized machine guns from the rear, they might never have passed. The situation is very bad for them. Fortunately, everything was unpredictable, and the ambassador retreated safely to a safe area.

South Korea, Xinzheng. Inside the royal office, office staff are here sending telegrams from all over the world. They need to filter out the most important telegrams to tell their king, and let their king make a judgment. Only in this way can things be solved better.

"Karachi has fallen into a huge disaster, according to the Marine Corps report. Yesterday, when we were five o'clock in the morning. They occupied two arsenals, a lot of weapons flowed out, and the situation in Karachi is now It has lost control. The police and the army have lost complete control of the situation." A clerk reported. The director looked at it and accepted the telegram. This matter was very important. Because the situation has become very chaotic.

"There is also a telegram. Director, that is, our patrol ship in Nanyang found that Zhao Guo had sent some expedition ships to continue south, and in their Beilaizhou Port, related personnel also sent information, Zhao Guoren is actively preparing What is it? I heard that many experts in special areas have arrived there. The situation is not clear enough. But there must be a problem." The clerk reported.

"It's best to check this out. The King doesn't want something unclear, because that would be too consuming. The King doesn't want some trouble." The director rejected the telegram.

"But, Director, I think this matter is very important. You know that Zhao people don’t go south for no reason. They always do such things with some purpose, if we can understand what they have. This kind of purpose is very important to us, and it may have a great impact on us." The clerk said. The director touched his chin and thought. Maybe he should report such a thing, but he knows that his king is sometimes very impatient, which may have a lot to do with her not getting married. This is just an old maiden's irritability. But no one can say such a thing.

"Okay. I will put it at the end. If the king is in a good mood, he may deal with it. If he is in a bad mood, we'd better not do this." The director decided. He felt that the report of this matter still depends on the king's mood.

Chu State, Pengcheng.

"Look at this, what do you think?" Fan Zeng asked Chen Ping. For this young man's ideas, he still respects, because his ideas are in line with the requirements of the rapid development of this era. However, in many cases, the national conditions of the Chu state make no further reforms.

"Qin people's idea is very bold, the pirates build their own country. If we do this, we can formally and clearly solve this problem." Chen Ping said after reading the telegram.

"I want to know, what are the people of Qin doing behind?" Fan Zeng asked such a question. He didn't know exactly what the people of Qin wanted to do. Once this kind of thing is done, the situation will change greatly.

"I think they must be to solve the bank's problem. The current development of our shipyard mainly comes from the funds provided by Qin Guo Bank. Without these sufficient funds, it is difficult to solve these problems." Chen Ping said To.

"Yeah. I'm not sure." Perhaps Fan Zeng is not good at economic issues. And Chen Ping only has a lot to do with this aspect. Chen Ping himself didn't know exactly what Qin people wanted to do. Chen Ping was also confused about this matter.

"However, I think this matter is a good thing. At the very least, if the matter is too big, the solution will be very formal." Chen Ping said. Fan Zeng nodded. Judging from the current interests of Chu State. If the pirates can build their own country, they need more warships. In that case, Chu's shipyard can build more ships.

Inside Wenyang Bank headquarters. Yingyu looked at the accounts of the Jeju pirates. She felt very worried. Because the Koreans seem to do this deliberately.

"They bought a lot of weapons, airships. Heavy artillery, machine guns, rifles, mines, and even submarines. Can they return these things?" Yingyu asked with a headache looking at the report.

"This. It doesn't seem to be possible. But if we don't provide it, their situation will worsen. We can't let this happen. Otherwise, it will be difficult for the following things to proceed." Xiao He said.

"Okay. Let's continue." Yingyu reluctantly agreed. They must help the Jeju pirates build their own country, but only if they must keep there, but then they must have a lot of weapons to assist. Otherwise, the Goguryeo Navy will strike down those there soon.

The urging letter from Qi State, the Admiralty, and Goguryeo came again. One was one a day before, but now there are basically several copies a day. This makes the personnel of the Admiralty very helpless.

"They are very anxious. They urge us to build cruisers faster every day. In that case, their navy can quickly rise a step. It is difficult for a cruiser to function. Moreover, the range of the frigate and the firepower are too great. It's too thin." A naval officer looked at the letter and said. The contents of the letters are all the same, and it seems that Goguryeo is so anxious that there is no need to change the contents. However, the superiority of Goguryeo's naval power is still not obvious.

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